12 years ago
Saturday, March 14, 2009
City of Green Lake Elections
The elections are in the first half of April. The second Tuesday maybe? I know Joe Parise is running for City Council in the 3d district against Wagner. In the 2nd district Luann Frank is running against Tom Jones. Whoever is running in the 1st(Larry MacIntyre's seat) is unopposed I believe. What else is out there?
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The election is always the first Tuesday of April. This year it is April 7th. I am always happy to see new people running for office. However, I do not like to see write-ins since it seems like it is an easy way out for these folks. They don't get names on nomination papers and short cut the normal process. This is what Larry McIntyre did each time. He never went around to get names, he just filed as a write-in. Wonder if it is laziness or do these write-ins have something to hide? Just what are their goals and thoughts on local govenment?
Wake up you townies! You are full of ignorance and apathy. I have kept my finger in the dike for the last five years. It's your turn. VOTE on April 7, 2009. Larry McIntyre.
Your right Uncle Larr! I didn't always agree with your politics but your right on this issue. This town is beginning to SUCK due to our "local attitudes". The bottom is about ready to fall out! I heard Heidel House is in serious trouble, Lawsonia is teatering and Norton's is fed up and ready to shutter. If these three go, so goes Green Lake. Once again we complain about the stupid stuff and don't grasp the big issue. Prepare to abandon ship soon!
Hey Green Lake voters. I am in district #1 and Larry McIntyre was not a write in the first time he ran 4 years ago when he replaced Renee Bradley. He got all the signatures and campaigned at all our doors! So, who ever you are that stated that he never ran properly is wrong. The only reason he was a write in last time is that he did not want to run, but decided he might as well, when no other person in the district wanted to run. I know because he tried to get me to run. I appreciate his time and effort as a senior citizen to try his best for our city. Thank you, Larry McIntyre for being a great alderman and doing a great job for all of us.
There are write ins because that is all you can do if you miss the deadline at the beg. of Jan to turn in papers. This year, no one knew before the deadline that Joe Parise had turned in his papers. At that point it was too late for anyone to oppose him. So, that is why Wagner has to be a write in candidate. Same is true of Joe's friend Pat Meagher who is running in McIntyre's dist. There will be a write in against him too which will be announced this week. I for one do not want Parise back in. Who can stand all the fighting again? I will vote for the write-ins. By the way, McIntyre was right about the economy last year when he voted against the annexation of Lawsonia. He predicted it and was absolutely correct. Thank God we did not annex that property. Not one house has been built over there! He was right about the whole thing. It is too bad he is retiring. He had better insight than most of us. I'll vote against Joe and just keep fishin.
Not one house has been built in the Estates of Lawsonia because the plat has not yet received final approval, thanks to our bumbling officials in the City, Town and County. Once final approval is granted, home construction will begin.
Thank you Larry McIntyre for serving our wonderful city for the past four years. You will be a hard act to follow. Enjoy your retirement.
THIS IS FOR GLFISHERMAN AND THOSE OF YOU WHO DO NOT ATTEND CITY MEETINGS - Joe Parise has always been passionate about the City. He is gruff at times but that is his personality. For those of us that know him, he cares deeply about the city that is now his home. When Joe discovered the Town of Brooklyn's children were over 50% of the children in the City's recreation program, he asked to reimbursed for that money. At that point, the Town was paying the City $1,000 out of a $30,000 program. To the Town Chairman, Joe became the bad guy. Joe wanted what was fair!
When Joe was Mayor, he lobbied at the state level for city citizens. He got involved with Luther Olsen and Joan Ballwig. He tried to get the DOT to leave the North Lawson entrance alone. This was an involved mayor. Then came the annexation issue. Town people came to meetings to protest the annexation. Few city citizens came. The citizens of Green Lake really did not understand the benefits of the annexation. That is now an issue of the past. Had the annexation occured, the City would have had $200,000 in revenue each year even without any homes being built. That would have repaired some streets, fixed the sidewalk across from the Thrasher, helped the Library with building problems and many other infastructure issues the City has that both City and Town people use and enjoy. We now have to live with that decision. Joe was trying to do what was best for the City. For that I applaud him. I would welcome him back on the council for his ideas and energy to get things done.
If Mr. Wagner truly wanted to serve District #3 citizens, why did he not step up to the plate and file nominiation papers in December? Prior to Joe Parise running, it was apparant that no one was running in Distruct #3. Why wait to see who did file papers in the normal process and then oppose that person as a write in? I truly do not like the write in process. Sometimes it does not meet the smell test!
Well said, Donna. It’s clear the two write-in candidates are more concerned about keeping Joe and Patrick out of office instead of a genuine interest themselves. If these two write-ins were really concerned about Green Lake, perhaps they should have run for office legitimately instead of reacting to the names on the ballot. Let’s not forget, Chuck Mirr has been quoted as supporting both write-ins. Seems to me certain people dislike Joe’s ability to get things done.
Hooray!! Let the games begin.
The secret is out out. Mayor Mirr's write in candidate for District #1 is Mary Rowley.
Mary and Gary-the stimulus package. Vote April 7th.
Joe Parise did an okay job as mayor until the ABA annexation issue came into being. It was obvious that the Lindenwood people were just trying to manipulate the town of Brooklyn, and Joe should have been sharper to recognize this. Even if everyone in the city wanted it (which they did not) it would not have been legal and would never have happened.
I do think that Joe did a lot of good things while mayor, and am interested to hear more about all the candidates and what their vision is for Green Lake.
Right on! Write in! Mary Rowley for alderperson in District One.
Parise was always stirring the pot, but he lacked depth of knowledge. And his confrontational style was exhausting. I prefer steady and civil.
And what's the problem with write-ins? It's legal. People can vote in privacy for whom they want.
I see by the paper today the Mirrs got another write-in. I hope people realize that Gary Wagner is a relative of the Mirrs. Do you want three Mirr relatives on the city council? I know I do not want to see that!
Nepotism at its best!
To Anonymous who thought the annexation would not have been legal - I need to let you know that both Mike Wuest and Mark Hazelbaker(the lawyer with the balloon on a string) both indicated to the paper that if the Town pursued a lawsuit, they would have lost. The annexation by the City would have stood up in court. Perhaps you missed this in the GL Reporter.
In reply to Donna Moore: I have been to some meetings and went to all the annexation meetings along with a lot of my gl city neighbors. You are so wrong about the annexation! I'm not going to rehash it, but all taxes would have continued to be paid to Brooklyn for the first several years, by law. The attorney Parise hired agreed we would not be in the black for 5 years! And look at the thousands we spent on him. Our city would have had to hire more police,fire, snow removal, etc....one of the main reasons Lindenwood hasn't started is that the roads they built are against code! They are also in trouble financially. The city would have had to borrow more money and our city which as you know, Donna, is pretty broke. As you know we can hardly pay the bills now, especially Kunkel's huge bills.
Pat Meagher hasn't been to one meeting since Chuck was elected! Just go to the bar as I did and ask him. He will admit it. He doesn't have a clue what is going on.Parise hasn't showed up since Chuck was elected either until this month. Why hasn't he come to meetings if he cares so much? Do you think it is possible he just wants and likes the power? We wonder...We townies know a lot more than you think. I agree with the others who say that Lindenwood is an unethical company for using us which is what they did. McIntyre and the majority were right. Lindenwood will not be around 2 years from now and our other TIF companies may not be around either. Joe Parise led this city up a path that was a disaster! He is the one who hired Kunkel's appraiser who screwed up so badly. He is the one who talked the town into the Heidel House TIF. Where is the second phase that was supposed to be completed by last year? I can go on and on...Since you are on the council, let's see how solvent our city is in one year!
I don't agree with you. Joe didnt do one good thing for our city, except cause a huge rift with Brooklyn and fight with everyone. He is a fighter and not a diplomat. Our city is dead after years of him in office!
Oh well, I am still enjoying the fishing.
It's unfortunate that the city was afraid to annex the property and reap new tax revenue just because a few local residents were afraid of change.
It wasn't just a few local residents. It was a majority and a majority of the council. In the end, it was all a sham with Lindenwood. Thank God the city doesnt have to deal with such crooks! Look at the mess they have brought to Brooklyn and it's been going on for 2 years already and this is before one house has been built. I go to the Brooklyn meetings. It won't work and has nothing to do with cange. It was a bad economical deal! Just wait.
Hey all...I am for write-ins. They have every right to run. If they feel passionate about not letting Parise and Pat get back in, they have every legal right. Being a write in is a disadvantage. I commend them for trying. The good thing is that it is the first time in years that 2 people are running for each district. I hope there is a debate....the city needs one. There is not a lot of time to have one, but we should all hear what they have to say.
To GL Fisherman - You are not correct about the tax revenue if the annexation would have gone through. Not all the tax revenue would go to the Town. The City would have to reimburse the Town five years of taxes at the Town rate. Since the City has a higher rate, the balance would go to the City. Just want you to know the facts.
City finances are fine since we are staying within budget and not doing any unnecessary spending, given this current economic downturn.
Someone mentioned that Pat Meagher from District #1 had not been to any city council meetings since Chuck was in office. Gary Wagner and Mary Rowley did not attend any also. Come to think of it, Chuck did not before he was elected Mayor either. Let's be fair to everyone running.
Once again we argue about the little stuff. He said, she said, I know the facts, you don't know the facts, I right, your wrong.
Stop bitching about things you can't control. If you think you can do better, get off the damn computer, get out of your house and run for office yourself. As said in an earlier post, we are in serious trouble in Green Lake. Lay offs are happening all around us, our town is dead and there is nothing bright on the horizon for the near future. We need to band together and work towards success, not tear each other up. The very few businesses we have left are on the brink of closure. We have nothing to offer tourists anymore except for the lake and golf. These amenities are plentiful in other communities that have more shopping and other fun things to offer.
The other shoe will be dropping soon. As Larmac said; "Wake up you townies! You are full of ignorance and apathy."
I agree with the blog ahead of this. We need more people in town like McIntyre and his wife who stood up and acted for our city and stuck their necks out to try to help. 3 members of our Rotary Club treated them terribly just because they disagreed with them and in my opinion they owe them big apologies. Larry was one of our best workers in the Rotary for years.
I hear a lot of bitching too and don't see people like McIntyre and his wife stepping up to the plate on anything!!! I hope they have a happy retirement. They deserve it. Time for some new blood now to act!So everyone please get involved.
I have never been to a city council meeting either, because I assumed that our elected officials new what the hell they were doing. Then I see what is going on with the school board and realize that you cannot always trust your elected officials because some of them leave their brain cells home when the attend the meetings. Now I can hear our forefathers rolling over in their graves because when they said "government by the people" they assumed some smart people would get the job and not a bunch of yokels who couldn't let a fart without complaining about it first and arguing about it afterwards. Jeez.
Most people would not care if the last few remaining businesses in Green Lake fail. The ones that have failed did so because they were not selling products or services that people wanted or needed.
Except for the Knowledge Emporium and the Sport'n'Liquor store, there are no shops downtown of any use to locals or tourists. The Crossroads is the best store around, and they took the time and planning (and money) to do it right. Their investment is paying off and they deserve much more success in the future.
If downtown were vacant, we could start over with a clean slate. The entire downtown needs a massive makeover. With the economy in a slump, nothing positive is going to happen this year and maybe not next year, but some long-term planning could result in a successful downtown some day. It would require investors with money and a vision for the future. However, until the population of Green Lake and surrounding area shows some steady growth, there simply won't be any successful new retail in this area. In order to grow, we need more jobs. For more jobs we need to get the democrats out of Washington before our entire country has spiraled past the point of no return.
I agree...shut it down, lock it up and regroup. The downtown area of Green Lake is a joke. Aside from the festivals which have lost much of their appeal and draw, there are minimal (at best) things to attract tourism, business and, most importantly, REVENUE.
The "lake" isn't as big a draw as people would like to think. There are plenty of lake destinations around the state that offer much, much more to tourists than is offered in GL. Things like touristy gift shops, "real" camping, family oriented restaurants and resorts, night life, etc.
It seems we try to be an upscale lake community - but we aren't. Alternately, we try try to paint GL as a nostalgic and quaint destination by employing a horrific marketing campaign, "Rediscover the Simple Pleasures", which was another bomb (whoever agreed to that eye-catching, baby-poop-green logo - Yuck!).
Like Jack Nicholson said as the Joker in the first Batman movie...
"This town needs is an enema"!
It may not be pretty, but it is darn effective.
Hmnn - a civic enema which gives credibility to the saying..."time to S _ _ T or get off the pot"!
I was out for my Saturday walk this morning and observed campaign signs throughout our wonderful city. This is the first time in recent memory that all three districts are being contested. The Fisrt Amendment is alive and well. Good luck to all the canditates.
oops, I misspelled candidates.
VOTE April 7th. This is the first step in our recovery.
When are we going to hear some of the candidates views??? How can we vote when I have no idea who some of these people even are.
Based on this weeks GL Distorter it appears that Joe Parise is being his usual self. For someone so committed to serving the community he didn't take the time to return his answers to the papers questionnaire. Maybe he is still mad at the "media" for losing the mayoral race for him (I'm recalling his "sour grapes", vindictive statements toward the paper when he lost). Very typical of his flippant attitude toward this podunk community. Unfortunately, the responses submitted by his opponent in the District 3 race, Gary Wagner, did little to hurt Joe's chances. Looks as though we have two really good candidates (tongue-in-cheek) to help us through these tough times.
I am a resident of district 1 in the city. I read in the Green Laker Reporter that Mr. Meagher did not reply to the questionaire about his candidacy and that Mary Rowley would sign an agreement with the township of Brooklyn giving away our statuary right to grow a/k/a our ETJ powers. I suggest that we re-elect our current alderman Larry McIntyre. Get his views at laurence.mcintyre@cityofgreenlake.com
Several of Mary Rowley's answers in the Candidate Forum were concerning to me. I am not picking on Mary, I like her and respect her as a person and a business owner. Overall, she gave the best answers in the group. However, Green Lake has nothing to gain by signing away any future prospects of annexing and growing. What possible purpose does this serve?
In answer to the question of Development in the city, Mary replied "I believe any development is good as long as it complies with city ordinances and fits in with the needs of the community." I disagree with this, as the city needs to be extremely careful about what type of development takes place in the city. Have any of you noticed that there are very few vacant lots in the city for possible development? Actually, there is no room that I know of for development. That is why the city needs to hold on to it's annexation rights if we ever want this city to grow and succeed. I do believe that Mary Rowley has much to contribute but think she should rethink this issue.
The other candidate answers were pretty much less than impressive. I am discouraged that these are our only choices. I guess we simply have to vote for the "least worst" of the bunch. For Gary Wagner to say "there is an abundance of lots available in the city and it would be great if some of these could be used for more affordable housing" is preposterous! What lots are these? I have been down every street in the city and don't know of any such lots. (Do you mean the ones in Maplewood?) There is already an over-abundance of low-cost housing in the city, the same houses have been sitting on the market for YEARS now! These are houses in the $100,000 to $150,000 range and the realtors can't sell them. That is low cost enough in my opinion. Low cost housing attracts low income people, we don't need any more. How can Green Lake be an upscale destination if we are a town of low-cost shacks? If that is Gary Wagner's vision for Green Lake then you go right ahead and write him in if you want to. Mr. Wagner also states "if the courthouse is vacated, that would be an ideal place for shops". In case you haven't noticed, we don't have a shortage of vacant shops in Green Lake, nice shops with sidewalk storefronts and everything! I think Gary Wagner should stay out of politics and go back to assisting his son on job sites.
Th Green Lake Reporter article on the election was enlightening. Parise is probably still hurting from the Mayor election loss he feels the paper contributed to last year. Maybe he no longer trusts the paper's motives in this election. Did you notice the way the write-ins have taken over the front page the last two weeks? All of a sudden, Mary Rowley is part of a new group to help the downtown. Why did these three individuals not join the effort already in place? They knew about the GLO group (Larry McIntyre is a member)who is responsible for getting more tourists to come to Green Lake by bringing in a soccer camp this summer. This is no acccident. All this with the Mayor's support saying they came to him not the other way around. Nobody believes that! You wonder about the paper's ability to influence an election.
Did these people really want to serve you, prior to the filing deadline? Did they plan to play a role in the council? No, they only came on as write-ins after the Mayor became aware of those that did get signatures and file papers. He and his wife than got nervous and started to seach for write-ins. Where is the money for these write-ins coming from? They have signs, flyers and newspaper ads. That costs a bunch of money. Someone really wants them to get elected. Gary Wagner is related to the Mirrs. His run for office is nothing short of nepotism.
Why do you think the Town of Brooklyn wanted the City to move the Boundary Agreement process through quickly before the election? We citizens need to get involved with City officials to determine what is involved with any agreement. The City held a meeting on Monday about this agreement. We might be surprised about what the document might contain. I am sure City Hall can give you a copy. I plan to go get one.
Has anyone noticed not much is being done in the City under a new Mayor? Remember the quarterly meetings he planned to have to get citizen input. I never saw any annoucement about a meeting. No articles in the paper about his goals and plans to help the downtown and the business community. The Ripon Mayor is my favorite as he does all the above. Think about it!
What planet do you live on? So what if the GLO group is bringing in a soccer camp this summer? Do you actually believe this will bring more tourists to Green Lake? OOOh, a soccer camp! I cannot believe our great fortune! Honey, let's pack up the car and take the kids to Green Lake Wisconsin so they can attend a real LIVE soccer camp! Cancel the trip to the Yosemite! This is too wonderful to believe! Call everyone you know and tell them the good news!
Finally, Green Lake is saved! Yippeee! Soccer camp!
Although I thought Chuck was the better choice for mayor, in light of what has / hasn't happened since the election I'm no longer certain. Are we better off with him than we were before? Not sure. But, at least when Joe Parise was mayor we saw and heard of things happening with regard to civic activities (sometimes not always the 'best' things).
It would be nice to have a 'happy medium' between the two of them.
Regardless of who is mayor, and who the council candidates are, we need to see something positive happening and at a minimum, we need to put our best face forward.
Everyone knows we are in a tough spot right now...show me a town that isn't. I just don't believe that things are moving forward when I walk through town and see the "Christmas Tree" by the mill pond still sporting its lights and scraggly star perched on top. I can't think good thoughts when the area around the Chamber looks like a dung hole. If you look at the businesses in town there is no uniformity or cohesiveness which makes a huge difference in peoples perception. We can do so much to beautify our city, and the surrounding area, without investing a boatload of money.
I read in the newspaper how one of our city's greatest strengths is the people of Green Lake. This might be true but not when we are constantly bickering and trying to one-up each other. We need people who are truly committed to the area and not just self-serving individuals out for their own personal gain. We need to be a community. We need to come together, get down to business, put in some elbow grease and enliven the area and make it attractive.
I'm not talking about bilking people into coming here for something that 'used to be' and no longer is (can you say, "Discover Wisconsin Video"?). Let's face it residents and merchants, if you didn't live in Green Lake, would you come here for vacation? Does this city/area offer you so many options, activities and 'fun things to do' that you would take your precious time off and commit to vacationing here? Not once, but over many years because it is an unforgettable experience! My answer to that question is a resounding NO. Sorry, It's just a fact.
Of course, you can't make a silk purse out of a sows ear. But by the same token, we won't get anywhere if we keep treating each other like such a bunch of horses asses.
Let's drop the facade and start a grass roots effort to make this area a desirable destination...whether it be for a day, a week, or perhaps, a lifetime.
I personally have a problem with the fact that Gary Wagner is one of Chuck Mirr's cousins. I realize that this is a small town and many folks are related, but this is too many Mirr's running local government! The potential for biased control is quite high and very dangerous in my opinion. We need a free thinker to be elected, not just cousin Gary who will vote however Chuck wants him to. There actually be laws against this type of thing.
Some of you people are real idiots. Gary Wagner is no more related to the Mirrs than I am to the Pope. You talk like you know everything and then make such idiotic statements. Do us all a favor, grow up and wise up, and if you can't do that please do not vote. We need intelligent, educated people electing our officials.
I wish that intelligence was a pre-requirement to voting! Then we wouldn't have the to suffer the horrid fate that our country is in right now with this new president.
Holy Cow (yes, pun intended)...we have somebody on this blog sight who is related to the Pope! That is incredible. Perhaps you can use your relative powers (ha, pun intended once again) and get a little divine intervention for this mess we call a 'community'.
I heard Lou Ann Mirr-Frank indicate that Gary Wagner is shirt tail relation. If you read the paper carefully, you can tell both of these people had also the same wording in their reponses. Like the Gold Street Landing. We have no Gold Street Landing, it is the Canal Street Landing.
Wise up. people!
Talk about collusion...has anyone noticed the new menu at the Goose Blind featuring The Dough-Head Sandwich. You can order it "boldly open-faced" and it comes with a free glass of sour grapes whine...Ooops - I meant wine (unless it is served by one of the boys basketball team or their parents).
I love this blog-sight. It's so much less expensive than having to pay a psychoanalyst for much needed therapy.
I never had to pay my psychoanalyst for the multi-personality disorder treatment that I received. He sent the bill to someone else...
This is to address the issue as to whether or not Chuck Mirr and Gary Wagner are related. I did what you who think you know should have done before you post things that are not true, and talked to Gary. Chuck Mirr's uncle was married to Gary Wagner's wife's sister who has sinced passed away. For those of you who do not get it, that does not make Gary a cousin, an uncle or any other relation to Chuck. Gary was upset that this kind of garbage is being spread. He asked me to leave his phone number for anyone who cares to call him and ask him about this or anything else related to the election (294-6822). It's really sad that people would rather buy into lies and rumors than to find out the truth. I give Gary credit for wanting to run for the council and subject himself to this kind of scrutiny. It's pretty pathetic that a guy who has lived in the community over 25 years is now being questioned whether or not he cares about the community just because he did not make the decision until after the deadline to take out papers. It's a wonder anyone gets involved around here when you see and hear people like a lot of you on this blog who would rather tear down people, spread viscious gossip and pass judgement. Since very seldom do any of these city positions run opposed, I can assume that most of you would rather sit back and criticize than get involved in a positive way. It's a shame, since obviously so many of you think you can do better.
Well, I have to get going. I have to go find a hall to rent for all of my "relatives" for Easter. Let's see, there is my sister-in-law's brother and his family, my cousin's brother-in-law and his family, my daugter-in-law's aunt and her family, and, oh yes, of course, my uncle's wife's sister and her family. Wow I did not realize I had so much family!
For those of you who don't know it...we are all descended from one father and mother. Unfortunately, they too screwed up and got booted out of the best place imaginable just for eating a darn apple.
Now we find ourselves, thousands of years later, and still can't agree on things.
What would our great-great-great-great-great...grandparents think of all the insults and diatribes we bestow upon our brothers and sisters? I guess they'd consider it a typical family gathering.
I can't believe how lucky I am to be in Green Lake where everyone is family.
Is that you, Larry, Darryl and Darryl? I thought I reckanized you! Let's meet at the Rib for a brewsky!
Thank you to the unofficial spokesperson for write-in Gary Wagner, for clarifying his questionable lineage. I see now that we simply have to base our vote not on Mr. Wagner's family history but rather on his (in my opinion) lack experience and abilities. I still choose to believe that his intentions for entering the election are not the intentions that I look for in a candidate. Thanks anyway Gary.
I applaud Gary Wagner for putting himself out there for public scrutiny (and obviously ridicule). Unfortunately he didn't account for himself very well in the questionnaire published in the GL Repeater. He might be a nice enough man but we need some representation that will challenge the status quo...we've already got too many head-waggers on the council.
I agree completely. We need strong leadership and the sooner the better. Green Lake is in a very precarious position, with our economy in jeopardy and a very uncertain future for all of us. I am not going to write in a vote for an unexperienced newbie when I can vote in confidence for an experienced candidate.
I like Joe Parise. I consider myself a very good judge of character, and value the fact that Joe has the confidence and experience to effect positive change in our community. I realize that some of you think of him as argumentative, but we need somebody who will be willing to do what is necessary to help Green Lake to evolve. I believe that his intentions are 100% true. I cannot say the same about Gary Wagner.
Leadership and experience are crucial in these trying times. I trust Joe Parise to be an attentive public servant and would gladly welcome him back to our local government. I will be casting my vote for Joe Parise on election day.
I for one am not a fan of Joe Parise, nor will I be voting for him or Pat Meagher. He is too argumentative and does not take into account what is best for the community of Green Lake (which is apparent when he wasn't re-elected for Mayor). The community of Green Lake needs to do what is best for them and support the local businesses. Green Lake would not be such a ghost town, if people would get off this site and support what is in their community. That is exactly what this community needs is new people elected on April 7th. The write ins will be getting my vote. By the way, did anyone read what Joe Parise had in the paper this past week for his views and ideas for the community? Oh, that's right, he didn't make the effort to put anything in paper. What great community support he has!!
There is nothing wrong with being argumentative if you are arguing for the right cause. Give me argumentative any day! I would rather have someone to fight for what is right than someone who will sit there and then do what he is told.
As far as supporting the local businesses, I am not in a financial position to do that. I shop at the Crossroads and buy stamps at the post office. That's about it. It's called living within my means, something the school should learn to do.
Gary Wagner must have been out in District #3 and left a brochure on my door. Boy, Lynn and Chuck Mirr must really be afraid of new people coming into office. The brochure is two color and on very nice printed paper. It must have cost a fortune and was paid for by friends of Gary Wagner. Who are these friends? The newspaper ads, signs, flyers and this brochure must be costing someone a bunch of money. What are they afraid of?
The brochure does not have one word about what Mr. Wagner will do for the people in District #3. What are his qualifications for office? What does he stand for? Why is he running as a write in? Why did he not file papers in the normal process last December if he really wanted to serve? What prompted his last minute run? No word on these items. Just another good ole home boy who has been here for 37 years and whose children went to school here.
Our new Mayor has not been active on any one issue this past year. What has he accomplished? Without some council members propping him up with his lack of experience, this city would be in big trouble. Where are the quarterly meetings with citizens that he promised in his campaign? Where are any business hours at City Hall? If you want to see him, you have to try at the paint store. What kind of Mayor is this? Where is the effort to get any new business to Green Lake? Where is the leadership?
Will Gary Wagner be more of the same?
I received a flyer the other day too and actual thought that at least they are making an effort and the election means something to these people. CHANGE IS GOOD! What experience does Joe Parise or Pat Meagher have?? Joe obviously doesn't have much if he already has been beaten out as Mayor (shows how much support he DOESN'T have in Green Lake) but feels the need to voice his argumentative and narrow-minded opinions by being an alderman. Who is Pat Meagher???? Get a clue and some brains and start supporting your community. You wouldn't have to worry about bringing business back to Green Lake because they would have never of left if you would support them!! With that being said VOTE "NO" TO JOE AND PAT and "YES" TO THE WRITE INS!
Thanks, Lynn Mirr for your above comments!
Wake up and smell the coffee. You are questioning Joe Parise's experience and you don't even know what he has accomplished? Read the new blogs at the top of the Inquisitor and learn something. And if you think change is good, you are probably one of the misinformed who help to elect our new president. What a great job he's doing.
Like I would really want a to write in a 100% INEXPERIENCED person whose only public service experience is emptying garbage cans at the park. You go right ahead and right in Gary Wagner if you want to but I am voting for leadership and experience with Joe Parise.
Leadership? What leadership?? Is that what Joe calls it? Arguing with any ideas that are not in tune with his is own is now called leadership. WOW!! That is definately who I would NOT elect!
You are actually a disgrace to this blog and if I were Joe, I wouldn't even want you making comments on my behalf. I will be voting for the write-ins!
Not only are you rude and uninformed (the election is for city council) but seem to have many unresolved deep-seated emotional problems. I'm sure that I am not the first person who has told you this. And just for the record, you are doing a first-class job of representing the "write-ins" and I'm sure that they appreciate your commitment to furthering their cause.
Persons in need of mental health counseling can contact Green Lake County Human Services for more information. Have a nice day!
Anyone who votes for Joe Parise needs mental health counseling.
Well townies,you give me renewed hope. This is the first time in recent memory that all three aldermanic districts have been contested. Vote on April 7th.
Doesn't anyone realize that our city is being run by Mrs. Mirr from the kitchen table! Go to meetings and find out what really is happening in our city. It would be better than TV any night. There is no leadership from our present Mayor. City employees and some council members are picking up the slack!
To inform the previous blogger: The next two G.L. City Council Meetings are Mon.4/6 @6pm,and Mon.4/13 @7pm. It would be nice if the contesting candidates also attended. How can they possibly know what is going on if they don't come to meetings.
Wow!!! You all need to get a life. Instead of sitting on your computer spreading rumors and putting down others...why don't YOU GET INVOLVED? I don't know how some of you can sleep at night. I could never imagine talking about others the way that some of you are, you should be ashamed of yourselves...and grow up. I am a 20year old reading this and am disgusted that I am reading(what I would assume are mostly, if not all adults)writing such nasty things about eachother. What are we teaching our children? It truly makes me sad that I thought I grew up in a small, close-knit community and boy was I wrong!
Alas, someday you'll lose your youthful naivete and realize that there is a real world out there with real issues.
Sorry, Virginia but there is no Santa Claus.
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