Thursday, November 19, 2009

Center House

I hear center house is closing Saturday. For good? For a little while? What's the story? They always have a pretty good happy hour.


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dmark said...

So you find it "hilarious" that tens of thousands of Americans die each year from preventable causes?
You find it "hilarious" that countries like Costa Rica have a better system of taking care of their citizens than the US?
You find it "hilarious" that the Rethuglican party has done nothing to change this and has become the most obstructive force against change this country has ever seen?

There's a reason you're called dead-enders.

Anonymous said...

People die all over the world, every day, from preventable causes. Just ask all those millions of people who are on WAITING LISTS in Canada and the UK.

Even sadder is the fact that people cause their own diseases yet don't try to eat right, exercise or live a life of healthy moderation. You want to talk about preventable causes, look at obese Americans and the millions of smokers. I don't want to hear your mindless whining and crying you aging alcoholic smoker. Go Away.

Anonymous said...

We Can’t Sit Back and Allow the Loss of Our Freedoms By Judge Andrew P. Napolitano

We elect the government. It works for us. As we watch the Democrats’ plans for health care take shape, we can only ask how did our government get so removed, so unbridled, so arrogant that it can tell us how to live our personal lives?

Last Saturday, at 11 o’clock in the evening, the House of Representatives voted by a five vote margin to have the federal government manage the health care of every American at a cost of $1 trillion dollars over the next ten years.

For the first time in American history, if this bill becomes law, the Feds will force you to buy insurance you might not want, or may not need, or cannot afford. If you don’t purchase what the government tells you to buy, if you don’t do so when they tell you to do it, and if you don’t buy just what they say is right for you, the government may fine you, prosecute you, and even put you in jail. Freedom of choice and control over your own body will be lost. The privacy of your communications and medical decision making with your physician will be gone. More of your hard earned dollars will be at the disposal of federal bureaucrats.

It was not supposed to be this way. We elect the government. It works for us. How did it get so removed, so unbridled, so arrogant that it can tell us how to live our personal lives? Evil rarely comes upon us all at once, and liberty is rarely lost in one stroke. It happens gradually, over the years and decades and even centuries. A little stretch here, a cave in there, powers are slowly taken from the states and the people and before you know it, we have one big monster government that recognizes no restraint on its ability to tell us how to live. It claims the power to regulate any activity, tax any behavior, and demand conformity to any standard it chooses.

The Founders did not give us a government like the one we have today. The government they gave us was strictly limited in its scope, guaranteed individual liberty, preserved the free market, and on matters that pertain to our private behavior was supposed to leave us alone.

In the Constitution, the Founders built in checks and balances. If the Congress got out of hand, the states would restrain it. If the states stole liberty or property, the Congress would cure it. If the President tried to become a king, the courts would prevent it.

In the next few weeks, I will be giving a public class on Constitutional Law here on the Fox News Channel, on the Fox Business Network, on, and on Fox Nation. In anticipation of that, many of you have asked: What can we do now about the loss of freedom? For starters, we can vote the bums out of their cushy federal offices! We can persuade our state governments to defy the Feds in areas like health care — where the Constitution gives the Feds zero authority. We can petition our state legislatures to threaten to amend the Constitution to abolish the income tax, return the selection of U.S. senators to state legislatures and nullify all the laws the Congress has written that are not based in the Constitution.

One thing we can’t do is just sit back and take it.

dmark said...

Just ask all those millions of people who are on WAITING LISTS in Canada and the UK.

Once again, PUTTING IT IN CAPS does not make it true. Wait times in Canada vary by Province, but nationally, their wait times for elective medicine is slightly longer than ours. Wait times for emergency medicine tends to be better than ours due to more neighborhood clinics and ERs not being used for things that should be handled by clinics.
This is accomplished by spending 11% of their GDP and covering 100% percent of their population. We spend 16% and leave 40 to 50 million uncovered.
Talk to anyone from Canada, and you'll find they are very happy with their system and think we are nuts to run ours the way we do.

dmark said...

From wiki:

Andrew P. Napolitano (b. June 6, 1950, in Newark, New Jersey) is a former New Jersey Superior Court Judge and now a political and legal analyst for Fox News Channel.

Paid shill for Rupert Murdoch.

Anonymous said...

If you watched Fox News, you would know the man of integrity of which you speak. Once again, your words are meaningless.

Sully said...

Sorry if I came across wrong. I wasn't referring the the numbers when I mentioned it being 'hilarious'.

I was referring to dmarks latest stupidity in making the assertion that "Its from 2008 but I seriously doubt things have changed much since then".

Really? Not much has changed since 2008? Now that, I find hilarious!

city gal said...

It is Christmas eve and today the Senate passed the health care bill. Thank God! All of the republicans here are poor losers, that is all. OBama has completed something that no other president could do since Roosevelt. At last, I will be able to get insurance after Blue Cross dropped me in the 90's. No other insurance co. would take me due to pre existing conditions! I am one of the millions who is thrilled. I have spent everyday since I was dropped scared to death that I would be sick. I have spent most of my savings in the last 15 years on medical. So, for all you out there fighting, get with it. I am one of the millions who needed this change. I am thrilled I have a president who feels like I do. We are the only western world country who doesn't take care of every citizen. I feel it is my right as a citizen and it will cost less than the stupid war that Bush put us in that wasted lives for what? for nothing! What a great day... stop all the bickering. Have a merry christmas and be kinder to each other.

Anonymous said...

"OBama has completed something that no other president could do since Roosevelt."

Let me step toward socialism? Stupidity? Weakening the nation's military? Giving terrorist a "fair" chance? Abusing the Constitution? Employing America haters in the WH? Bribing states for their votes? Telling people he's going to screw them over and they let him?

The Spirit of Christmas Past said...

The LAST poster hit the nail on the head.

The poster before that should get hit in the head for their stupidity, short-sightedness and 'neediness'.
Just another useless piece of humanity that needs 'someone' or 'something' to take care of them.
What a bunch of losers who are always the victims of circumstances. People like you sit around sniveling about how bad things are, how horrible the world is..but, you never do anything about it.
Yes, you are a poor, unhealthy American (assuming so since you've been here since at least the 90's when Blue Cross 'wronged' you) and you've lived in fear of sickness for all these many years.

Guess what, I was diagnosed with cardiac issues 10 years ago. I've switched employers twice since then, I've qualified for the insurance offered even with pre-existing because I changed my lifestyle to help minimize any effects the heart disease might have. When the insurance didn't cover it, I took out an additional 'catastrophic' policy to cover things...Did I want to spend the extra money - No! However, it didn't bust me financially and I protected my minimal assets by doing so.
Oh, and guess what else...if you can't afford the insurance there are all kinds of options (like Badger Care in Wisconsin) for the poor, destitute, needy pieces of society who have put themselves in that situation.
I'll agree that there are those who truly need...but they are in the minority of our society (no, my use of minority has absolutely nothing to do with ethnicity).
The Majority of those who will abuse Obamacare are the same sheeple who put him, and his thugs, into office.
Yes, with the passage (let's hope it isn't a done deal) of this historic health care reform bill Barry has definitely done something...the horrific effects of which we'll be feeling for decades.
Merry Christmas and my God help us all!

Anonymous said...

Obama is on his way to becoming one of the best American presidents ever! Obama is God's way of punishing the Rethuglicans!

Anonymous said...

Wait a minute...considering Barry's love of the Koran the last blogger should have stated....
Obama is Muhammed's way of punishing the Rethuglicans!

Thank GOD, that the punishment will only last another 3 years...unfortunately, the repercussions of the Obama presidency will last much longer!

Anonymous said...

"Obama is on his way to becoming one of the best American presidents ever! Obama is God's way of punishing the Rethuglicans!"

The statement, alone, shows the unbelievable ignorance of you people falling all over Obama.

God doesn't punish and he doesn't reward, or His intervention in our lives would negate the free will.

Unfortunately, Obama thinks he's a god and believes some groups of US citizens deserve punishment for hurts he never experienced himself.

Anonymous said...

"Obama is Muhammed's way of punishing the Rethuglicans!"

Good one. Punishing the whole USA, not just Republicans. Anyone who believes in a free society.

George Soros said...

If you think it took years of planning to plant the terrorist cells in the United States that nearly brought our nation to its knees on 9/11...As the saying goes...You ain't seen nothin'yet baby!
Think about the most destructive jihad the muslims could have unleashed on the world...getting one of their own elected as the President of the United States of America! And all it took was 48 years of planning, plotting, and covering up and and now we have Barry!

Better get used to the greeting "Assalamu 'alaykum"'s the way of the future!

Anonymous said...

Satan raised his leg and out popped Barry!

dmark said...

Oh, and guess what else...if you can't afford the insurance there are all kinds of options (like Badger Care in Wisconsin) for the poor, destitute, needy pieces of society who have put themselves in that situation.

And how did they "put themselves in that situation"? By being layed off? By not being able to afford higher education? By being handicapped mentally or physically?

"Are there no workhouses? Are there no prisons? Is the treadmill still turning nicely?"

Oh, and Badger Care ( a state run single payer program)?

State suspends BadgerCare Plus Core enrollments

Apparently, there is no room at the inn.

Anonymous said...

You don't seem able to understand the difference between necessary programs funded by the government (taxpayers) and a WHOLE SINGLE PAYER HEALTHCARE SYSTEM that will do nothing for better health care and put this nation so far in debt that our wallets will never see tomorrow! It's a system, moron, and someone has to pay for it!! WHO! WHO! WHO! Where is all this money going to come from? The ones who have been so generously conniving (including the government) that got us ALL into this god-forsaken mess????

dmark said...


You, me and everyone. Once again for the slow learners.

The US pays 16% of it's GDP for healthcare and leaves 40 to 50 million uncoverd.

Canada pays 11% of it's GDP and covers everyone living in Canada.

20% of your healthcare dollars go to the profit of insurance companies that produce nothing other than the service of distributing your money. The government can do the same thing at 4%.
Insurance companies are structured to maximize profits. This is accomplished by refusing payments and by refusing to cover the most at risk. There are your "death panels".
I pay $1000 per month for coverage that would cost a Canadian less than $200. Admittedly they pay slightly higher taxes for this but the difference is litteraly in the low single digits.
And don't sing your "it's socialism" song. Social Democracies are the best operating systems in the world today. And you agree every time you drive on an interstate highway, every time you fly in a plane controled by the FAA, every time you call for the police or fire department, everytime you have an ambulance show up at a car accident, every time you send your child to a public high school or university and every time your street is plowed after the snowstorm.

Anonymous said...

The government can do the same thing at 4%."

The government CAN NOT do the same thing at 4%. It will, at 4%, mess things up WORSE than they already are!! The government is not the end all be all for those who can't do for themselves. Bigger government is NOT the answer. Those who are, at this time, uninsured and happy to get government insurance will starting bitching about government run healthcare the SECOND they really have to use it and realize the government is screwing up yet another thing in this nation.

Might as well bring our packages to the doctor's office, and got the post office for a pap smear!

Peter is split, man. He's gone! No where to be found to rob from to pay Paul!

Anonymous said...

"Social Democracies are the best operating systems in the world today."

Best run by whom??? By whose standards? Beat down anyone who dares rally against government or dictatorship and OF COURSE no one's around to complain and highlight how awful socialism is! When "social democracy" runneth over it become socialism - you can't see past your nose far enough to realize that BEFORE the whole FREEDOM shithouse comes down around us. I don't want to find out because you and other let it go too far with this "love on ALL until ALL are hurting" fantasy!

Anonymous said...

I understand what you are saying. I do. YOU don't understand what I am saying. I'm not the slow learner. You aren't learning at all.

city gal said...

Hey Spirit of Christmas have no idea what you are talking about. Thank god I am not a member of your family. I am college educated and selfemployed and was in an accident. No insurance co will cover me and read up on Badger care. You have to have dependent children. You are typical of the uneducated right wingers in this country that are so self centered.
I love many countries in Europe that all have national health care and they have a great life too. I am totally for that type of socialism and it is time we had works well, better than our failed democracy does. Get educated. My cousin who owns a company out east has type one diabetes and was dropped and can't get insurance. The truth is that a lot of well educated hard working americans can't get is millions of people! God help you, you are so wrong and so biggoted. Truth is I think I know who you are and you are very friendly to me....opps, you'd be surprised that I am not the horrible sorry, sick person that you think you hate. Get some serious help to have some kind of human feelings!

Anonymous said...

"you are typical of the uneducated right wingers in this country that are so self centered."

I am very sorry to hear of your suffering. I am. However, I am also educated and believe there are many who have been failed by "so called" education. They've been "educated" right out of common sense by Obama's "educated" vocabulary and pretty face.

Education, like everything else in this nation, has become so over-rated. It's time we started teaching common sense and intuitive skills.

I'm not self centered, but I am strong enough to admit I can be self absorbed (you are not the only one whose experiencing suffering). I am not so desperate I've been rendered stupid or oblivious to the consequences of what Obama's doing. I'm not jumping off a cliff just to get a drink off water.

Really listen Obama's speeches (his never ending campaigning). Have you people falling all over Obama read his books for insight into the MAN running this country (or the puppet others are running this country through)?

Anonymous said...

You're calling the millions of people questioning how their taxes are being spent and trying to control the egomaniac in WH bigoted? This says alot about that "education" you claim for yourself.

This nation's government can't force millions to pay for the millions of other suffering. Suffering exists. Suffering will always exist. People WAY before us suffered a heckuva lot more than we think we're suffering. Trying to, literally, wipe out any of what is "suffering" by our standards is going to cause a fury of suffering this nation (the rich fat cats and the ignorant "down trodden") has ever seen.

Anonymous said...

What Is a Right? By Andrew Napolitano

In the continually harsh public discourse over the President’s proposals for federally-managed healthcare, the Big Government progressives in both the Democratic and the Republican parties have been trying to trick us. These folks, who really want the government to care for us from cradle to grave, have been promoting the idea that health care is a right. In promoting that false premise, they have succeeded in moving the debate from WHETHER the feds should micro-manage health care to HOW the feds should micro-manage health care. This is a false premise, and we should reject it. Health care is not a right; it is a good, like food, like shelter, and like clothing.

What is a right? A right is a gift from God that extends from our humanity. Thinkers from St. Thomas Aquinas, to Thomas Jefferson, to the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., to Pope John Paul II have all argued that our rights are a natural part of our humanity. We own our bodies, thus we own the gifts that emanate from our bodies. So, our right to life, our right to develop our personalities, our right to think as we wish, to say what we think, to publish what we say, our right to worship or not worship, our right to travel, to defend ourselves, to use our own property as we see fit, our right to due process — fairness — from the government, and our right to be left alone, are all rights that stem from our humanity. These are natural rights that we are born with. The government doesn’t give them to us and the government doesn’t pay for them and the government can’t take them away, unless a jury finds that we have violated someone else’s rights.

What is a good? A good is something we want or need. In a sense, it is the opposite of a right. We have our rights from birth, but we need our parents when we are children and we need ourselves as adults to purchase the goods we require for existence. So, food is a good, shelter is a good, clothing is a good, education is a good, a car is a good, legal representation is a good, working out at a gym is a good, and access to health care is a good. Does the government give us goods? Well, sometimes it takes money from some of us and gives that money to others. You can call that taxation or you can call it theft; but you cannot call it a right.

A right stems from our humanity. A good is something you buy or someone else buys for you.

Now, when you look at health care for what it is, when you look at the US Constitution, when you look at the history of human freedom, when you accept the American value of the primacy of the individual over the fleeting wishes of the government, it becomes apparent that those who claim that healthcare is a right simply want to extend a form of government welfare.

When I make this argument to my Big Government friends, they come back at me with… well, if people don’t have health insurance, they will just go to hospitals and we will end up paying for them anyway. Why should that be? We don’t let people steal food from a supermarket or an apartment from a landlord or clothing from a local shop. Why do we let them take healthcare from a hospital without paying for it? Well, my Big Government friends contend, that’s charity.

They are wrong again. It is impossible to be charitable with someone else’s money. Charity comes from your own heart, not from the government spending your money. When we pay our taxes to the government and it gives that money away, that’s not charity, that’s welfare. When the government takes more from us than it needs to secure our freedoms, so it can have money to give away, that’s not charity, that’s theft. And when the government forces hospitals to provide free health care to those who can’t or won’t care for themselves, that’s not charity, that’s slavery. That’s why we now have constitutional chaos, because the government steals and enslaves, and we outlawed that a long time ago.

Anonymous said...

Whores…I mean Senators march the Health Bill forward By Dr. Laurie Roth

The Health care bill arrogantly moves along dreaming for the day it can be in Obama’s next speech. It has its designer, socialist clothes ironed and glowing red, ready to shine off the Obama teleprompter. This health care bill has moved half way home and is primed for the Christmas eve vote in the middle of the night while we are all sleeping or dreaming of wassail and gifts. So far it seems the waffling Senators have been offered the world for their vote.

It has been a week in Vegas for many Senators….excuse me whores. Just to name a few pay offs we see Senator Nelson from Nebraska getting 100 million for his state; Florida got their Medicare program frozen so they wouldn’t get Medicare cuts that the other states would get. That was a 25-30 billion dollar pay off. Senator Dodd got 100 million for a hospital in his state, on and on. The pay offs were everywhere and the whores gave up their meat. Reid got the 60 votes he needed to shut down debate and move things forward.

Obama’s negative ratings have never been higher and poll after poll show the vast majority of the American people don’t want this Health Care bill crammed down their throat but who cares what we think? Obama needs the Health bill, not the American people. Obama needs cap and trade, not the American people. Obama needs another cigarette.

Regardless of the last minute tricks and changes, we can pretty well count on the fact that abortions will be paid for; health care rationing will occur, targeting our seniors; Doctors will be paid whatever the Government says they will be paid; Insurance companies will be forced to raise their rates and will increasingly not be able to compete against the rigged and controlled prices; and my personal favorite: We will all be forced by the Federal Government to have health care or be fined and sent to prison. They will have the power as well to determine what the right health care will look like so don’t think you can hide behind your private plan.

Understand that this Government, the one that wants health rationing for seniors and to kill babies, will decide how your health care looks….

dmark said...

Best run by whom???

Um, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, France, Germany, Canada to some extent. It's the way that most countries with democracies operate in this world.

dmark said...

Oh, and by the way Napolitano is STILL a shill for Murdoch.

Anonymous said...

Norway, Sweden, Denmark, France, Germany...

These countries spend more on healthcare on then US does, and they're systems do no where near as well as the US' imperfect healthcare. Do you not listen to the people's of other countries coming out to WARN US not to follow in their footsteps, dimwit? People who have actually experienced the atrocities of what you are rooting for. You don't have a clue but you refuse to heed those that do!

Statistics aren't going to be deciding whether you're worth living or dying...the shrewd, conniving, arse wipes in the WH will! Government can't run the post office efficiently but you think it'll do a bang up job diagnosing your internal organs and use fair and impartial methods to approve your medicines or surgeries?

Anonymous said...

People without a brain cannot understand even simple truths. Explaining health care reform to a liberal is simply a waste of time. That's because to them it is not about health, or health care but special interests and pay-offs. Corrupt, the entire lot of them.

Anonymous said...

I understand the liberal politicians being as corrupt as the conservative politicians. All any of them care about are their political careers and bank accounts. But I can't for the life of me understand the liberal lay-person actually believing all the BS and foolishly thinking they will be somehow be saved and this world would be better place.

It's these kinds of pollyannas, ignoramuses and blind smart-alecs that put the corrupt politicians in the WH in the first place.

I've listened arguments from the "well educated" that don't deal with reality because those arguing aren't living in reality. They're living in those books they think have "well educated" them. NO common sense!

dmark said...

These countries spend more on healthcare on then US does

Um, no they don't

and they're systems do no where near as well as the US' imperfect healthcare.

Again, not so much.

dmark said...

Government can't run the post office efficiently but you think it'll do a bang up job diagnosing your internal organs and use fair and impartial methods to approve your medicines or surgeries?

Interesting. I put a 44 cent stamp on an envelope and it arrives anywhere in th US in a few days. That's pretty damn efficient to me.
Government won't be diagnosing you, YOUR doctor will be. Gov will be the one that sends him the money. The same way that it works with your insurance compamy except that there won't be people trying to deny your coverage so that the corporate CEO can take home 124 million a year in compensation.

Anonymous said...

In order to get any money from government, schools are pressured to succomb to government standards and to government's idea of the newest teaching methods.

Doctors also become bound up in the same type of pressures, large corporations giving out big bucks to push their medicine brands.

You don't think the government infiltration in the healthcare industry will not negatively affect how your doctor will diagnose, medicate, and predict your outcome?

A fool and his money will soon part. A fool and his life will soon part.

Anonymous said...

Your googling efforts to dig up anything to support your presuppositions only highlights your ignorance, dfart.

The Postmaster General said... convenient that you would comment on the US Postal Service when looking for a well run government entity. In reality, the USPS is one of the most rampantly inefficient organizations in the world. They reported a $3.8 billion loss for fiscal year 2009, even with cutting $6 billion in expenses (closed post offices; cut jobs; want to eliminate Saturday mail deliveries; etc).
There is no need to list all of the problems of the USPS but the information is readily available if you search it.

Briefly stated, the USPS is a 'quasi-governmental' agency. Our government has granted them a legal monopoly over first-class mail and they enjoy all the benefits of being a part of the federal government...without actually being a part of it:
*Pays no taxes
*Has the largest independent fleet in the world yet they pay nothing to license or register their vehicles
*Owns buildings and property, but, they pay no property taxes
*Are not regulated by OSHA, FAA,or any other federal regulatory agencies

These are but a few of the luxuries enjoyed by one of the most inefficient organizations in the world yet...
They still lose money, year after year($3.8 billion for fiscal year 2009). Granted, the USPS is not allowed to 'turn a profit' but they are supposed to be self-supportive and basically function at a level which allows them to break-even every year over the years...but not every year?
The USPS receives no tax dollars to operate (although they are paid tax dollars for 'special' services rendered - info available online).

So, dmark, if this is the kind of entity you want overseeing our're an idiot.
One of the most mismanaged organizations out there and as with anything are enamored with the face value 44 cent stamp it 'cost's you to send a letter. dmark the cheerleader...U-Rah-Rah for another entity, operating at a huge deficit.
Just like with postage dmark...the real costs of health care will be well hidden, beneath the surface. Mega-bucks that have to come from somewhere. Even in your world of rose-colored just doesn't grow on trees?

And if you think the sheeple aren't already pissed off enough with the thus far empty campaign promises of Barry Messiah...wait and see the backlash when these lemmings realize they won't be allowed to just walk into any clinic in the United States and get whatever they need done taken care of for 'free'! Anarchy will reign supreme because what they thought they were getting ain't reality!
There is no such thing as a free lunch...and for certain...there is no such thing as free healthcare!
By the way...Barry wants everyone to know - their check is in the mail!

dmark said... convenient that you would comment on the US Postal Service when looking for a well run government entity.

I did not bring up the Post Office, one of the Anonymous's did. The Post office is not UPS, it is a federally mandated service. It is the only specific service enumerated in the constitution (Article 1, Section 8). No where in the constitution does it specify that the PO makes a profit. I still think that to send a letter, a bill, or a Christmas card across the US in a mater of hours is pretty damn efficient.

dmark said...

There is no such thing as a free lunch...and for certain...there is no such thing as free healthcare!

Are there "free" highways? Are there "free" Police Departments? Are there "free" Fire Departments? Are there "free" public schools?
It's all about how it's paid for and whether people profit from the deaths of others. When profit is more important than people, then their blood is on the hands of those that profit from death and those that don't fight to change the system.

Zee Postmaster said...

God you are an idiot. There is nothing in the post that refers to UPS.

No wonder you have such problems understanding how things only get part of the information and you try to run with it!
Okay...this time I'll go slowly for you...
USPS = United States Postal Service.
UPS = United Parcel Service.

All the information was about the USPS not UPS!
Now, try reading it again and work on the comprehension.

You are correct in stating that there are expenses involved with highways, police and fire departments, schools, etc...
You (again) missed the point that all the sheeple will start bah'ing their asses off when the costs associated with BarryCare starts hitting them in the pocketbook.

dmark said...

As usual you read what you what into a post. My reference to UPS was to contrast a for profit business such as UPS to a government service like the US Postal Service.
And no, YOU miss the point. We pay through the nose in the US for the worst healthcare system in the industrialized world. The people (whom you like to refer to as "sheeple" because you have so much empathy) need to demand better.

Like Sheep to Slaughter said...

Obama grants INTERPOL diplomatic immunity, freedom from US Law

Last Thursday, December 17, 2009, The White House released an Executive Order “Amending Executive Order 12425.” It grants INTERPOL (International Criminal Police Organization) a new level of full diplomatic immunity afforded to foreign embassies and select other “International Organizations” as set forth in the United States International Organizations Immunities Act of 1945.

By removing language from President Reagan’s 1983 Executive Order 12425, this international law enforcement body now operates – now operates – on American soil beyond the reach of our own top law enforcement arm, the FBI, and is immune from Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA) requests.
What, exactly does this mean? It means that INTERPOL now has the full authority to conduct investigations and other law enforcement activities on U.S. soil, with full immunity from U.S. laws such as the Freedom of Information Act and with complete independence from oversight from the FBI.

In short, a global law enforcement entity now has full law-enforcement authority in the U.S. without any check on its power afforded by U.S. law and U.S. law enforcement agencies.

A bit of background is in order here, and Hot Air provides it:

During his presidency, Ronald Reagan granted the global police agency Interpol the status of diplomatic personnel in order to engage more constructively on international law enforcement. In Executive Order 12425, Reagan made two exceptions to that status. The first had to do with taxation, but the second was to make sure that Interpol had the same accountability for its actions as American law enforcement — namely, they had to produce records when demanded by courts and could not have immunity for their actions.

Barack Obama unexpectedly revoked those exceptions in a change to EO 12425 last (week)…

Thus, Interpol now can conduct its operations on U.S. soil with ZERO accountability to anyone in this country.

And you beginning to understand now just what the ‘end game’ is on the part of those who are currently running the U.S. Government?

Property and assets of international organizations, wherever located and by whomsoever held, shall be immune from search, unless such immunity be expressly waived, and from confiscation. The archives of international organizations shall be inviolable.

Inviolable archives means INTERPOL records are beyond US citizens’ Freedom of Information Act requests and from American legal or investigative discovery (“unless such immunity be expressly waived.”)

Property and assets being immune from search and confiscation means precisely that. Wherever they may be in the United States. This could conceivably include human assets – Americans arrested on our soil by INTERPOL officers.

Why would INTERPOL be arresting American citizens on our own soil, without oversight from our own law enforcement agencies? And remember, citizens who are thusly arrested would have no legal authority to demand full documentation from the International Police concerning the charges brought against them.

Andy McCarthy at National Review asks these crucial, sobering questions of the secretive Obama order:

Why would we elevate an international police force above American law? Why would we immunize an international police force from the limitations that constrain the FBI and other American law-enforcement agencies? Why is it suddenly necessary to have, within the Justice Department, a repository for stashing government files which, therefore, will be beyond the ability of Congress, American law-enforcement, the media, and the American people to scrutinize?
At least one answer to these questions is very clear. A coup is underway in the United States of America, the goal of which is to establish complete, unquestioned authority over the citizens–a ‘fundamental change’ to the United States where citizens have no legal recourse against an authoritarian central government.

Anonymous said...

This is truly frightening. I cannot believe how anti-American Obama is, and all you liberals keep smiling like evil clowns. If you are not scared by this, then you are just frickin stupid.

Anonymous said...

Anti-American? Historically you Rethuglicans opposed women's voting rights, civil rights, environmental pollution legislation, and most recently, health care overhaul that will insure more citizens for less.

That is what is anti-American.

Anonymous said...

excuse me, that was called a government take-over of health care that serves special interests. it is unconstitutional and will increase costs and reduce quality. what part of that doesn't your wee little brain understand?

Meryl Yourish said...

On what planet did this system work other than Bizarro World, the DC Comics-Superman world where everything is the reverse of what it’s supposed to be:

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said Sunday that the thwarting of the attempt to blow up an Amsterdam-Detroit airline flight Christmas Day demonstrated that “the system worked.”

Let’s review: The terrorist was on a terrorism watch list. His own father warned the U.S. embassy in Nigeria that his son was a terror risk. He was flying under his own name, and he was still not, say, pulled from the flight.

The terrorists managed to get the ingredients of a bomb on an airplane. He managed to get the detonator on the airplane. He managed to put them all together and set them off. The only thing that stopped that plane from blowing up were the quick reactions of the passengers and crew, and a failed detonator—and not in that order.

So I repeat: On what planet did the system the Bush administration put in place eight years ago work? And seriously, is anyone out there stupid enough to buy this bullshit? What is Janet Napolitano doing in that position if she thinks that the system worked in any way, shape or form? And why the silence from Obama? When is he going to make some kind of statement? How about “Janet Napolitano has resigned to spend more time with her family”?

And no, we’re not going to make bets on whether or not he blames the Bush administration for this one. Of course he will. He inherited 9/11 from the previous administration.

Oh, by the way—you know that narrative that keeps on insisting that people resort to terrorism because they are poor and powerless and have nowhere else to go? Yeah, this guy’s from one of the richest families in Africa. It isn’t poverty that turns people into fanatics who join terrorist groups and try to murder people. It’s the radicalization in the mosques and coffeehouses. Wait for the news out of Britain that Abdulmutallab regularly attended the radical mosques of London while in school there.

Anonymous said...

Medicare Can’t Control It’s Own Costs… and I doubt they give a shit.
You liberals still expect the government to control the costs of your healthcare? According to Medicare's own auditors, it overpays for almost everything it buys. And it does so knowingly.

Here are just a few examples:

-- $7,215 to rent an oxygen concentrator, when the purchase price is $600.
-- $4,018 for a standard wheelchair, while the private sector pays $1,048.
-- $1,825 for a hospital bed, compared to an Internet price of $1,071.
-- $3,335 for a respiratory pump, versus an advertised price of $1,987.
-- $82 for a diabetic supply kit, instead of a $47 price on the Web.

So last year (under the Bush administration) the Health and Human Services Department determined that Medicare could save $1 billion in a single year nationwide, if it replaced its fixed-price fee schedule with a competitive bidding program.

But here's where Congress comes in. Congressmen Fortney "Pete" Stark and Dave Camp introduced legislation that essentially killed any chances of these changes coming to pass. So the competitive bidding programs were deferred. End of story.
And you don't think these kinds of shenanigans and politics won't happen every day when the government gets a hold of your healthcare?

Still don't believe that Liberalism is a mental disease

Anonymous said...

Liberal morons will be the death of this country.

Anonymous said...

Well that is pretty much happening, our blessed country as we have known it for more than 200 years is nearly unrecognizable. Obama needs to go.

dmark said...

The clip and save is from a Neal Boortz blog. For entertainment, scroll down to the comments section.

Anonymous said...

The beauty of the new health care system is...
Now if you can't afford it you will have to pay a fine ($750??).
So now, you can pay $750 to NOT have insurance...
I see where people will be much better off!

Going Postal said...

dmark...a challenge flag was thrown to review the call on the field.
Unfortunately after further review the call are a douche' bag! Plain and Simple!
You f'ed up and now you are trying to cover your stupidity with the reference to UPS when we (and you) were referring to USPS! At this juncture it's a moot point!
When the government gets their talons into the healthcare situation...we are just like you...
F'ed over big time!

Now try getting that across the country for 44 cents, dumbass!

Anonymous said...

It is unfortunate a "smart bomb" cannot be lofted into the heads of the right fringe bloggers here. Their comments read like extremist reactionaries.

The right fringe Republicans are an embarassment to the rest of us moderates.

I checked--Dmark's comments actually have some merit. (The right wingers will attack me for sure, but it is true.)

Anonymous said...

I never said dfart's comments didn't have merit - I just think dfart is off the deep end and so full of sh*t his eyes are floating.

Robert Moon said...

Time for drastic measures By Robert Moon

Now that we have been painted into a corner with the passage of this Constitution-trampling explosion of government, we have only 5 options left before things get ugly:

1) Vote them out in 2010. This option requires much patience and will not actually mean anything unless those elected actually reverse all the spending, bailouts and takeovers.

Most likely, Democrats will be punished for a few years while Republicans ride the tidal wave of public outrage into office, at which point they will throw us some symbolic scraps from the table, rather than making a serious commitment to uprooting federal tyranny. It is absolutely critical that we get actual conservatives into office and eject the RINOs in 2010.

2) Legal challenge in the courts. There is a chance that the Supreme Court could reverse this law based on the “Commerce Clause” debate (a few states being bribed and blackmailed into submission at the expense of all the others).

3) Nullification. This is where states stand up for their 10th Amendment rights and declare that, since this law is blatantly unconstitutional, they refuse to acknowledge that it was even passed.

And no, the Founders never intended for the federal government to be the sole determiner of the size and scope of its own power. State nullification was always intended as a natural check against federal encroachments.

If the federal government defies a legitimate nullification action, then this may lead into a secessionist movement. As I have noted, Texas and Tennessee have already launched into aggressive sovereignty movements, and Montana is also leading on these issues.

4) Recall election. Start a petition in your state to recall the corrupt tyrants who voted for this insanity.

5) Civil disobedience (the only option that requires no waiting). The politicians are now coming home to face their constituents. Escalate things by organizing a disruptive demonstration, like a sit-in.

While government creates 111 new federal bureaucracies and destroys the free market system that 84% of us are happy with, the politicians have exempted themselves from the rationed, inferior care the rest of us are left with. But they cannot exempt themselves from us.

As Thomas Jefferson wrote in the Declaration of Independence, when government becomes adversarial to the people, it is both the right and the responsibility of the people to rise up and “alter or abolish” that government. Government gets its power from us.

It is time to step up and take back what is ours.

Bernard Goldberg said...

Bernard Goldberg on

AARP endorsed Obamacare, without polling its members. Guaranteed – the membership would’ve voted it down.

Its direct opposite is AMAC, the conservative alternative to the very liberal AARP. A membership costs just $12.50 a year and includes a spouse. AMAC ( has a magazine, insurance discounts and new services constantly being added. You can write to them at I plan to join.

Name not known said...

The first and foremost duty of the Federal Government is to protect and defend our borders and the citizens herein and the primary obligation of this falls on the shoulders of the President of the United States.

So when Obama takes three days to issue remarkably unenthusiastic statement on the Christmas Day underwear bomber, I am concerned. As Charles Hurt remarked: “It was three days late and Obama mailed it in.

So when Obama calls the Christmas Day bomber an “isolated act of an extremist”, I get very angry and very concerned because once again he is exhibiting a mind-set that fails to deal with reality of facts that exist surrounding this act of terrorism.

When Obama uses words like “Allegedly” and “Suspect” that is the mind-set that belongs in a courtroom and not of a man willing to admit that al Qaeda remains fully at war with America.

An “isolated act of extremism?” Only someone with their head stuck in the sand would believe this. The plot to blow up Northwest Airlines flight 253 on Christmas Day was organized and launched by al-Qaeda leaders in Yemen. There are hundreds of al-Qaeda terrorist training in Yemen and among them are dozens of Gitmo detainees who where released. This is America’s version of a “catch and release” program…we catch them, feed them and fatten them up and then release them to fight another day!

Like it or not, America is engaged in a world wide global war with terrorists and the only one that will not accept this fact is Obama and his Administration. The American People have a right to expect their government to protect them but once again they will shed their blood and tears because of government incompetence and “political correctness.”

God Help Us!

Anonymous said...

Last poster dead on...If nothing else, job one of the President of the United States of America is to 'protect the safety of US Citizens'.
Barry must have missed this line when reading the job description...he definitely read the part about 'if nothing else'.

dmark said...

I love how you all are so adamant about the constitution until you start wetting your pants about *terrorism*. Then all of a sudden it time to throw the coanstitution out the door. We are either a country under the rule of law or we aren't.

dmark said...

I've been busy so I didn't have a chance to respond to the INTERPOL post a couple of days ago. If you are interested in a little less hysterical appraisal of the Executive Order, you can look here.
I think the salient part af the article is:

“When the office opened in 2004, we said look, we’d like to have the Interpol staff working in the office in New York afforded the same immunities as other international organizations,” Ms. Billington said. “It’s only for the New York office.”

The State Department recommended approving the request, but the Bush White House did not complete the matter before its term ended, and so it rolled over.

The bottom line is that the request came from the Bush Justice Department (most of whom are still in place a year after Obama became President) and was finally acted on by Obama.

I, for one, will fight to the death when the Jack-Booted INTERPOL thugs march through streets!

Anonymous said...

"I love how you all are so adamant about the constitution until you start wetting your pants about *terrorism*. Then all of a sudden it time to throw the coanstitution out the door. We are either a country under the rule of law or we aren't."

You love when there is terrorism so that people wet their pants, huh? What do you love more - the terrorists or your fellow US Citizens' fear? You're a jackass, dfart.

Gus Stapo said...

dmark...It's time to give up on the "Well, it might have happened during the Obama administration but it started with Bush' line of BS!
Everyone is sick of hearing about how Barry has to clean-up after Bush. The Dems have had control of things far longer than Barry's been in office and what they've accomplished has been crap, or worse!
Now that this INTERPOL thing has hit the fan...It's also Bush's fault?
You've gotta give it a break.
At least you show some glimmer of hope in understanding how bad the whole situation matter who put it into effect!

dmark said...

Gus Stapo, why don't you call me on your "Obama phone"?

Anonymous said...

No need to when we have Al Gore's internet to communicate with each other.

Anonymous said...

Do you mean the same Al Gore who shut off my microphone? What a weasel!

dmark said...

Here's a little Republican love about security.
And a little more about ,economics
Remember, elections do have consequences.

dmark said...

Al Gore's Internet

dmark said...

And a little observation about decade past.

Stop the Insanity said...

dmark...any chance you can once again get too 'busy' to post anything? It was a welcome relief not having you around to contaminate this blog with your infernal links!

Anonymous said...

I never look at his/her links anyway, totally a waste of time.

Obama has to go! said...

On December 17, 2009 President Obama signed an Executive Order (EO) that placed the United States of America under the authority of the international police organization known as INTERPOL, granting the organization full immunity to operate within the United States.

What, exactly does this mean? It means that INTERPOL now has the full authority to conduct investigations and other law enforcement activities on U.S. soil, in short, a global law enforcement entity now has full law-enforcement authority in the U.S. without any check on its power afforded by U.S. law and U.S. law enforcement agencies.

INTERPOL is an international law enforcement agency antagonistic to the U.S. and is joined at the hip with the United Nations.

Slaughter of the Innocent said...

Since the start of the Iraq war, 7,626,929 American children have died from Abortion.

Pro-choice and anti-war? Hmmmm...

Anonymous said...

that pretty much sums up a liberal for you. hypocrites!

dmark said...

Typical deadender. Wants to control what women do with their pregnancies but won't do a damned thing to help a pregnant woman with her health care and once the child is born won't do a damned thing for them either.

dmark said...

Obama has to go!

Little late aren't you? We already blew that one out of the water.

Slaughter of the Innocent said...

Let's try personal accountability. If a woman is not healthy enough to carry a child or cannot afford to take care of the pregnancy/delivery bills much less the child, then they should not get pregnant. Period. (no pun intended)

In case you did not know this, there is this thing called "birth control" that people can easily obtain in various forms (often for free). Abortion is murder, not birth control.

dmark said...

I love how the same people who scream about "government control" of healthcare feel they have the right to make reproductive decisions for half of humanity. It's just none of your damn business what a woman and her doctor decide is the best course of action for her.

Anonymous said...

May lightening strike me...dfart made a good point.

Anonymous said...

And after thinking about it, let me lob this one back at ya, dfart...

If it's none of our business how comes its our business to pay for all these unwanted children because dipshit men and women can't keep their legs closed? Hell, what about the 14-16 years olds (both sexes) making pregnancy pacts??? I can't afford this stupidity!!! Where are the parents? Where is authority and discipline?? Oh yea, the dipshit liberal, athiest wackos don't believe in anything therefore our kids don't learn anything except more ME ME ME!!!

Slaughter of the Innocent said...

Reproductive decisions? You have to be kidding. Here is reproductive decision making:

go on the pill
use an IUD
use spermicidal products
use a condom
don't have sex

THOSE are reproductive decisions.

Killing innocent children is murder, not a reproductive decision. The "decision" part of getting pregnant was already made when the woman had unprotected sex. The killing of the innocent baby is slaughter.

dmark said...

Killing innocent children is murder. Aborting a fetus is legal.There is a difference even if you refuse to see it.

And by the way, almost every anti abortion group also pushes to limit contraception. Wi Right To Life, the Catholic church and most other groups have fought tooth and nail to restrict access to contracetive devices particularly for the poor and young.
It's far more about control than it's about morallity.

dmark said...

Here's an interesting chart comparing various countries Life expectancy versus the cost per person of healthcare.

Save us from "socialism".

Anonymous said...

No one has the right to tell a woman what to do with her body. NO ONE! EVER! I'm neither a sucker for the liberal, wacko crap but I will never fall for the chauvinistic, patriarchal BS either - I don't care how beautifully wrapped any of it comes in.

Anonymous said...

charts are great for people who take things at face value. They grab a tidbit of information and suddenly they are experts who know everything about the subject.
What about the correlation between obesity rates in the United States versus those of other countries. How about all of the wonderful things (additives) our FDA allows in consumable items that aren't allowed in the same items sold outside the United States (high fructose; partially-hydrogenated crap; etc.).
There are so many things that go into the mortality rate that aren't shown in the little graph dmark chooses to dangle in front of us but, it doesn't begin to tell the story.

Anonymous said...

An unborn child has a beating heart, eyes, nose, mouth, skin. He or she may be inside their mother's womb but that does not mean it is a part of the woman's body. After all, it took a man to help create the little bugger. If you were a part of your mother's body, you would still be inside her now. That is obviously not the case. If you want to kill your own baby because it is just too inconvenient for you, then you can. But don't kid yourself for one second that the precious innocent child you killed as a result of an abortion was simply a part of your body, like a wart or a finger. It's not chauvinistic, it's just common human decency.

Anonymous said...

Well said.

from The Bear said...

In the dead of night on December 17, 2009, President Barack Hussein Obama placed the United States of America under the authority of the international police organization known as INTERPOL, granting the organization full immunity to operate within the United States.

Ultimately, a detailed verbal explanation is due the American public from the President of the United States detailing why an international law enforcement arm assisting a court we are not a signatory to has been elevated above our Constitution upon our soil.

Why would we elevate an international police force above American law? Why would we immunize an international police force from the limitations that constrain the FBI and other American law-enforcement agencies? Why is it suddenly necessary to have, within the Justice Department, a repository for stashing government files which, therefore, will be beyond the ability of Congress, American law-enforcement, the media, and the American people to scrutinize?

At least one answer to these questions is very clear. A coup is underway in the United States of America, the goal of which is to establish complete, unquestioned authority over the citizens–a ‘fundamental change’ to the United States where citizens have no legal recourse against an authoritarian central government.

To put simply, this means the Constitution is no longer the supreme law of the land in America. The supreme law of the land is now arguably whatever Interpol says it is, most likely as directed by the International Criminal Court in The Hague, Netherlands, in conjunction with the United Nations.

If they get away with this any and all Americans who dissent could easily disappear under the power awarded to Interpol. If you think I have gone over the top, just remember that is what they said in 1933 Germany.

And what would Obama do? He would say I have nothing to do with this and simply wash his hands of it all.

dmark said...

Didn't we go through all of this drivel last week?

dmark said...

Oh, and by the way, Google finds 17000 different posts with exactly the same crap. Can't you bozos even try to reword this BS?

Anonymous said...

I beg your pardon. In theory, much of it seems like "human decency". In practice, it feels like chauvinism that both men and women are perpetuating.

Chef Ballwhacker said...

Holy Crap...did anyone hear that the Center House was closing!

Anonymous said...

chauvinism: (sho vin iz' em) unreasoning devotion to one's race, sex, etc.

Aren't you the one who is chauvinistic? I have listed a myriad of reasons why it is unacceptable and immoral for women to kill their own babies. I have not heard one piece of logic or evidence to support your beliefs. So please explain it to me, Ms. Chauvinism, WHY it is okay to slaughter innocent children?

Anonymous said...

Abortion is used as birth control in this country, and that is just disgusting. There is absolutely nothing on earth that is more innocent than an unborn child. Why is it considered murder AFTER a child is born, but to kill the baby before birth is okay? I just don't buy that. Neither does God. Once Roe vs. Wade was passed, our country went to hell.

Cynical? said...

Just wait till our government is in control of all health care. They will ultimately decide who can procreate and when and how often. Hopefully, only intelligent, employed, self-supporting couples will be allowed to have children. Think about how much better this country could be if the government eliminated all low-life.

Too controversial for you? Gee, what demographic do you think takes advantage of legal abortion the most? Where do you think this country is headed? 50 MILLION abortions have occurred since 1973. There are only 300 MILLION people in the USA. Now lets say that half the US population was born since 1973, or 150 MILLION. This means that one fourth of the babies conceived in the USA since 1973 have been aborted. Don't any of you find this disturbing? Granted, most of them were poverty stricken minorities and whites, so I guess that makes it okay. Maybe we should go for one out of two. How does China do it? If you think for one minute that Washington isn't planning population control, you are just kidding yourself.

dmark said...

Gee, what demographic do you think takes advantage of legal abortion the most?

Could you speak up? The hood is muffling your words.

Cynical? said...

My case in point, moron. Who do you think? That's our government at work, liberal idiot.

Cynical? I guess so! said...

oh yes, and I clarified in my blog that "most of them were poverty stricken minorities and whites." So what demographic does that sound like to you? How about low income people? Gee, that makes sense. Of course you had to insult me and call me racist because your mental capacity only goes so far. Why don't you put a plastic bag over your head and muffle yourself into a permanent sleep.

Newsworthy said...

“The Mayo Clinic, praised by President Barack Obama as a national model for efficient health care, will stop accepting Medicare patients as of tomorrow at one of its primary-care clinics in Arizona, saying the U.S. government pays too little. . . Mayo’s move to drop Medicare patients may be copied by family doctors, some of whom have stopped accepting new patients from the program, said Lori Heim, president of the American Academy of Family Physicians.”

Anonymous said...

We need a 28th Amendment!

“Congress shall make no law that applies to the citizens of the United States that does not apply equally to the Senators or Representatives, and Congress shall make no law that applies to the Senators or Representatives that does not apply equally to the citizens of the United States.”

dmark said...

We need a 28th Amendment!

What, specifically, are you refering to? Do you know what other parts of the Constitution this might supercede?

Anonymous said...

President Obama just completed the UNHOLY and ANTI-AMERICAN TRIFECTA:

1st president in 110 years to miss the annual Army-Navy Football Game.

1st president to not attend any Christmas religious observance.

1st president to stay on vacation after a terrorist attack.

Paul Higgins said...

All three claims in the preceding "TRIFECTA" post are false.

The folks at are known for impartially investigating rumors spread on the Internet. You can find their analysis (with references to their source materials) at

dmark said...

The folks at are known for impartially investigating rumors spread on the Internet.

The cut-and-paste trolls aren't interested in facts. Rumors are their stock and trade. Reason number 87 why they are deadenders.

It's certainly nice to see some one other than me point out their foolishness.

Anonymous said...

That is rather ironic coming from you.

dmark said...

I post links to add to what I say or to show where quotes came from. I write what I write and share what I have read.
The cut-and-paste troll (or trolls, hard to tell as few here care to ID themselves) just paste whatever BS they find elsewhere and then post it as though these marvelous inanities have sprung from their own mind.
Of course, the use of the word "mind" when referring to deadenders is, in itself, an inanity.

Anonymous said...

What you consider to be BS is what I consider to be valuable information or opinion, worthy of sharing

You are such a critical, negative person. You are rude and insulting. I feel sorry for you.

dmark said...

so, cutting and pasting crap like:

President Obama just completed the UNHOLY and ANTI-AMERICAN TRIFECTA:

provides you with "valuable information... worthy of sharing"?
Sad, just sad.

Anonymous said...

Obama is anti-American, and that is sad, just sad.

dmark said...

Since we've decided that linking is good, here's a very interesting post regarding deficits and how they fit into the greater scheme of things from Digby.

Anonymous said...

How great of Barry "the president" to take such swift action in deploying help to earthquake sticken Haiti. Only about 24 hours or so for the Great One to take firm action.

Very revealing that it took the so called "president" 3 months to even make the decision to send more troops to Afghanistan after General McCrystal clearly made it known that troops were urgently needed. But only 24 hours to commit $100 Million that we do not have and our country's valuable resources to help the drug-ridden, voodoo devil-worshipping, child molesting sexually diseased Haitians. Nice.

Perhaps Obama hasn't noticed that families here in the United States are living in desperation and poverty from coast to coast, in every state and nearly every community, with no money to pay for housing, clothing or food. Too bad we're not all Haitians.

Maybe at one time our country was in a position to save the rest of the world, but we sure are not in that position now, and should act accordingly.

dmark said...

If I had posted such a hateful, poisonous, unfeeling statement like the one above, I'd stay anonymous too.
To the rest of you who have some milk of human kindness, you can text YELE to 501501 to donate $5 through Wyclef Jean's relief program or HAITI to 90999 to donate $10 through the Red Cross. The charges will appear on your regular telephone bill.
For the Christians among you, I'm sure Jesus approves. For the rest, Karma will be your reward.

dmark said...

I wasn't going to address the the "points" of the worthless shitstain who would attack an entire people who live in poverty and have never done anything to him or her, but consider this:

We have a President who takes the time to consider the consequences of sending an additional 30000 of our finest young people to fight and possibly die in a war which he did not start, against a country which never attacked us. Then, when millions of people who are our neighbors are in dire need, he acts quickly to help with much needed relief.
Compare this to the simpering Deserter who got us into two wars, one for pure vanity, and screwed up both. When Katrina struck, the best he could do was fly over while going on vacation and let city of New Orleans drown.

Anonymous said...

You are too stupid for words, dmark. Really. You are just nasty and stupid.

Anonymous said...

Dmark's statements are right on.

You teabagging, racist bigots are getting yours and then some.

Anonymous said...

Liberalism is a mental illness.

Anonymous said...

When did Haiti become 'our neighbor'?

Setting it Straight said...

Regarding Katrina, there are timelines posted on the internet that show the sequence of events. A state of emergency was declared on Friday, August 26th and federal troops were deployed to Louisiana to coordinate the planning of operations with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).[3] 922 Army National Guard and 8 Air National Guard are deployed. Of course at this point, no one had predicted that this storm would be the worst in the recorded history of our country. That was on Friday.

On Saturday, Katrina reached Category 3 intensity at 5:00 a.m.

At 10:00 a.m. people were requested to evacuate, and many refused because they wanted to stay behind in order to loot.

That afternoon, President Bush declared a federal state of emergency in Louisiana. The storm had not even hit yet.

On Sunday, after midnight, the storm reached Category 4. By 7 a.m. it reached Category 5.

By 10:00 a.m. the evacuation was made mandatory. Thousands still refused to leave.

Bush took action before the storm even touched down. Maybe you should read your history before you spout off your pea-brained notions, dmark.

dmark said...

Here is a Katrina Timeline that's a bit more detailed. Facts are such pesky things.

dmark said...

When did Haiti become 'our neighbor'?

When they moved 700 miles off Miami.

Boo Hoo said...

700 miles away = being our neighbor! Who cares...we've got so damn many problems RIGHT HERE IN THE GOOD OLD USA so we should be giving hundreds of millions of dollars to Haiti! Yes, I feel bad for the people in Haiti (not really all of them, just as I didn't feel really bad about all the riff-raff that katrina washed away). Unfortunately, just as the dollars were misappropriated in Louisiana, Mississippi, etc., after shall they be with Haiti!
But yes...let's send funds to them so that they too might forgive us for our American arrogance!
Out of curiosity...does anybody know how much money/aid/assistance did the US receive from all of our 'neighbors' after Katrina, or any of the other 'natural' disasters that have hit our country?
I think you all know the answer!

dmark said...

Canada offered aid immediately after Katrina hit. The Bush administration turned it down.

dmark said...

Here's an interesting look at media attitudes towards disasters. May help to explain some deadender prejudices.

kofi Annanymous said...

dmark...thanks for posting the last link. Here is the 'cut & paste' introduction from the article:

"I just wanted to pass on a few good reads about the Haiti situation -- not so much the news, but some commentary on how elites, such as the media and organizational leadership (the UN), model institutional racism."

I find it so interesting that the media and the UN are considered as elites for the convenience of the article (and, for that matter, the convenience of idiots like dmark).

Isn't this the same media that got Barry elected? Isn't this the same UN whom all the liberals love and drool over?

Typical liberalism...use only those points which make your senseless arguments seem plausible.

dmark said...

Isn't this the same media that got Barry elected?

President Obama was elected because a wide majority of voters in the US voted for him over the other candidate.

Ugata B. Kiddin said...

Oh my God, dmoron, what is wrong with you.
How can you possibly post drivel like that when you know full well that the media darling, Barry Oteleprompterbama, wouldn't have had a chance if damn near every magazine, television network, and newspaper hadn't fawned all over him like he was something sent from above.
You, and B.O., are a joke!

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