Thursday, July 31, 2008

The Green Lake County Fair

The County Fair starts tomorrow. It always means the end of summer to me. It is going to be HOT tomorrow. Go eat home made pie and ride the tilt a whirl.

Monday, July 28, 2008

The District Attorney Race

I am starting to see more lawn signs for the DA race. There really doesn't seem to be much difference in the views of the two candidates. Age and experience seem to be the big factors. Personally, I am sick of "Tough on Crime" attitude. How about "Smart on Crime" in stead. I feel as though much of what goes on is just to raise fine money for the county. The nanny state has taken over and the police and DA's are in the front lines. So called "crime" has gotten out of hand. There is no common sense involved anymore.


If you haven't noticed I haven't been posting much. Bored I guess and the only excitement seems to have been the storms which are hopefully over for the summer. The lawns look great though. Now, with the fair here I feel like summer is almost over. Hope for a mild winter.

Green Lake Zobel Park Rec Fund

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You aren't local until you have at least three generations in the cemetery.