12 years ago
Monday, October 12, 2009
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- Chief Highknocker
- You aren't local until you have at least three generations in the cemetery.
Keep in mind that the ultimate guarantor of the city's indebtedness is the taxpayer. Attend tonight and see how your money is being spent.
Perhaps if the Mayor abided by the law, the council would not have to take any time on this issue. Since council members are paid a set fee for their attendance at regular council meetings, no extra money is being spent as the previous blogger would like you to believe.
I wish they would televise these meetings (live). So many of us old-timers just can't make it to the meetings. Same with the school board meetings. When are we going to join the 21st Century? For God's sake, I can watch a live traffic jam in London or an eagle on it's nest in Montana but I can't watch the city council meeting?
Yes. They'll get to televising their spin. We'll think we're getting something special. Until we realize it's the information is mostly bogus. They'll blame the "mob mentality" for wanting the truth and nothing but the truth, and politely remind us of how irrelevantly valuable we are. Blah, blah, blah - end of freedom of speech and the end of anyone with any balls to stand up to them because no one else will bother publicly standing up for the truth and risk the character assassination. Yes. Let's get cable.
Let the discussion and different perspective of tonight's meeting begin. I don't expect people not being given the truth to be happy about it, and I don't expect those that are trying to protect the bamboozlers will be happy about the truth being demanded...but be considerate of others. Honest but civil. 1...2...3...go!
There was an attempt to get meetings televised, but the cost was prohibitive.
Wait a minute here! So we can televise a high school basketball game, but not a city council meeting? I am not buying that.
Our city can dig up a few dollars to televise these meetings. Our kids are skyping around the world. This is not that difficult or expensive.
True dat!
If the building is WI-FI, why not SKYPE it. Be a trail blazer. Or record it and you tube it, then see what the world thinks of Green Lake.
So what happened at the meeting?
He was censured and so should a lot of aldermen who have been elected over the years who broke the law too and never filled out the same finance form. I have the proof. Many people who run for office here are not informed by the clerk or city attorney to fill out this form. It should be handed out when you pull papers to run and it is not. There are people on the council right now who did not fill out the same form that Chuck did not fill out... there is no ryme or reason as to who gets a form or who doesn't....again our city has no policy about this and should inform all who intend to run. It could be a simple process. Chuck's mistake was not brought up the whole first year he was Mayor and was only brought up after Joe got elected this spring. Revenge...yep...but now let's go after everyone that didn't fill out the form. You know who you are!
It seems there is no rhyme or reason as to who gets vetted and who does not, before taking office. All depends on who wants you in and can get you in, and how well the people are paying attention. I say...clean out the garbage, find the mistake and fix it, and PEOPLE don't let this happen again! Wake up!
The form in question is not a separate piece of paper. It's a section printed on the regular campaign registration sheet. Stop pretending Chuck “never received it.” He filled out everything else on the registration sheet except the portion that asks about contributions. Then he ignored repeated reminders from the City Clerk to take care of it. Chuck only did so after Joe brought it to the Council's attention.
The cover-up is usually worse than the crime.
I agree, a thousand times over.
You people really need to get over it. Wow... it's as if there is nothing else of any importance going on with our City Government! Really, you should get a life.
Can you not walk and chew gum at the same time? Get over it and leave the "house cleaning" to those of us that can multi-task and get all the all of the messes cleaned up. Not just the ones that bother you.
There are several campaign financial forms people can get. If it is true that Barb, our City Clerk was bugging Chuck for the form to be completed, then why did she not bring it up to the council for the whole first year Chuck was in office? Barb needs to respond to this....some are saying that she is in with Joe and Donna against Chuck. I say we need a statement from Barb D. as to when she first asked Chuck for the form and why she did not bring it to the council during the whole first year he was Mayor? What is going on with her? Maybe she has been there too long and is not doing a fair job for us citizens... finding out why is very important before our city can move on...
Did Joe bring it up to Barb? When? Was Donna in on this? this whole thing stinks from every view point.
I agree with city gal. What the hell really happened here? I have never been impressed with our city clerk...all I know is that any city meetings I have ever attended now and in the past, the aldermen are always pissed off with her for not getting their packages out on time to study them before the meetings.
Ald. Jones told me that he could not vote on Monday concerning the sex offender issue, because barb only got the info to him right before the meeting. She has had so many complaints over the years about this, why hasn't anything changed? Maybe our Mayor needs to get a new City Clerk!
City council members need to take their jobs seriously or get out! All the info they need is always available to them if they cared to educate themselves. They waste too much time with their stupidity.
Right. They decide which is the alpha or omega, and then refuse to do research, think for themselves, and stand out from the crowd to do what's right.
This is a good case for hiring an experienced city manager.
What everyone seems to miss is that Mirr did not violate any laws. He said he did not spend over $1000 or $100 from an individual; therefore his papers were in order. If you think otherwise then prove it. I thought this was America where a person is innocent until proven otherwise.
You have got to be kidding. Chuck has no responsibility here? Read the form! How hard is that. Everyone just gives him a pass on everything....
I'd say you lost your chance to censure Parise. Should've been paying attention when he was mayor. Why would anyone bother to go after Parise now? Who would? Not the authorities. Mirr and the city clerk are the ones that will be held accountable and made an example of. That's the way the cookie crumbles.
I want the city council to find out why the city clerk did not say anything for one year to anyone! I want to hear from our city attorney!
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