Thursday, November 19, 2009

Center House

I hear center house is closing Saturday. For good? For a little while? What's the story? They always have a pretty good happy hour.


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Anonymous said...

I got busted there with my very first fake ID.

Lucky to be alive said...

The margarita memories!

Anonymous said...

I, also got busted after I left Center House (DWI). I, only had one drink! unfortunately it was a dumbo Margarita( a very large glass made with one pitcher of mix. $5.00). Eventually they stopped serving that.

Anonymous said...

Its the sign of the times Chief! These businesses are dying. They are run by good people that are trying their best. Green Lake has been in trouble 10 years prior to the economic down turn. There will be more closings soon to come.
We need to stop the bleeding or we will die.

Gloria said...

The econimic times are hurting our small businesses, as we are taxed more to cover all the free stuff our government is giving away, we have less money to spend locally. Hang on people, it will get worse. Any body have information on whats going on at Zobel Park? Never see or hear anything about the plans or who is doing the work.

Anonymous said...

Yes, there are several other small businesses in town closing besides Center House. Things are not looking too good for millions of Americans, and our illustrious president continues to waste money like mad. Unemployment is over 10.2% and the actual numbers are much higher than that. The "stimulus" was a HUGE mistake, and Obama's people have the gall to go and lie about how many jobs have been "saved or created". A lot of that money is lining the pockets of special interests, billions have been mis-spent and wasted. The national deficit is a danger to our future and our children's future! Government needs to stay OUT of health care all together! We do not need bigger government! Government is much too big already. Most of the jobs that have been "created" have been in the government sector. It is like a huge machine eating everything in it's sight. The health care "reform" does NOTHING it was meant to, make health care more affordable when it will do just the opposite. We would be FAR better with NO health care reform that the bill the democrats are trying to pass. I have written my senators and congressmen, have you? It is easy to do, right online through their websites.

As far as Zobel park, I have heard that some of the woods is being torn up for this disc golf course. I thought the golf course was to be in the grassy area in the lower part of the park, but apparently it is much more widespread than that. I am distressed to hear that trees are being removed for this project. WHO IS IN CHARGE OF THIS PROJECT???

Anonymous said...

The frisbee golf course is being paid for by stimulus funds. The administration has estimated that it will create 30-50 high paying jobs in Green Lake County. Thank you to everyone that voted for "Change"!

Ex-Fib said...

The people that are in charge of the Zobel Park project are the same douche bags that gave us the new McCourt House.
Oh I forgot, it is now called the McJustice Center. The Court House refers to the future decaying, eye sore of a white elephant downtown. The problems are more local than just Washington.

Anonymous said...

Our Solution for Jobs
/American Solutions by Newt Gingrich

To get our economy back on track and to create jobs now, we must fundamentally shift power from politicians to small business, from lobbyists to entrepreneurs, and from bureaucrats to investors.

Here is our proposal to do just that:

1. Cut the Payroll Tax by 50% for Two Years. Every single working American pays the payroll tax. In this economy, many people may not get a pay raise, but this would give every working American a take home pay raise, immediately. This would also free up cash for every employer, immediately.

2. Incentives for Small Business Investment. Allow small businesses to expense 100% of new equipment purchases each year to help them invest in new, more productive technologies.

3. Abolish Taxes on Capital Gains. If we want to compete with China and have most productive factories in the world, the best jobs, and the highest take home pay, we should match China's capital gains rate of zero. This would dramatically increase investment in America.

4. Reduce the Corporate Tax Rate. When you combine state and federal taxes, America has the highest corporate tax structure in the world. We believe that by matching the Irish corporate tax rate of 12.5%, America would be the most desirable economy in the world to open a factory, create a new job, and develop a new product.

5. Abolish the Death Tax. If we want to be pro-work, pro-savings, and pro-family, we should not punish, but instead reward people who have worked, saved and created wealth all their life.

6. Reduce Spending and Reform Government in order to Balance the Budget. While Newt Gingrich was speaker federal spending rose by an average of 2.9% a year, the lowest increase since Calvin Coolidge in the 1920’s. We can apply the same principles that worked from 1995 to 1998 and create a balanced budget with a smaller government with lower spending, lower interest rates, and less debt.

Right ON! said...

From Prime Minister Kevin Rudd - Australia :

Muslims who want to live under Islamic Sharia law were told on Wednesday to get out of Australia , as the government targeted radicals in a bid to head off potential terror attacks.

Separately, Howard angered some Australian Muslims on Wednesday by saying he supported spy agencies monitoring the nation's mosques.
Quote: 'IMMIGRANTS, NOT AUSTRALIANS, MUST ADAPT. Take It Or Leave It. I am tired of this nation worrying about whether we are offending some individual or their culture. Since the terrorist attacks on Bali , we have experienced a surge in patriotism by the majority of Australians'.

'This culture has been developed over two centuries of struggles, trials and victories by millions of men and women who have sought freedom'. 'We speak mainly ENGLISH, not Spanish, Lebanese, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, or any other language. Therefore, if you wish to become part of our society . Learn the language!'

'Most Australians believe in God. This is not some Christian, right wing, political push, but a fact, because Christian men and women, on Christian principles, founded this nation, and this is clearly documented. It is certainly appropriate to display it on the walls of our schools. If God offends you, then I suggest you consider another part of the world as your new home, because God is part of our culture...'

'We will accept your beliefs, and will not question why. All we ask is that you accept ours, and live in harmony and peaceful enjoyment with us.'

'This is OUR COUNTRY, OUR LAND, and OUR LIFESTYLE, and we will allow you every opportunity to enjoy all this. But once you are done complaining, whining, and griping about Our Flag, Our Pledge, Our Christian beliefs, or Our Way of Life, I highly encourage you take advantage of one other great Australian freedom,


'If you aren't happy here then LEAVE. We didn't force you to come here. You asked to be here. So accept the country YOU accepted.'

Maybe if we circulate this , American citizens will find the backbone to start speaking and voicing the same truths.

If you agree, please SEND THIS ON.

Political Suicide said...

Polls show that only one family in six believes that they would be better off if this health care bill is passed. And yet, the Democrats might shove this bill through, even though the vast majority of Americans don't want it. Where is their authority coming from?? Who the hell do they think they are representing?

The Democrat's plan is so bad, I can't believe that anyone is willing to support it. Are politicians minds really this warped? This is a government takeover, and there is no way on earth that I support the public plan or publicly funded abortions! This bill SO violates our rights as citizens of the United States of America that we should all be outraged by what is about to take place. Don't you care about your FREEDOM??? We need LESS government involvement in our lives, not more! We need to get back to the BARE ROOTS of our country's founding, what our forefathers fought so hard to establish: a free government for all. We need to return to a lifestyle of what living in America means as per our CONSTITUTION. Why would you willing to give this up? Are you people crazy? This is the very FOUNDATION of our country, we will crumble if you destroy our foundation. Everything is at stake here.

If you are one of six families that endorses this evil plan that will raise health care costs and reduce quality, then by all means, PLEASE explain to me why you feel the way you do. Unless you convince me otherwise, I will continue to believe that you are either dimwitted or else just altogether mindless. Obama and his liberal administration and puppet-stringed Congress are sending this country to ruin, and unless we all become a part of the solution, we remain a part of the problem. Please wake up to the insanity and take an active role.

Anonymous said...

What poll are you citing?

Kong said...

Newt the scoot.
1. Cut payroll tax by 50%. Trickle down theory that Reagan imposed. Didn't work then. Won't work now.

2. Incentives for small business. Good idea. I agree.

3. Abolish taxes on Capital Gains. Wrong time to stop inflow of cash to Country.

4. Reduce Corporate Tax Rate. Wrong time to stop inflow of cash to Country.

5. Abolish Death Tax. Yeah! My folks have a boat load of money and I really don't feel like working in my golden years. So I'm all about this.

6. Reduce and Reform Government. Gee...Who was President during that time period? Who came after that and started all this mess?

Anonymous said...

Wow. The above opinins are fraught with short sightedness and very narrow lens. It would do no good to counter with the different levels regarding "trickle down", or the actual tipping points that affect successes and failures, because any insightful information would get lost on such an inability or unwillingness to see any further down one's own nose.

dmark said...

"Trickle down" not only didn't work, the tax cuts for the rich threw the country into massive deficit which was put on the backs of working people by increasing their taxes. The current terrible situation for the midddle class in this country can be traced directly back to Reagan era policies and their continuation to today.

Anonymous said...

I didn't disagree with the points you made. I think your reasons weren't broad enough to include the actual tipping points that caused the consequences. Without knowing or understanding those tipping points, you don't really understand what you're railing against, arguing with, or supposed to learn from.

Kong said...

Maybe you can explain "tipping points". Sounds very intellectual. I do know (as a small businessperson) that when times are tough and there is a trickle down, my human reaction is to horde (i.e. stop the trickle) for the benefit of me and mime. The trickle stops here.

Anonymous said...

Nothing intellectual about tipping points, but comprehension of tipping points can get tricky for those with closed minds or narrow lenses. Are you arguing against the "trickle down" effect, or are you describing a trickling affect too slow for your satisfaction and/or minimal to satisfy your needs and wants?

Anonymous said...

Hey Chief how come your posting starts out talking about Center House and ends up on Reagan Era politics? These bloggers need to wake up before noon, get out of their pajamas by 4:00pm and get a job!
At least their off the Ripon mayor b.s. for now. Who give a sh_t anyway about the Ripon mayor?

Anonymous said...

I'm guessing Ripon's mayor cares a whole lot about protecting his crumbling image in the political arena.

Anonymous said...

There recently was an article in the St. Petersburg Fl. Times. The Business Section asked readers for ideas on: “How Would You Fix the Economy?”

I think this guy nailed it!

Dear Mr. President,

Please find below my suggestion for fixing America ’s economy. Instead of giving billions of dollars to companies that will squander the money on lavish parties and unearned bonuses, use the following plan. You can call it the “Patriotic Retirement Plan”:

There are about 40 million people over 50 in the work force. Pay them $1 million apiece severance for early retirement with the following stipulations:

1) They MUST retire. Forty million job openings – Unemployment fixed.

2) They MUST buy a new American CAR. Forty million cars ordered – Auto Industry fixed.

3) They MUST either buy a house or pay off their mortgage – Housing Crisis fixed.

It can’t get any easier than that!!

P.S. If more money is needed, have all members in Congress pay their taxes…

Mr. President, while you’re at it, make Congress retire on Social Security and Medicare. I’ll bet both programs would be fixed pronto!

Anonymous said...

The level of unconstitutional actions and power grabs by the OBAMA administration and the current U. S. Congress, is unprecedented in all of American history. Even the Great Depression and the executive and legislative actions taken by the FDR administration and the then U. S. Congress, that extended that Depression by 10 years, pale in comparison to what our government is doing today.

* The firing of corporate officers; the setting of salaries of private corporations;
* The excessive taxation of a very small minority (corporate executives) to pander to an uneducated and naive constituency;
* The forced bailout by coercion of individual, private banks when no bailout was requested;
* The unconstitutional legislative power grab of all land, food production, water and energy;
* The pork-laden budgets and stimulus bills;
* The robbing of huge billions out of our treasury for foreign aid, handed over, free gratis without accountability, to despots, dictators and socialist governments;
* The purposeful placing of unreasonable limits and regulations on oil, gas and coal extraction, eliminating or over-regulating new gas, coal, nuclear and hyrdo electrical power generation and refinery construction;
* The destruction of our automobile industry with unnecessary regulation;
* The passing of CO2 emission limits and cap and trade policies to “fix” the premeditated fraud that is man-caused global warming;
* The in-adequate protection of our borders and the refusal to enforce our laws to inhibit or eliminate illegal immigration: presenting an atmosphere of appeasement to our enemies in the hopes they will “like” us;
* The establishing of mandatory youth corps service groups, with an inescapable parallel to Hitler’s Youth;
* The signing on to world environmental, commerce and financial agreements that dilute our sovereignty, giving more power to world government than the Supreme Law of the Land, our constitution

All of these acts can only be construed to be high treason. They can only be construed as powerful individuals in our government, with the motive and goal to tear down America, as the last great hope of the world and render it impotent and a third-world socialist country, in order to appease our international critics and detractors and elevate their own distorted egos.

Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, each with their own idea of securing perpetual power for the Democratic Party by buying off their uninformed constituency with trillions of dollars from our treasury, are doing so for their own ends and for their own self aggrandizement. They are traitors of the worst kind, as they walk among us as our friends, but appeal and pander to our weaknesses, instead of building up our strengths and defending a sovereign America as the Constitutional Republic it was designed to be.

Anonymous said...

I agree! And so it goes in our own local politics also!

Impeach OBAMA! said...

Obama and most all of the democrats in power need to be IMPEACHED! Anyone who fails to protect and defend the US CONSTITUTION should be impeached, regardless of what political party they serve.

Anonymous said...

To impeach Obama would imply that he had a legal right to be President in the first place. His legal status to be president has been highly questioned with substantial evidence that no one in power has the balls to try in court (for reasons I believe are obvious).

Impeachment would only get a legal president out of office, before working to legislatively un-doing any damage he/she did while in office.

Proving a pseudo-president's presidential status under false (illegal?) pretenses would, from the get go, render VOID anything he/she did (good or bad) while in office.

dmark said...

It's good to see the Squirrel Patrol back in force.
Remember CAPS make your statements just that more rational.

Ben Stein said...

The American Spectator
By Ben Stein

Why is President Barack Obama in such a hurry to get his socialized medicine bill passed?

Because he and his cunning circle realize some basic truths:

The American people in their unimaginable kindness and trust voted for a pig in a poke in 2008. They wanted so much to believe Barack Obama was somehow better and different from other ultra-leftists that they simply took him on faith.

They ignored his anti-white writings in his books. They ignored his quiet acceptance of hysterical anti-American diatribes by his minister, Jeremiah Wright.

They ignored his refusal to explain years at a time of his life as a student. They ignored his ultra-left record as a “community organizer,” Illinois state legislator, and Senator.

The American people ignored his total zero of an academic record as a student and teacher, his complete lack of scholarship when he was being touted as a scholar.

Now, the American people are starting to wake up to the truth. Barack Obama is a super likeable super leftist, not a fan of this country, way, way too cozy with the terrorist leaders in the Middle East, way beyond naïveté, all the way into active destruction of our interests and our allies and our future.

The American people have already awakened to the truth that the stimulus bill — a great idea in theory — was really an immense bribe to Democrat interest groups, and in no way an effort to help all Americans.

Now, Americans are waking up to the truth that ObamaCare basically means that every time you are sick or injured, you will have a clerk from the Department of Motor Vehicles telling your doctor what he can and cannot do.

The American people already know that Mr. Obama’s plan to lower health costs while expanding coverage and bureaucracy is a myth, a promise of something that never was and never will be — a bureaucracy lowering costs in a free society. Either the costs go up or the free society goes away.

These are perilous times. Mrs. Hillary Clinton, our Secretary of State, has given Iran the go-ahead to have nuclear weapons, an unqualified betrayal of the nation. Now, we face a devastating loss of freedom at home in health care. It will be joined by controls on our lives to “protect us” from global warming, itself largely a fraud if believed to be caused by man.

Mr. Obama knows Americans are getting wise and will stop him if he delays at all in taking away our freedoms.

There is his urgency and our opportunity. Once freedom is lost, America is lost. Wake up, beloved America.


I believe with all of my heart that Barack Hussein Obama is not a United States Citizen. Where is the transparency? Ha! What a joke.

Critical Facts
* * * * * *

Obama has spent over $1 million dollars defending all the lawsuits that have been filed since August 21, 2008;

a. Why spend that amount of money if you were really born in Hawaii and for up to Twenty-Five [$25.00] Dollars one can secure a duplicate copy of the “vault” birth certificate ["vault" = certificate that has hospital name, doctor’s name & signature, weight and length of baby, etc.];

All, yes ALL of Obama’s records are “SEALED” – why ?

b. Birth records;

c. School records – “SEALED” because they will probably show that Obama applied for and recived “foreign aid” indicating he was from Kenya or Indonesia where he was “adopted”;

i. Occidental College;

ii. Columbia University;

iii. Harvard Law School;

d. State Senate Records from Illinois;

e. Passport records;

f. Hospital records from Kenya and two [2] hospitals in Hawaii;

COLB [Certification of Live Birth] that was placed on Obama’s website had Father’s Race as “AFRICAN” – a term not used in 1961;

dmark said...

Are there any sheets in your house that don't have eyeholes?

Anonymous said...

Someone should poke a hot joy stick in your, dmoron.

Marcel Marceau said...

I wanted to thank Kong for the earlier comment on helping 'me and mime'. Not too many people realize how needy we in the mime community are because we hide our poverty behind a wall of weird hand gestures and sad faces...Let's face it - WE NEED YOUR HELP! Mimes everywhere are too poor to eat but too QUIET to beg! What can you expect...we are mimes! Thank you and please, don't forget our upcoming silent auction.

Oui Oui said...

Too funny Marcel! Everyone, please remember to help out a poor mime this holiday season.

Kong said...

Hahahahaha....! I actually love your reply Marcel. Had me and the rest of the Kong family rolling. Thanks

The REAL Truth said...

Listen up all, a bit of advice: if you are invested in any alternate energy stocks or carbon tradeoff companies, get out now as fast as you can, because when the full story gets out it will be the final nail-in-the-coffin of global warming.

Here is a brief summary of what is out there in the land of computer wizards…

All the data that the United Nations (IPPC) panel and the global alarmists used is FALSE. USELESS and TOTALLY IRRELEVANT, (A very inconvenient truth, sorry AL) intentionally rigged to justify climate warming and once the computer modeling went astray and panic began to set in. That started the cover-up and one lie led to another and now we have a massive cover-up underway; and many well know scientists and academics careers are on the line, as well they should be.

More news on this to follow soon, stay tuned folks.

Anonymous said...

Too bad the real truth didn't come out before shifty Al Gore profited over $800 MILLION from spewing his contrived lies all over the world. He should give it all to charity. Funny, the guy lives in a huge mansion, has planes and fleets of vehicles and even eats meat! He's been a hoax from the beginning, and most of you have been too naive to see this for the huge lie that it is. Obama can cram his cap and trade up his ass.

Political Suicide said...

I see that nobody has had the notion to tell me why they support a health care bill that raises costs and reduces the quality of the health care system. The democrats evil plan is going to take away our precious freedom and enslave us to a corrupt system. Anyone out there want to explain why you think this health care bill it is worth supporting? This bill does not solve one single problem that our current health care system experiences. It has intentionally omitted key legislation that would actually help. That's because this isn't about fixing health care, it is a government takeover.

I am still waiting for an answer.

For the rest of you, please contact your representatives and let them know that you will not be re-electing them if they sign this bill. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

100% correct!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

dmark said...

If the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results, than the definition of an insane national poilic is looking at what works in every other industrialized nation and going the opposite route.
The health bills in both the house and senate have been compromised almost to uselessness by the corporate whores in government (every single rethuglican and far too many dems), but it is a small step in the right direction.
Why on earth do you think it's OK for a for-profit insurance company to make life-or-death decisions for people but suddenly a public option is "the goverment taking away your freedom"?
Why is it that Canada spends 10% of their GDP for health care and covers 100% of the populace and the US spends 16% to cover 70% (sort of). And before you pull the out the quality of care rhubarb, remember, the best way to lose an election in Canada (or most other countries) is to suggest that they should adopt a for-profit healthcare system.
Over 40,000 Americans die each year because they don't have healthcare. Anyone who isn't fighting tooth and nail to change this system is condemning more and more people to death.
I agree, call your Rep and Seanators and demand they fix our healthcare system.

Oily Taintz said...

John McCain was NOT BORN IN THE US!!!

Anonymous said...

"(every single rethuglican and far too many dems)"

Get real, dfart. Your bias against every single Repub and your favor for Dems prevents you from being a part of any solution because you ARE a part of the problem. You are hopeless.

Anonymous said...

So, previous anonymous, what are your specific ideas for solving the health care problems in America? SPECIFIC, not name calling.

From Atop the Soapbox said...

This is so weird. I heard the Center House was closing and someone blogged about it. Then the blog turned into some mindless, politically-slanted 'stream-of-consciousness' thing. It went on, and on, and on, and on, and...well, you get the picture. It continued on in this manner to a point of becoming 'ad nauseous'!
C'mon people...I won't debate (nor start a debate!) about health care reform; the Packers & Brett Whatshisname (well, maybe the Pack but not old #4); Ken Bates and the sKOoL; or anything else you want to bring up.
I was never there...and now, never will be - unless it reopens!
Thanks to those who've shared their time-trusted memories of what it was....
Shame on those who continuously make these blogs a mindless political forum.
There's a time and place for everything...this particular blog wasn't it for your politicizing!

Anonymous said...

Myers bought Center House!

Anonymous said...

It's 'ad nauseum' not 'ad nausous' - basic, easily understood latin.

I'm glad the Center House is still struggling to stay alive against all economical odds!

Anonymous said...

heard the food was bad no one went and it was foreclosed on

Anonymous said...

We went there once and awhile and enjoyed to new look (non-Latin) and loved their Friday night fry fish plus buffet. It was reasonable, too. I hope they can keep it going!

From atop the Pedestal said...

Thank you for the lesson in Latin...Romulus would have been proud of you.

Anonymous said...

hey soapbox, maybe people want to discuss REAL issues, affecting them. if you dont like whats discussed here, them maybe its YOU that needs to go find another blog.

Anonymous said...

It wasn't a lesson in latin. It was a reminder of correct spelling of an often used latin, term.

Julio Cheezer said...

Ok...Blogging about real issues that are affecting people is fine.

However, doesn't it seem odd that most of these blogs start with a defined 'subject' and then people go off on totally unrelated tangents.

Let's see:
The Center House closes and Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd comments on Muslims and Islamic Sharia Law?
How could I not see the connection between the two!

My eyes have been opened!

PS: As a bit of quid pro quo... whomever it is that feels the need to correct people...Latin should be capitalized and there should not be a comma between the words 'Latin' and 'term'(see last blog). An unnecessary use of punctuation. I know, it's hard being perfect, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

I didn't know that the Center House had a Friday night fish plus buffet. Now you tell me! Why didn't they advertise more?

Anonymous said...

"I know, it's hard being perfect, isn't it?"

Only when people snotty attitudes when teach make it difficult to enjoy learning. You forgot to remind me to capitalize Latin, and I appreciate you pointing out my mistakes. See, it's not hard at all to be decent and polite while learning yourself.

Anonymous said...

Commonwealth has ads about fish fry at different restaurants. Too many on one page though and it makes it very difficult for one restaurant's specials to stand out. That's what a business gets with substandard designs.

U. Gottabi Kidenmi said...

Yes. They need to keep all of the ad's for restaurant's spaced out so that mindless moron's can discern between an advertisement and an article!
Whomever blogged that...give me a break!

Anonymous said...

Nothing was said about discerning ads from articles.

Your advertising/design degree came from where?

Give us a break and disappear.

Anonymous said...

He's bored - waiting for his Big Mac at Ripon McDonalds.

Anonymous said...

"Latin should be capitalized"

Blog dog did remind the poster that Latin should be capitalized. Blog dog is still nasty.

Anonymous said...

This is getting BORING. Let's discuss something interesting.

Anonymous said...

Weren't we talking about Center House? Why is EVERY posting on this site being taken over by someone discussing issues in Ripon, Chief? And what the hell is a blog dog?

Anonymous said...

Weren't we talking about Center House? Why is EVERY posting on this site being taken over by someone discussing issues in Ripon, Chief? And what the hell is a blog dog?

Anonymous said...

Sorry, but how much can we possible say about the Center House? Some of us have minds to move on to other significant topics. It's not like we can wait for the Chief to post a blog about the Ripon School System, the Federal Fukkups in Washington, or the Climate Change Hoax, cuz that might never happen. Nothing wrong with changing topics. If you still want to talk about the Center House, go right ahead.

Anonymous said...

SIGNIFICANT? There has been more crap posted about some stupid lawsuit in Ripon than on any other topic on this GREEN LAKE board.

I miss the all-you-can-eat crab legs on Wednesday nights.

Charlie Tuna said...

You might miss it but I'll bet the crabs are extremely happy about it!

Anonymous said...

They never complained LOL

Anonymous said...

Discussing Ripon's crap on a Green Lake blog doesn't make Ripon's crap insignificant. I enjoy reading about what goes on only 10 minutes from my home life and where my kids do go to school and I pay for.

Anonymous said...

I didn't know that they had all you can eat crab legs on Wednesday nights. In fact, I have never been in the Center House, because I thought it was just a bar. I didn't realize the Center House was a restaurant.

Is someone going to re-open the place?

Anonymous said...

Interesting stuff:

Petition signed by over 31,000 American scientists: ‘There is no convincing scientific evidence that greenhouse gasses are causing or will, in the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating’ – 2009

Yesterday, Australia's Parliament defeats global warming bill!

Finally, the world is coming to it's senses. Al Gore is BUSTED! Cap and Trade can take it's marbles and go home.

Anonymous said...

Obama's little marbles must be crushed too.

Anonymous said...

The blogger who cites that ‘There is no convincing scientific evidence that greenhouse gases are causing or will, in the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating’ fails to mention that of the 30,000+ "scientists" who reject the latest IPCC conclusions on climate change, fewer than 10% of the 30,000+ signatures are by individuals who have researched and published anything related to climate change. Of those 30,000 "scientists", the majority are individuals that hold a 4-year degree and have no credentials/credibility to make a recommendation regarding climate change.

This is just one more attempt by the purveyors of "fear, deception, and more of the same" to derail the efforts of the Copenhagen conference to offset dramatic climate change.

Harry Knaivel said...

Dramatic climate change? Let's look at the evidence...Ooops, What do you mean, inconclusive evidence is all that is available. Pure conjecture based on 'trends' and 'indicators' from assumed (and questionable) data.

How can everyone be so bamboozled? I grew up in the 70's & 80's and remember all the 'coming of the second ice-age' idiots who used the same information to predict that cataclysmic event.

Global warming (Now known as 'climate change' since they've now determined some areas are actually colder than 'normal'??) is the flavor of the day, the current cause célèbre, for all the chicken-little folks who have nothing better to do than predict our demise.

Let's put things into perspective and remember that these same scientific experts who are running around spouting that effects of global warming are the same people who can't predict what the weather is going to do for the next several days. Think about it people...Do you think we are 100% accurate knowing what the temperature of the Pacific Ocean was 100 years ago? I always love it when the experts throw data up form centuries (millenniums) ago and all the sheeple bah and wag their heads in agreement and shout..."the sky is falling, the sky is falling"!

I say, enjoy the day, do your part to eliminate excessive waste and keep the faith...
If we don't destroy each other through our good, but totally misguided, intentions...we'll be alright.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone else noticed that the lame steam media is now calling Osama Bin Laden "Usama" Bin Laden?

In the past 10+ years, it has only been "Osama".

Now that Obama is president, people must be confusing the two names. They are both, after all, evil dictators.

Anonymous said...

Jeez Harry. You don't know your ass from a hole in the ground. And truth be known, like global warming, which has led to climate change, you do don't want to know.

Another blip on the radar screen today:

Hari Krishnaival said...

Righto my scientific genius! Just as I from the same folks who can't predict things 24-hrs from now and they're the one's we're putting all our faith in! Think about it, if you have the capacity.
Oh, and by the by, I think the newest and kitchiest of phrases is the "global climate crisis". Long live the spin-doctors!

Anonymous said...

You are a stitch, Harry. Let's get drunk together sometime.

Anonymous said...

They are both, after all, evil dictators.

One is the elected President of the United States the other is well-connected Saudi leader of a small band of terrorists. A little bambast here?

Hari Krishnaival said...

Which brings us full-circle back to the ORIGINAL blog topic...The Center House! Heck yes...let's get drunk together! Too bad it can't be (can it be??)at The Center House.
Sorry, I know it isn't politically/socially correct to overindulge. But, why not? According to all the short order we'll all be incinerated by the sun; swallowed up by the oceans or subjected to some other excruciatingly painful demise!
So, in the words of that immortal bard James Buffet, Esq., "why don't we get drunk and..." Well, you get the picture!
Keep the faith!

Beau Weavel said...

To whomever feels that it was bombastic to link Obama and Osama (They are both, after all, evil dictators)...

The unfortunate reality is the one we, THE PEOPLE, elected has done more damage to our country than the 'terrorist' whom we've attempted to locate, capture and try for 'crimes against the humanity' (aka: the United States of America).

With the way things have gone thus far, I'd say we are spending way too much time and effort on the 'well connected Saudi' when the other one has proven to be the penultimate domestic terrorist!

Anonymous said...

It's all about the spin and linguistic games. Obama knows that game just as well as he knows the US Constitution he's rolling up in his socialism pipe before he smokes it in the back of a limo after bar hopping. CRACK! What was that?

Anonymous said...

Sadly, what you say is true. Know your enemies. Our country must be defended at all costs. Our Constitution must be protected at all costs. Our borders must be protected at all costs. It is truly a tragic day for America when our greatest enemy has been placed in power to destroy our country. Pull your heads out of your butts.

Anonymous said...

The unfortunate reality is the one we, THE PEOPLE, elected has done more damage to our country than the 'terrorist' whom we've attempted to locate, capture and try for 'crimes against the humanity' (aka: the United States of America).

Does insanity run in your family or were you adopted?

dmark said...

Our Constitution must be protected at all costs.

Once again I ask where were all you constitutional scholars when the Sociopath-In-Chief ran roughshod all over the constitution with the Patriot Act, rendition, black prisons, warrantless wiretaps and torture?

Anonymous said...

Go away troll.

Anonymous said...

Wireless taps to prevent terrorist attacks. Obama supports these taps and supports broadening the scope of its legislation. For once, try defending Barack Hussein Obama without trashing Bush to do it.

dmark said...

I'm not trying to defend Obama. His warrantless wiretaps would be as offensive as Shrub's. What I'm asking is where the hell were all you defenders of the nation when the AWOL-In-Chief led us into this mess we're in now?

Anonymous said...

Getting mad but not mad enough I guess. It's like people need to actually be on fire to notice the smoke before actually do something to stop careless politicians from playing with matches.

Obama's BS was enough to finally push people over the edge - a good thing from one aspect. Just hope this nation can make repairs to and heal from Obama. He wasn't the positive change anyone hoped for or believed with his empty campaign promises. Actually he told us exactly what he was going to do but only a few were listening over the roar of his ridiculous celebrity status.

Anonymous said...

Isn't it just ridiculous when people defend Obama by bashing Bush instead? Obama has the PREZ for nearly a year now, hasn't accomplished one good thing that anyone can mention but has brought our country down with his out of control spending and bad decision making. Giving terrorist rights and then punishing our own men in uniform for doing their job? Just one example of how ass backwards Obama's thinking is. Our country truly cannot sustain with three more years of this jerk in office.

Anonymous said...

You poor honky cheeseheads! The Republicans put us in this horrible mess. Obama is our only chance for survival.

dmark said...

When did any of you deadenders ever "get mad" about the previous administration? Every time Commander Codpiece came on your TV saying "I'm the war pres'dent", you all creamed your jeans. You couldn't get enough of all his bogus uniforms with Comander In Chief patches. Meanwhile he ran up the largest deficit ever with his vanity war and ruined the economy.

Anonymous said...

Obama has already, in less than a year, increased the deficit far more than Bush did in 8 years. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

As far as ruining the economy, let's look closer at Barney Frank and the housing collapse that could have been prevented. Let's look at the massive problems that the Clinton administration created and rolled into the Bush administration.

All water under the bridge as far as I'm concerned, because Obama doesn't want our nations problems fixed. He is intentionally trying to destroy our economy and our Constitution and bring about his crazy socialist agenda. He needs to be stopped. We are not talking about BUSH, of course you are to frickin stupid to understand anything.

Anonymous said...

"The Republicans put us in this horrible mess. Obama is our only chance for survival."

Do you homework. With the possible exception of Reagan, the majority of presidents from both parties have been too liberal or "progressive" for this nation's good or betterment. When one began dismantling the US Constitution the next did nothing to stop it or made it worse. All for profit and votes.

Obama is our only chance for survival? Do you remember the Gingerbread Man? He trusted the wolf to save him by carring him across the river - the wolf ate him. Was this tragedy the wolf's fault for being hungry and in control, or the Gingerbread Man's fault for being stupid and giving the wolf control?

My days of creaming on myself or anyone else are over. To be young, dumb, and full of...well....too stupid to know how stupid I was....until I grew up.

dmark said...

Obama has already, in less than a year, increased the deficit far more than Bush did in 8 years.

Just because that's what you believe, it doesn't make it true.
Facts are such darn irritating things.

Anonymous said...

Where are your facts to prove it untrue that Obama has spent more in less than a year in office than other presidents put together? You're the one who thinks things are true simply because you want to believe it.

dmark said...

Did you even look at the graph?
Could it be any clearer?
Will you ever leave your fantasy world?

Same answer to all three questions: No.

Ayn Rand said...

“When you see that trading is done, not by consent, but by compulsion — when you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing — when you see money flowing to those who deal, not in goods, but in favors — when you see that men get richer by graft and pull than by work, and your laws don’t protect you against them, but protect them against you — when you see corruption being rewarded and honesty becoming a self-sacrifice — you may know that your society is doomed.” – Ayn Rand (1905-1982) Author

Anonymous said...

"and your laws don’t protect you against them, but protect them against you"


Anonymous said...

"when you see corruption being rewarded and honesty becoming a self-sacrifice — you may know that your society is doomed"

More exactly.

DO NOT CALL said...

REMINDER….. all cell phone numbers are being released to telemarketing companies and you will start to receive sales calls.


To prevent this, call the following number from your cell phone: 888-382-1222.

It is the National DO NOT CALL list. It will only take a minute of your time.. It blocks your number for five (5) years. You must call from the cell phone number you want to have blocked. You cannot call from a different phone number.

It takes about 20 seconds.

dmark said...

So, Anonymous, I think you should go Galt.

Anonymous said...

Kinda like most of us wish dmark would disappear from this blog. Who is dmark? WHO CARES! Good riddance!

Anonymous said...

Thank you (whoever) for the do not call information. I took the time to register my cell phone, it was very easy to do. How idiotic that our government would allow telemarketers to call cell phones anyway! So many folks pay for their incoming calls. Either way, there is nothing more annoying that receiving these types of calls.

It's worth a minute of your time to register your phone number. It must be done from the cell phone whose number you are registering.

dmark said...

I thought you bottomed out with the lift from Pat Boone's blog, but you've come full circle with Ayn Rand. Really most people figure out that Rand is narcissistic drivel by the time they're out of their teens but it does go hand-in-hand with the tea-bagger nonsense.

Just for contrast here's another quote for you.

"The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness."
John Kenneth Galbraith

Tony L. Bow said...

Well it shouldn't surprise any of us that dmark would cite one of the most liberal economists of our times, John Kenneth Galbraith! He who touted an "activist government" and how 'government intervention' would help control the effects of big business on our economy.
dmark, you can find all the blather you want and the conservatives will countervail your 'facts' with other 'facts' which will discount your 'facts'...etc., etc., etc.
It's all a mindless journey into the abyss that our world has become.
Blog away away dmark...enjoy the remainder of the ride down this bumpy road and hope we can recover from the short-lived Demoncrat Invasion. Goodbye Harry Reid...goodbye Barry and Michelle and the rest of the thugs that f'ed things up more than they already were.

Anonymous said...

Right on Tony!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

A Congressman was seated next to a little girl on the airplane when the he turned to her and said, ‘Let’s talk. I’ve heard that flights go quicker if you strike up a conversation with your fellow passenger.’

The little girl, who had just opened her book, closed it slowly and said to the total stranger, ‘What would you like to talk about?’

‘Oh, I don’t know,’ said the congressman. ‘How about global warming or universal health care’, and he smiles smugly.

OK, ‘ she said. ‘Those could be interesting topics. But let me ask you a question first. A horse, a cow, and a deer all eat the same stuff – grass. Yet a deer excretes little pellets, while a cow turns out a flat patty, and a horse produces clumps of dried grass. Why do you suppose that is?’

The legislator, visibly surprised by the little girl’s intelligence, thinks about it and says, ‘Hmmm, I have no idea.’

To which the little girl replies, ‘Do you really feel qualified to discuss global warming or universal health care when you don’t know shit?

dmark said...

Tony, to blame the dems for the mess were in is like blaming someone who farts in the barn for the stink. I'm no dem appologist, but the rethuglicans got us in this mess and the only answer they have is to either do nothing (healthcare) or to do the same thing that caused the mess in the first place (tax cuts for the rich and deregulation).

dmark said...

Oh, and by the way Tony when you post things like:

goodbye Barry and Michelle

Your sheet is showing.

Anonymous said...

So dfart says he's not responsible for the stink in this barn??? Dfart is, of course, not a Dem apologist but he sure is is a Repub blamer. Dfart's so twisted up in his own stink, he wouldn't know a fragrant rose if it is was stuck up his nose.

Start Calling Congress said...

Barney Frank introduced a 1,200 page page bill on Tuesday, and they are voting in the house today. Has anyone read this? This bill GOVERNMENT TAKE OVER OF FINANCIAL SERVICES, Acorn will be in control of housing bailouts, more control to the Federal reserve, plus so much more…

Here is a interview with Michelle Bachmann, it will give you a good overview the bill. Listen to what she says at the end about Obama and Pelosi.

Get on the phone and start calling CONGRESS!

Tony L. Bow said...

dmark...if nothing else (and believe me, that definitely seems to be the case with you) you are always good for a chuckle.

To your point...You can't exclude the the ever-so-lovely, 'fashionista' Michelle in the upcoming purge of the scourge because she is a package deal with Barry. This was not an option...the blathering media and mindless people who fawn upon her every move have made it so.

There was nothing racist in my blog but, as always, you take what people say and 'twist' their words for your own delusional ideas. Stop trying to read between the lines and look for ulterior motives in peoples comments. For all intents and purposes, the blogging is pretty straight forward in wanting some semblance of fiscal, ethical and personal, responsibility in Federal and State government. How about politicians showing some accountability to their constituency.
That is, stop doing things to advance their own personal agendas and becoming a part of the solution.

Barry and his gang are doing nothing more than other politicians have done forever...their just doing it in a 'thuglike' manner (again, nothing racist dmark - simply reality).
When has it ever been wrong to question what our elected officials are up to. Are they advancing the hopes of their constituency? Are they doing what they 'promised' to do when they were pandering for votes?
Or, now that they've made it to the White House should we all just sit back and let them do as they please even if it's contrary to their campaign pledges? I for one think not. We need to hold people accountable...even more so in these incredibly difficult economic times.

Barry's latest folly - "Let's spend our way out of this downtrodden economy"- really says volumes about the democratic philosophy...fix a problem by throwing money at it. This non-focused, 'shotgun' approach has never worked, and will never work. Perhaps The White House gang isn't familiar with Santayana's revelation..."Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." But, here we go again...another term full of empty promises, broken pledges, and record spending (Yes, another in a continuum of both Republican and Democratic presidencies/congresses).

Please dmark...don't wait for this health care reform to get passed - it may take a while for a good, solid, reasonable and affordable plan to get in place. Do us all a favor and get back on the meds - NOW!

Anonymous said...

The liberals apparently do not understand that every time the government takes over anything, we lose more of our precious freedom. They obviously take their freedom for granted and do not understand the value of our Constitutional protections. Obama has broken the oath he swore when taking the office of the President of the United States and for that he should be impeached and punished to the fullest extent of the law.

If you have not listened to the interview with Michelle Bachmann, you owe it to yourself to do so. Do you understand that everything is at stake here? Do you truly understand that Obama's administration will change our lives forever, and not for the better. I like my life the way it is, and will fight to the death if necessary to protect my freedom. Do not comment your mindless, stupid remarks unless you listen to this interview in it's entirety.

Anonymous said...

Whatever you remember, I remember this is what got us into this mess:
1) In the late 70's Carter (D) signed legislation pushing the mortgage industry to accept weaker credit scores, and expand a mortgage as a percentage of income;
2) In the late 90's Clinton (D) put teeth into this by making it a law that mortgage companies increase the acceptance number of sub-prime applicants;
3) Barney Frank (D) partied with the CEO of Fannie Mae to purchase more jumbo loan packages jammed with sub-prime loans.
Now its the same Congress (D) who want you to think it's all due to Wall Street idiots (R, D) making a fast buck in a pyramid scheme, when it was the folly of 30 years of bleeding heart legislation that could no longer be hidden. Somebody should have voted "NO" a long time ago, and then done so repeatedly, again, and again, and again.

The 2010 elections will be the beginning of common sense in Washington. We have to stop and reverse the damage done by the Democrats.

dmark said...

First, what "precious freedom" have you lost?

Second. what, EXACTLY, has the President done that is impeachable?

Thirdly, you do know that Michelle Bachman is certifiably, bat-shit crazy?

Anonymous said...

You are the crazy one, she is speaking the truth. Don't believe it if you don't want to.

Anonymous said...

Obama took an oath to protect and defend the United States and our Constitution. By turning us into a socialist nation he is obviously not taking his oath seriously. Controlling banks, auto companies, salaries, health care, you name it. It is against our Constitution and the rest of the Democrats are not listening to one word that their constituents are saying. They are all corrupt, the whole lot of them. (with perhaps a few exceptions) Do you remember that our ancestors all came to this country to get out from under the corrupt power of their home governments? Have you all forgotten your history lessons?

Just for Starters... said...

How much damage does Obama have to do before we impeach the son of a Bi t ch?

Liberals APPLAUDE the damage!

Federal Deficit surges to ALL TIME HIGH of 1.45 TRILLION…

Unemployment at 10.2%

Obama promises 600,000 summer jobs, LOSES 576,000 instead…

8.89 MILLION Americans unemployed for 27 weeks straight; largest number in 61 years…

23 States’ unemployment INCREASES…

Obama deficit projections at 9 TRILLION…

Dollar value slides, Yen and Euro now preferred reserve currency for banks…

100 Banks failed under Obama DESPITE his TARP plan:…

Retail sales continue to drop:…

New Home sale DROP…

Obama spends more than every previous President COMBINED:…
Economy TWICE as bad under Obama than Bush. Why do liberals celebrate Obama's failed economy?…

Food Stamp rolls up 28% in 2009…

Foreclosure rates increase regardless of Obama plan…

After only 6 months, more view Obama’s Presidency a FAILURE than Bush’s…

Apartment vacancy rate hits 23 year high…

Freddie Mac posts $5 Billion loss…

dmark said...

It took 8 years of the Bush disaster and 12 years of Rethuglican control of congress to make this mess. It wont be fixed in 1 or 2 years.

dmark said...

I'm still waiting to hear what freedom you have lost and what impeachable offense Obama has committed.

Anonymous said...

Woo-Hoo!!'s official...
dmark is a certifiable idiot!

Let's remember which party controlled congress during the last years of Bush...I'll give you a hint - it's the same one that's been in control with Barry at the helm and THEY HAVEN'T DONE SQUAT!!! If they HAVE done's jag things up to an unprecedented level!
Yes, dmark, it is the Dmarkrats! Harry, Nancy, Steny, Barney, Barry...Hmnn, never noticed all of the names end in 'y'?
I've wondered 'why' since the impostor got into the white house!

Speaking of Demoncrats...if anyone is interested in some mindless humor to perk up your life and give some insight into the way things 'may' turn out under the present regime...check out the movie 'Idiocracy'. It won't win any awards for film making but it is quite funny and makes an interesting statement about politics and the 'sheeple' who are causing our present dilemma.

Anonymous said...

Why Republicans are losers:

Anonymous said...

House Republicans vote to let tax cut expire:

Anonymous said...

Hmm...apparently Republican party is bunch of losers...losers can be winners.

Hmm...Democratic party is hopelessly clueless and a slanted hpoe for ever getting a clue or being winners.

Can Republicans make the positive change? YES IT CAN!

Should Democratic party be burned at the stake? YES IT SHOULD!

Anonymous said...

to all of you who still believe in the right/left paradigm, wake up. it does not matter who is president of our republic, they are controlled and manipulated by the power elite. there is nothing you can do about it unless we start working together to defeat the global power structure that is being set up. step back and look at the big picture, the really big picture.

Anonymous said...

Why the Repukelicans don't get it:

Anonymous said...

Repukelicans shocked the public is mad at them (go figure):

Let's Get Real said...

Whomever the link-happy 'anonymous' poster is...please take a look at the source(s) on your suggestions. They don't give much credibility to the drivel attached.

Anonymous said...

Now we're having some fun!
Here's some negative press on Obama from the left. Matt Taibbi's article in Rolling Stone
Here'sDigby's take on it and some links to others.

By the way, I like other's links, but it would be a lot easier if you provided direct links via HTML code. I realize this is more work than cut and paste from Free Repulic but it will result in more people checking out your source.

Here is a good source of common HTMLs for anyone who is unfamiliar.

Fisting and Swallowing said...

The Obama administration is stonewalling serious inquiries about sexual filth propagated by a senior presidential appointee. Kevin Jennings, who is Mr. Obama's controversial "safe schools czar" is responsible for promoting and implementing federal education policy. Democrats clearly are terrified of ruffling the feathers of their activist homosexual supporters, who are an influential part of the Democratic party's base. This scandal, however, is not merely about homosexual behavior; it is about promoting sex between children and adults - and it's time for President Obama to make clear that abetting such illegal perversion has no place in his administration.

Mr. Jennings is a notorious supporter of the North American Man Boy Love Association. provides tapes of some of the sessions. Describing the subject matter as smut would be putting it lightly. The conference discussions were very graphic and cannot be relayed in full detail in a family newspaper. A few examples are sufficient to describe the depravity of the subject matter. During one session about oral sex, a presenter asked the 14-year-old students: "Spit or swallow? Is it rude?" In another session, the 14-year-olds are taught about a gross practice called "fisting," in which "the man leading the discussion position[ed] his hand and show[ed] 14-year-olds how to insert their entire hand into the rectum of their sex partner."

Teaching children sexual techniques is simply not appropriate. Unfortunately, it is part of a consistent pattern by some homosexual activists to promote underage homosexuality while pretending that their mission is simply to promote tolerance for so-called alternative lifestyles. It is outrageous that someone involved in this scandal is being paid by the taxpayers to serve in a high-powered position at the Education Department, of all places.

This is just yet another example of the people that Barack Obama surrounds himself with.

dmark said...

I'm not going make any attempt to refute the scurrilous lies being purpetrated by the previous post, they've been well refuted elsewhere, but I find it highly amusing that the same people who complain about others linking to their sources love to post crap lifted from elsewhere.
I'm not sure which deadender blog this little piece of excrement was lifted from, but it's based on an op-ed from the Washinton Times which I will not link to but you can find it if you wish.
It takes assertions made in the op-ed and makes conclusions that were not in it. Such as:

Mr. Jennings is a notorious supporter of the North American Man Boy Love Association.

The original was:

...his praise for Harry Hay, a notorious supporter of the North American Man Boy Love Association.

A pretty strong shift of assertion.

And just one more note. The WT is most commonly reffered to as the "Moonie Times" it is wholly owned and controlled by noted right-wing pseudo-religeous fanatic Sun Myong Moon, leader of the Unification "church". It's editorial position is completely controlled by Moon and his son who is running the paper.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Dmark. You are the one voice of reason on this blog.

Anonymous said...

Dmark sure is great at defending sick-ass perverts! Sure, the voice of reason.

Anonymous said...

Here's another shift of assertion: is Obama himself a homosexual? There's pretty convincing evidence out there to support such suspicions of his sexual nature but I see no refutation from Obama. Things that make you go hmmmm.

Anonymous said...

I don't care whether he's homosexual or not. The guy's a sham artist of the lowest level. He thinks his thug means justify his socialistic ends. His message has some truth to it but he can't see the forest for the trees, or the irreparable damage he is causing to systems needing do-able repairs.

Anonymous said...

The Obama Haters:

Anonymous said...

George Bush, Queen Elizabeth, and Vladimir Putin all die and go to hell. While there, they spy a red phone and ask what the phone is for. The devil tells them it is for calling back to Earth. Putin asks to call Russia and talks for 5 minutes. When he was finished the devil informs him that the cost is a million dollars, so Putin writes him a check.

Next Queen Elizabeth calls England and talks for 30 minutes. When she was finished the devil informs her that cost is 6 million dollars, so Queen Elizabeth writes him a check. Finally George Bush gets his turn and talks for 4 hours. When he was finished the devil informed him that there would be no charge for the call and feel free to call the USA anytime.

When Putin hears this he goes ballistic and asks the devil why Bush got to call the USA free. The devil replied, “Since Obama became president of the USA, the country has gone to hell, so naturally it’s a local call.”

dmark said...

I'm always fascinated by the deadenders obsession with homosexuality. Particularly regarding oral sex between men.
You think there's any projection there?

(By the way, the Matt Taibbi link was mine. I clicked "anonymous" by mistake. I believe in what I post here and have often wondered why others here won't carve out a position and take credit for it.)

Anonymous said...

Just for the record, I don't look at any of your links or take anything you say as credible. Go away.

dmark said...

God knows you wouldn't want to look at anything which refutes your skewed world view.

Anonymous said...

It's not another point of view that's problematic. It's you, dmark.

188 Miles Away from GL said...

Obama ‘Official’ Spews Horse Feces: “Closing the detention center at Guantanamo is essential to protecting our national security and helping our troops by removing a deadly recruiting tool from the hands of al Qaeda,” the official said. “Tomorrow’s announcement is an important step forward as we work to achieve our national security objectives.”

What the Obama Comrade Really Meant to Say: “Closing the detention center at Guantanamo is essential to protecting our President’s ass and immaturity. He had no idea what he was saying about the Guantanamo facility while campaigning, but it sounded good to his socialist followers as well as Bush-haters. The President wants the citizens of Illinois and the rest of the U.S. to know that he has assurances from his Muslim brethren that they would never consider an attack as retribution for the imprisonment of their jihadist brothers. The President also stressed that should the prisoners escape or be acquitted of their ‘crimes’, that he feels they will bring much needed diversity to the capitalist pigs of Illinois.”

dmark said...

I'm always amazed at how the deadender we're-so-tough crowd wets themselves over the thought of a few Muslims in a SuperMax prison.

Stimulus or BRIBE? said...

Report: Dem Congressional Districts Received Almost Double Stimulus as Republican District:

“You would think that if the stimulus money was actually spent to create jobs, there would be more stimulus money spent in high unemployment states,” said Veronique de Rugy, a scholar at the Mercatus Center who produced the analysis. "But we don't find any correlation."

The Mercatus Center at George Mason University in Virginia is one of the nation's most respected economic and regulatory think tanks and has a Nobel prize-winning economist on staff. The econometric analysis was done using data provided by -- the government website devoted to tracking the stimulus data -- as well as a host of other government databases.

Additionally, Mercatus found that stimulus funds were not disbursed with any special regard for low-income Americans. “We find no correlation between economic indicators and stimulus funding. Preliminary results find no statistically significant effect of unemployment, median income or mean income on stimulus funds allocation,” said the report.

The Mercatus Center analysis also found that Democratic congressional districts received on average almost double the funding of Republican congressional districts. Republican congressional districts received on average $232 million in stimulus funds while Democratic districts received $439 million on average.

dmark said...

"The Mercatus Center is entirely funded through donations, including from energy company Koch Industries....."

From the folks that fund the TeaBaggers.

Anonymous said...

What's your point? That doesn't make the data invalid. The Mercatus Center at George Mason University in Virginia is one of the nation's most respected economic and regulatory think tanks and has a Nobel prize-winning economist on staff. Yet, I suppose you are smarter and more knowledgeable on the subject than they are. Right. Facts are facts. You always have to try so darn hard to dig up any dirt on every subject that you don't happen to agree with. There is no dirt here pal.

dmark said...

What's your point? That doesn't make the data invalid.

Wasn't it Mark Twain who said "There are lies, there are damned lies and then there is statistics"?

59% of the house districts in the US are Dem. 65% of the money went to Dem districts. A difference of 6%. Doesn't seem like quit as big a difference when you put it that way does it? Also, why would it be suprising that the people who support the ES plan are working harder to get money for their districts than the obstructionists who oppose it?

Here is another statistical story:
Republican States Benefit More from Fiscal Redistribution than Democratic Ones

Anonymous said...

"Wasn't it Mark Twain who said "There are lies, there are damned lies and then there is statistics"?"

You should know since you probably just came across it in your desperate google search to dig up more contradictions and dirt.

Anonymous said...

What part of this equation don't you understand:

Republican congressional districts received on average $232 million in stimulus funds while Democratic districts received $439 million on average. (this is not a difference of 6%) You obviously have no math skills.

Mark Twain never attended college. He had many famous quotations. Here are a few more:

Reader, suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself.

All you need is ignorance and confidence; then success is sure.

I have never let my schooling interfere with my education.

Golf is a good walk spoiled.

I have been an author for 20 years and an ass for 55.

dmark said...

I was in a hurry and mis-read the numbers so I withdraw my 6% figure, but I'll counter with another section of the article which somehow wasn't posted with the original poat here.

We found that there is a correlation [relating to the partisanship of congressional districts],” de Rugy said. However, she noted that in statistical terms, it was a weak correlation.

Anonymous said...

A new Rasmussen poll confirms once again that America is resoundingly against Obama’s war on free market health care. Only 40% now support this blatantly illegal government takeover, while 56% oppose it.

Rasmussen also adds, “Perhaps more significantly, 46% now Strongly Oppose the plan, compared to 19% who Strongly Favor it.”

Let’s review:

* There is no “uninsured crisis”.
* 84% are happy with what they have.
* ObamaCare will increase costs, rather than reducing them (which is supposed to be the primary reason for doing this).
* It will cost trillions of dollars and impose crushing tax hikes on taxpayers and small businesses in the middle of a severe recession.
* What few genuine uninsured there are in this country could be covered just with the money already set aside for health care from the porkulus scam…no massive, liberty-killing takeover necessary.
* Most doctors oppose it, and 45% would quit practicing medicine if it passes.
* It does nothing about the primary cause of skyrocketing costs–frivolous lawsuits (because trial lawyers are huge Democrat campaign donors).
* As I have noted, it will absolutely gut Medicare to pay for everything (redistribution of wealth).
* As I have also noted, it explode the national debt and create at least 111 new federal bureaucracies.
* Obama is on the record admitting that a disastrous, time-disproven Canadian-style system (single-payer) is the goal.

…Why are we doing this again? Something about making history?

The Titanic made history.

dmark said...

You know, when you clip and paste from other blogs you really should give them the credit and not pass it off as your own.

Henry Lamb said...

The federal government was created by people who were sick and tired of a king’s government that controlled every facet of life. They wrote a Constitution that explicitly limited the power of the new government. Under this new government, individuals were free to pursue happiness as they chose. In 200 years, this new nation of free people created prosperity unmatched in all of history.

While free people were busy pursuing their happiness, others were free to pursue political power. Throughout the 20th century, a cancer grew in the very fabric of freedom. The idea that the role of government is to provide for its citizens is a return to the dark ages when the prevailing thought was that without the protection of a benevolent government (king), man’s life was, as Thomas Hobbes put it, “solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short.”

The people who share Hobbes’ philosophy have been called by many labels over the years, but they all fit rather nicely into the ideas expressed most eloquently in modern times by Karl Marx.

It matters not what labels are pinned on the people who want to put government in charge of individual lives; what matters is that freedom cannot exist when it requires the permission of government.

Anonymous said...

"You know, when you clip and paste from other blogs you really should give them the credit and not pass it off as your own."

Couldn't have been passed on at his/her own if you were aware the words didn't belong to him/her. Your insults have turned from barely clever to desperately lame.

Anonymous said...

I agree. When I clip and paste, I am not pretending to be the original writer.

Anonymous said...

It's official....dmark is......

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Finally, it is settled. As if it were ever in question.

Anonymous said...

If your motives weren't so obvious and tainted, dfart, you could make a case of differing perspective worth listening to and learning from. Sadly, all anyone can do is try sifting through your hate spewing garbage, and that's gotten pretty tiring. You've really been no help at all, and so you might as well as give it up now. We can and will muddle through without without ya, because you are not a part of any solution I've been able to intelligently resolve myself to. Only part of the growing problem. In short, yucky spiteewwwwiieee.

Anonymous said...

Dnark--I for one am glad you take on the right wing fringe on this blog. Don't become discouraged. More times than not I feel you are right on the mark. (You must be because of the responses that are posted here.)

The detractors show themselves as uenducated and bigoted morons.

Go Dmark!

Anonymous said...

"More times than not I feel you are right on the mark. (You must be because of the responses that are posted here.) The detractors show themselves as uenducated and bigoted morons."

Your basing your applause of dfart on responses made by uneducated and bigoted morons? I pity you.

Culture of Corruption said...

About an hour past midnight in-the-dead-of-night, Sunday, the Senate voted on party lines to cut off a Republican filibuster on healthcare and the vote was 60 to 40 strictly according to party lines.

This is a sad day for the country and it will be the day that the Democrats will rue in hell as the wrath of the American People will fall upon them. Once again it proves that there is no such thing as a moderate Democrat what we have is bunch of politicians playing “The Price is Right.”

Our Declaration of Independence clearly states—

“That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”

I know that I for one will not live under the boot of Socialist-Fascists tyranny and the fight has just begun and soon they will learn what it means to be an American.

Joe Kovacs said...

20 senators demand probe of health-care vote ‘threat’

Twenty senators are demanding an investigation into reports the Obama administration threatened to close Offutt Air Force Base in Nebraska if that state’s Democratic senator, Ben Nelson, didn’t join other Democrats in voting for health-care reform.

The group of 20, all Republicans, today called for a hearing in a letter to Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman Carl Levin, D-Mich., and the committee’s top Republican Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz.

"It is time for some spines on the Hill to impeach Obama and charge him with treason," said reader Tom Bender.

"This is simply amazing that we the people are permitting this type of politics in our country," noted another, Mike Kovach. "Not that this hasn't been done before, but this administration is on a course to destroy our nation. I am beginning to wonder why there has not been calls of subversion, treason and sedition against this administration. I'm am a Democrat and I would like to see all of those in cohorts with this administration put in jail and charged accordingly."

Bow Wow said...

President O-bow-ma. The candidate who pledged to restore America’s standing in the world couldn’t figure out how to stay standing in front of world leaders.

I can only imagine what he would be willing to do if he found himself standing in front of Adam Lambert

dmark said...

I know that I for one will not live under the boot of Socialist-Fascists tyranny and the fight has just begun and soon they will learn what it means to be an American.

We all tremble under the threat of your cheetos-stained words.

Oh, and here's some homework for you:
Define the terms "Fascism" and "Socialism".

dmark said...

You guys have got to quit using WorldNutDaily as your news source. They almost make FauxNews look good.

Anonymous said...

This is a sad day for America.

Anonymous said...

This is in fact a truly sad day for our country, when our future is betrayed by the unethical acts of bribery, coercion and threats of our elected officials.

Anonymous said...

Obama would throw his own Grandma under the bus, especially since she speaks the truth about where he was born.

Anonymous said...

"Obama would throw his own Grandma under the bus, especially since she speaks the truth about where he was born."

How comes it's been so difficult to get a certified, coroner's report regarding exact time and cause of her death? To compare with the timing of Obama's "last visit" to her during the last days of his presidential campaign, and when it was reported she had really died?

I thought it was another relative that stated she had witnessed Obama's birth in Kenya?

Oily Taintz said...

You tell em'.

dmark said...

WASHINGTON — The Washington Times says it will publish its last Sunday edition this weekend.

One less source of wingnuttery for you deadenders to steal from.

dmark said...

And for all you Obama haters here's your hero.

Americans Judge The Bush Decade: ‘Awful’ And ‘Not So Good'

Anonymous said...

I think this blog is your dead-end. Time to stick your head back in the sand. Pretending to be a valuable (or even decent) componenet in a level headed, discussion wasn't working out well for you (or us), anyway.

Anonymous said...

Wait till Obama gets voted out and this type of poll is conducted. People will still remember what they didn't like about Bush or his administration, but they'll know Bush was a walk in the park compared to Obama. I predict Obama will be remembered as the worst ratings ever. His ratings will be so low they'll be off the chart. Hindsight is 20/20 - in due time.

Anonymous said...

How is a poll about Bush supposed to refute the questionable location of Obama's birth? Was there a birth? Maybe the man walked on water down from the heavens, and only God knows who or what Obama is? Hmmm...even Jesus was born somewhere, through another human's body. Jesus is and always will be a hero; Obama is and always will be a dork.

Anonymous said...

Is Jimmy Carter better than Obama?

Anonymous said...

Is Jimmy Carter better than Obama?

Anonymous said...

Obama's smarter and learned the ropes much better during different times - so Obama's alot worse in my book.

Boy, you do bring in everything but the kitchen sink to derail the leaks and discredit the drips. Pssstt...the leaks and drips are actually a good thing...they tell you something is broken and very WRONG!!!!!

Anonymous said...

No, dfart, talk about leaks and drips was not an invitation to show us your plumber's crack. Pipe down already.

Anonymous said...

Limbaugh cartoons:

Anonymous said...

Republican hypocrisy:

Anonymous said...

GOP's Civil Rights problem:

Just Say Know said...

To whomever it is that gets 'link' happy on these posts...What is the point? Are you trying to prove your intelligence by showing you can 'Google' a topic and then post the info. Please...STOP! It's annoying and doesn't add anything to the forum. Especially when you post links from such credible sources as Newsweek. I would be more inclined to peruse your links if they were from The National Enquirer or TMZ!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Just some moron trying to get your goat with links that attack one side. Annoyance seems to be the latest method of debate. Ignorance is the new logic.

Anonymous said...

Heavy heavy.

dmark said...

How is a poll about Bush supposed to refute the questionable location of Obama's birth?

OK, I know I'm going to really, really, really hate myself in the morning but here goes.
Assuming we go along with your little "He was born in Kenya" fantasy, how would his being born to a US citizen in Kenya make him any less a natural citizen than Grampy McCain being born to a US citizen in Panama?

dmark said...

I would be more inclined to peruse your links if they were from The National Enquirer or TMZ!

And you'd be more inclined to post them if they were from WorldNutDaily or FreepRepublic.

dmark said...

An interesting look at the "liberal media"

Anonymous said...

Don't you get it? We don't look at anything you post. Go away.

dmark said...

You, of course, speak for everyone who reads this blog.

Why do you fear other points of view?

Anonymous said...

I fear nothing. I despise you. You are like a dung heap.

Dung Heap said...

Hey, don't insult me by comparing me to dmark!

Stinky Sh_t said...

Yeah, you're giving all of us a bad name!

Anonymous Turd said...

F this! Don't you ever...

dmark said...

I fear nothing.

Well said, Anonymous.

Anonymous said...

Chief, can we get a new post? I find these last messages to be offensive with their words and name calling. Come on folks, lets be civil and discuss meaningful topics.

dmark said...

For the "We have the best medical care in the world" crowd heres an article I ran across. Its from 2008 but I seriously doubt things have changed much since then.

US Ranks Worst In Preventable Deaths Among 19 Industrialized Nations

Here are the salient points:

In 1997-8 the US was in 15th place out of 19 countries on the amenable mortality scale.

By 2002-3 the US had fallen to last place, with 109 deaths amenable to health care for every 100,000 people.

This compared with France at 64, Japan at 71, and Australia at 71 per 100,000, the three top performers in 2002-3.

What this shows is that the US is falling behind every other industrialzed nation on earth because we have the only health care system that decides who can have health care based on how much money the insurance companies can make. Every other civilized country has decided that health care is part of the commons and should not be a profit source for private companies.
What this also shows is that government run systems produce better results at a far lower cost. The number one rated country, France, spends 11% of its GNP versus 16% in the US. And they cover 100% of their citizens.

This mess that the reactionaries and insurance company toadies are trying to put together should be scrapped and Medicare should be opened up for anyone to buy into. We could cover the poor and reduce the cost to everyone else with a simple, easy bill.

Sully Sullenopolisovich said...

You are absolutely correct in thinking that 'not much has changed in the world since 2008'! This is the most inane comment I've seen anyone own up to in a long, long, long time! Have you been living in a vacuum for the last several years or are you just toying with our intelligence?
Hilarious stuff, I've got to admit. From the end of '08' moving forward, we've been f'ed big time!

Anonymous said...

What is hilarious about those sad numbers?

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