Wednesday, December 3, 2008

School Board Meeting Postponed

The board meeting for tonight, WED, Dec. 3 has been postponed to be rescheduled.


Anonymous said...

I could not find how to get this to the Chief, but some folks are suggesting that the gas companies use their profits to bail out the auto industry. That would be worth discussing here. I believe it would be a great idea. It seems tha gas prices might have contributed to our present poor economic situation with their sky high prices, NOW why are they so low?

Anonymous said...

I don't know that our government can force gas companies to give away their profits. I wish it were so. I suppose they could tax the profits and use the taxes. However, I am not sure what to think of the idea of a bailout for the auto industry. Some experts say that they should let the auto companies declare bankruptcy and then give them some financial assistance (WITH very specific purposes, not to give bigwigs bonuses etc) in order to rebuild. The auto industry got themselves into this mess by overpaying their workers and not competing enough with (BETTER) foreign car companies such as Toyota. The UAW Union has to be done away with, and wages need to be more realistic!

I say, fire all of the auto workers and allow these jobs to be taken by people who really want to work and earn a realistic $40 per hour instead of $70. I am sure the positions would be filled in no time. Start over and train new workers and don't allow a union into the picture. The current auto workers would hate such a plan, but they have had it TOO good for TOO long. If they want to work for less, then keep them on.

Anonymous said...

Everybody complains about what the workers are earning. What about the CEOs? Twenty-two million a year? To wreck the company? Let's start at the top with the house-cleaning.

I remember years ago hearing that companies had to pay that kind of money to get the necessary brains. Look what the brains have done. And I'll bet that their houses aren't in foreclosure.

One of the things that has to be fixed in America is the huge disparity in what people earn. It does not reflect ability. We used to do this with taxation. The middle class and the poor have taken big hits in the last 30 years. Instead of saying that workers ought to get less, let's take a serious look at health care. That's a cost that is taking down business.

Anonymous said...

7:39 am I agree with you 100 % !!!

Anonymous said...

Our prayers go out to School Board President Wendy Schultz and her family on the recent surgery of her husband. That must have been a scary time for the Schultz family.

Anonymous said...

Why would you post that anonymously?

Anonymous said...

What happened to Wendy Schultz's husband? Why did he need surgery? Is he okay? He is a very nice man. I hope everything is alright.

Anonymous said...

I believe he was in Madison for surgery to remove some growth near his brain, which I heard turned out to be benign. Thank goodness. I agree with the last blogger. He is a nice man, so helpful with the Boys Scout program and nature preservation efforts.

Green Lake Zobel Park Rec Fund

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