Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Hattie Sherwood Campground Prices

The Park and Rec committee has raised the prices for Hattie Sherwood Campground this summer. They also charge for extra for boat landing fees which I think should be included when someone comes camping here on a city owned campground. If you want to encourage some tourism around here this would seem to be the wrong way to go about it in this economy. With the price of gas this summer people are not going to be going that far and then pay more to camp. There are quite a few campgrounds within 30 miles around here that are cheaper, better maintained(Hattie Sherwood needs updating)and just as accessible to the lake.


Anonymous said...

Campgrounds all around Wisconsin are running at cap. All other campgrounds are charging higher rates. People are camping on broken beer and wine bottles in other campgrounds. Why? I think I know. The city of Green Lake's campground needs something to make others want to camp here. More activities, like walking and biking paths. Snacks and ice cream on the grounds. Games to play. Someone to arrange all of this.

Anonymous said...

Sadly, gas prices do not discourage people from pulling campers around Wisconsin. I guess they figure it is cheaper than paying for a hotel, and the camping experience must be so rewarding to them that they don't care that they are supporting foreign oil. Our country needs a huge wake-up call.

Anonymous said...

We own a camper, and gas prices have certainly made a difference in how far we'll travel with it and how often. Did you ever think one of the reasons that the Green Lake Campground is expanding a bunch of permanent sites might be because folks are tired of paying to pull their campers? We’ve talked about parking ours on a permanent site and giving up pulling the trailer. With gas prices it costs me about .35 per mile to tow. It is making a difference.

Anonymous said...

ya know what
Hattie Sherwood Campground needs to hire a handy man. Fix it and they will come and the city will gain from it. To increase the rates will send them to better campgrounds that are cared for and offer more.

Anonymous said...

I really would not have a problem with campground rate increase if the campground warrented it. The site's are terrible, campers can not level, railroad ties are dangerous, cracked, split, full of bee's. I think the tie's have been there since Adam and Eve. The site's are nothing but dirt.The bathroom is alway's out of order,Pier's have been removed, but never replaced.Now you want to charge campers to launch there boat to,when there is no place to even park ones boat. The childrens playground has nothing to offer.Leveled site's and water have been promised year after year,but nothing has be done.To raise the rate's again and charge for boat launching as well,will send more camper's to Green Lake Campground.The only perk that Hattie has is the lake and not everyone care's about that.Wow, the next thing the city will be charging camper's is for there pets.

Anonymous said...
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Green Lake Zobel Park Rec Fund

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