Friday, April 27, 2007

Rita's Restaurant of Ripon

I hear rumors John Castino's new restaurant is Ripon is going to have a full liquor license soon. Stay tuned.


Anonymous said...

Good for them, they deserve it!!

Anonymous said...

Isn;t Bert's staying open? I thought the license stayed there.

Anonymous said...

Yes! They should have it.

Anonymous said...

They should have one and so should Two Chez. Hopefully laws will change to support restaurants.

Anonymous said...

Berts is staying open, but I believe that the Mansion and Berts had two seperate licenses. I may be wrong though...

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't you know it. Just when I was getting ready to open my pop-corn and vodka stand at the corner of Watson and East Fond du Lac Street.

Anonymous said...

So apparently the Mansion and Berts are staying what's that mean for Rita's????

Anonymous said...

Is the liquor license an option because Rita's is part of Ripon College?

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