Monday, April 30, 2007

Boat Landing Permits

The new rule this summer is to charge for using the boat landings in the city of Green Lake. I am not sure what the correct charge is going to be but I think it is 20/month? or season for Green Lake City residents and 30/month or season for Town of Brooklyn residents. It sounds a little complicated to patrol but I am sure Chief Huber will follow through somehow. Nothing like paying a tax to use the city services you already pay taxes for.


Anonymous said...

Is it true that there are places on the Lake to launch for free? If so won't people be more likely to launch from there instead of downtown? Just another reason Green Lake is turning into a ghost town.
Why don't they charge for parking those obnoxiuos trucks and trailers used to pull the boats to the Lake that take up all of the parking spaces each weekend on the city street?

Anonymous said...

I know in Oshkosh you have to pay to use the boat landings. You get a ticket or a sticker for your vehicle which shows that you paid the fee. If people really want to go on the lake they will pay it.

gladyscravitz said...

It's already happening. We were on the water this weekend and recieved a notice that we were in violation of the launch fee.
We live here and do agree the fee is a good idea. Most of our launches are in bad shape. We say everyone should pay to help maintain them.

Anonymous said...

It is only $20 a year. They do have a good way of policing it now with the new boxes at each launch. It is only fair to upkeep the launches. Most lakes have a fee that is monitored. I am sure the county launches will follow the cities way once they see how much is made for upkeep. The city launch is the best on the lake. You can get a season pass at the city hall and stick it on your vehicle. The fee is well worth it. Fond du lac charges $7-10 each time.

Anonymous said...

There is no where on the lake that is free. the launches outside the city are $4 donations. People will use the marina launch still because it is the nicest.

Chief Highknocker said...

This is why I love this blog. I learn so much.

Anonymous said...

Does this mean that if you have a slip or shore station lift somewhere on the lake that the initial seasonal launch of your boat to get it to your shore station or slip will cost you the $20.00 fee on top of the huge $$$$ one already pays in taxes to be on the lake?

Maybe all the launches should simply be optional, tax deductible donations, versus a demanding fee. I would think people would be more willing to donate $$$$ in return for services rather than be forcibly charged.

This demanded fee is stupid, it deters tourism. Next the genius decision makers managing this town will want to install parking meters downtown. Maybe they should take a different approach and concentrate their efforts on developing a more comprehensive plan which EFFECTIVELY manages what monetary resources they already do have, versus thinking up tourism deterrent ways of getting more $$$$ that they can irresponsibly spend.

Plans like this are not sound in principle for the same reason they are in business. It is a strategic wrong to “drastically” raise your prices if your business slows down or expenses begin to outpace income. You will in turn have even fewer customers if you begin to “drastically” raise your prices. The business plan should be to develop new ideas on how to increase traffic, not how to drive them away with even higher prices. Case in point, the previous ownership at a certain lake side restaurant consistently raised their prices year after year, but offered nothing new or creative to draw more traffic, thus fewer customers, thus even less incoming $$$$. Unfortunately a downward spiral, the same one this town is experiencing. But that’s only my stupid opinion………………

Anonymous said...

The main problem with a $20 dollar per year boat launching fee is that many avid fisherman like to fish a wide variety of lakes in a season, and may only come to Green Lake once per year. It would be far better to have a daily launch fee of $3 or $4 as most other Wisconsin fishing lakes charge. My father and his best friend were fishing buddies, and would fish many of our east central Wisconsin lakes together, but rarely getting to one lake twice in one season. If every lake charged $20 to launch, it would have ended their fishing days. A daily launch fee would be much more fair for everyone, those who use the lake more would then pay more. Basic common sense!

Anonymous said...

loves deep green:

The daily fee to launch is $5.00 and unless you launch your boat yourself, Shoreline and the other marina companies paid for a season pass to launch their customer's boats.

Anonymous said...

I was told by the city that there would not be a fee for people who are lake front owners and keep their boat in a lift for the season. The fee was to address those individuals who are using the lake on a daily,weekend or weekly basis.

gladyscravitz said...

Loves deep green H20,

Quit your complaining. I too live in this town, but do not live on the water. Do you not think that the people who live off of the water taxes are not high as well ?
And we have no choice but to launch daily.I am sure if you lived off the water you would be for the fee, if it went to maintaining the launches.
$20 is a far cry from a new prop that gets hung up on an ill repaired launch.
If you have a shore station why not pay the one day fee of 5.00, to put your boat in the water for the season?

The Shadow said...

User taxes are the only way to finance specific ventures. Real estate taxes cannot pay for everything.

Green Lake Zobel Park Rec Fund

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