I haven't blogged much recently. I became a little bored with some of the discussions and had other things to do.
A couple of days ago Joe Parise asked me to post this for him and I am happy to oblige him.
From Joe Parise:
I asked for this time so I could officially announce to all of you that I am going to run as a WRITE-IN candidate for Mayor and Alderman.
I am running for both because I want to try to be sure to be on the Council to intercede when the boundary issue comes up again. It seems that whenever an issue comes up with the Township we are ready to capitulate to all of their wants and desires to the exclusion of what is best for the city.
Also, I feel it is important to have ready access to the Mayor, especially a Mayor who stays abreast of City Council business and does not always have to defer to an alder person or committee person for answers.
When I was Mayor I was in the Mayor's office every working day morning. I was always available to the city offices, staff and public works. I was always available to the citizens if they had an issue to discuss. I always tried to be current on city business whether it was bike paths, sign ordinance, school, parks or taxes. I always had my cell phone on and was available day or night.
Mayor Mirr made it clear the job was not going to be his life and he had kept that promise. The mayors office requires more than an occasional presence. The mayor should be readily available and I am willing to put in all the time necessary.
Some may argue, as they did for my last bid for mayor, that I was not born here and that somehow precluded me from caring about the city. Well, think of this. I moved here by choice. I moved here because I love this city and care about it. I am not here because I was born here.
I want to be mayor of Green Lake so that I can be a watchdog over city spending and by extension taxes. When the entire country is facing financial ruin it behooves us to be frugal and count our pennies. We cannot continue to increase spending(and taxes)
while our citizens, many of whom are retired, experience income reductions. The median income in this city is approximately 32k/year but we tax them like they all live on the lake. We need to watch our spending and this council seems to give money away. Since Donna Moore left there are currently only two alder persons who stand up the citizens against unwarranted spending. Taxes have gone up the last three years. Our contingency fund is gone. When I was mayor I first reduced spending and then held taxes.
I am available to answer your questions and if Mayor Mirr would like a public debate I would be happy to oblige him.
Thank you,
Joe Parise
12 years ago
YES! I would like to see a debate between Chuck Mirr and Joe Parise.
Yes Joe, I agree you did a good job as mayor, but since then your personalaty and temper has hurt you more than you realize.
Green Lake has never needed a full-time, bad-tempered micromanager and it doesn't need one now. Everything seems to be running quite well. Town looks great.
Looks are deceiving...did anyone really hear much out of Egypt or Libya for the last couple of decades!
Where there is smoke...there is fire, and Green Lake is already smoldering under the surface!
Time for someone who can at least articulate on their own...and who actually knows something about running a municipality.
Isn't it interesting that the town of Brooklyn actually has some folks with a business background and the savvy that goes with it on their board / supervisor group.
They know what they are doing and will work behind the scenes (nothing at all wrong with it) to keep Chuck in office (well, not really 'in office' since he's probably not kept 'office hours' since he was elected).
With Chuck in place...they've got a "friend" whom they can deal with...whom Mike can share a parade car with several times a year...they've got a local who is right in their hip pocket!
However, there should be an open-forum, public debate between Chuck and Joe...but - that isn't going to happen since Chuck would have none of it.
He'll probably pull the old..."Joe isn't an official candidate so there is no need to debate" argument.
Well, as far as I'm concerned...Chuck hasn't exhibited anything to make him an "Official Mayor" so I guess that levels the playing field.
Call the parties together and let's have a discussion...and may the most qualified candidate be our choice to lead this City forward as opposed to down the road to financial ruin!
I feel that a debate should in fact be mandatory. How else can the voters of Green Lake hear how both candidates feel about the issues and make qualified decisions?
Let's put this debate someplace neutral, in a big enough area so that there is room for folks to attend. That little room the city uses is not big enough. We also need a moderator who will be intelligent and fair. Any ideas? There should be a list of prepared questions first, and then any questions from the audience should be answered afterwards.
If Chuck refuses to partake in the debate, his name shouldn't be on the ballot. We taxpayers of Green Lake deserve to hear what he has to say. Is he a man, is he a mayor, or is he a mouse? C'mon Chuck, face up.
I don't mind Joe Parise's personality or temper one bit. I can relate to his anger when he sees the city council meetings being run without following protocol and the clown car full of clowns spinning in circles every meeting. This city government has become a mockery of how city government should be run. Go to other local council meetings and see the difference.
I would like to see the city council meetings recorded and TELEVISED on our local cable station. Joe, here is a suggestion for you. Make a promise to the voters that the city council meetings will be televised if you are elected. Then follow through and keep your promise after you are elected. Many people in Green Lake are not able to attend the meetings but are very interested in what is going on. It is not that difficult, other municipalities have been doing it for decades. Not only that but it would be digital record of the meetings.
As it stands now, I don't even know why we go through the motions of having meetings when nothing is getting done and everything gets tabled over and over. These council members are actually getting paid to attend the meetings and every single issue gets dragged along for many months if not years! Let's have some real accountability for a change. I want a real mayor again, one who will follow protocol and hold regular hours. Joe went to bat for our city when he was mayor. He represented his constituents and did a great job. I honestly cannot say the same thing for Chuck.
In addition to the mayoral race,George King has challenged Joe Parise in district 3 and Jerry Bartow is running against Scott Rowley in district 3. Who is Nancy Wells who is running unopposed in district 1?
Nancy Wells is a relative of Chuck Mirr's.
I live in Green Lake, I don't make 32,000.00 a year. I don't pay taxes equivalent to people on the lake. I can afford to live in Green Lake. I sure cannot afford to live in Ripon, Appleton, Madison or Chicago! What is Parise talking about? He is a BIG BSer for sure! He is only out to cause trouble. Troublemaker! Why does he deserve all this attention when he decides to at the last minute to run as write-in. His concern for the boundry agreement is the only thing I would agree with him on. Otherwise he is just out to blow hard!
Joe's temper seems to be with
Chuck Mirr only. I can understand this as Chuck is one of the must single minded people I have ever met.He doesn't care what the subject is. If Joe is for it Chuck is against it. I pointed out to Mayor Mirr that there was a potential toxic waste site at 1606 North Street. There were computer screens stored on the lawn plus in the garage. They contain lead mercury and cancer causeing metals. When I asked Chuck to speak with the town of Brooklyn, he refused. This house is about two hunderd yards from Green Lake School.The West side of the property is in the city. East side in the town of Brooklyn. The South side is all ciy of Green Lake. Chuck did not seem to care about the chidren of Green Lake our any of its citizens
Joe told me if Chuck Miir thought this situation at 1606 North Street came from him Chuck would do nothing. JOE WAS RIGHT
I am not going to beat around the bush. I am going to write-in Joe Parise for mayor of Green Lake.
If you compare our former mayor to our current mayor, the choice is obvious. Joe Parise is qualified and experienced and cares what happens to our little city. Joe is a loyal and dedicated public servant.
Chuck on the other hand, does not know how to run a meeting, does not hold regular office hours, and is not pro-active in helping Green Lake. How often does he go to Madison to advocate on our behalf? Chuck is ready and willing to sign away our boundary rights, which will hinder the city's ability to grow and flourish. Chuck Mirr doesn't have a clue what he is doing.
It is scary that the guy who puts his ice shanty through the ice is our mayor. Funny how the paper never released that fact.
Wilsnack's advertisements come across as being quite arrogant. I don't really care how much experience he has, I care more about his character (or lack thereof). I will be voting for Slate.
I thought the same thing! For Wilsnack to say that he has so much more experience and is therefore the better candidate is like a hooker saying that she has more johns and is a better prostitute. Make up your own analogy.
Please, please have a debate. Chuck would show his true character. Having attended meetings for years, I can attest to his inexperience as a leader. Never prepared for meetings, not holding office hours, missing training sessions, not answering his phone, not ever using a computer and HE is responsible for the budget of this City??? He always lets others do his work since he is too busy with his three businesses, as he has said so many times. Ask the Chamber how many meetings he attends while is supposed to be the laison from the City. People wake up!
Who are you! No attends the meetings. You must be someone out to stick it to the city. A big bullsitter.
People do attend meetings. Just take the time to see for yourself. I have been around for years and have seen the present mayor in action.
Wilsnack's new ads brag that he is honest and honorable (among other things). Tell me, how does a man who fails to pay his income taxes on time for TEN YEARS consider himself to be an honest man???
AND HE WANTS TO BE OUR JUDGE! Thanks anyway! And the fact that McMonigal is endorsing Wilsnack, and that he is taking contributions says a LOT. I want a judge that is beholding to nobody.
SLATE is getting my vote!
For several years now, I have been crying out to the school and school board about curbing their excessive spending. The fact that the school budget increase by several million dollars under Ken Bates abuses of power is not acceptable or sustainable. And now, reality has come home to roost. Our country and our state is on the brink of financial collapse, and (surprise!) the school will be getting less money as a result. How many times have I warned them that this high rate of spending is not sustainable? You can tell by the fact that they are still trying to sell the public on the IB program, that is the very reason for the huge increase in spending. Somethings gotta go. I say Ken Bates and the IB program should both go. The sooner, the better. Let's get Green Lake school's back to a sustainable spending level and ensure that we keep the schools in Green Lake for years to come.
If you don't want your taxes raised again, please vote for Janet Busboom and Ron Triemstra for Green Lake School Board.
Wendy Schultz, Marty Valasek and Celeste King have all vowed to increase spending and hold more referendums to increase your taxes.
The recent open enrollment numbers speak volumes: the IB program is NOT attracting new students to Green Lake. It is in fact driving students AWAY.
We need competent, qualified and responsible people on the school board. Janet Busboom and Ron Triemstra will be getting my vote on April 5th.
Did you see Robyn Wallenfang's letter in the paper talking negative about Joe Parise. Wander if that is a response to his questioning why the new sign project for the business park is not being bid out. Some council members just wanted to give that project to Robyn without going out for bids. I thought that was a conflect of interest?????
Did you ever ask yourself why Mirrs only run against Parise? I for one will vote for PARISE AS A WRITE-IN because we need someone who will really spend some time working for the city's interest. Not someone who has no time for citizens, does not ever prepare himself and does not attend meetings unless he just has to. That is no way to run a city.
I am with you on that issue. Mirr just does not represent our city like it should be. Where is our representation at the county and state level? Mayors need to get out of the area and talk with other leaders. We do not have a leader in Mirr!
The city is doing just fine. And it will do even better when the screamer is gone.
I am so glad to see the pro-Parise comments on the blog. I also will be writing in Joe Parise for Mayor on April 5th.
The city council meetings need to be run according to protocol! I want a mayor who actually does his job and not allow certain council members (and a certain public works employee) to in fact be running the show. I would like a mayor who is accessible, and accountable, and none of these back-room/under the table dealings that have been going on under Chuck Mirr's reign of weakness.
The city needs to protect it's boundary agreements, too. This is extremely important matter that our current mayor apparently does not understand. I don't trust Chuck Mirr any further than I could throw him. I would welcome Joe Parise back to the mayor's office in a heartbeat.
It was Chuckie that ask Joe in to the alley to settle things. Who is the idiot here? PS last council meeting. LETS DEBAIT CHUCKIE. DUALS END YEARS AGO.
I wonder which one of the wonderful city employees wrote Chuck's article for the Green Lake Distorter! Anyone who has ever spoken with Chuck knows it wasn't 'crafted' by him. What a joke that he (his 'ghost writer') would actually put that BS in the paper.
We finally have transparency in our local government since we can see through the poorly disguised veil of who is running the city (into the ground)...Chuck, The Kaffee Klatch girls who twitter about with each other at the meetings and accomplish absolutely NOTHING, and "The Most Capable DPW director this city has ever seen", Glen McCarty! It's a three-ring circus and we the taxpayers are at their mercy!
I also find it ridiculous that everyone jumps on Joe for being 'argumentative and obstinate' at meetings...Has anyone actually been to a meeting when Glen starts spouting off??? He has Chuckie right in his hip-pocket and lets him know if every chance he gets...and Chuck buckles under. I am waiting for a time when Chuck puts Glen in his place and Glen lays on the floor, holding his breath until he gets his way...oh wait, I think that already happens.
Chuck...give it up and let someone competent be the mayor! It's time for a change - it's time to start running the city 'like a city' - it's time to let it go! After all..You initially ran for mayor just to eliminate Joe from the position the last time and it's the only reason you'll do it again - Remember when you told me so, more than once!
As the saying goes...'Keep your friends close, and your adversaries closer'. Guess what - I'm not going for the corn-pone 'leadership' that you have offered this city. You got my vote last time, over Joe...I won't make that same mistake again! And I've told you so...more than once!
Whoa...did this "Chuck vs Joe" take it out back, winner take all, my dad is stronger than your dad, I know you are but what am I, you and what army throwdown almost take place??? Why didn't this make the GL or Ripon rags? If this type of action was actually intimated by the Honorable Mayor Mirr then some type of action should take place...such as kicking his ass out of office! What a bunch of crap for anyone, anywhere suggesting 'they take it in the alley' to settle things.
Isn't our city represented by a lawyer (yes, Sondalle)? If the mayor of a city suggested something like this to a council-person...there is a very strong chance of a lawsuit that could bankrupt this city. IF this was suggested by Chuck...I'll take a piece of the action.
You guys need to get a life. The city runs well, looks great, budget balanced, has some savings. And I'm sick of hearing about the "girls" on the council. What misogyny!
Chuck Mirr refuses to debate Joe Parise. I wonder why? The future of the city depends on their vision and qualifications. Vote on Tues.4/5/11 for the right person.
I agree! A debate should be mandatory! The taxpayers deserve to hear the candidates! What is keeping you from accepting Joe Parise's challenge, Chuck?
You maybe sick of hearing about Chuckie's grils but we have to live with them. They vote only for personal control not for the good of the city. Help yourself to the pig feed ladies. conflicts of interest do not matter.
Be specific. I'm certainly not seeing that and I watch carefully. Once again, the city is running well. And if Joe wanted a debate he would have declared right away, not as a write-in.
I agree we are all doing as well as we can considering the economic times it was joe who blow the north Lawson closer and his "pal" Jerry I was at those public meeting the DOT held and as a resident of this community it was joe and jerry shooting off there mouths at the DOT and from what I understood "pissed off" the Dot and they just said we are closing north LAWSON and moving it too the top of the hill and that they would do this this and this and it was over. are these the "guys" we want on the city council I do not think so GO vote Chuck for Mayor
Learn how to use punctuation you loser.
If you are going to comment on North Lawson Drive get your facts correct. The Dot was going to close all roads into the city except for South Street and South Lawson Drive. I talked to the Dot in Madison and the Govenors office. The DOT appointed a Lady in charge replacing Daid Barth who had cut a deal with the Town of Brooklyn for a free Bridge. If they agreed to close North Lawson Drive. This woman accepted the Signed petition and signatures Joe had collected.In talking to her
she said North Lawson had to close. It did not come to a perfect square. The only option was to put in a new road. She agreed to pay for the new road if the city bought the land. You can call the DOT and check this story. If not for Joe and I you be losing the main enterance into Green Lake.
Please get your facts correct before for you attack me in the future.
If you doubt this you can talk to Dusty Walker she knows the facts.
jerry are you having an out of body experience the reason the town is getting a new bridge is this one is out dated it has nothing to do with closing of north Lawson you and joe take care of that with your big mouths and threats to the DOT I was there at those meetings and all of US wanted you two to shut-up and you two "pissed the lady and Dave off so get it right a lot of us where at the information meeting so stop the "buck"passing YOU and JOE blow the whole deal with DOT so zipp the lip YOU do not have it Right
The lady who was David Barths replacementname is Deb Francine the project manger out of
Wisconsin Rapids for the Dot.You want the truth call her. Otherwise keep up the mis information. I am not scared to sign my reao name what about you.
like I said before you do not know what you are taking about you "smoken to much dope" or what? that is what was said and done at the meeting so give it a rest and no I wont put my name to this I am done GO CHUCK FOR MAYOR
Thank God the blog sight spells 'Anonymous' for most of those who have been posting lately. Or, should that read, 'haf bean poztin lattly'. Please people, I'm not perfect but take a look at your spelling, punctuation, grammar, etc.!
I'm fairly certain we are all using the same language here...correct? This stuff is getting brutal - and I'm just talking about the writing...not the content.
The City has spent money acquiring the land for the new DOT road. Now the City has to spend money for sewer,water,and lighting. The DOT is only paying for the road. With the State's financial crisis,will they have the money to complete this project? Remember Taxpayers you are the guarantors of the City's debt!!
But Grim Reaper...didn't you read the wonderful article that Chuck (oops, Chuck's wife) wrote. He said everything is 'peachy-keen' in the city and we have oodles of extra cash laying around to take care of the untimely things related to the city! Aren't you buying into all of the BS the article heralded???
Everything is once again wonderful in Green Lake due to 'getting more people involved'...that's all it took!
Let's take a closer look at the wonderful people Chuck referred to:
Barb Dugenske a City Clerk who still can't get 'itemized' bills from Kunkel Engr. that the city keeps paying (An audit is completely, totally and inexplicably missing). This is her RESPONSIBILITY and it isn't happening and hasn't been happening for quite some time. I've been told that Kunkel has been caught 'accidentally' double-billing items but it was an oversight! If the itemized bills aren't submitted...then guess what, the bills remain unpaid until such a time as they are - Period! Pretty simple.
Glen McCarty who, based on what Chuck said, must be around 60-65 years old if he has all those years experience working as a public works director (I must say he ages well or was the first 'child prodigy' of the DPW!
Come on Chuck...Glen runs this town and you know it. He gets his way on whatever he wants because you don't have the cajones to confront him and explain to him..."you work for the city"!~ Period! Pretty simple - eh?
And Chief Huber who can't make up his mind to retire or stay...retire or stay...
Hmmn...retire and get the city to pay for a bunch of his 'rights' or stay and have the city pay for a bunch of his 'rights' (they are actually benefits but I'm acting like a p.o'ed union member and calling them rights).
Time to move on...you were retiring so please - do so! Period - pretty simple!
What a bunch of hog-wash and people will be foolish enough to think all things 'good' came from Chuckie's involvement!
Well guess what...they didn't since he is totally, completely NOT involved with running the government of our fair city.
Time for change...PERIOD - pretty simple!
Green Lake tax payers can't afford to pay for a new "entrance" to the city. What a complete and total waste of money this project is!
Now that we have a frugal, responsible governor in Madison, we need to appeal once more to the DOT to reverse their decision of closing Lawson Drive. It's worth another try.
Of course, that is something that a competent MAYOR should do, but we don't have a competent mayor.
What difference would Joe make on a new entrancre to the city? I believe he was mayor when this all came about and he was proud of the new entrance and was showing everyone the new plans and layouts of it. I agree on the new entrance but not with Joe as mayor.
Hey! Whoever used my city gal name on march 23...Stop it! I have been City Gal for years and I am not voting for Joe or Chuck! Both of them are not capable of running meetings or the city. Chuck should be out due to the last public fight when he asked to settle it in the alley (yes it was in the papers) and Joe, if he wins will run the meetings just like last time. He refused to put certain things on the agenda that were important even if an alderman wanted to discuss something. He is an angry man and had no control over the meetings, just like Chuck. Neither of them know how to use Roberts Rule of Order and Sondalle just sits there. He is the one who should show the mayor how to run a meeting. It is a joke...and by the way, Joe voted on the new road last month and he voted for the city to pay for sewer and water which will only benifit Alex Zabel's property which is next to the new road. Zabel is going to build houses up there and has been asking the city to pay for all that for years so he can develop his land! Where have all of you been...we should be protesting the new road. Kunkle said we will be paying 300,000 for the sewer and water alone!!! It is outrageous...Why did Joe vote for it? He was against Zabel last time it all came up! Joe likes to spend money too....we need a city manager!
City Gal when did the city vote to spend $300,000 on sewer and water for the new road comming in to the city? Plus, is the state giving them $90,000 for lighting or not? You need to ask your husbard what is going on if he knows. After all Chuck is the Mayor. I guess he is not on top of this.
City Gal or should I say Lynn. They got you. Half thruths donot work any more. Go Joe Go
City needs revenue- What is wrong with a new city street with new city housing. Also what about all the empty city lots in the city limits that are not for sale. These lots should be taxed as if there is a house on them. These multi lot owners need to pay their fair share if they want to own city lots just to have some grass to mow! Go live it the country!
When voting for Green Lake Mayor on Tues. April 5th, write in City Manager in the write in section. A vote is power-USE IT!
Where are we getting money for a city manager? Cost should be $50,000 to $65,000 plus benefits.
Just elect people who care!
GO JOE GO !!!!
Robin W. are you the Grim Reaper?Maybe it is a different handle for Lynn M. Write in JOe P.
Go Joe Joe!!!
Joe was mayor once and "ran"the city to ruins and know you want Him to finish the "job" what a joke VOTE CHUCK FOR MAYOR
I am not Lynn Mirr or anyone related to Chuck...I am not voting for Chuck and I am not voting for Joe. Both are not capable! You all have thought I was Lynn for years...I don't know why. Chuck has done a terrible job as Mayor. Joe started all the tifs last time and wanted us to annex to the aba. I was against that too.
by the way, it was in the paper that the council passed the sewer and water connections and the plans that Kunkel had to submit...I do not know why the lighting wasn't passed as well. I'll ask my alderman. But the new road is a done deal. Why doesn't someone ask Joe and Chuck why they want to spend that money for Zabel?
I like your style City Gal. I'm going to write you in.
City Gal...you do understand that it's going to happen regardless of Joe or Chuck voting on it, don't you?
Three years ago, I went to several events where Chuck spoke. He handed out his brochure about his dream for Green Lake. He wanted Green Lake to be like it was when he was a kid. with fishing tournaments, great restaurants , and everyone being friendly with all the towns around. I feel he keep that promise.
Chuck said he did not feel Green Lake needed a full time Mayor, so he would not be a full time Mayor, he keep that promise also. In the last three years, we have had new sidewalks in the middle of town and some new streets. We still have an empty lot where the old grocery store sat, an empty lot where the old gas station sat, and maybe an empty Court house building in the middle of town if Chuck dose not get involved. We have had no controversy of any kind. The next time you are at 49 and Cty Rd A , look around, you will see a new Medical building, Grocery store and Gas station. Did this come with controversy? ABSOULETLY!!!! . What do we want for Green Lake in the next three years? The status quo, no change, and no controversy??? or do we want progress , some change and probably some controversy ???? VOTE April 5th 2011
Bulletin!!! After intense investigation I found out who City Gal is. Everyone is wrong. Keep guessing. Vote Tues. April 5th.
50 years ago gas was twenty five cents per gallon, new cars cost $2000, TV were black and white, radios had tubes, mininum wage was fify cents. Vietnam War had not occured. 56,000 young men where still alive. I wish I could go backwards for the good times but it does not happen. You must look forward and deal with current and future situations. However, honesty and personal inhtegrity are still important parts of a persons life. I feel Chuck gets low marks here. Thruth is still truth and Chuck and you miss it sometimes. Tell me again why you did not turn in your finanical records last time you ran for mayor an how it was Barbs fault
I am so happy that elections will be over. I am also hoping our citizens will write in Joe Parise since he is the better of the two mayor options we have. It is time that Lynn, or should I say Chuck, is retired from the job he really did not want to begin with. He never put any energy into this job and certainly does nothing to represent our city other than getting into the paper in his tree cutting work clothes for a grand opening somewhere.
I agree with the above blogger. We need agressive leadership in our city to make things happen here. You are not going to get that with Chuck at the helm!
Too the last blogger Joe would not make a good pimple on a Mayor's ass!!! You want all the crap from HIS last turn as Mayor too start all over THINK or are that you dumb "holy crap batman"
I agree WE don't Joe's "junk" mouth pulling the city down I hate all of this stuff please keep Chuck as our Mayor for the stake of the city and all that is good God help us if Joe get's back as mayor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well bad mouth you have showed your ability to reason. Maybe that is why Joe will win tommorrow. To bad Lynn and Robin. You have won the nasty girls award. Go Joe Go !! It doe not take a brain to be a garbage mouth and bull artist.
well bull artist You can't handle the truth joe WILL not win if the city is smart
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