Thursday, March 8, 2007

Daylight Savings

Yes everybody. The bars will legally be able to open until 3:30 AM this saturday night. Thank god. I was wondering what I was going to do if they closed at 1:30. It would comletely ruin my day...mmm..night..mmm..routine.


Drunken_Bastard said...
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Anonymous said...

Hey what happened to this comment posting? It was pretty funny.

Drunken_Bastard said...

Yeah...but I'm starting to feel some heat...


Chief Highknocker said...

So what. You just want to be drunk all the time?

Drunken_Bastard said...

Chief Highknocker said...
So what. You just want to be drunk all the time?

Yeah baby!

Anonymous said...

Why doesn't everyone quit whining, and make CHANGES to the community???? Everyone complains about these problems.... How about solutions???? Has apathy overtaken the naysayers this bad????? Be PROACTIVE for once.......

Drunken_Bastard said...
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Anonymous said...

Happy spring to you Chief,
First of all would like to congratulate you for pushing those kids from Berlin off of you. Do they not have their own cemetery to play around in? Nice to note the GL Reporter does not encourage nighttime visits or sitting or standing on the mausoleum or headstones.
Second, I hear there is a hot card game floating around town. Know anything about it?????

Green Lake Zobel Park Rec Fund

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You aren't local until you have at least three generations in the cemetery.