This is an area to post your feelings on the school board elections so the other comment boards won't get so cluttered.
I believe there are four people running:
Emmett Sandburg
Harley Reabe
Grime Meade
Celeste King
I think.
12 years ago
Green Lake, WI News & Views
More than ever, this election is crucial for electing School Board members who are fiscally responsible. Look carefully at the candidates. Which candidates supported wasting tens of thousands on ABA land when public land was readily available? Which candidates now want to buy the $230,000 Sunnyside land?
It’s also startling that the district shelled out $15,000 on some silly Discover Wisconsin TV show. Funny that as often as Ken Bates talks about this upcoming TV show, he never mentions at the School Board meetings how much the district has spent. Our school building has serious maintenance needs, yet we’re spending thousands to show off, and then whining about needing a referendum.
It’s time to elect School Board members who don’t spend money to one-up other districts. Our students need an education, not to be told how unique they are.
Let’s also be sure to support candidates who know how to keep a meeting on track. Ever been to a GL School Board meeting lately? They’re so inefficient it’s painful. Random topics, random tangents, blabbing on about non-agenda or meaningless subjects, etc. Let’s start using this time wisely.
I am disgusted to hear that Ken Bates spent $15,000 for the TV promotion of the school. This is sickening to me, a taxpayer. Did the school board vote on this???
Why is no one saying anything about the 'ethics issue" of a board member listed on the school agenda for closed session?
Seems like every time the school board sneezes, the blog is lit up full of comments of people criticizing someone. Now, it's quiet?
Maybe it's one of the " newer beloved naysayers' who is in trouble and their supporters can't stand the thought that their "saviors" they elected screwed up.
Not so perfect after all?
This ought to be fun to watch if anything comes of it.
Would somebody please expand upon the last bloggers comments. Who or what is being referenced to with the 'ethics issue' statement?
Yes, please expand, since you seem to know much about it, yet it was only on the agenda as a closed session item... hmmm, who could be posting this?
Yes, who indeed. Maybe the same person that released the role call vote on Ken Bates contract to the newspaper the same evening of the closed session. That vote also was conducted in closed session and should not have been released to the public until the minutes were approved at the next board meeting. Someone in that meeting did not follow the law. But none of you seem concerned about that.
Yes, the public has a right to know the outcome of the vote, but not until the proper channels have happened. That role call vote could have effected the primary election, the results should not have been available until after the primary. If they would not have been leaked, they would not have been available.
There is also the matter of all of you raving that the results were in the Ripon paper and not the Green Lake Reporter. Well guess what, obviously this person didn't "leak" the information to the Reporter, only to the Ripon paper.
Maybe you should send Aaron after the school board ethics issue, you seem to want him to investigate everything else. You might be surprised. I detect a note of petty jealousy in these last comments. This sounds like somebody who has a bit of information on the "ethics" issue within the school board and won't share it with us...somebody who doesn't like the comments about the Green Lake Distorter not reporting anything that is actually newsworthy...somebody who doesn't like the accolades bestowed upon Aaron Becker for his timely reporting of relevant issues in the community...somebody who seems to be in the hip pocket of Ken Bates and his cronies and therefore positively promotes anything he is associated with using glowing praise (even if it really isn't a good thing for the community / school).
I wonder who it is? Nah, it couldn't be who I was thinking because journalists are supposed to be non-biased in their reporting.
I hope we can all focus on building a good school and good community. We do have struggles, but we have good things as well, in the school and the community, that we can be proud of. Challenges, yes, but good things as well. C'mon Green Lake, we can rise above our challenges and hopefully work together for our kids and their kids. The election is a week away, and our community can decide for itself what they want for the future. That is the beauty of our democratic process.
I agree. We need the right people in leadership for our school and community to move forward successfully. Make your voice heard on election day.
Whoever is complaining about the leak regarding Ken Bates' contract extension needs to give it a rest. The public has a right to know who supports our school leadership and who doesn't BEFORE an election, not after.
Citizens deserve to be informed, whether you like it or not. Clearly, certain people are miffed that the public now knows Ken is hanging by a thread with a key election coming up. Too bad. Those are the facts.
By the way, was it mere coincidence that the Board needed to correct those minutes the following month? Seems to me someone secretly tried to re-write the minutes to hide who voted which way on Ken's contract, and also to hide that the vote took place in Closed Session. Cudos to Amy Pipho for pointing that out in public and forcing the Board to have accurate minutes.
I think all this closed-session business is bull. Why should any aspect of our school concerns be kept hush-hush? The public has a right to know every single thing that is going on with their children and their tax dollars.
Like anyone with a brain wouldn't have known who voted to extend Ken Bates contract and who was opposed to it. I still want to know why it was voted on before the election, why couldn't it have waited till after?
I don't know for sure, about your question about the timing of the contract, but I think it is a procedural thing that might have to do with the date of the existing contract, when that date expires and when it has to be renewed, which must have come before the election dates.
I only remember this from reading about other contracts in years gone by for other school administrators and similar questions were asked
about the process. I don't know this for a fact, but that is what I remember reading about in the past
"That role call vote could have effected the primary election, the results should not have been available until after the primary."
God forbid the public should be informed about how School Board members feel on an important issue before an election. No, we should wait until after the election, then surprise voters with the facts.
Complain all you want about the "leak," but the public spoke loud and clear in the primary. Sorry, but that’s the truth. I wonder if the people blasting the "leak" would be equally upset if Ken’s contract had been extended with a unanimous 7-0 vote rather than 4-3.
I have been following this thread. I find it interesting that you people do not see anything wrong with a board member breaking the law and leaking information from a closed session. I agree with the poster that put it out there. It is just plain wrong. Just because you happen to "like" the information that was leaked does not cover up the fact that it was illegal. It is not just the role call, the vote should not have been leaked. Just as another blogger posted, it did not happen in open session. It was not available for public knowledge until the next meeting. You need to check the Wisconsin statutes on closed session meetings. You would be all over an illegal move had it involved something other than Bates contract. How can anyone think this is Ok!!! I don't care if the vote is 4-3 or 7-0, do you want your board members doing illegal things?
OK, since you're clearly "in the know" on this issue, tell us. What is the district doing about the illegal leak? Or can't you share that either?
I would not care what information came out of a closed meeting, because I do not approve of closed meetings, period.
Time to do away with closed school board meetings in Green Lake. I don't want things done "in secret". Everyone should be accountable for their actions. The only thing(s) that should be kept private are personal matters of our students.
"People in glass houses should not throw stones."
****NEWS FLASH****
The School Board has been breaking the law nearly each and every time they convene in close-session. The issues and actions they have been taking are not in compliance with the intent, interpretation, and advice of the law as described by the State Attorney General and Supreme Court Judges in the Open Meeting Law Compliance Guide linked below (see pp. 16-20).
Certain Board members have been trying to correct this practice. Finally, we have representation with the guts to stand up for what is right!
I am not going to spell out each and every violation for you. Read it, compare with the closed meeting reasons and make up your own mind if they are appropriate or not.
For two months in a row the minutes of the closed sessions have been contrived. That is bordering on criminal.
The vote to renew Ken Bates contract should be nullified since it was not done in accordance with the state. Looks like we might have a lawsuit on our hands very soon. Why doesn't he just do the residents of Green Lake a favor and resign.
Why was it not done in accordance with the state?
Oh my God...Please Stop the Insanity! This blog sight is becoming a wasteland of assumptions, innuendos, rumors and gossip. It once served a purpose and now it has become an obsession. This is not meant as a 'news' outlet so for those of you who get your facts and information from this sight - GO AND BUY A COPY OF THE NATIONAL ENQUIRER.
This is a truly sad representation of what our country has become. A bunch of sad wannabe's who hide in the shadows and throw out their meaningless barbs hoping some will hit their mark.
Stop the bullcrap, get out and really educate yourself on the issues of local and national concern, exercise your rights as a voter and an American citizen (if you are one) and try your damnedest make a real and meaningful difference.
If you think you are doing anyone favors by getting on this sight and spewing a bunch of snippets of truth and justice - please stop!
Thanks in advance for your indulgence in this matter, it is much appreciated.
It’s funny how certain people will post comments that badmouth this blog, but they seldom challenge the accuracy of other posts. Case in point, the person above. You can hate this blog all you want, but at least point out where other people's statements are incorrect. Don’t just say these posts are full of misinformation. Tell us exactly where and why.
Ok- I stand corrected...You are right and I am wrong. How shameful of me to challenge the authenticity of the blah-blah-blah-blogging on this sight. There has never been, nor ever will be anything that is inaccurately portrayed on this sight. All information will have been verified prior to being submitted on this sight. And the economy will turn around by the end of the week, the checks in the mail and Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny are real.
Now I'm going off with my friend Harvey to the imaginary world that is Green Lake.
Look dude, what I'm saying is, if you see a factual error, than correct it specifically. Don’t just cast negative blanket statements about the entire blog. So tell us. What are these errors?
To the "Extra Read All About It" blogger.
Don't you think if the board was violating state laws (as you state) by meeting in closed session they would be advised by school legal consul to stop such actions in the future? You also go further stating "certain" board members are attempting to stop this practice. Are you for real ? No ones holding a gun to their heads! If they felt they were violating laws those "certain" members had an obligation to challenge others on the board on this matter, and at the very least should not have attended themselves. I believe you don't have a clue what the heck you're talking about and you're just attempting to stir the pot like so many other of these blogs.
Ken's contract extension should have been voted on in open session.
When he was hired in 2006, the Board voted to hire him in open session. So then why did the Board hide when it came time to decide on keeping him? Did certain Board members want to keep it hush-hush until after the primary election? Hmmmmmm.
If you have a question about why the board voted to extend Ken Bates contract in closed session why don't you address it with one of the board members? I'm sure they'd be more than happy to respond to you - and if you don't want to address them in person you could always just call one of them up anonymously. Rather than jumping to conclusions, people should attempt to get the facts first before writing on this blog - otherwise you're simply spreading rumors.
School operations are defined under Wisconsin State Statutes sec. 118. A quick Google search will tell you all the rules that apply.
Under Section 19, the admin. contract vote being taken in closed session is covered in section 19.851(c) specifically allows for a closed session vote on "..employment.. of a public official", therefor the closed session vote on Bates contract was a legal action.
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