Monday, February 23, 2009

Norton's on TV Sunday last Sunday AM

Norton's was on WFRV on Sunday morning promoting the area. If you missed it here is the link to the page.

Thanks, Mike


Anonymous said...

This is GREAT! Chief, I would appreciate your having something on the blog about the IMPORTANT Land Use Planing & Zoning Committee meeting this Thursady Feb. 26th. What they decide could effect the whole Green Lake area for generations.

Anonymous said...

I tried the link and only got a page of text...Where is the story?

Anonymous said...

Below the snowmobile photo in the middle of the page is a scroll bar, scroll down to Road Trip to Green Lake. The entire piece promotes our whole community in 6 minutes better than our entire chamber has done in years.

Anonymous said...

thanks-found it.
chamber of what?

Anonymous said...

I watched it. It was mostly just a long advertisement for Norton's. Still,any promotion for Green Lake is good, especially when it's free.

Personally, I would like to see Norton's become smoke-free, as I cannot breath from the moment I walk in the door. Second hand smoke causes cancer and other diseases. Even their dining room stinks like cigarettes. I doubt that the owners would voluntarily change this as their regular drinking crowd also loves to smoke. How about some super ventilating fans to suck the damn smoke out, Haveys?

Anonymous said...

There sure are alot of negitive people on here! And again, why can't there be something else beside the Land Use Planing & Zoning meetings?

Anonymous said...

negative negative negative great place we live in.

Anonymous said...

Its all B.S. 1st we bitched that Norton's was closed, now we're complaining about SMOKE. Give me a break. The State is going smoke free next year anyway. When they build the condos you wont be worried about smoke or long free advertisements.

Anonymous said...

What a brilliant idea!! Pro-activity!!!!!!! Using a computer for positive. My god people, put your crabby apples into a cart and move on!!!!

Anonymous said...

Bring Milly and E-roc back!!

Anonymous said...

Excuse me for complaining about SMOKE. If you think my comment is negative, you should watch somebody die of cancer.

Anonymous said...

I agree about the smoking issue. It is bad enough that bars are smoke-filled, but a restaurant should be a place where people can breath clean air while they enjoy a meal. My family and I were very glad when the Goose Blind went smoke free. I commend Mary Rowley for this excellent decision. If it is true that Wisconsin is going smoke-free next year, then this is very good news indeed.

There was a letter to the editor in last weeks Ripon Commonwealth from a concerned member of the Green Lake Area Tavern League. The contention is that in these difficult economic times, taverns cannot afford to lose business because of a smoking ban. According to the American Heart Association, between 21% and 24% of American adults smoke. These statistics are shockingly high.

Cancer rates and heart disease rates are at an all-time high in this country, and smokers drive the cost of health care and insurance up (WAY up) for all of us. I for one resent the hell out this fact. I have no compassion for smokers. The cost of a pack of cancer-sticks is about $5 and rising. With millions of people out of work, the last thing that they should be spending money on is cigarettes. Of course, sitting in a bar on a daily basis buying $3 beers hardly makes any sense either. Maybe it's finally time for America to get healthy.

I personally don't go to bars because of the cigarette smoke. Maybe if bars become smoke-free, the 75% of Americans who don't smoke will start to patronize taverns once in a while.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand why all the bars should have to be smoke free. Shouldn't the owners be able to decide for themselves and let the public know if they are smoke free or not. Then people can patronize the place they choose. I don't understand the nazi non smokers. Many times these are the same people who want government off our backs.

Anonymous said...

I understand your point of view, I really do, but I don't agree with it. If a business is open to the public, then the public should be able to patronize the establishment without fearing for their health.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the last post. If you are in a confined area there should be no smoking. In areas where a smoking ban is in effect there are alternative places to smoke and then come back into the confined space. This point will be debated ad nauseum between the smokers and non-smokers.

However,the bottom lime of this post is...Hats off to the Havey's and many thanks for keeping Norton's a viable business in these tough economic times. While many small town establishments such as Norton's are going under, you've kept a landmark destination going, and going strong.
Your efforts within this community do not go unnoticed, nor unappreciated.

Anonymous said...

Knowing the outcome, why would anyone begin smoking? See you all at Norton's for dinner tonight. WI's hidden gem.

Anonymous said...

Actually, cigarette companies target children and teens, knowing if they don't get kids to light up while they are young, they most likely never will.

The tobacco industry spends 13.1 billion dollars per year, that is 35.9 million dollars per day, to ensure their profits. Joe Camel was designed to appeal to children.

Even though the cigarette companies now claim that they have stopped "intentionally" marketing to kids, they continue to advertise cigarettes in ways that reach vulnerable underage populations.

Almost 90% of all regular smokers begin smoking at or before age 18. Thanks to cigarette company marketing efforts, each day more than 3500 kids try smoking for the first time, and another 1000 kids become regular daily smokers.

Anonymous said...

Good God people!!!!
How did this discussion on Norton's promoting Green Lake turn into an anti smoking forum!!!
Plain and simple. Thank you Mike & Jill for saving a landmark. No doubt at great expense to you. Thank you Haveys for helping out our great city and constantly donating to it. You don't have to. Thank you for employing our locals. Thank you for making it a confortable place for EVERYONE to meet.
Thank you for being pro-active (Kari) to get us on T.V. Thank you Jill & Mike for driving up 3 hours each way in the middle of the week and take time out of your busy work week to be our hosts for T.V.

Does anyone every see the good?

P.S. I'm sure this will draw negative commets about something.

Anonymous said...

Did you hear about the diner offering the the Octo-Mom Special for breakfast? 14 eggs, no sausage and the guy sitting next to you pays the bill.

Anonymous said...

I agree and disagree with what anonymous said. He/She is always right and always wrong. Someday I want to grow up and be anonymous.

Anonymous said...

can anyone tell me if mill st junction is open, or any other shops downtown....i been coming to GL for years on and off, thinking about coming again this year but can't find out what's there and what isn't...
thank you


Anonymous said...

Knowledge Emporium, Wisconsin Gold & Gem, Green Lake Mercantile, Wallenfangs, North Bay, The Chocolate Shop are all open. Looks like the art gallery may reopen. Mill St. Junction is closed; so is the other jewelry store (formerly Karyn's). New restaurant is Christianos, a pizza/pasta place in the old Nordic Hill building.

Green Lake Zobel Park Rec Fund

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