Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Green Lake School District Contract

From the Oshkosh Northwestern:
Green Lakes new teacher contract.



Anonymous said...

To answer an earlier post on the nuclear section of the blog:

In the current school year, there are 303 students at the school. The school is spending over $20,000 per student.

The revenue limit for 2005-06 was $4,438.803 for 375 revenue students at $11836 per student.

That is how much things have changed since Ken Bates has become administrator.

As far as the IB program goes, the costs are not being divulged to the public. I wonder why.

I want to see school board accountability, something we have not getting for years now. Even members of the school board are being kept in the dark and not receiving answers to questions. This is because the school board is not running the school. Ken Bates is. Enough of the tail wagging the dog. We need true leadership on the school board. That is why I will be voting for Janet Busboom and Ron Triemtra on April 5th. I encourge you to do the same.

you've been cryin' for years said...

In Sept. 2006 there were 323 students 1-12, 12 in K-5, 21 in K-4 = 356 students in school.

In Jan. 2011 there were 279 students in 1-12, 21 in K-5, and 17 K-4 = 317.


For this year the revenue cap is about $12,700 per FTE. Next year it should be around $12,200 per FTE.

The IB is paid for by local tax levy at less than $5 per property owner per $100,000.

Anonymous said...

I say BS on what 'you've been crying for years' says on the IB programme.

Stop cryin' said...

If you are interested, see for yourself. The entire line-by-line budget (for each year) is available online if you can simply follow the navigation menu at WI DPI School Finance page. https://www2.dpi.state.wi.us/safr_ro/ann_data_pdf.asp

Anonymous said...

So does this mean that IB funds are kept separate from "other" funds? The trips, the airfare, the hotel rooms, the restaurant meals, the extra salaries, the paid substitutes, those all are coming out of some special IB fund? The bus rides to Milwaukee with six students on the bus (two days in a row), that is paid for out of a special IB fund?

It is interesting that school districts all over the country are dropping the IB programme because it is too costly and not serving the needs of most of the students. Is sickening that Ken Bates is still trying to sell the IB programme to the public every week in the newspaper, the same old thing. If it was so great, it wouldn't need defending. Guess what Ken, it's not great, and it needs to go. It never should have been implemented here in Green Lake in the first place. Exactly what date did the school board VOTE to take on this expensive, controversial programme? I would like to know that.

Anonymous said...

To anonymous above- it's obvious you have your head in a dark place....no matter what facts are given to you- you refuse to believe them- especially if they don't agree with your view. Part of IB is to teach students is to gather the facts before they make decisions- to be critical thinkers. You need IB...

Anonymous said...

and by the way- the 6 kids on the bus to Milwaukee-3 YEARS AGO... had nothing to do with IB. They were presenting at the State School Board Convention.
Get your facts straight!

Anonymous said...

That makes it so much better...

Anonymous said...

I tried that link but it didn't work. The public has been asking for solid facts regarding the cost of the IB program for several years now. The interesting thing about this issue is that since the entire school is IB, how can the administration accurately select out what the IB costs are? Yes, there are direct IB costs that are on record, but what about all the extras? Such as paying for substitutes on a regular basis? If the entire school is now IB, then aren't all the expenditures at school IB related? Then add the complication of the charter school. This is all so unnecessary. All the taxpayers want is a good, regular school in Green Lake. The IB program is driving away more students than it is attracting. I do not like my tax money going to Switzerland. I really don't like it. I want my tax money staying in Wisconsin where it belongs.

Anonymous said...

So three years ago, when 6 students traveled to Milwaukee on a big yellow school bus, two days in a row to present at the State School Board Convention, why did Ken Bates, Wendy Schultz and several other staff/school board members feel that it was necessary to spend taxpayer dollars to stay overnight at the Hyatt Regency, one of the most expensive hotels in the state? In fact, why did they feel it was necessary to drive their own vehicles, get reimbursed for mileage, instead of traveling ON the bus with the six students? Why was it essential for the students to return to Green Lake on the big yellow school bus, but for the staff and school board to spend the night at the Hyatt Regency? And what was being presented at the State School Board Convention that was so necessary to justify this expensive, indulgent trip? Inquiring minds want to know!

Francis Bellamy said...

Once Janet and Ron join Sydney and Harley on the school board, they will have the majority to finally take this “Bull by the Horns”.

Their meetings will open with their Pledge of Allegiance:

I pledge my allegiance to CARE;
The Citizen Advocates for Responsible Education;
And to the retired Republicans for which it stands;
One mission under Fred; invisible, with misery and injustice for all.

Anonymous said...

Great post Francis! I'm embarassed to say that I am a Green Lake County Republican. Our party has been taken over by these over zealous retirees who are vindictive and close minded. I've voted Republican my whole life, but am now considering myself an Independent, mainly because I can no longer stomach the crap that these Republican CARE people are throwing at me day after day. Always negative, nothing positive. Makes me wonder why they would ever want to live here if it is so bad and screwed up. Maybe Fred could move to Markesan where the kids have so many more options (according to CARE). Oh, that's right, they passed a little thing called a referendum to keep that school going. The hypocrisy of it all is beyond belief.

Anonymous said...

I agree. The republicans have ruined everything. These retired muti-millionaires that still collect their social security and refuse to fix their house or spend money-they are ruining this economy. Maybe when they croak their kids will dish it out. They are not helping me out. I need a job and the taxes mean nothing to me because I don't pay taxes because I have no income. The trickle down does not work it only makes more muti-millionaires that don't spend their money.

Anonymous said...

If that weren't so stupid and nasty, it would be funny.

Anonymous said...

I think it is so funny that people think that the Republicans are rich people. Most all of the "fibs" that I know, and I know a lot of them, are almost ALL Democrat. Most all of the Hollywood elite are Democrat. Sure, there are rich Republicans and there are rich Democrats, but I believe that to stereotype Republicans as rich is purely ignorant. Most all of the Republicans I know are regular, middle class people. They have a strong work ethic and believe in personal accountability and fiscal retraint. Oooooh, like that's a bad thing. Turn around your twisted thinking, people.

Anonymous said...

I know a very dear elderly woman who just recently had to sell her modest home on Little Green Lake, after living there for decades. Why? Her taxes went up, after Markesan school district passed a referendum for higher spending. It is sad when people are losing their houses because the schools cannot manage a budget or control spending.

Rodney Blog-OY-ovich said...

As the saying goes..."A fool and their money is soon parted"!
But yes...keep the school board stocked with people who don't see the fallacy of their ways! Keep spending until the school closes down - it's an inevitability since people around Green Lake somehow have not gotten the message!
Haven't people come to their senses and realized the money isn't there...we are broke...we need to work WITHIN a realistic and sustainable BUDGET.
Green Lake has become a mini-Madison...You know - -
Madison = 84.7 square miles surrounded by reality!!!
Well thanks to the free-spending, 'we are better than them and our Wonderful, UN-paralleled School (yes,the UN was purposely left capitalized thanks to the useless IB Programme) let's just say...
Green Lake = 48.6 square miles surrounded by reality!!
It's a sad situation...and people like "Francis Bellamy" (nice work on that Pledge by the way) are ignorant to a fault.
Yes, the 'Republicans' have ruined everything. How asinine is that comment? Please don't answer...it's a rhetorical question...you answered it just by posting it.
So, anyone who is asking for fiscal responsibility...anyone who is trying to keep the school open...anyone who is trying to make this a go for the taxpayers, teachers, students and the community as a whole is a horrible person and (eek!) a Republican? Well then guess what...tell me where I can sign up because it seems they are the only ones that don't have their head up their arses and are being sensible about the whole situation.

Anonymous said...

I received a brochure in the mail from Green Lake School Board candidate Janet Busboom. Her experience and credentials would make her the best school board member, ever! I cannot imagine a more highly qualified candidate on any school board, in any state of the country. I will be voting for her tomorrow, and I hope you will too. Ms. Busboom's goals are to improve our school system, and keep the schools here in Green Lake.

If you have not read the brochures that you received in the mail from Ron Triemstra and Janet Busboom, please look at this before you head to the polls tomorrow.

EndGame said...


This is a fascinating 2 hour documentary about the beginnings of the United Nations and the New World Order. This excellent, fact-based film should be seen by every American. There is a wealth of information in this film that you will not see anywhere else.

poser said...

That is the funniest false report I have ever read. Thanks for the laugh.

Anonymous said...

Wow...A historically correct documentary and the response shows the ignorance of 'poser'! Are you a GLHS grad per chance since people there seem to 'teach' things that are not historically / scientifically proven as absolute...Yet, they can indoctrinate the children with it. Just saying...perhaps you are not used to seeing things that are factually based.

Anonymous said...

Ron Triemstra and Janet Busboom are Harley Reabe's rubber stamping lackeys opposed to a K-12 school in Green Lake. They say one thing at their Care meetings and then the opposite when the general public is watching. No way would I vote for them! If you do vote for Ron or Janet then plan on getting a second job or part-tiime job to pay for property tax increases when the school consolidates with Markesan or other school.

EndGame said...

I spent 2 hours and 19 minutes watching the documentary about the United Nations and their push for a One World Government.

To whomever made their childish remarks concerning this excellent film, I challenge you to actually watch the video before you make such inane remarks. Then, point out to me ONE THING that is false. It is, in fact, an amazing piece of film-making. It covers decades of history, and contains amazing old film footate that you won't find just anywhere. I suppose that is why over one million viewers have watched it on Utube.

Anonymous said...

As a Green Lake parent and former teacher we would be very fortunate to have a person with Janet Busboom's experience and qualifications on our School Board. With her past varied positions in education and her credentials she would be a real asset to our teachers and students.

pozer said...

The "pozer" comment was directed to the post before the movie link where "anonymous" had an epiphany after receiving Janet's glossy pamphlet with the CARE endorsement.

It really brought out the true nature of the following poster "anonymous" and her beliefs about GLHS "Are you a GLHS grad per chance since people there seem to 'teach' things that are not historically / scientifically proven as absolute...Yet, they can indoctrinate the children with it."

That is pathetic. These are the supporter(s) of Janet and Ron here on this blog. Go vote!

Anonymous said...

Is it pozer or poser...doesn't really matter but you seem confused by yourself.
At any rate...you are an idiot regardless of the spelling since yes...Janet Busboom and Ron Triemstra would be wonderful additions to the school board since they may actually be able to keep the school open.
For those of you who vote for Wendy Schultz, or Marty or (please say it ain't so) Celeste...say good bye to GLSD after a few years - - can't maintain the spending without breaking the bank and the bank is teetering as it is.

dmark said...

End Game, the Bilderberg Group? Really? Next you'll be passing out Lyndon LaRouche For President buttons. Here, this is the link you should study.


GLSD Mom said...

I find it FASCINATING that Ron & Janet are two of the board candidates who have stated they could envision the school closed down, yet they are being heralded on this blog like the saviors of the school swooping in with their great experience & line-by-line budget analysis to save us all. GIVE ME A BREAK. I understand you all like to think that everyone thinks the same way you do....or that you can manipulate opinion by just stating yours ever so loudly, but seriously - get a hobby & let the school do it's job of educating MY children.

If your only interest in the school is how much you are paying in taxes then you should not have a voice - someone paid for your children to have an education & now you will pay for mine. Suck it up & stop complaining about every little penny already. And FYI - those BILLIONS of dollars that GLSD is spending on IB would be spent on teacher training regardless of what organization it was going to. Ask the right people questions & you can get the answers you are looking for on the cost of IB issue. Then again, that would involve actually going into the school though - something I am sure most of you are loathe to actually do.

We parents have made a big mistake in the past several years of not standing up for our kids & the education that they are receiving here in Green Lake....CARE better be careful what it wishes for because you have certainly awoken a sleeping giant in our community.

Anonymous said...

Town Board supervisor Ron Triemstra just won the School Board race easily, despite the effort (by some) to raise the “incompatibility” issue right before the election. Here’s an IB-worthy lesson: Can you spell B-A-C-K-F-I-R-E?

Town Crier said...

To GLSD Mom and the rest of the 'sleeping giants' in our community...the vocal minority just lost another of their ilk which will hopefully allow the school to remain open for many years to come.

With a balanced school board (once again, hopefully...we'll see how Marty turns out) there is a fighting chance for GLSD to remain a part of our wonderful community.

Wendy's time on the board was 'mostly' appreciated but she lost track of what was essentially vital to being an elected official...balance and voting in the manner dictated by her constituents. She got too wrapped up in the fantasy land of 'all things for all people at any cost', which was a self-serving agenda. It might not have been her self-serving agenda but she willingly and blindly went with it. Well, sooner or later following that path will bite you in the butt and she was lucky (unfortunately the taxpayers were unlucky) to have survived as long as she did.
Let's see what can be now be accomplished at GLSD!! Go Lakers - - Go Ron, Meade, Harley, Sydney, Marty, Gordy and Dennis...let's get this ship moving in the right direction!! You got my vote and you have my confidence so show us citizens what you promised us during the elections.

Anonymous said...

After reading all the BS on here, I am so happy I decided to send my kids to parchocial school.

Anonymous said...

If my children were still of school age, I would pull them out of public school immediately. As a tax payer, I am all in favor of school vouchers. My taxes should go to the school of MY choice. The children in public school are not learning respect and discipline the way they do at the Parochial schools.

Anonymous said...

GLSD Mom.....your sense or morality and selfishness is extremely skewed. My husband and I raised five children sent every one to private school at great personal scrafice...not because we dislike public education but wanted our children to have God as part of their day. Our choice and expense as it should have been. We gladly pay our taxes and support public schools. Not every retired lake dweller is wealthy, we've owned our home for years. Values may have doubled or tripled since we purchased but our income has not! So who's the selfish one? A person willing to pay reasonable taxes to support a strong school system, or the parent who Demands unreasonable spending and excessive programs for their child to be paid by others!

Anonymous said...

Well said! Bravo!

Anonymous said...

Agree with the last poster 150% (I know...not mathematically possible) in her/his response to GLSD Mom! If you really truly want to pay your kids tuition at GLSD (remember now...it's over $20grand per child) please, feel free to do so. I too raised / help raise 6 children who went to a variety of private / public schools and I always paid - and still pay - my FAIR share (actually one hell of a lot more than that).
But to keep asking for more, more, more when there is the same amount - or much less - to draw from, then something has to give.
GLSD mom reminds me of all those wonderful people in the entertainment industry, sports figures, etc., who say that they 'don't want the tax cuts...they didn't ask for the tax cuts'!
Well guess what...you can pay as much in taxes as you'd like...the government isn't going to say no to you!!!
So, Go for it GLSD Mom...put your money where you mouth is!!

Anonymous said...

And GLSD Mom, there are workshops teachers can attend for more training which would be far, far less expensive than the IB. And how many people have walked into the school and asked what the cost of the IB programme is and weren't given an honest answer. Time to pass on the kool-aid.

Anonymous said...

Honest answer...seems that if it is not the answer you want then it is not honest.

GLSD Mom said...

I love how somehow everyone assume I am not paying taxes that send my kids to school. I am just insisting that everyone else do the same. We have the third lowest mil rate IN THE STATE. You are not paying through the nose for an education for our town's youth, you are paying less than your neighbors in surrounding communities. What do you think is going to happen to our taxes if we consolidate?

I choose not to send my children to private school because I believe in public education. As someone who has worked within the educational field for 15 years, I have literally been in thousands of schools across 12 states & I would never send my child to a parochial school, between the antiquated textbooks & the uncertified teachers -count me out. If that is your choice for your children - good for you, but don't think that you can shirk your responsibility as a taxpayer because you make that decision.

The Per-Pupil spending is the rallying cry for so many on this blog & I guess we can all use some Economics 101. Does anyone remember how economies of scale works?

For once, can we get behind the school & be supportive of the new board? I challenge those of you with some time on your hands & some desire to help to spend some time in the classrooms or volunteering to help with different school projects.

Anonymous said...

Funny, the antiquated textbooks that the parochial schools are using still teach the same basic math, history, science etc. that I learned when I went to public school. (As far as I know, 2+2 still equals 4 and the capital of North Dakota is still Bismarck.) The quality of education that I received decades ago far surpasses what is being taught today. In fact, back in the very early days of public education, when children used slates and chalk and probably did not even get their own books to use, the high level of education they came away with rivals current college academics. They were far ahead of today's status quo in education. And there were no computers, not when I attended school, or when Laura Ingalls Wilder did either. No smart boards, and we had over 30 pupils in every classroom.

I know a lot of you don't want to hear the old "back when I was in school" rhetoric, but the fact remains that spending more money on education does not guarantee a better education. Computers might help to prepare students for a brighter future, or they could in fact be a crutch that is crippling them and preventing them from using their own God-given brains.

Anonymous said...

Did I hear correctly that the school is doing a Pow Wow at the end of the year instead of some kind of picnic - how fun for the kids - can we give them a break from this IB indoctrination for one day? I bet it will be a huge presentation on how we stole their land.

Anonymous said...

Isn't it simply amazing that schools all across Wisconsin have been forced to change their Native American (related) mascot because they are considered demeaning, and here we have Green Lake throwing a pow-wow instead of a picnic?

Maybe the kids can dress in war paint, pass the peace pipes, bring hatchets and scalp each other, and gut a few deer while they are celebrating the end of the school year. Sounds fun!

Anonymous said...

I love how having a Pow Wow to give the students a fun celebration & a glimpse into our history has turned into a political event. By all means let's have a picnic for them instead, maybe if we are lucky McDonalds can sponsor the lunch so we can make it a good 'ole American celebration.

Anonymous said...

I was simply pointing out the double standard. There is nothing wrong with having a pow-wow. But there is also nothing wrong with naming a sports team the Warriors, Tomahawks, Braves, etc. Those names were meant to honor our Native American past, not demean it. I love the fact that Wisconsin history is rich in Native American heritage.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm...Pow-Wow means opportunity to 'smoke the peace pipe' and drink some 'fire-water' with the retiring teachers! Perhaps a chance to 'bury the hatchet' if folks stop speaking with 'forked-tongues' and continue giving lot's of 'wampum' to keep this school afloat!
Sorry...I couldn't resist since this is all so ridiculous.
Call it a pow-wow, call it a retreat, call it a 'end of the school year get your party on event'...WHO CARES! It's insignificant in the grand scheme of things yet people find controversy or something to bitch about no matter what.
What an angry, unpleasant world this is becoming.

Anonymous said...

Please note: the Native Americans did not tax others to pay for their children's education. Each tribe taught their own children. Good history lesson. And they didn't have unions, either. ;)

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