Thursday, March 29, 2007

Fourth of July Fireworks

Firework reflection
Originally uploaded by Alabama Geographer.
I am trying to think ahead here. Not easy for me. I hate commitment.

The Green Lake 4th of July Fireworks are going to be held out in front of Norton's and the Bay in front of the marina this year. This is supposedly so we can watch them from the park and it will bring in massive amounts of business for the downtown. I will withhold any comment here.

The Chamber is planning on using 2 barges this summer instead of the usual one. They need to raise $7,000. I wouldn't think it would be that hard and the fireworks are incredibly popular. You would think the chamber would focus on this a lot more. The fireworks bring in people from all over. The truth is I don't think $7,000 is such a lot for the fireworks. Wouldn't it be great if we could work up to 15K or 20K? It seems like it would be good for business all around. I am under the impression they have about 1500 dollars so far, but I don't really know.I would actually like to see them raise a lot more and start a continuing yearly fund instead of having to scramble all the time. This seems to be a continuing problem for the chamber. Then they blame their members for not giving them enough money for the fireworks because their yearly dues aren't enough already. And the members get so much for the dues. I really don't know what goes on with that chamber other than they love a good meeting.

Anyway...if anybody feels like donating $$$ for the fireworks they can send checks made out to The Green Lake Fund at the Green Lake Area Chamber of Commerce, P.O. Box 337, Green Lake, WI 54491. It would be great for everyone if we could do this together. You would think the Chamber would at least have it on their website. The Chamber doesn't seem to be able to get it together for something like this... If you send a check tell them the chief sent you. Don't quote me but I believe it is tax deductible.

A Band Shelter Survey

There is a move afoot to rebuild and or move the bandstand in the park. How do people feel about this?

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Mascoutin Opens Thursday

Mascoutin is opening for golf this Thursday, March 29.

Monday, March 26, 2007


Wow, so did everybody in town hear the fight on the courthouse lawn this morning?

Friday, March 23, 2007

Press Release regarding Green Lake Conference Center

Green Lake Positions Itself for Post-Denominational Future; Kingdom Focus Trumps Denominational Parochialism
Today, American Baptist News Service's Andy Jayne posted a press release detailing the Green Lake Conference Center Site Development Master Plan. (Mon, 15 May 2006 10:48:10 -0400

Like most press releases from official organs, this one was long on sound bites and short on analysis. Already Dr. Glenn Layne (Durable Data, has weighed in with a preliminary explanation of the decisions.

"'The times, they are a-changin'. . . as we see the new direction Green Lake is going. Line this up with the ABC of the West becoming Growing Healthy Churches. Anyone see a post-denominational pattern here? The PSW ("Transformation Ministries") declaration of independance is only a small part of the pattern."

Lest anyone think that Dr. Layne has overinterpreted the data, be aware that Green Lake has been moving steadily toward a post-denominational future for some time. They have already gone beyond an excluusively "Baptist" identity and the board has oriented itself toward conceiving of its mission as follows: "GLCC is committed to partnering with congregations as they seek to be vital, vibrant, healthy missional churches engaging their communities with the Good News of Jesus Christ in the new millennium."

Under the leadership of Ken Giacolleto, Green Lake has partnered with several denominations and parachurch organizations in areas of training church planters and pioneering new models for fund development. Additionally, the organizational meeting for the Great Commission Network almost two years ago was hosted at GLCC and involved significant input from executive staff of the conference center in addition to several executive ministers, ABC affiliated organizational presidents, and leading pastors.

Along with most 21st Century organizations, GLCC has seen the future clearly. Restricting one's field of vision to traditional denominational affiliation alone will likely result in a series of negative organizational consequences tracing to such cultural myopia.

Many of our ABC affiliated educational institutions have been distancing themselves from the ABC over the past decades for reasons of "academic freedom." Church sponsored schools have typically shifted leftward in their departures from their host denominations. It should not be entirely unexpected that other organizations might tact rightward for reasons at least as legitimate. As Green Lake prepares to impact the next generation for Jesus Christ, it does so with a Kingdom vision larger than the constraits of any denominational parochialism.

[His Barking Dog proudly hails from the newly independent movement of Baptists known as Transformation Ministries (formerly the ABCPSW) but still barks only for himself]

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Jolint Planning Meeting for Conference Center Development

TOWN OF BROOKLYN PUBLIC HEARING & NOTICE OF JOINT PLAN COMMISSION & TOWN BOARD MEETING April 12, 2007 7:00 PM Location of Meeting: County Board Room at Green Lake County Courthouse e-mail: Web:
NOTICE OF TOWN BOARD MEETING Members of the Town of Brooklyn Board will attend the Town of Brooklyn Joint Plan Commission and Town Board meeting at the above-specified time and place. The Plan Commission and the Town Board will take action taken on following item:
AGENDA Call joint meeting to order.
Pledge of Allegiance
Certification of Open Meeting Law's
Public Hearing notice and agenda Roll call of both Town Board and Plan Commission members lawsonia fnc and American Baptist Assembly Rezoning
Owner: Lawsonia, Inc. and American Baptist Assembly clo Ken Giacoletto Agent: Davel Engineering, Inc. Tax Parcel #and Description: Parcel; numbers 004-1776-0000, 004-1777-0000, 004-0731-0000, and 0040732-0000, Located in Section 25, T16N R12E, and Section 30, T16N R13E. All parcels located in the Town of Brooklyn Location of Premises Affected: Generally located south of State Road 23, site known as Green Lake Conference Center Explanation: Owner/applicant is requesting multiple zoning changes on the site in question -
1 being a change from R-1 Single-Family residence District to C-2 Extensive Commercial District and changes from RC Recreational District to R-1 Single-Family Residence District. a. Public hearing b. Review from Strand Engineering c. Committee discussion and deliberation d. Committee decision e. Execute determination 6. Lawsonia Inc and American Baptist Assembly Preliminary Plat O T16N R12E, and Section 30, T16N R13E. Town of Brooklyn Location of Premises Affected: Generally located south of State Road 23, site known as Green Lake Conference Center Explanation: Preliminary plat for Estates of Lawsonia.
a. Public hearing
b. Review from Strand Engineering
c. Committee discussion and deliberation
d. Committee decision
e. Execute determination
7. Adjourn Requests from persons with disabilities that need assistance to participate in this meeting or hearing made to the town office at 294-6600 with as much advance notice as possible. 1. 2 3 4. 5
Respeclfully submitted, Marian Mildebrandt, Clerk

April 3 Elections

Town of Brooklyn

There is an election on April 3, 2007. Mike Wuest the current Town of Brooklyn Chairman and is running a re-match with Roger Ladwig. Wuest has been the current chairman for the last two years while Ladwig was the chairman for the 6 years before that. Ladwig lost in the last election to Wuest. Let’s see where this one goes.

There are also three seats open for the Town of Brooklyn board with 4 people running. Two are incumbents, Sue McConnell and Ron Benson. The other two are Mike Krause and Sydney Rouse.

In Ron Benson’s questionnaire in the Green Lake Reporter under the question for generating additional revenue he makes a suggestion of new manufacturing for the area.

This is unrealistic for today. Manufacturing has fled the city, county, state and country. If we want new manufacturing we should move the county to China. We will all have jobs. At sevens cents per hour.

Ten days after this election there is to be the joint meeting of the planning commission for the Conference Center Development so some of these members could be newly elected and might not be up to speed on the development.

The city, townships and county government should be looking at our current infrastructure. The whole county should be going for reliable wireless access for everybody in the county. This would help make the county an enticing work area for engineering companies, software companies, and board of trade guys. These companies provide “clean” manufacturing and high pay. They would appreciate the natural attributes the area has to offer. These are the kinds of things we should be working on. Like it or not manufacturing has fled. Information exchange is here now and we already attract the kind of people who want this service. Don’t argue with the way the world should be or was. This is the way it is. Make your public officials face the future not the past.

It seems silly that a certain amount of people in the area can’t get cable TV or only have access to “dial-up” internet service. This is ridiculous and part of the reason we don’t have higher income people spending more than their tax dollars here. They can’t get the services they need to do the work they need to do to stay in the area to spend their money at the gas station, grocery store, liquor store or hardware store. It comes down to a basic infrastructure many people need to do their jobs everyday. They can’t do it here so they head back to the city. We lose out.

Manufacturing plants are so ‘50’s. Our city leaders should be looking toward what is coming and should be working together. The area is governed by too many separate government entities without a complete plan. Really the only complete government body is the County Board. Much of this should be planned together with joint committees. The city, townships and county government all seem to have committees that overlap. This area has endless committee meetings with no bold ideas. Maybe this has always been the way has been done but maybe it is time to change.

Board of Education

There 3 people running for the Board of Education. The truth is I don’t know a lot about the school board. Two are incumbents, Jodine Deppisch and Bur Zeratsky. The challenger is Gordon Farrell. In reading about their qualifications in the Green Lake Reporter I see Deppisch is the warden of the Fox Lake Correctional Institution. That alone seems like a good qualification for the school board.

Gordon Farrell has obviously been educating himself in the ways of the school board and is committed to its needs.

Bur Zeratsky didn’t bother to return his questionnaire. I guess arrogance is a qualification for running for school board.

City of Green Lake

There two people running for City Council in Green Lake, incumbent alderperson Michele Polzer and Regina Furo is the challenger. It is a toss-up.

Just a little aside. State census records project Green Lake County to be one of the ten slowest growing counties in the state until 2030.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

The Avery Verdict

The Steven Avery verdict didn't really hold any surprises for me but I would have to say there are quite a few people out there who feel he was set up. I was in a bar when the verdict was being read. It was dead silent while people waited for the jury. I don't think Steven Avery was surprised by the guilty verdict. I guess I will never understand the what the motive would have been. Had he just gotten used to prison? I guess we will see what the nephew has to say.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Adams Fund Raiser

The Adams Fundraiser was a great success. Rachel Adams was tireless and practically lost her voice. At one point I am sure there were a couple of hundred people there. Rachel deserves a hand.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Adams Rib Fundraiser for Markesan Fire

Adams Rib Is having a fundraiser Saturday night for the families involved in the recent Markesan fire. They will be having a raffle which you do not have to be there for with quite a few prizes. Jon Ahearns will be playing music. Think of it as an early St. Patricks Day party. Even if you don't want to go stop in and buy some raffle tickets or donate some money to buy a Shamrock. This for a very good cause. Spend 5 bucks.

Some of the raffle prizes include

A $250 Ladies Watch from Diedrich Jewlers in Ripon
$100 gift certificate for Stahl Plumbling in Green Lake
$25 gift certificate for Two Chez Rest.
$100 gift certificate for Jahnke Plumbing
$25 gift certificate for Rita's in Ripon
Aveda Beauty Products from Roberta & Jim Sommers

It is a long list. More than 50 items.

There is a silent auction that will close at 5:00 on Sunday night.


Sunday, March 11, 2007

This is small aside some may find amusing...

Someone's Green Lake wedding schedule. Read the decriptions for the local establishments.

Friday, March 9, 2007

The Old Judd Property

The Judd property on Illinois Ave was sold a couple of years ago. It had been cleaned up and looked great. It was one of the Grand Old Ladies of the Lake. President Taft stayed there. Gorgeous property. Well, I hope you know where I am talking about because it is gone now. About 3 days ago a bulldozer had its way with it. All gone. Painful to look at. They are splitting it into two properties. The property is 260 feet. It is because of things like this that future development needs to be looked at now. This is so typical of people to come in the middle of the winter when no one is around and do this.

Green Lake Conference Center Development Cont.

I should really amend this a bit. There were public officials there. The president of Town of Brooklyn and the president of Town of Green Lake were there and did speak.

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Daylight Savings

Yes everybody. The bars will legally be able to open until 3:30 AM this saturday night. Thank god. I was wondering what I was going to do if they closed at 1:30. It would comletely ruin my day...mmm..night..mmm..routine.

Proposed Green Lake Conf. Center Development

There was a meeting at the Court House last night regarding the new development in the Green Lake Conference Center. This was a meeting for re-platting and re-zoning the area.

My first question is how did this get to the county agenda so quickly without first having township approval? The Town of Brooklyn Zoning commission has not even met on this issue yet. The conference center seems to be trying to act as though they can just do whatever they feel like doing without any community support, input or discussion. This is a mistake on their part. Community input and that "hot" word transparency are in the interests of all parties involved.

The ABA should be looking for feedback and suggestions from the community as they go, not to mention involving the right government entities right off the bat. (Both the DNR and Sanitation district are obvious examples here) It would seem to make the whole process easier for them and more transparent for us without hurt feelings on both sides.

There was a lot of information exchanged, not to mention some upset property owners from the grounds of the Baptist Assembly. I learned a few things.

First I would like to ask where are the “Friends of Green Lake”? The Friends were made up mostly of homeowners on Illinois Ave and near Norton’s. When the Norton’s development issue was on the table they were loudly proclaiming how they wanted to protect the “character” of the Green Lake area. The current development proposal at the Conference Center will affect the character in a much larger way for generations to come than the development of Norton’s ever would have. The Friends should step forward to help and support the current homeowners of the ABA and prove that they were not just about what went on in their own back yard.

Steve Sorenson, the Ripon attorney is representing some the the property owners. He spoke eloquently and brought up some very good points. I think some of the FRIENDS should get in touch with him to see how they could help him out. Also, Nancy Hill, Executive Director of the propery owners asscociation spoke. Get in touch and protect the future of the lake.

The Center wants to put in 107 new ½ acre lots. These lots would surround the Woodlands section of the golf course. This is a very high density for the conference center and would not fit in with the current character of the homes currently there. By necessity they would be smaller tract homes. The key here is DENSITY. The complaining neighbors don’t seem to be upset over the development of more lots in the center but the type and amount of lots being developed. Why doesn’t the conference center consider larger lots, with larger homes more in character with the current development of the homes on the conference center grounds?

The entrance for these lots would not through the current gate at the front of the ABA but would be at the east corner where the old gate by House of the Seven Gables is currently. There are several issues with this arrangement. First, the center wants to rezone the just the small little corner the Gables house sits on to commercial property. The ABA wants to use this corner for Lindenwood Development use for selling model homes. Why is this a problem? Once you change this zoning and Lindenwood is done with using it for selling lots you could put anything you wanted to here. A Laundromat, liquor store, adult book store, anything. This is not reversible. Once it is done, it is done. We are stuck with it.

The conference center also wants to make this a gated community. You would need some sort of device to enter like a keypad, door opener or something like that. The main entrance is not available to them. The Center is essentially trying to cut the Conference center in half, not giving them access to the grounds from INSIDE the center. The residents would have to drive out to the east gate, turn left on 23, and then re-enter the ABA by turning left again. What will this do to traffic on an already busy Highway 23 in the summer time? This is a ridiculous proposal. There would be as many as 800-1000 more cars per day going in and out of this entrance that would have to stop and start blocking traffic on 23 in the middle of the summer.

With the current proposed density of these lots there would be a sewer issue. Because of the character of the grounds septic systems will not be possible. The Conference Center maintains this is not a problem. This is not true. It is a huge problem for our current sanitation situation. How will these homes hook up and do we have the capacity for this amount of homes?

The proposed road system would be private so they would not have to conform to current standards for emergency vehicles. Emergency vehicles would not have easy access to the development because they would have to go into the current main entrance and then go through private access roads to get to the development. I also hear they aren't doing any road beds, just surfacing. The roads will deterioate in about 2 years.

One of the best moments of the meeting was when one of the young high school Wallenfang girls got up and asked “what would this development do to her future” after the current county board is gone and they were the generation that had to deal with what they left behind? (I am paraphrasing here, she was very nervous but she showed up and made her voice heard which is more than I can say for others. Paging The FRIENDS of Green Lake here.)

There quite a few other issues which should be discussed in an open public meetings. There are eagle roosting areas in the development zone and rare American chestnut tress that Mrs. Lawson planted. Both of these are problems that will get the DNR and possibly the Dept. of the Interior interested.

There are many more issues here. The conference center is trying to bully its way through here and acting as though none of this is a local issue or any of our business. I must say they are right if public response is any indication. If you thought the Norton’s development was a big deal then this should be of more interest to the future development of the area.

The conference Center is sending out brochures to prospective buyers indicating the first level of approval is already complete. This is not true. The developers (Lindenwood) are already starting to dig up ground as if they already have approval. They don’t. This needs much more discussion and input from the community. Don’t let the current residents of the ABA stand alone for issues that will affect the entire are for generations.

The director of the ABA got up and spoke at the end of the meeting. He seemed upset that anyone would get involved with the Conference Center plans.

How fast are the lots at Maplewood selling? How long will it take to sell 100 ½ acre lots in the ABA at $200,000/parcel? Why doesn’t Conference Center consider larger lots for higher income people who will need the services of the local community? Why would someone want to buy a ½ acre lot in the Conference Center when they could find much larger parcels for less just down the road?

Who is Lindenwood Development and what kind of funding do they have. I have heard they wanted to buy a parcel of local land a couple of years ago for $300,000 and couldn’t get funding. Then how do they expect to do this kind of development? If they can’t do $300,000 how do they do $30,000,000? Follow the money. Or lack of it. What kind of homes have they built in the past? Where?

We don’t really need more people here who will need more local jobs. We need people who will rely on the services of the local people currently but paying the same amount in property taxes. The higher income people will need our services and we should encourage that sort of development. Larger lots for higher income people which need less infrastructure services and create more jobs locally instead of flooding the local job market, which is clearly a problem already.

Our local politicians would like us to just sit quietly by and not get involve because it “increases our tax base”. That is not enough. It effects our infrastructure, raising our taxes, crowding the already tight local job market and the character of the area.

I also found it interesting that there were none of our local leaders at the meeting. You would think they would attend just out of interest but they hold the simplistic view of “increasing our tax base” is good for us so we should just sit by while they approve of this development.

So far this seem to mostly an issue of DENSITY. No one is arguing against controlled development. Green Lake should grow but not through uncontrolled growth that the ABA seem to think won’t effect us at all. Why should we care? It just increases our tax base and that should make us all happy. Right? Not true. As I see it so far this is an issue of density, which the Green Lake Conference Center doesn’t seem to think is a problem. It is.

There are more issues here but I think I have gone on long enough and given people enough to think about. Get involved. Don’t just bitch about “our government”. We are “our government”.

The County Zoning Commission tabled the plans for three months.

Monday, March 5, 2007

Are we having fun yet?

Green Lake Conference Center Meeting

There is a meeting regarding the Green Lake Conference Center development. The meeting is at the courthouse at 6:00 Wednesday night. This is going to be imortant to the area. Linwood Deveopment is planning on putting in 170 lots. Speak up, be seen and go. Having an opinion after the fact is just bitching to no effect.

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Norton's Closing For a Month

Now that Nortons is closing for a month it has really been hopping. Friday night was packed in there. I do wish Mike H would stop playing "his" music. He is not a great DJ and he seems to think it is his own living room and we all there to visit him. At least they have a decent juke box now.

Then Saturday night I hear there was group celestial beings visiting. They left naked imprints on the snow outside along with a FULL moon along with some low hanging stars. Sorry I missed it.

Tri Casa Fundraiser

I hear the casino night for tri casa was really fun. Did Kathy Arnstrong really win a bunch of money playing roulette or is this just another case of the Green Lake rumor mill in overtime?

Friday, March 2, 2007

Teacher in Berlin Arrested

A Crappy Day in the Neighborhood

There was a fire in Markesan yesterday. There were three people killed. Two children under 10 and the guy trying to rescue them. One young girl was saved by jumping out the second story. No news on how the fire started yet.

And a county social worker was killed in a car accident on 49.

There was wet heavy snow and rain all day.

Norton's had its jackpot night last night. Brian Badke, Norton's manager won the pot. He also won the super bowl pot. No more comment needed.

Green Lake Zobel Park Rec Fund

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You aren't local until you have at least three generations in the cemetery.