Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Elections, Feb. 15 2011

Mrazik and Vincent are out of the School Board Race and the judges race will be between Wilsnack and Slate.


Anonymous said...

I voted for Slate. He seems to be the best candidate. He is younger, he used to be a police officer, he is a lawyer. He has seen it all. Also he is big on looking into spending. We need someone in there who will make sure we arent spending our tax dollars on new buildings we dont need. Vote for Slate in April

Anonymous said...

Vote for Slate - no skeletons in the IRS closet for him!

Anonymous said...

I agree! Slate all the way! Finally, an honorable man to serve Green Lake County as judge.

Grim Reaper said...

Enough Chief about the School Board and the judges. Who is running for the Green Lake Common Council? What are their qualifications?

Anonymous said...

Yay for Slate!

Anonymous said...

Isn't Slate the one that said he could tell a criminal just by looking at him... Scarey! Watch yourselves!

Need a brain here said...

Back to city issues-- What's the deal with the snow plowing in the city? Is this a statement from union workers? My grandson with a push broom could do a better job!!!! Even the dumb cop was slip sliding away. So stupid to not have plows in city operate at times of storms. They should work when needed and laid off in July when not needed! --Roads were perfect outside of city. So glad the county does excellent plowing and maintance.

Anonymous said...

I agree, the anointed one that heads public works has more trucks than employees and still can't get the job done. Maybe Joe can go public with the exact number of machines and equipment procured by public works. It will make your head spin. Maybe we should farm out snowplowing to K & K like Brooklyn and save tens of thousands a year.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Is Glen McCarty on strike, or what? It is 4 days after the storm and you can barely drive in the city. When there's an inch of snow, they plow 6 times over! But when we get clobbered with snow, there's not a plow to be seen.

Anonymous said...

He's in a motel in Rockford IL with the rest of the idiots.

Anonymous said...

Good one! I wish this blog had a "like" button!

Anonymous said...

What is with Selsing thinking he can win a write-in campaign?

Wasn't it overwhelmingly obvious in the primary that nobody wants him to be judge?

Quit while you're behind!

Anonymous said...

Berlin's snow plowing is way worse than GL. There are still streets that look like they have never been touched by a plow.

Anonymous said...

Oh. That makes me feel better. Our taxes are going up and services are getting worse. Besides the white powder stuff in Berlin is not snow.

Anonymous said...

Sooooo, taking a break Chief. Something big is happening in Madison. Going to start a topic on that. I'm sure people have things to say about that.

Anonymous said...

Chief blogger please get your facts straight. There are 4 city employees and four plows, just count them they go right by your house. idiot !

Anonymous said...

follow the govenor!

Anonymous said...

Chief, you would be better off not starting a debate on the state. Let's just all agree now to disagree. Let it be. It wouldn't do any good.

Anonymous said...

The City of Green Lake should contact our new administration in Madison to stop the closing of South Lawson Drive. Our mayor is useless. We don't need a new entrance to Green Lake, the old one is just fine. If it ain't broken, then don't fix it!

If we don't fight for this, it isn't going to happen. What exactly does our mayor even do for this city???? He should be going to bat for us, and he's not.

Anonymous said...

It is North Lawson that would close and reopen as North Lawson 1000 ft. to the west. If you are a citizen of Green Lake then you should be in favor of this. as a new city controled entrance We deserve a proper entrance to our city that is in the city limits. All other entrances except Commercial are town of brooklyn. We deserve to have a proper entrance to our city. brooklyn is a big fat leech that sucks off us and is squeezing us so tight we are going to pop. Other cities don't let towns control them the way brooklyn town does it to us and if you are a citizen of Green Lake you should be outraged. Get with it!

Anonymous said...

oh blah blah blah

Anonymous said...

Please put a category on the April elections!

Anonymous said...

We deserve a proper entrance to our city that is in the city limits.

What on earth are you talking about? What is a "proper" entrance? There is nothing wrong with the intersection of East Lawson Drive (I just renamed it so it makes sense). It is not a dangerous intersection. A new entrance to Green Lake would cost the city (AKA taxpayers) a fortune! The new entrance to the city would be in a far more hazardous location that the current intersection. Our local elected officials should be doing everything in their power to advocate our cause with the state DOT.

Oh wait, where is our mayor? I think he's ice fishing. Don't bother him when he's busy. Why are we paying Chuck Mirr to pretend to be mayor and DO NOTHING positive for our city? I want my money back!!!

Anonymous said...

A lot of people have spoken to DOT about the new entrance that isn't needed. If you know how to budge them, I would like to know the secret. They don't change their plans.

Anonymous said...

We have an new governor that is all into saving money and eliminating wasteful spending. This DOT project came under the Doyle's administration.

I think this stupid project needs a re-evaluation from Madison.

Anonymous said...

I voted for Chuck the last time yea he might be ice fishing but at least he not "picking " fights with or neighboring towns or city's like JOE P did vote for Chuck

Anonymous said...

What on earth are you talking about? What is a "proper" entrance? ----AN ENTRANCE TO THE CITY OF GREEN LAKE THAT IS IN THE CITY LIMITS!!! DUHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!
There is nothing wrong with the intersection of East Lawson Drive. It is not a dangerous intersection. A new entrance to Green Lake would cost the city (AKA taxpayers) a fortune! The new entrance to the city would be in a far more hazardous location that the current intersection.--- SO YOU WORK FOR THE DOT AND ARE AN EXPERT ON ROAD CONSTRUCTION. YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM AS TO WHY GREEN LAKE IS LEFT OUT OF ALL OTHER STATE BUDGET PLANNING. REMEMBER YOU ARE PAYING FOR OTHER AREAS TO GET ROAD IMPROVEMENTS INSTEAD OF THIS AREA.

Anonymous said...

Where are you coming from? Did you forget your meds today, or what? Who cares where the "entrance to Green Lake" is, the city or the town. The existing intersection of Lawson and 23 is not a dangerous intersection. It should not be closed down. I can't put it in any simpler words than that. Putting in a new "entrance" to Green Lake would be a huge waste of taxpayer money and put the intersection in a far more dangerous place. There is nothing wrong with our "entrance". Madison needs to take another look at this. It's a waste of money.

The Grim Reaper said...

The only beneficiary of the North Lawson project is Kunkel Engineering. They are making a bundle off the taxpayers.

Anonymous said...

We need new leadership in this city. Or, let me re-phrase that. We need leadership in this city. (we have none)

Town Crier said...

I get a kick out of people who bastardize Joe Parise for 'picking fights' with neighboring towns or citys'! To make these statements, you are either a fool or puppet of the Township....or better yet...perhaps a resident of the township that uses the city as it's provider.
Why wouldn't the town of brooklyn just Love having Chuck as mayor...he gives them everything they want...he doesn't call them on their abuse of city services...he doesn't make waves (other than when he is out boating with Wuest)!
Hell no...don't vote for someone who will actually fight for the citizens of GREEN LAKE...keep our present Mayor in office who is Brooklyn's answer to Mr. Smith goes to Washington! At least Jimmy Stewart got wise to what was going on and actually started fighting for what was right as opposed to being a head-bobbing pawn (Mirr) of the true 'politicians' (Wuest, et al).

Chuck is a nice enough guy but he isn't what this town needs.
Joe may not be perfect by any stretch but Chuck is completely, unequivocally and absolutely out of his element- -even in a tiny town like Green Lake!

Anonymous said...

Is there more than one person running for mayor?

Anonymous said...

Well said, Town Crier! I am with you 100% on this!

Anonymous said...

It is my understanding that Joe Parise will be a write-in candidate in April. Or will he actually be on the ballot?

Anonymous said...

I heard that Chuck Mirr announced at the city council meeting this week that the courthouse has been sold. Since it obviously hasn't been sold, it seems our esteemed Mayor is extremely misinformed. Were any of you there at the meeting?

Anonymous said...

Maybe you are misinformed.

Anonymous said...

Wrong...there are witnesses to Chuck's reporting of the Court House sale at the council meeting! He did it...he said it...What did he mean by it????
Perhaps we'll have a new location for the Paint, wallpaper and tree trimming business!

Anonymous said...

Judge Judy would call that hearsay...

Anonymous said...

Judge Judy should get together with Judge McMonigal...if they could get one more of 'their type' and a tiny, little car then we'd have an excellent addition for our Harvest Fest parade!
Would work well with that 30+-Million $$$ three-ring circus McMonigal runs out on Cty Rd "A"

Green Lake Zobel Park Rec Fund

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