Monday, March 30, 2009

Big News! Lawsonia Update!!!

Finally, after 60 years as a public course, and probably the only one in the USA that didn't have beer, Lawsonia Golf Course is going to have beer service. It's about time. If they had started doing this a long time ago they wouldn't be have gotten into the financial bind they were and we might not have had to go through all these development issues. I don't know if they are serving hard liquor but they are going to have a beverage cart. It will probably be the Baptist version of a nun so you get beer and a lecture.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

New Layout

I like to test out new layouts. I get bored. What can I say, its GL in the winter. For those of you who follow this there is a way to subscribe at the bottom of the page so you know when there are updates. Please feel free to give me your opinion.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

I Think We Have Covered This Already

I received the following press release from a reader.

These women seem to be covering the same downtown issues as the Ad Hoc committee currently called the Green Lake Organization. The Ad Hoc committee met regularly for a couple of years and are the current sponsors of the Soccer Camp this summer. What I think the women are in the press release are doing is a laudable effort but they might want to check at the library for the Ad Hoc Committee report and see what ground has been covered. This effort seems as though it might be redundant. This may be a reason things don't always get done here. Just more committees. If Mary Rowley is running for city office she should be aware of things like the Ad Hoc Committee currently the Green Lake Committee. It was a pretty big thing in the paper for a while and the current members of the Ad Hod committee are listed on the soccer camp posting.

Green Lake, WI – March 20, 2009

A new group has recently formed in Green Lake called the Downtown Green Lake Renewal Project Inc. Mary-Jo Johnson of the McConnell Inn, Mary Rowley of the Goose Blind and Jo Ellen Madden, neighbor and Green Lake homeowner met out of concern for the health of our downtown. They are neighborhood friends who have a passion for the community and want to see Green Lake thrive as it once had.

Their initial step was to read and discuss the book Boomtown USA, 7½ Keys to Big Success in Small Towns written by Jack Schultz. Using this as a springboard they have established the Downtown Green Lake Renewal Project Inc. and have 501(c)3 status to accept tax-free donations. Their mission statement is “Working towards the revitalization of downtown Green.”

It is their intention to assess and build on the strengths of Green Lake by adopting a can-do attitude, leverage local resources, and encouraging an entrepreneurial attitude. The first thing the Renewal Project team is doing is surveying Green Lake High School alumni for their opinions on the strengths and weaknesses of Green Lake. This is one of the components of the 7½ Keys in making Green Lake a successful small town.

“This town is a fabulous place in which to raise children and run a business. We hope to use the natural resource of beautiful Green Lake to boost the economy of our downtown which in turn will help keep our schools thriving,” Mary-Jo Johnson said.

As a downtown business owner, Mary Rowley has been hosting Webinars on revitalizing Wisconsin’s downtowns put on by the UW-Extension. “I am excited for the opportunity to create an atmosphere and culture for positive change for the Green Lake downtown. Through our Renewal Project we will be encouraging broad community collaboration. As we all know, it takes a village.”

As stated in Boomtown USA “Small towns are more exciting places to live in than big cities. More is at stake each day and each citizen plays a part. EVERYONE makes a difference in some way. And no matter what their individual talents, ideas, or capabilities, all citizens can contribute a CAN-DO attitude.”

“I grew up in a small town similar to Green Lake and my family has been visiting Green Lake for 18 years from Chicago. It is so refreshing to return to the simple pleasures of small town living and becoming part of a wonderful community. I appreciate all that Green Lake has to offer!” exclaimed Jo Ellen Madden.

Together these three women are dedicated to working towards the revitalization of downtown Green Lake. If you are interested in contacting the team, please email them at or drop them a note to PO Box 302 Green Lake WI 54941.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Discover Wisconsin at Thrasher Opera House

The Wisconsin Public Television show Discover Wisconsin will be featuring Green Lake in the near future. The debut of the the show will be at the Thrasher Opera House this Tuesday night and open to the public. I think it is free at 7:00.

Wind Farm in Green Lake Area

There was a front page article in the Ripon paper regarding the possibility of a wind farm on the border of the Green Lake County/Fond du Lac County line. It would be built by Alliant Energy, currently in production stages on a farm in Minnesota. It is in a very preliminary stage for the Green Lake area at this point but seems we have "good" wind around here. (insert wind bag jokes here)

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Local Employment

I heard the foundry in Berlin has laid off half the staff this week, which is approximately 150 people out of a job.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

New Parking Lot in Town

I understand that the old Condon's lot at the corner of Lake and South Street is going to be a new parking lot. It should be final at the end of the month. It'll be good to have that in town. More room for boat trailers, etc. this summer.

Catsino NIght at Ripon College, March 28

There is fundraiser for animal shelters a Ripon College Great Hall on March 28. It is a casino(catsino) night with gambling games. I went last year and had a great time and it was a great way to raise money. The room is pretty great also. The light were too bright but oh well, can't really complain about that....

General Blog Information

Someone asked how to remove a post if they wanted to do so. The answer is people who comment on here cannot remove a post once it is "out there" on the blog. I am the administrator of the Blog and only I can remove a post once it is posted. Another reason to think before you post.

Also, someone else asked about the ads. That is just me fooling around with templates and layouts. The ads come up through this system. It is just part of the process. Sorry about that but advertising is everywhere now. The way of the world.

If local businesses advertised with Google through a program called "Adwords" the local ads would start showing up here. Google the topic "Adwords" for more information on how this system works.

I like to see if there changes or updates in tech I like the look of on the blog. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. What can I say. It is what it is.

Also I get suggestions for blog postings from people so I am going to occasionally just post a heading for a topic people would like to see discussed.

As for local establishments, if you are having an event you would like to see posted on here you can always just email me. The address is up in the right corner of the Blog.

The Chief

Monday, March 16, 2009

Happy St. Pats

Be sure to go out support all the local restaurants by having Corned Beef and Cabbage Tuesday. It couldn't be easier to help stimulate the local economy.

More Ice Regatta Photos

Once again, Thanks Drew!
For race results or more pictures go to:

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Put Some County Propety to Better Use

A suggestion was made to me about the use of local county land for entertainment uses, specifically a water park. The area suggested was the land we use for the Green Lake County Junior Free Fair. Most of the land around the county building is not used for most of the year. We probably could have used this land for the new Court House Building nobody seems to want. (See below, Your Tax $$$ at work) As an alternative it has been suggested we might want to put this land to a more productive use of the land. Personally, I still think the old Court House would be a great Casino. Give the land back to the Native Americans. (Maybe they will sell cheap cigarettes)

Soccer Camp June 29-July 2

There is a going to be a soccer camp this summer, sponsored by the Green Lake Organization. The Green Lake Organization(GLO) was formed by the former Ad Hoc Committee of Green Lake. They are trying to organize events that don't rely on government and bring some positive change to the community. The members are Maureen Martin, Co-Chair, Christine Seno, Co-Chair, Dusty Walker, Secretary, Ken Bates, Tim Jankowski, Tom Jones, Joann LaMire and Jeff Shadic.

The first event they are sponsoring is a soccer camp from June 29 to July 2 under the direction of Scott Haywood. It is for ages 4-18 years old and is $65. If you have children or grandchildren who will be in the area "and are bored" this is a great time to get them signed up for this terrific event.

For an application contact them at the following places:


Green Lake Organization
P.O. Box 504
Green Lake, WI 54941

Ice Boats On the Inlet of Green Lake, WI

Your tax $$$ at work!

The Work on the New County Courthouse with our new local business of prisoner warehousing.

Green Lake School Board Elections

This is an area to post your feelings on the school board elections so the other comment boards won't get so cluttered.

I believe there are four people running:

Emmett Sandburg
Harley Reabe
Grime Meade
Celeste King

I think.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Town of Brooklyn Elections

I don't know who is running in the Town of Brooklyn elections. I don't think Sue McConnell is returning. Is Sydney Rouse up for election?

City of Green Lake Elections

The elections are in the first half of April. The second Tuesday maybe? I know Joe Parise is running for City Council in the 3d district against Wagner. In the 2nd district Luann Frank is running against Tom Jones. Whoever is running in the 1st(Larry MacIntyre's seat) is unopposed I believe. What else is out there?

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Ice Club Regatta March 13 and 14th

There are going to be ice boat races on the lake tomorrow(Friday) and Saturday with participants from all over. If you haven't had the chance to see ice boats in action now is the time. The boats included are the Skeeter and Knight classes. I don't know if DN will be included. Ice boating can be pretty exciting to watch(if the wind cooperates)and great for the photographers out there. The boats will be using the inlet as the home base. I believe the Ice Yacht Club will have people there selling Chili. For those of you old enough to remember, in 1963 ABC Wild World of Sports was here film a regatta. It was pretty great.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Wisconsin Recovery Bill Websites

For a couple of websites that try to focus on the help Wisconsin may be getting the recovery/stimulus package.

This is from Senator Feingold's office and is located at:

One set up by the Federal Government is This focuses on the country as a whole, not just the state. According to this site Wisconsin will be getting about 70,000 jobs from the bill.

There is also a State of Wisconsin website:

Friday, March 6, 2009

Boys Basketball

The boys high school team lost last night. End of the road I guess.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Enough Already

I don't really care that much what people post on here when they are considered opinions. Calling other posters idiots is not necessary. I will delete them. I haven't changed the sign in so far to let people post anonymously. I feel it gives people a venue to speak out. I may change this if it becomes necessary.

Daylight Savings

Sunday is the day to spring forward. Set you clocks accordingly.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Green Lake Boys Basketball

The boys high school basketball team beat Rio last night. I think the score was 49-46. They now go on to play Fall River. Tomorrow night is the last game of the regionals. If they win they the next step is regional finals. I think the regional finals are against Randolf.

Green Lake Zobel Park Rec Fund

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You aren't local until you have at least three generations in the cemetery.