Thursday, November 12, 2009

What is With the Court House?

I thought we built a new court house so everybody in the current courthouse would be moving out to the new one. Now I guess we need to add 25,000 square feet to the new courthouse to accommodate some other offices that weren't included. More tax $$$ at work. This is just ridiculous. What is going on with this town?


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Anonymous said...

I agree with you, Chief. This is ridiculous. Extremely poor planning. Apparently, some offices, such as the UW Extension were to remain in the old building. Now, the "powers that be" have realized how foolish this idea is. There should be accountability on this matter, but I have a feeling that names will remain unmentioned. I personally would like to see those responsible step forward, and then step down. This entire "justice" center has been a fiasco from the beginning. Let's all vote McMonigal out of his judge-ship next time he is up for re-election. That would be a good place to begin cleaning house. Too much power, for much too long.

Anonymous said...

How many thousands did the board spend on SPACE studies for this project??? What good did it do???

Anonymous said...

What really pisses me off is that there is MORE than enough room in the old courthouse for all of the offices, with vast unused space in the annex. This new courthouse is a waste of taxpayer money, all because the judge wanted a fancier office. Now the proposal is to put an 18 hole golf course inside the old courthouse? Do you all realize how absolutely STUPID this idea is?

Anonymous said...

Agreed! And on another note what's up with the City forcing the Boyd's to sell their land for the Canal St. Landing - it's called eminent domain - we all know that the valuation from the last appraiser was way way too low. This is waterfront property! Just look at the real estate listings. What a discrepancy from 214K to an 85K appraisal. Something smells! And, the threat of condeming the property - that's eminent domain. So, citizens beware!

Anonymous said...

What waterfront property! Are you kidding. Walk down there and check it out.

Anonymous said...

This is extremely sad for the land owners, truly unfair. They did the same thing when they usurped the land for the new "justice" center. The family was paid less than what it was worth, and took away their working (income) farm land. They weren't given any choice in the matter.

On the other hand, the land by the boat landing looks much too low to build on. (It must be a flood plain?) Much of the lot was under water when we had the floods last year. Would it ever be buildable, and if not, then wouldn't that surely lower the value?

Anonymous said...

not to mention the fact that the bridge is so low, how many boats are realistically going to be able to use that landing?

Anonymous said...

But WHO is thinking of running for Green Lake County Judge????????? A legal bully who plays dirty, intimidates regular citizens just because he's getting paid to protect another bully, and has the legal integrity of a toenail???????

Anonymous said...

Eminent domain is carefully abused to scare land owners into GIVING their land over to municipal powers??? In our own backyard? In our next door neighbor's yard?

When the city property has TONS of weeds, the city has the audacity to complain about alleged noxious weeds growing in private yards, and then whisper about dictating to people to how and when to paint their homes or be fined????

Anonymous said...

"But WHO is thinking of running for Green Lake County Judge????????? A legal bully who plays dirty, intimidates regular citizens just because he's getting paid to protect another bully, and has the legal integrity of a toenail???????" - Who is this you are referring to?

Anonymous said...

I would like to know this, too.

Anonymous said...

Will you dig deep enough and research any name(s)that are thrown in the hat to be a judge?

Would you be impressed with a lawyer you hired to protect you who, when you are finally brought to court, absolves himself of any responsibility and suddently claims he had no authority? After he took your money for legal services, didn't you think he was an authority who could protect you?

I wouldn't want this type of cowardly, greedy lawyer and I wouldn't want him to be a judge anywhere.

Think about that scenario, if it becomes necessary for you to do so?? And wonder if this scenario has already been a dog-n-pony-show, reality for others??

Anonymous said...

I think this lawyer recently purchased a home in Green Lake County. Perhaps to run for the judge position!

Anonymous said...

Great minds think alike!

Anonymous said...

If a low down, scoundrel runs unopposed, he or she wins by default. A pathetic victory he or she wins just the same.

Anonymous said...

By gosh! I just got back in town and read in the paper that Brooklyn is not going to give the library $10,000 for the roof nor the $10,000 for the bike path that is in the town. Is this in retaliation for the city making a business decision to not sign the boundary agreement? Who are they trying to hurt with those actions? Sounds childish to me.

Anonymous said...

I know this is not on topic, but I usually access the Ripon mayor's blog off of this blog. It no longer comes up. Does anyone know what is up with that?

Anonymous said...

I have heard that the lifetime benefits that a judge receives after his or her term are more than substantial. Do any of you know more about this?

Anonymous said...

Those lifetime benefits for a judge leads me to wonder about what I've wondered before: Remember when Steve Dahl (Chicago radio jock) became an ordained minister? This brought attention to those ordained ministers with ulterior motives due being tax exempt or receiving tax breaks, and laws were changed. But how many ordained "men of cloth" are not working in or for churches but are making a living in the private sector (teaching theology, or in college administration) but are receiving significant tax breaks because of their "ministorship"??? Ouch! What a scam. Makes the legitimate ones (and other scammers) look really bad - and the people support them.

Just thinking that these liftime benefits allowed for a certain group of people, their personal interests vs. the good of the people, and the affiliations they've made (and stick by even during judgeship) are not always in the people's interests. Friendships around the "water cooler" and resume boosting have crossed the lines.

Anonymous said...

If I am not mistaken, a judge will receive lifetime benefits if he/she is judge for 2 years, or 20 years, doesn't matter. What other job can you hold for 2 years and collect full health insurance and pension for the rest of your life???

It is a very extravagant handout, and we taxpayers are the one's paying it!

Anonymous said...

The people created this nation's legal junkies and political monsters. We handed over the power and opportunities that belonged to everyone and not just to the lawyers that become lifetime benefitted, congressman and judges.

Anonymous said...

Not everything that comes out of the mouths of politicians, lawyers, judges, doctors, CEOs, and priests/pastors is gold. But it was easier to trust their thoughts rather than trust our own, and we let them persuade us out of our confidence and legislate the power away from the people. Now we're being tossed around like tattered beach balls in a pool they enjoy but we pay for!

Anonymous said...

I assume all of you "anonymous" people will be running in the next election since you have all the answers. Right?

Just getting started said...

Steve, Steve Sorenson, he's our man, if he can't screw it up, no one can!! Go Steve, run for judge!! Get your butt out the lawyer job so the citizens of GL can be safe once again.

Back on topic... you're right chief, this adding space after mucho $$$$ were spent for space and need studies, and it was OK that some were left behind at the old courthouse, now the high and mighty have decided that they can't leave them behind, they need to move to new offices too! What a sham!

After this is settled, I can't wait to hear the belly aching and whining about what to do with the empty court house and jail. My gosh; this will drag on for years! Gonna make the ABA/Lindenwood debacle seem like a flash in the pan of history! I hope I live long enough to enjoy it all.

Anonymous said...

There are already 3 groups (that I know of) vying for transforming the old courthouse. None of the ideas that I have heard thus far seem very realistic, however.

Ludacrist said...

Mac told me 6 years ago that he was retiring in April 2010. The new judge will be Steve Sorenson appointed by the new governor. No election will be held.

Anonymous said...

Appointed not elected? If attorney Sorensen has screwed things up as a lawyer in GL how is GL protected from him when he is a judge? Time for GL residents to contact the governor!!!

Anonymous said...

Shut up already. If all anonymous people who have the right to speak run for office only one can be elected. Does that mean no one who isn't in office has rights? Does that mean only those in office have the power? Sounds like you're a politician politicking on a residential blog. Leave people alone and stop badgering them into your a complacency you can blame them for later to hide your mistakes.

Anonymous said...

Both the House and Senate versions of the health-care reform bill would force all individuals who are citizens or legal residents of the United States to buy health insurance or else pay a fine, even though the Congressional Budget Office has reported that the federal government has never before required Americans to buy any good or service. Sen. Orrin Hatch (R.-Utah), a longtime member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, told recently that this mandate is not constitutionally justifiable and that if Congress can force Americans to buy health insurance “then there’s literally nothing the federal government can’t force us to do”

Chief Highknocker said...

I regards to the Ripon Mayor blog I just tried it and I couldn't get it either. When I googled Ripon WI mayor I got a web page for the Ripon Mayor with a link to the blog. The blog doesn't come up from there either. Don't know what's up with it.

Anonymous said...


RE: Mandated health insurance

After killing the Health Care Reform Bill, we need to take measures to prevent this kind of legislative malpractice from ever happening again. Americans should vote all the bums out of office and then demand the immediate passage of the Enumerated Powers Act, a bill that requires Congress to cite the constitutional authority for every piece of legislation that comes before them.

Anonymous said...

Demorats know the Constitution. They don't care about it. All they care about is what they get for themselves on others dime.

Anonymous said...

You're talking about most politicians not just democratics. Just makes me sick that republicans get all the blame. Everyone thinks democrats are so considerate and socially responsible. Hogwash.

The more that government, politicians, lawyers and the like cause more people to become poor, the more poor there are to vote for the crooked politicians and be led around by the nose ring by politicians making empty promises for more handouts.

Anonymous said...

What tax break do ministers get? As far as I know they are considered self employed and must pay all of their own social security etc. Doesn't sound like a break to me.

Anonymous said...

If anyone reads comments on Ripon mayor's blog they'd know Ripon is more screwed up than our GL.

Anonymous said...

Calling the blog themayorspage but with the waiver that the information on the blog wasn't endorsed by the city. Mere marketing ploy. Just wrong.

Anonymous said...

Marketing??? For what? A sponsorship from Coca-Cola? And I read the comments - it seemed most were from one person with a LOT of hatred toward a lot of people and a very low opinion of everything going on.

Anonymous said...

Can we get back on to the topic of this post? If you have a question about the Ripon mayor's blog, ask him. Email him. Heavens forbid someone would actually get the facts.

Anonymous said...

Politicians + cookie jars = marketing
Taxpayers - money = funding the cookie jars

Anonymous said...

Mayor + blogdog = ??????

Anonymous said...

"Email him. Heavens forbid someone would actually get the facts."

Hasn't he publicly refused to email the individual suing Ripon's school district to get the facts? Heaven forbid that authorities do anything to hurt a school district's image? C'mon.

Anonymous said...

"Mac told me 6 years ago that he was retiring in April 2010. The new judge will be Steve Sorenson appointed by the new governor. No election will be held."

Six years you were told the current judge would retire in April 2010. Were you also told, six years ago, that Sorensen would be appointed?

Is McGonigle's term up in April 2010? Or does his early retirement necessitate appointing Sorensen until until the new term election?

Anonymous said...

"And I read the comments - it seemed most were from one person with a LOT of hatred toward a lot of people and a very low opinion of everything going on."

What hatred? What low opinions? On everything? I don't believe any of that.

Punish ALL Traitors said...

President Oath of Office

“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

Congressional Oath of Office

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.

Anonymous said...

"I assume all of you "anonymous" people will be running in the next election since you have all the answers. Right?"

I assume you're in office and don't like opposition to your bloviated powers? Right?

Anonymous said...

"Now the proposal is to put an 18 hole golf course inside the old courthouse?"

What? For real? Enough with these ridiculous trophy toys using taxpayers' money!

Punish ALL Traitors said...

We should have the right to ASSUME that our elected officials will follow the oaths that they took when they were sworn into office. Any politician who defies our CONSTITUTION should be fired immediately and tried in a court of law for treason. Including (especially) the president!

Anonymous said...

I was on my way to spend my money at Lowe’s this morning to do my part to stimulate the economy and I found myself behind this little hybrid of a car bearing a bumper sticker that read, “We did it! – Obama/Biden”

Well, as luck would have it she pulled along side of me at a red light about a half mile down the road.

I beeped my horn and gave her a big thumbs up. She rolled down her window and I said, “I love your bumper sticker!’

She thanked me.

Then I quickly added, “It’s GREAT that you are taking responsibility for your mistake!”

She gave me the finger and drove off.

Anonymous said...

By Alan Caruba

Barack Obama’s deep bow to the emperor of Japan and earlier bow to the Saudi Arabian king is so deeply offensive to America’s history and traditions that it cannot and must not be explained away in any fashion.

The framers of the U.S. Constitution were particularly sensitive to the conditions under which a President could serve or any hint that a privileged, monarchal class might emerge.

“No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States. And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of Congress, accept any present, Emolument, Office or Title, of any kind whatever from any King, Prince, or foreign state.”

It follows that no U.S. President or office holder shall ever bow to a king, prince or foreign state. Obama has done this twice now in less than a year of taking the oath of office. Stated or unstated, the protocol of such matters precludes bowing.

This protocol is reflected in flag etiquette that prohibits it from being “dipped to any person or thing.”

For a man who allegedly taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago, it is doubtful that Obama does not know this. It is doubtful that he cares. His first instinct with foreign leaders and foreign nations is to toady to their perceptions in the belief that America will gain their acceptance.

Any leader, however, knows that it is wiser to be feared than loved. It is the reason the U.S. maintains a powerful military. It is well to remember that our present Department of Defense used to be known as the Department of War.

That is why Ovbama’s decision to bring the 9/11 perpetrators to the United States and accord them all the rights of the Constitution in a trial for acts of war is a further abomination. This was not Eric Holder’s decision as Attorney General. This was Barack Obama’s decision, completely in line with his continued obeisance to Middle Eastern and Muslim sensibilities.

It is in line with the recent announcement by Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano that the Obama administration will push for “immigration reform” which is a euphemism for amnesty to an estimated 14 million illegal aliens. The American public has made it abundantly clear they oppose this.

The majority of Americans oppose healthcare “reform”, a euphemism for a government takeover of one sixth of the nation’s economy and an unholy intrusion into the privileged relationship between doctor and patient. It is socialism.

All Presidents have had to make decisions and take positions that are unpopular with some element of the public. No former President, however, ever increased the national debt more than all the previous presidents combined and did so within months of taking office.

Anonymous said...

By Alan Caruba CONTINUED

This President simply does not care what Americans want. He does not “represent” Americans and cannot even manage to salute properly when the national anthem is played, though he did stage a photo opportunity to be seen saluting the returning war dead from Afghanistan.

This President may not even be “a natural born citizen” of the United States as required by the Constitution. He may have been born in Kenya. He may have been a citizen of Indonesia as a child and young man. We have no verifiable, authentic records of his early life, even as a college student.

None of his fellow students at Columbia University ever recall knowing him. His records at Occidental College and Harvard University remain sealed from view, as is his alleged Hawaiian certificate of birth there.

Based on his actions since January 20, 2009, he is in my opinion the worst President to ever hold that high office and he may have committed “a high crime or misdemeanor” when he took the oath of office. That is an impeachable offense.

In the meantime, by his actions, he gives every evidence of trying to bring this nation to a state of economic collapse, is deliberately undermining its Constitution, and by giving enemy combatants, terrorists, the stature of U.S. citizens, is encouraging our Islamo-fascist enemies to attack again.

He is an offense to every American and we are on a roller-coaster to a major Constitutional and economic crisis every day he remains in office.

Anonymous said...

Obama is extremely offensive. I used to listen to him just to hear his point of view, even when I knew he was BSing to get his points across. Now, I can't stand to look at him. His facial expressions and hand gestures remind me of those mechanical, Christmas ornaments...the same movements at the same time, over and over again. Obama's nothing but a puppet...he was fresh at one he's old and tired.

And thank GOSH that shrew of a wife of his is not being focused on in the media anymore.

Anonymous said...

You know, nothing disgusts me more than seeing the President of the United States kissing the ass of foreign royalty!

dmark said...

No former President, however, ever increased the national debt more than all the previous presidents combined and did so within months of taking office.

You're wrong. It took Saint Ronnie 4 years and Commander Codpiece 8.

Anonymous said...

Ronald Reagan set the tone for amnesty, and all the subsequent presidents after that did nothing to stop the growing illegal immigration problem. "St. Ronnie" made a mistake he could not foresee but no one after him was willing to fix, in the name of votes, power, and money. In other words, it was a mistake and Ronald Reagan made it, but those that did nothing about it are not blameless.

Do you not understand? All of the president spent money, that's a given. BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA has spent more than any of them put TOGETHER in less than a year into his presidency? Now THAT'S inexcusable but you morons continue to make the same dumbass excuses for him.

Parent: Tommy, why did you throw rocks at Mr. Johnson's windows across the street?
Tommy: Because everyone else was doing it. Besides! Mr. Johnson took our ball last week so he deserved it and Davey told me it was okay.
Parent: Oh. It makes sense to blame others for your part in the mistake. Here son, I found these rocks in a pile behind our house. Go fix some more problem by throwing rocks and blaming others.

Sound about right to you, liberal, left-wing, tree hugging, pipe smoking, loons?

You don't care about the individual you think you're only care that you LOOK like compassionate, big hearted, diplomatic, good guy that deserves to enter the Pearly Gates above and not the fires below when the time comes.

You only hope that the individuals you helped oppress don't steal from you too. Fat chance. Robbers don't care who they get it from as long as they get it, and you opened the door, invited them in, and gave them the loot on a silver platter.

Anonymous said...

Having visited Green Lake for several years and being impressed by the friendliness of the people we meet, - both "summer people" and residents, we decided to look for our retirement home in Green Lake - among these "nice people". However, we now have a totally different and very disappointed opinion of what some of the people in Green Lake are REALLY like. After reading the HATRED and total Lack of Respect for neighbors and fellow Americans whose views differ than theirs and disappointing bigotry prevalent on this Blog, we have given up our dream of living in Green Lake as we would be very uncomfortable living around people consumed by such hatred and total lack of respect of neighbors and fellow Americans evident on this Blog.We are very sad and disappointed that such hatred is so evident in a town as "seemingly" peaceful and beautiful as Green Lake - not to mention America - that many of us have fought for. We are lifelong Republicans, but never encountered thoughts like those obvious among the obviously "Republicans" of Green Lake. We are disappointed, sad and ashamed that such intolerance and hatred still exists. Due to this one can only pray - "GOD PLEASE BLESS AMERICA - despite behavior like this towards ones fellow Americans.

Anonymous said...

We think Green Lake is beautiful too. That's why we're angry at its government, bad decisions, and twisted politics. Funny how you blasted the residents for not moving here - but you didn't blast the local politics from our city's leaders? People in this nation are mad and these people live in small towns too. Get real.

Your eutopic reasons for not retiring to GL would be the same naive reasons you won't find anywhere to live.

Or, you're just some anonymous goof getting on here to combat the residents' concerns and trying to make those residents think they're somehow to blame for the upheaval.

God Bless America and In God We Trust, is right. Where does it say lay face down on America's soil with kindness toward your enemy so your enemy will feel welcome and people like you can feel all cuddly and warm inside?

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a Democrat posing as a Republican to bash Republicans. Funny this anon-retiree isn't going to move to GL because of Republicans?? Get a grip on your sorry, raggedy-ass, liberal attacker, self.

Anonymous said...

I thought it was funny that this person came on to insult a specific group of people and then preached God's blessing. Liberal left wingers will stop at nothing to stir the chit.

Anonymous said...

Welcome to America, old coot. People are mad as hell everywhere, in case you haven't noticed. That doesn't stop me from being kind to my neighbors and strangers alike, as I don't allow my political views to spew into my day to day interactions. Just because we are opinionated on the blog means that we are ornery in "real life". Give me a break. This isn't hate filled content, it is meaningful, worthwhile and important that we share our views. Otherwise, we would all explode. Green Lake is a great place to live! Grow a pair, and join the crowd.

Green Hornet said...

Civil unrest is at an all-time high in Green Lake. The National Guard will have to be called in soon. I can't sleep at night because of the constant sirens, sounds of windows smashing and yelling in the streets. I can't walk into a bar without getting into a fight. I'm trying to organize a chapter of the Guardian Angels to police the city limits, anyone interested? We could wear green berets (instead of red) and call ourselves the "Hornets". Brooklynites, consider yourselves warned.

Anonymous said...

Green Hornet = blog dog = local politician

Anonymous said...

On this blog and the Ripon, WI threads - someone is doing their damnedest to bash anyone who questions anything the "powers that be" want. Who would this be? Follow the path of greed, control, money, and ego in politics.

Ripon blog dog blogging on here? Go away Ripon and leave GL residents alone. Worry about the despise from Ripon residents and leave GL residents' concerns alone because we shouldn't concern you.

Ripon blog dog blogging on here? Go away Ripon and leave GL residents alone. Worry about the despise from Ripon residents and leave GL residents' concerns alone because we shouldn't concern you.

Our GL mayors may make many of us residents angry at times but I thank g-d we don't have Ripon's mayor. Keep the Daley-machine out of Green lake.

Norwegian Bay Crankbait said...

Isn't it amazing that this post started out as a discussion on the courthouse in GREEN LAKE and is now on a totally different topic? Funny how that happens? Kind of like standing up at a forum on health care in GREEN LAKE to whine about a lawsuit involving a neighboring school district? Funny isn't it? What do think, Michele? Have any answers?

Anonymous said...

Getting back to the judge issue - If this is the new judge, at least he has a sense of humor :

Ludacrist said...

"All politics are local". Don't forget. We must see that our city not only survives but thrives. Go to City meetings and demand an accounting of their behavior.

Anonymous said...

Take your bottom feeding back to your sewer hole, Mayor Crankbait.

Anonymous said...

"Getting back to the judge issue - If this is the new judge, at least he has a sense of humor :" - possible judge for Green Lake County took part in this? The same lawyer for Ripon's goofy school district? A college student getting ousted off pageant's stage is running for Ripon mayor? Is this what it comes to for the people to choose from? This area is really moving up the idiot ladder fast.

Anonymous said...

"Green Hornet = blog dog = local politician" - Areed but don't think blog-dog is a GL politian.

"Take your bottom feeding back to your sewer hole, Mayor Crankbait." - Must agree again but I don't think this is GL's mayor.

Oh. And I must've missed the forum held ONLY for healthcare issues and ONLY for GL residents. A fun spin for Green Hornet/blog-dog/Mayor Crankbait but it won't work.

Anonymous said...

Where is this Green Hornet/blog dog/Mayor Crankbait posting this idiocy from? The alleged west-end Ripon city hall where cheeseburgers are the brain food? LOLOLOL

Anonymous said...

Oh Michele..........

Anonymous said...

Sounds of your love/hate relationship with some girl you think blogs here? Is that why we have to put up with you?

Anonymous said...

Who the heck is Michelle? Is she on GL council or a city employee? Why focus concern or attack with her? This blog quickly deteriorated with the typical method of insulting.

Anonymous said...

I guess it is time to call the moron police.....

Anonymous said...

I wondered who Michelle was too, but I didn't think it relevant to this blog. But someone is trying to make fun of her on here so now I do wonder who she is and why someone is attacking this individual?

Anonymous said...

I think it's a Ripon resident that writes in the Commonwealth often asking good questions of the school district and the city. She's been getting flamed pretty badly. I also think what brought on this fresh round of attack is she just wrote a letter couple weeks ago questioning Ripon's mayor. Now someone is on here lending low opinions of Ripon (I don't blame this person). So who could it be on here that's so threatened they want to make her look bad? Who doesn't want anyone questioning anything they do with taxpayers' money? Just saying.

Anonymous said...

I'm kinda disappointed the nightmare against Ripon residents has crawled over here. I think I stood right next to this woman who spoke to Congressman Petri about accountability in Wisconson's school districts. She did mention the lawsuit against Ripon school district too. She had just as much right to be there and speak her mind as anyone else, and boy did she speak her mind. Passionate, articulate, and knowledgable.

Bold, fresh piece of humanity. I'm glad she's on our side and I'm not on her bad side.

Anonymous said...

Is this blog now turning into Ripon's Commonwealth and Ripon, WI then? How about Ripon council meetings, WRPN, and Ripon Cable Channel? Same old attacks on the same person by the same person for the same reasons - fear! Goodbye.

Anonymous said...

What's your problem, buddy? Are you so short sighted that you don't give a damn about our neighbors to the east? Events in Ripon do concern us here in Green Lake. Some of our kids attend Ripon schools. We shop in Ripon, dine out and attend other activities. God forbid you should pull your head out of the sand and see what is going on around you. This is our world, and it doesn't end when you cross the county line.

Anonymous said...

I agree but I interpretted the comment to mean he/she didn't want Ripon's nastiness to erode this GL blog.

Anonymous said...

"Events in Ripon do concern us here in Green Lake." - then defend those in Ripon that trying to stop Ripon's BS that can and will affect GLers. Don't think it can't happen to you too.

Anonymous said...

Whoever is ridiculing this individual everywhere is just convincing others she's right and making themself look really bad. Getting a pretty good idea of who/what it is - makes dmark look like a candy striper.

Anonymous said...

My God, I wish you all would stop speaking in riddles and just come out and say whatever the hell you are all inferring.

You GO girl! said...

Michele, keep up the great work you are doing! Kick 'em is "z" ass!

Anonymous said...

For those of us who don't read the Ripon paper or understand what has been going on in their school system, would somebody please elaborate? All that I have heard is that the administration has not been compliant with open records.

Anonymous said...

What is a riddle to you - someone named Michelle is being targeted on this blog. Why I don't know. If she's getting hit hard for questioning local politics I'm behind her all the way!

Anonymous said...

My grandma used to say before she died if you want it done right get a woman to do it. And watch out.

Anonymous said...

Commonwealth printed a Diane Cole is one suing the school district. Court date set for March 17, 2010.

I've got kids in Ripon's school district. No time like the present to start publicly supporting this woman for her efforts to get the truth from a public school district.

Anonymous said...

True. True. Strength in numbers.

Anonymous said...

Wasn't Steve Sorenson Ripon school district's lawyer??

Anonymous said...

"After he took your money for legal services, didn't you think he was an authority who could protect you?"

I struggled with this scenario but not so much anymore.

Anonymous said...

Are we talking about the court house or something else? Who gives two cents about a lawsuit in another school district filed by a lady who can't even take care of her own finances?

Anonymous said...

Who or what do you think you are? Typical character assassination and false accusation against private citizens, one right after the other, depending on who threatens your feigned authority most at the time?????? You're a bad joke.

Anonymous said...

Nothing false here -;jsessionid=8527EB3FF919DE845558117876C5FE42.render6?caseNo=2009CV000615&countyNo=20&cacheId=FC8F4FDAB8A5C948A1503D1FE180950F&recordCount=10&offset=1

Anonymous said...

What's a Writ of Mandamous?

Anonymous said...

I believe it is asking a judge to order enforcement of an exisiting law.

Anonymous said...

Very troubling when an indivual has to go through court to force a school district to abide by the law.

Anonymous said...

"Very troubling when an indivual has to go through court to force a school district to abide by the law."

** March 17, 2010 - show you care by caring enough to show!

Anonymous said...

I would still like to hear a complete explanation of what has transpired in the Ripon school system these past few years. I know there has been professional misconduct on the part of the school administrators. I really would like to hear the entire story. Or at least an abbreviated version of it.

Anonymous said...

Contact the plaintiff in the lawsuit, Diane Cole. Heaven forbid someone should contact her and get the facts.

Anonymous said...

"I know there has been professional misconduct on the part of the school administrators."

How do you know this?

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking Michelle knows details not even in the lawsuit.

Anonymous said...

"I know there has been professional misconduct on the part of the school administrators."

What a crock of manure. If you really KNEW this, then you would not be posting anonymously. Can we get back to what this post was about - the Green Lake Courthouse?

Anonymous said...

"I know there has been professional misconduct on the part of the school administrators."

I would agree. Anyone listen to Ripon's school superintendent, Dr. Zimman, on WRPN back in February, 2008??? For 5 minutes, he used war terms to describe what he called "terrorism" that he believed the then REA leadership was shrapnelling the education system with. Some Ripon residents have a tape of it all, and many of us Green Lake residents have kids in that district.

There aren't enough adjectives to describe the horrible comments he made and the hurt he caused the teachers. More horror - the school board did nothing about it. Again, unbelievable.

Anonymous said...

"If you really KNEW this, then you would not be posting anonymously."

Not necessarily, scaredy cat.

Anonymous said...

I think Chief better start a new blog. This one became very telling on different topics but the original topic is now hopelessly lost because someone hijacked the discussion to desperately stop any questions about ripon's school district.

Anonymous said...

"I would agree. Anyone listen to Ripon's school superintendent, Dr. Zimman, on WRPN back in February, 2008???"

I remember. During the strained teacher contract negotiations. Wonder what his motive was?

Anonymous said...

For those of you who cannot stand transitional blogging, don't be so rigid! Who cares if the topic changes? Go with the flow, dude!

Anonymous said...

"someone hijacked the discussion to desperately stop any questions about ripon's school district."

ARE YOU SERIOUS? Someone hijacked this thread to push their agenda which has nothing to do with the original post. And they have been doing it all over the Internet. If there is all this proof of the Ripon school District breaking the law, produce it OR shut up. At least Joe did that with Mayor Chuck. And I may not like Joe, but at least he had the guts to do it.

Anonymous said...

Ha! Ha! All over the internet? ARE YOU SERIOUS? More of the same hijacking of this blog from the same scaredy cat!

Anonymous said...

"If there is all this proof of the Ripon school District breaking the law"

I'm curious myself. There would be proof one way or another if the school district would provide the documents taxpayers are legally entitled to. Hence, the lawsuit to compel the district to abide by the law and provide the documents.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the district is afraid to hand over the documents to avoid more lawsuits? Who's more afraid - there's more than one defendant in the lawsuit.

Slow but sure... said...

I am beginning to understand why so little is being said about this lawsuit in the local papers. Tim Lyke is on the Ripon School Board, and if I am not mistaken, he is the President of that school board.

I hope this matter gets the media attention it deserves. I suppose Aaron Becker has his hands tied, being an employee of the Ripon Commonwealth that is run (and owned?) by Mr. Lyke.

Am I getting warmer here?

Anonymous said...

Tim runs the commonfilth. His brother Andy runs Ripon Printers and is on the school board.

Anonymous said...

"I suppose Aaron Becker has his hands tied, being an employee of the Ripon Commonwealth that is run (and owned?) by Mr. Lyke."

My supposition is same.

Anonymous said...

"I hope this matter gets the media attention it deserves"

It hasn't. Will it? When?

Anonymous said...

Even if it hasn't gotten fair play in the press it has repeatedly been brought to the public's attention over the last 2 years. Will people open their eyes and actually help do something about it is the question. Someone said "strength in numbers" and this is true.

Anonymous said...

This is how we learn. Topic went from GL courthouse to judges to schools to lawsuits.

Anonymous said...

Exactly. Some of us can think outside the box. A mind is a terrible thing to waste. Use it!

you GO girls! said...

Sadly, I was paying too much attention to the Green Lake school's three ring circus these past several years to pay any attention to what has been going on in the Ripon school district. Now I regret the fact that I am uninformed about most of this mess. Michele, you and your peers keep up the excellent work that you have been doing. I am proud of you, and inspired by your willingness to take a stand for what is right. What you really need to do now is to blow this thing right out of the water. You can do it! I believe in you! Kick 'em where it counts!

Anonymous said...

If smaller Green Lake's school district has been a three ring circus, imagine the BIG TENT in and ringmaster over in Ripon's education system????

People are pushing for a consolidation of school districts. If your kids aren't already stuck in the Ripon's BIG TENT, will they be???

This lawsuit may set precedent and clear the way for other school districts to also be held accountable. Teachers aren't perfect but they're not the bad guys like some would like us to believe.

Anonymous said...

I agree Michele has stood up and stood out against the tide but her and that other woman can't do it alone. Time to help them anyway we can????

Anonymous said...

I believe Diane Cole IS blowing it right out of the water - in court - by herself because she can't afford legal counsel and authorities keep passing the buck!

Anonymous said...

Nobody wants to be the one that brings a school district to its knees after not following the law???? Say it isn't so! LOLOL

Anonymous said...

"Let's learn from our neighboring community's huge mistakes. Don't be an ignorant wanna-be. Ripon's applie pie don't smell so nice and we don't want its politics here."

Hear hear.

Anonymous said...

"I am beginning to understand why so little is being said about this lawsuit in the local papers. Tim Lyke is on the Ripon School Board, and if I am not mistaken, he is the President of that school board."

This blogger is a moron. 1. The silly lawsuit has been covered by the Ripon newspaper multiple times, and 2. Tim Like is not on the School Board. Tim's brother Andy is on the School Board. Andy is not the publisher of the newspaper.

Slow but Sure said...

I am not a moron. I don't get the Ripon paper, and I get my Lykes confused. I did predicate with "if I am not mistaken", didn't I?

Anonymous said...

Yes, you are a moron. Only a moron would spread sensitive information without at least verifying it.

Not only has the lawsuit story been covered multiple times, it’s been on the front page. The problem is, most of you people don’t READ, just like the idiot above. Instead, you believe what you want to believe and spread what you want to spread through an anonymous website. It doesn’t matter how many times the facts appear in print. Most people will ignore them and go on gossiping.

As for the two birds who are pushing this Ripon lawsuit: If your accusations are true, why is no one else standing behind you publicly? It’s easy to cheer anonymously. Where are your proud supporters? Where are the letters to the editor standing up for your cause? Frankly, it’ll be fun to watch this nonsense get thrown out of court at the March hearing. Then the paper will really have some fun.

Anonymous said...

Tim Lyke runs the Commonwealth. Andy Lyke runs Ripon Printers and is on the School Board. Retired Audrey Lyke is a lifelong trustee of the School Board. All 3 own the Commonwealth and Ripon Printers. This is not sensitive information.

As far as the person on here calling others morons: you're the moron who's agenda on here is SOOOO transparent, whenever the lawsuit against the Ripon School District or anything else negative about Ripon is mentioned. Ripon is faaarrrrr from perfect and you have issues the rest of us are sick of having to deal with.

Anonymous said...

"Then the paper will really have some fun."

More fun then it's already had slanting its journalism and playing favorites, slamming private citizens and downplaying the lawsuit?

Anonymous said...

"Frankly, it’ll be fun to watch this nonsense get thrown out of court at the March hearing."

Gonna be there stinking up the courtroom?

Anonymous said...

To claim that Tim Like is on the Ripon School Board and, therefore, skews the newspaper’s coverage is both false and misleading. Tim is not on the School Board. The story has been covered by his newspaper multiple times. Misstating these facts IS a sensitive matter because you’re dealing with someone’s livelihood and reputation. Period.

Also, please elaborate on the newspaper’s “slanted” journalism. Don’t just make broad generalizations. Use specific, concrete examples. It’s easy to make vague, sweeping complaints about media but never back up the accusations. How, exactly, has the newspaper’s coverage of the Ripon lawsuit been unfair? How is the paper “downplaying” the lawsuit by covering it multiple times? Be specific.

I’ll say it again: As for the two birds who are pushing this lawsuit, if your accusations are true, why is no one else standing behind you publicly? It’s easy to cheer anonymously. Where are your proud supporters? Where are the letters to the editor standing up for you? P.S. To say that “people are afraid” is baloney.

Anonymous said...

And Tim Lyke's Opinion page hasn't hurt reputations or credibility? The Commonwealth and other local media doesn't control public information that public relies on? School board's poor spending habits and subsequent tax increases aren't screwing with taxpayers' livelihood and kids' education? You got some pretty deep, double standards there, boy.

Government, elected officials and newspapers are held to higher standards and people are allowed and expected to challenge these authorities. Please, just stop your whining. Waaa! Waaaa!

Anonymous said...

You may need your cronies to stand behind you to bully your politics through, but others do not need peer approval to know what is right and what is wrong. Your argument that this lawsuit has no merit because people aren't lining up to publicly fight is very, very lame. Speaks volumes about the defense's weakness and your fear.

Anonymous said...

You didn’t answer my question. How, exactly, has the newspaper’s coverage of the lawsuit been unfair or inadequate? Be specific.

Anonymous said...

"The story has been covered by his newspaper multiple times."

Really? How many times? How large was the article? How telling could it have been when Diane Cole had o comment because she was sick of being misrepresented in the paper. The school board was given countless changes to rectify the situation, dragging it to court was inevitable.

"Misstating these facts IS a sensitive matter because you’re dealing with someone’s livelihood and reputation. Period."

If a business does its job poorly, it will lose business. Period. If Commonwealth's standards are in question and its reputation is suffering, that would be its own fault and it should've thought of that when deciding what standard it would follow. People have the freedom to choose what they will and won't believe and they will vote with their money as they see fit. Capitalism - better than turkey sandwiches, huh? LOLOLOL

Anonymous said...

You still didn’t answer my question. Simply posting more questions doesn't count. How, exactly, has the newspaper’s coverage of the lawsuit been unfair or inadequate? Be specific.

Anonymous said...

Why are so specifically against Diane Cole's lawsuit against Ripon's school district? Why are you so sure you have all the facts? Better zip're double standards are showing.

Anonymous said...

"Capitalism - better than turkey sandwiches, huh?"

I think we're dealing with someone in love with capitalism and freedom of speech only when it benefits him. He doesn't like when he's held to the same or even higher standards. Can't have your cake and eat it too, dearie.

Anonymous said...

"To claim that Tim Like is on the Ripon School Board and, therefore, skews the newspaper’s coverage is both false and misleading."

You're the king of misleading and falsehoods, blog dog. Why are you here?

Anonymous said...

Again, nobody has answered the question. Conjuring up more insults and off-topic questions doesn’t count. How, exactly, has the newspaper’s coverage of the lawsuit been unfair or inadequate?

Anonymous said...

How do you know (or what makes you believe) that Diane Cole and company have no supporters??? There may be hundreds of folks behind them, what do you want them to have a public rally so you can see them for yourself?

Everyone in support of Diane and Michele, raise your hand now. (my hand is raised)

Anonymous said...

(Crickets chirping)

Anonymous said...

You've done nothing but insult individuals on here with no proof of your insults and accusations, blog dog. You're either just plain dumb or you're an asshole. No other explanation for you.

Anonymous said...

Stop evading the questions and answer them for god sakes. You are doing the SAME thing you claim the school district is doing - evading the questions....

Anonymous said...

The school district is required BY LAW to answer questions and provide accurate information. Private citizens are allowed to express concern, question, and demand the truth. Fear and hypocrisy seem to be your best friends.

Anonymous said...

Dumb or asshole, taxpayers pay the price for blog-dogs in office.

Anonymous said...

In other words, you have no answers. Other than printing obscenities.

Anonymous said...

What the hell is a blog dog? Please define.

Not Headline News said...

The Ripon Commonwealth always has the ODDEST front page headlines. Never anything important (like a lawsuit against the school) but instead, putzy human interest stories that should be on page 20.

What's up with that?

Anonymous said...

OK, instead of name-calling and swearing, could someone please post the details of this lawsuit that is so important to the educational system in Ripon? Do the people suing want money? Is there a link to the actual case?

Anonymous said...

A lawsuit against a school district is headline news. Why a newspaper would not do so points to sheer incompetence or intentional control.

Who would go to such lengths to sue a school district unless they wanted accountability? Why would a school district go to such lengths to avoid providing information? That's what I want to know.

As for the swearing, if the shoe fits wear it. This area needs a resident Joe Wilson to wake the people up.

Anonymous said...

I am not going to speculate on the reasons behind the lawsuit. Anyone can sue anyone in this country. I just would like to see the details. I would think if someone is so driven to file this suit, they would put the lawsuit up on the Internet so the people could see the details. Not doing so makes me wonder if this story is as fishy as the Tiger Woods "accident".

Anonymous said...

"I would think if someone is so driven to file this suit, they would put the lawsuit up on the Internet so the people could see the details."

That's some dumb logic there.

Anonymous said...

Only to you...if you have the details share them.

Anonymous said...

"Anyone can sue anyone in this country."

Untrue. Lawyers can get most anything to court, they know the system and they make money. Individuals who can not afford a lawyer have to know the law and be smart enough to convince a judge their case deserve a court trial.

Ms. Cole must know what she's doing all by herself and is on to something or she wouldn't be so driven to hold the school district accountable, now would she? If there was nothing to her lawsuit there wouldn't be a court date, now would there? Get a grip on reality.

Anonymous said...

Doesn't she work for a lawyer?

I will assume you have no facts on the lawsuit to contribute to this discussion.

Anonymous said...

"I am not going to speculate on the reasons behind the lawsuit."

Something tells me you are chomping at the bit to speculate on here in favor of the school district with reasons you have after talking to the school district, the defendant, and refusing to talk with the plaintiff, Diane Cole. A little one sided, wouldn't you say?

What are your reasons for choosing to remain so one-sided? What are your reasons for lambasting the two women holding the school district accountable? You're so curiously driven to be a part of the problem and not the solution.

Anonymous said...

WHY should I talk to the plaintiff? Are you recommending I also talk to the school district attorney? NO - seems to be a bit one-sided with your pushing me to talk to one side. I have not lambasted anyone. It seems that anyone who does march in step with the people filing this lawsuit gets called names by you.

Without details or even knowing what the plaintiff wants, I have no other choice but to conclude this lawsuit is frivilous. Convince me otherwise, without posting more questions. If you have details, share them. Otherwise, your input is worthless.

Anonymous said...

"Doesn't she work for a lawyer?"

Careful, blog dog. Has that line of intimidation been tried before and got smacked down real quick? Are you insinuating a lawyer is somehow behaving unethically and secretly involving his/her professional self? Now that's a pretty "sensitive" accusation that could get you in a lot of trouble, wouldn't you say?

Anonymous said...

The lawsuit story HAS appeared on the front page of the Ripon paper. You people still refuse to answer the question: How, exactly, has the coverage been unfair or inadequate? Be specific.

Anonymous said...

"Without details or even knowing what the plaintiff wants, I have no other choice but to conclude this lawsuit is frivilous."

1. It's a pending legal investigation - neither side can or will publicly talk details. This is why the plaintiff, Diane Cole, would not comment. And why RASD superintendent, Dr. Zimman, would not comment on details but did offer up "background information" in the Commonwealth's very minimal article.

2. You have the choice to investigate both sides before you ignorantly deem anything to be frivolous. You choose to remain ignorant.

One does wonder why you both to blast the plaintiff and defend the school district with all your might if you feel the lawsuit is frivolous.

Anonymous said...

"The lawsuit story HAS appeared on the front page of the Ripon paper."

A lawsuit against a school district obscured in a 2" x 2" article, at the bottom of the page?? I gotta hand it to you - your sneering, twisted logic is consistent. The harder you try to mislead the public the more the public SPECIFICALLY learns of the truth.

Anonymous said...

I'm torn between enjoying reading more about this lawsuit (thanks for nothing Commonwealth) and feeling badly that a blog about Green Lake has turned into a match of wits over a Ripon issue.

Anonymous said...

"You still didn’t answer my question. Simply posting more questions doesn't count."

Responding to you with questions is all it takes to highlight your hypocrisy and fear. Too easy.

Anonymous said...

And your method and order of attack hasn't changed one bit. Always the same. It's all you got, blog dog.

Anonymous said...

It is my understanding that the lawsuit against the Ripon School District is because they have failed to comply with the open records law and have not brought forth open records that have been duly requested. Zimman (?) is in complete violation by his refusal to produce the documents requested. What is he trying to hide?

I have a feeling this will end (one day) with his resignation, and possibly others.

Like you, I really would love to hear the entire story.

Anonymous said...

I just hope Chief Highknocker (and the readers of this blog) doesn't fall victim to your desperate manipulation.

Anonymous said...

"It is my understanding that the lawsuit against the Ripon School District is because they have failed to comply with the open records law and have not brought forth open records that have been duly requested. Zimman (?) is in complete violation by his refusal to produce the documents requested. What is he trying to hide?"

What specifics about what specific issues are being requested in those Open Public Records requests that the school district did not honor? This is getting interested.

I think I read that Dr. Zimman already tried to abruptly leave Ripon's school district back in summer of 2008 to work for Oshkosh school district. Even after the guy they did hire refused to take the position, they wouldn't hire Dr. Zimman.

Anonymous said...

"It's a pending legal investigation - neither side can or will publicly talk details." - Then why call the plaintiff? Why encourage people to do so? To get them in trouble?

Anonymous said...

ANSWER THE DAMN QUESTIONS since you are so passionate about this issue, otherwise shut up and find another blog to pollute....

* As for the two birds who are pushing this lawsuit, if your accusations are true, why is no one else standing behind you publicly?
* It’s easy to cheer anonymously. * Where are your proud supporters? * Where are the letters to the editor standing up for you?
* How, exactly, has the newspaper’s coverage of the lawsuit been unfair or inadequate?

Anonymous said...

Then why call the plaintiff? Why encourage people to do so? To get them in trouble?

A little far reaching, wouldn't you say? The lawsuit should can not be discussed and should not be discussed publicly. A private citzen's experiences can be discussed privately - a little bit of that "background information" Dr. Zimmans loves to spread around.

If you still feel uncomfortable, I'm guessing the Michelle you've been harassing knows all the details and is not a plaintiff in the lawsuit.

Anonymous said...

I'm passionate about holding school districts accountable. You're passionate about killing any message of accountability and blasting anyone who tries to hold a school district accountable. My passion is better than yours is. LOLOL

Anonymous said...

And your law degree came from where?

Anonymous said...

"There may be hundreds of folks behind them, what do you want them to have a public rally so you can see them for yourself?"

Good idea. How?

Anonymous said...

Private residents don't need a jd to know the laws and know their legal rights. Try again. I know you will.

Anonymous said...

The school board ignored the chances it had to fix the problems with the district's operations.

This lawsuit deserves to be tried in court because if it was meritless it wouldn't have made it to court in the first place.

Now let's hope the lawsuit is given a fair chance in court and Ms. Cole is not harassed in some way simply because she is not "one of them" and still has moxy, brains, and the laws (not the enforcers) on her side????

Anonymous said...

Attention readers:

The manipulation from the few has gone from tasteless to slanderous. These liars would have you believe that the newspaper is ignoring or minimizing the lawsuit story, but have refused to provide evidence, even after repeated requests (see posts above). Many of us read the newspaper. We distinctly remember the lawsuit coverage. It was not two inches at the bottom of the page. According to previous issues obtained at the library, the coverage includes:

1. August 13 headline on front page: “School district sued by parent”
2. September 3 headline: “Hearing set in school district lawsuit”
3. November 12 update: “Hearing set for lawsuit against school district”

Folks, don’t swallow the manipulation. Certain people can claim the newspaper is against them until they’re blue in the face, but the ink says otherwise. Frankly, most of us would agree that the coverage has been more than adequate. To think that “hundreds” of people are supporting this lawsuit is absurd, given that (A) nobody has come forward publicly to support it, except the people in question, and (B) it’s going to cost the school plenty of legal fees to deal with this matter, even amid budget cuts and layoffs. It’s obvious that most comments in support of the lawsuit come from the same one or two people on this blog.

P.S. One of the Ripon School District’s loudest critics made a complete fool of herself in front of Congressman Tom Petri at a Town Hall meeting several weeks ago. This woman stood up and railed about Dr. Zimman at a meeting that was held to address national health care. It was painfully obnoxious. She even pronounced Petri’s name incorrectly. Is this the kind of citizen who has credibility?

Anonymous said...

"I think I read that Dr. Zimman already tried to abruptly leave Ripon's school district back in summer of 2008 to work for Oshkosh school district. Even after the guy they did hire refused to take the position, they wouldn't hire Dr. Zimman."

I remember that, about 2 months before Ms. Cole announced at a September 2008 school board meeting that the board left her no choice but to pursue legal action.

When Dr. Zimman wasn't hired, the Commonwealth reported him explaining that he never wanted to leave anyway. Generally those who do not want to leave do not try to. Did he see the writing on the wall?

This is all so peculiar - so much more to it than the average eye would know to see.

Anonymous said...

Okay Bucko, let's get some facts straight here. I was at that Petri town hall meeting, and it was an OPEN FORUM, not specifically about health care. The woman who spoke up about the Ripon School District did so in an extremely well-prepared and informed manner. It seems that you are the obnoxious one, not her.

I have just looked through the entire November 12 Commonwealth Press, and there is NO headline, by-line or any other line that mentions “Hearing set for lawsuit against school district”.

What page did you read this on? I would like to read it and after going through the paper four times, found nothing.

Indecently, the front page of that edition is mostly covered by photos of the new marquee for the movie theater. Now that is headline news. NOT!

Anonymous said...

"Is this the kind of citizen who has credibility?"

Someone's credibility rests on their pronunciation of a name? Your agenda here is what is obnoxious and painfully obvious.

I stood outside the room with that young woman before others graciously allowed her to move inside the room. I doubt you were there. If you were you would've seen the many people supporting her after she spoke and when the meeting ended! I guarantee you she didn't rail and we were proud of her.

Pssst...the town hall meeting with Congressman Petri wasn't just for Green Lake residents or just to discuss healthcare issues. My, but you are afraid of something or someone.

Anonymous said...

"The woman who spoke up about the Ripon School District did so in an extremely well-prepared and informed manner."

Well said. I should've read your words before repeating the same defense of her. But damn I'm starting to love this woman's moxy!

Anonymous said...

The same woman who spoke at the forum is the one posting here. Move on, folks. There are other issues to deal with,

Anonymous said...

3. November 12 update: “Hearing set for lawsuit against school district”

I was in the November 19th issue.

Anonymous said...

"Attention readers:

The manipulation from the few has gone from tasteless to slanderous. These liars would have you believe that the newspaper is ignoring or minimizing the lawsuit story, but have refused to provide evidence, even after repeated requests (see posts above). Many of us read the newspaper. We distinctly remember the lawsuit coverage. It was not two inches at the bottom of the page. According to previous issues obtained at the library, the coverage includes:

1. August 13 headline on front page: “School district sued by parent”
2. September 3 headline: “Hearing set in school district lawsuit”
3. November 12 update: “Hearing set for lawsuit against school district”

Folks, don’t swallow the manipulation. Certain people can claim the newspaper is against them until they’re blue in the face, but the ink says otherwise. Frankly, most of us would agree that the coverage has been more than adequate. To think that “hundreds” of people are supporting this lawsuit is absurd, given that (A) nobody has come forward publicly to support it, except the people in question, and (B) it’s going to cost the school plenty of legal fees to deal with this matter, even amid budget cuts and layoffs. It’s obvious that most comments in support of the lawsuit come from the same one or two people on this blog.

P.S. One of the Ripon School District’s loudest critics made a complete fool of herself in front of Congressman Tom Petri at a Town Hall meeting several weeks ago. This woman stood up and railed about Dr. Zimman at a meeting that was held to address national health care. It was painfully obnoxious. She even pronounced Petri’s name incorrectly. Is this the kind of citizen who has credibility?"


Anonymous said...

I was at that forum - that woman needed a Valium - you should have seen the eyes roll. Wjhat is her deal?

Anonymous said...

Being mean and stupid does not help your cause at all. Go away please.

Anonymous said...

"Folks, don’t swallow the manipulation."

1. So why do you continue your manipulation here?

"Certain people can claim the newspaper is against them until they’re blue in the face, but the ink says otherwise."

2. What claims the newspaper was against someone? Aren't you blue in the face yet?

"Frankly, most of us would agree that the coverage has been more than adequate."

3. Maybe to you who is nothing but aginst the lawsuit and its plaintiff, and wants it all to go away so as not to hurt Ripon's image. Or maybe its just the other woman you personally hate so much? Your true colors are showing loud and clear.

"To think that “hundreds” of people are supporting this lawsuit is absurd"

4. No. It isn't.

Anonymous said...

"I was in the November 19th issue."

Are you impersonating an author of one of the letters to the editor in that edition now? You just keep sinking lower and lower to defile and degrade, don't you?

Anonymous said...


Because you're in love with your own hatred? Keeping digging that hole for yourself, you'll fall in it soon and no one will lift a finger to help you out because you've been nothing but nasty.

Anonymous said...

"Being mean and stupid does not help your cause at all. Go away please."

But his childish behavior helps another cause - bringing the truth to light! LOLOLOL

Anonymous said...

Lady - get a grip on reality - the mayor and the superintendent are not posting on here. My Lord, shut up and move on.

Anonymous said...

You know what I find to the biggest joke - someone who is so "passionate" about their cause to save the Ripon School District -and Green lake's too, apparently - and they will not sign their posts. What a GRADE A fraud.

Anonymous said...

"the mayor and the superintendent are not posting on here"

Who said anything about Ripon's Mayor and Ripon Area School District school superintendent posting here? Do many of the posts sound like Ripon's mayor to you? Do you have a guilty conscience? I've got a grip on reality. You let go of yours, you're strangling it.

Anonymous said...

Same old methods of attack used in the same order. Lame to lamest.

Anonymous said...

"nobody has come forward publicly to support it"

Are you goading people to rally? Apparently you refuse to grasp logic, reason, and honor until you're forced to.

Anonymous said...

"The same woman who spoke at the forum is the one posting here."

You have a crystal ball now too?

"Move on, folks. There are other issues to deal with"

2. Like Dahmer getting paid to donate organs and body parts to hospitals, you too have bigger fish to fry??

Anonymous said...

"Individuals who can not afford a lawyer have to know the law and be smart enough to convince a judge their case deserve a court trial."

I admit having a difficult time processing what has been going on in Ripon's school district and adjusting to what is taking place on this blog.

I don't doubt this Diane Cole is a smart cookie and its unfortunate taxpayers can not afford to defend themselves against a school district that uses taxpayers money to hire lawyers to defend it against providing information to taxpayers that taxpayers are legally entitled to in the first place. Seems very unfair that she should fall victim to legal politics because she is not a lawyer and making fools out of alot of people.

I'm not a lawyer. Sounds like she's done all the legwork and is ready to go. But is there a lawyer that can and will help this woman out pro-bono? Someone to stand up for what is right and not be afraid to lose professional backscratching by taking a chance.

If Ripon's school district is doing something wrong, it must be stopped and precedent must be set to protect all children in all school districts.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if defense lawyers involved were unacceptably rude to Ms. Cole just to show her up because she's not a "real" lawyer and has alot of nerve taking this lawsuit to court on her own. How dare a taxpayer care about a school's spending and operating habits and how dare a parent care about children's education! It's an outrage!

Anonymous said...

Steve Sorenson is the Ripon school district's regular attorney on retainer, who initially interceded in this situation. That much was written about in a letter to the Commonwealth beginning of this year that I read. I saw Mr. Sorenson sitting in at a school board meeting in March 2008(?) but I don't know exactly why he was there. Ms. Cole was not in attendance and Mr. Sorenson left shortly after Michele spoke then left.

Don't know the name of the attorney defending Ripon's school district in court.

Anonymous said...

"November 12 update: 'Hearing set for lawsuit against school district'"

Newsflash: The court date WAS scheduled for March 2 but is now March 17. One date. Not two.

Maybe a correction was reprinted the next week on page 18 in between all the ads for restaurants, but I didn't see it because I'm too dumb to discern between advertisements and information??

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