Sunday, March 15, 2009

Soccer Camp June 29-July 2

There is a going to be a soccer camp this summer, sponsored by the Green Lake Organization. The Green Lake Organization(GLO) was formed by the former Ad Hoc Committee of Green Lake. They are trying to organize events that don't rely on government and bring some positive change to the community. The members are Maureen Martin, Co-Chair, Christine Seno, Co-Chair, Dusty Walker, Secretary, Ken Bates, Tim Jankowski, Tom Jones, Joann LaMire and Jeff Shadic.

The first event they are sponsoring is a soccer camp from June 29 to July 2 under the direction of Scott Haywood. It is for ages 4-18 years old and is $65. If you have children or grandchildren who will be in the area "and are bored" this is a great time to get them signed up for this terrific event.

For an application contact them at the following places:


Green Lake Organization
P.O. Box 504
Green Lake, WI 54941


Anonymous said...

It will be interesting to see if there is enough interest for this soccer camp to take place. It would mean that children would actually have to go outside and get some fresh air and exercise. God forbid that these kids would have to stop playing computer games or watching television for a few hours in the summer.

Anonymous said...

Does Green Lake have a soccer team at school?

Anonymous said...

Not to my knowledge, they don't have much for sports and other extracurricular activities at Green Lake School. Just the very basics.

Anonymous said...

OK, so how hard would it be to do a twight-light movie showing on the weekends at the Park downtown? Many communities do that.
New Berlin is one.
Please don't come back with $ issues, it has to bring more revenue than a camp?

Anonymous said...

I personally love the idea of twilight movies in the park. Once the equipment was purchased (screen, projector and speakers) it would almost be cost-free.

Issues would arise regarding the use of the park, possible vendors, and the matter of open intoxicants. Other things to consider would be garbage collection and general clean-up and the notion of kids running loose. I hate to sound like an old crank, but we tried to attend a concert in the park in Ripon and it was like trying to listen to a concert in the middle of 3rd grade recess. Kids ran wild in every direction, and their parents just sat there. We didn't enjoy any of the concert and left early. Then there was the matter of the filthy (totally gross) port-a-johns.

Some questions to answer would be: who would organize this program and who would pay for it. I still think it's a great idea. I just think it would be more successful if it were kept as an adult oriented venue. Besides, it doesn't get dark in the summer until after 9:00 pm anyway.

Just a note, I don't think that the soccer camp was meant to bring revenue to the city but rather to expose the children to a sport that most American school children enjoy.

Anonymous said...

I agree with 4th poster, many communities make it work. Usually the Public Library or School donates the equipment. (for use in the summer)If I remember, the Park downtown has a restroom facility with 'flushers'. The movie night is a fantastic idea.

Anonymous said...

Twillight movies, what a great idea. We're all for that. Time to get fresh ideas. Soccer is over-rated, what about field hockey or LaCrosse? Most schools in IL have these too.

Green Lake Zobel Park Rec Fund

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