First of all children do you really need to call each other idiots on this blog? Really? Grow up or find another playground.
As for Joe Parise running for mayor, if that is something you want a write in would be the best way to go. Joe has said he would be mayor if he won in a write in which in a town the size of Green Lake is very feasible.
Joe may have some issues controlling his "excitability" but he has some good ideas for this town which should be addressed.
12 years ago
Thank you, thank you Chief. We are new to Green Lake and heard friends talking about the Blog website so unfortunately checked it out - not knowing what to expect. It was good to read your comments that echoed ours regarding the very bitter, angry name-calling behavior of people in Green Lake. If these people were in school, they would be expelled due to bullying. We have met some nice people in GL, but if we had known of these feelings among residents before buying our home here, we certainly would have thought twice about m9oving here.
Try living in Illinoises, See how you like those rude/criminal people. What is wrong with our opinions? Here we can say what we really feel and cannot say to their faces. Everybody needs to let loose some days. I like living here.
I am very pleased that there will be a write-in campaign for Joe Parise. I hope this effort becomes an organized one, and that Parise will win! Go Joe!
To the new community members... Welcome to Green Lake, unfortunately it is best to ignore this blog and don't get involved in the community politics. Join the silent majority who lives here and doesn't pay attention to the 'locals' who have lived here forever and are probably older than God - at least they act like it. Green Lake has an air of entitlement and arrogance that I have never experienced before, but if you stay in the background it's a lovely place to live. Just pretend like you're on vacation and it will all be good! If you think you can make things better here with new ideas and change... think again, just enjoy your life and believe it or not, most of the people are nice - just not the ones with any power or influence.
That is well said. I feel the same way. I've been here over 25 years and still don't feel welcome from some people. Best not to tell anyone you are not from here and go with the flow.
You sound ridiculous. So you are suggesting that newcomers lie and create a false identity? Please come back to reality. If you are not interested in community affairs, including those that affect you, then you choose to be apathetic. Everyone should participate on their own level, but please keep informed on the issues. Be honest to yourself and others.
"Best not to tell anyone you are not from here and go with the flow."
By all means, don't try to raise the bar of mediocrity that keeps Green Lake from being a better place to live and work. Keep your head in a hole and go with the flow...You wouldn't want to stir up any muck and bring attention to important issues.
This is what is wrong with America, too many apathetic people who are satisfied to sit around and do nothing to make their lives (and communities) better.
I agree with Chief on the name calling - show some maturity.
And if you live in Green Lake, you should know what's going on and take an active part in it. Can't complain about the situations or make changes if you put your head in the sand.
Not everyone that lives here is bitter and those that complain on here, WANT change!!!!
What people don't understand is that WHEN they confront the Mayor and the City Council about on going problems/issues within the city, are TOTALLY ignored.
PER MY OPINION: They mayor and certain city council members HAVE NO RESPECT for the community or the people that live in it.
And that's what blogs are for - personal opinions...
I would like for the city to arrange another "deer kill". The deer have taken over Green Lake! Does this need to go on the agenda in order to be addressed? If so, can one of our elected officials please put another deer kill on the agenda so that we can live without fear of hitting deer right on our city streets and have spare our trees and gardens from (expensive) destruction. Thank you.
I almost hit one turning on Walker Ave the other day... He/She was walking right now the middle of the street.
Honked at it, He just looked at me like I was nuts.
The city could hire Mayor Dough Head to kill the excess deer...after all, he's a big-time hunter. This way the city could just pay the mayor a little more money for actually doing nothing just like he does acting as the mayor. Has anyone every tried getting in touch with Chuckles, or one of the Koffee Klatch Kounsel Women via their 'official' city emails. I guess if you want to talk to the Mayor then you'll have to go and buy some firewood from him...If I'm not mistaken the Hattie Sherwood Campground (which is within the city, and is paid for with city taxes) buys its firewood from him! Small point but seems to be a conflict of interest...Do you think Glen McCarty heats the city owned house that he lives in with wood purchased from his 'Boss'? I wonder if Chuck gives him a friends and neighbors discount just like we do on Glen's 'rent'!
We are a caring and giving community...aren't we??
What is the point of the name calling and belittling? You sound so petty.
Euonymous sure has a variegated way of thinking! This deer topic raises the question: why are we paying for someone to shoot deer when there are many qualified persons in the city who are willing to do it for free? Good example is the mayor, who hunts game in Wisconsin and Canada. Our neighbor is a veteran and avid hunter. I would trust people with decades of hunting experience to shoot the deer and not the neighbors windows. I realize that there is a liability, but lets be responsible (financially and otherwise) as a community and have a controlled deer kill.
Joe Parise for mayor? I feel like Rip Van Winkle. Didn't we already make that mistake once before? Not much improved during Joe's watch the first time; certainly not the downtown or any business growth (oh yeah, Lindenwood moved forward). But Joe did create a fair amount of tension and controversy with his "enthusiasm". He is a horrible listener and doesn't bring people together in any constructive way, but instead pushes his agenda and ideas.
Where were you when Joe Parise was mayor? He did many good things for Green Lake, frequently advocated for our local causes in Madison, and was directly responsible for the growth of our industrial park (aka jobs). Compared to Mirr, who hasn't done anything noteworthy and cannot seem to work within a budget. I'll take Parise back any day. I don't care how loud he talks or who he offends if he can get the job done.
The notion that Joe Parise "doesn't bring people together in any constructive way, but instead pushes his agenda and ideas" is ironic to say the least. Are you talking about how chummy Chuck Mirr and Mike Wuest are? That's gotten the citizens of Green Lake absolutely NOTHING as Mirr allows the town of Brooklyn to shirk their responsibilities and drop the ball when it comes to city matters. At least Joe Parise had an agenda and some ideas! As a taxpayer, I want a mayor that is not afraid to raise new ideas and concerns and fight for what is right for the city. Mirr and Wuest can sit on the back of a convertible together for a parade, but that's about all they do as a team.
A debate can be had on whether there was any substantial progress in the industrial park, or whether people got very cheap land without providing the requisite 10 jobs and following the design parameters for the property.
Let's have a debate between Mirr and Parise as soon as possible. The end is near!
I'd love to see Chuck and Joe verbally spar. Anyone who has ever spoken to either man knows full well what the outcome would be!
How is this for 'not much improved' under Joe's watch...
Does anyone remember the problems with the water testing of the prior public works director and the fines that were to be levied against our fair city?
I certainly do! I also recall all of the time and effort (unpaid and unappreciated time) that Parise put into getting the situation handled and not costing "we the people" a significant amount of money.
And with regard to Chuck and Mike isn't about being everyone's 'Good Buddy' and that is all this city is about - not offending the Town Of Brooklyn folks while they laugh their asses off at the people running / ruining Green Lake.
Joe Parise for mayor? He is a horrible listener and loud throat clearerer (rudely while others are talking)and doesn't bring people together in any constructive way, but instead pushes his agenda and ideas. If Green Lake were bigger he would be kicked outta here.
Why is the street near the chamber still such a mess? The asphalt mix keeps being plowed away by the snowplows, there are potholes everywhere. Not only that, but the asphalt mix is running down the storm drain and right into the river. How nice that the city is polluting the Puchyan, which leads to the State Natural Area of the Puchyan Prairie. This area is home to several endangered Wisconsin plants and a myriad of wildlife.
I also am upset that Round-Up is used on the banks of the Puchyan behind the Historical Society/Chamber. (I have seen this first-hand). While many feel that Round-Up is not a danger to nature, any damn fool with a brain knows better. It is a poison! The city has a moral obligation to protect the local natural areas and is failing miserably.
Please site an example of how Joe Parise is pushing his own agenda on people, since that is your 2nd post in regards to it??
At least the man has his own ideas and can think for himself.
need a little more detail then that...
My constituents were against Lindenwood because of the uncertain economy,were undecided about Maplewood because of the economy,and for the ETJ. The ETJ protects the City from being landlocked by the area around it. The City should never give up its ETJ rights or sign a boundary agreement.
Can someone explain what the Town of Brooklyn did at the last meeting regarding Lindenwood? I read the article in the Reporter and am confused about what exactly the Town is doing and why they are doing it.
I agree with Larry McIntyre on this:
The City should never give up its ETJ rights or sign a boundary agreement.
To even consider this is foolish and irresponsible. Our city must be allowed to grow and expand as needed.
The city should not sign a boundy agreement is correct. How ever the Mayor and the majority currenty on the council would love to sign a boundry agreement. This can not be brought back to the council unless Joe is not on it or Mayor.
The mayor and the council members should have to pass an IQ test before taking office.
I'll second the irritation with the street near Eric's dentist office. They must keep digging it up to deal with continuing issues with the old mill race. Either spend the money to do it right the first time, or fill it in and be done with it. Stop throwing more band aids at the problem. It's not like the mill race is needed.
Chief why did you close the poll for the mayor's race? We have to encourage these two.
If the mill race is not needed, why did the city just spend many thousands of dollars to "fix" it?
I thought Joe was out 1st he takes papers out to run for city council and or mayor than drops out at the last minute and now as a write-in whats that all about???? and than puts the article in the newspaper that he is fed-up and "po" about it all??? does the City need that type of behavior ??? nothing good will come from this "guy" if he is mayor again all he is doing is blowing his own horn and it is about "me me me"boo hoo boo hoo
I doubt there was any reason other than "because it was there." What purpose does it serve other than a very minor historical significance? It's not like there isnt a great big dam to let the water out of the lake, and it's certainly not pretty...maybe there's some kinda DNR flap abut it...
Go Bears!You betcha.
You do realize that the lake runs into the puchyan and then north to the fox... it runs all the way through the the marsh and nature preserve. It's the means of water for the marsh and DNR land.
The road does need to be fixed correctly and stop patching it up. Oh I know, since there was a surplus of MONEY from fixing LAKE Street and the downtown area streets, which isn't done all the way, we can use that to FIX the SORE SPOT on MILL instead of using that $$$$ to pave south street and completing that 1/2 way.
Put off south street for another year - finish what you started in town...
Lindenwood, maplewood and ETJ, I still don't understand how JOE pushed for his own agenda on this. And from my understanding Joe NEVER signed ANY Boundry agreement. Lindenwood/ABA asked the city if they wanted the plot that was available, because Town of Brooklyn did not want it.
Isn't that correct????
I drive down South St. every day and have not noticed any problems with the street. What part of South St. is slated for repairs?
Yes, I do realize that the Puchyan runs through the marsh and nature preserve. The CITY should be far more careful and considerate of our precious natural resources. Did you know that they PAY people to spray Round-UP along the banks of the peninsula behind the Chamber? The spot right by the dentist office where the water runs through the gate, is also sprayed with Round-UP every year. If the city gardeners want to spray poison for their other clients, that is up to them. However, the City of Green Lake should not be intentionally spraying poison right along the banks of the Puchyan.
I have always wondered why the city is paying "the gardeners" $30 per hour each to do menial gardening tasks on city property. I have never noticed a call for bids for this type of work in the newspaper. Is this open for bid on an annual basis? Much of what "the gardeners" do is nonessential. I have seen them watering little flower beds in the city the morning after a rain!
Most of the work that is performed on city property could be done by the community service (jail) workers or by volunteers. The city should be looking at ways to save money where ever they can. Even the city public works department could handle most of the gardening needs for far less money.
I was talking about filling in the mill race under the damaged section of mill street, not filling the whole dam in. Green lake requires an outlet with Silver creek emptying into it, not to mention all the springs that feed it. The dam provides this, the mill race is superfluous. The DNR is kinda screwy when it come to water issues. Was just wondering if they were the reason the city keeps throwing money at something that does not appear to be necessary by any means.
I also travel South St. daily. The only thing I can think of is that little patch by those big pines trees on the Tuscumbia property that shade the road there causing some deterioration of the south side lane. But that is peanuts, and a very small section. Is that chunk of Sunny Side Road by the old folks home part of the city and considered south street too? Even that isn't in bad shape...
Where do the gardeners do work on city property?
It is possible that filling in the millrace would put too much pressure on the dam. Engineering studies must have been done when the dam was rebuilt. Don't assume that nobody thinks about any of these things.
I thought it was South Lawson Drive that will be redone, not South Street.
Most of the work that is performed on city property could be done by the community service (jail) workers
Certainly works well in China.
I need to go out and write some bad checks or throw a brick in someone's window. That way I would have a job and three squares a day. --Stop giving work out to prisoners-- Give it to local out of work citizens-- Prisoners are to be confined and not made a part of a family with activities. They get to go out and do idiotic, unskilled , made-up jobs that don't usually need to be done, or could be done by the unemployed tax payers. Jail should not be a vacation for low-lifes. If jail were tougher maybe they would think twice about breaking the law! Picking up trash on events days and mowing or leaf blowing around town does nothing to help the tax payer. Hire someone that will in turn pay taxes and buy something with the money! I'm ready to debate this one!
I would not mind community service workers helping out if they were under constant supervision. But that's not the case. We see them at festivals, sitting at picnic tables, eating, standing around, but never working. I don't think that I have EVER seen one actually working.
Many of these "jobs" are not paying jobs that could be offered to someone else for money. (Most of the work at the festivals is all volunteer.) Speaking of "jobs" one day we saw a woman prisoner walking toward downtown past Tuscumbia, and the sleazy golfers on the course were calling her over to them (and she was complying). These community service people really need to be under constant supervision.
Ah you people never change.
You want to keep doing what you've always done, and expect the outcome to be something different.
Forget Parise, he's a big fish in a small pond ('scuse the pun) and doesn't have the tact to get things done in Green Lake. Get rid of Mirr as soon as you can - nice guy with good intent but no idea on how to be an effective Mayor.
You need someone intelligent, dynamic, resourceful, community spirited with a commercial/business sense.....someone like Tim Jankowski.
I say - TJ for Mayor of GL!
Out with the bad air, in with the good....out with the ba...
Tim has to run to be elected. The only one running is Chuckie. Therefore you have your mayor for the next three years.
Not so fast buddy! There is a campaign to write in JOE PARISE for mayor! I will be writing him in on my ballot and know many other people who will be doing the same. He can get things done just fine. He has in the past, and could again if he had a city council with half a frickin brain.
Timmy J is a nice guy, but I don't he has leadership qualities. Go JOE!
Are you all kidding about Joe? What short memories! Joe is responsible for all the tif districts in this city!Great ideas? Ha. Have you all been reading the papers? Tif #3has failed and so will the others. Except maybe the Heidle House tif. All the money that was supposed to come from those districts will have to come from the city. I was against the tif districts from the beginning and Joe is not an accountant. I am and believe me, this city is going to be totally broke and in debt soon due to the tif districts that will fail. The only person you can blame for this is Joe Parise. I hope he gets in just to go down with the ship. We will have to lose our bond rating and I predict all of this will happen in the next 2 years. The concil were fools to listen to Joe and Kunkel when the tif districts were formed. There are too many for such a small city! Our city slush fund will not be able to handle the horrible mess we are in. The ripon papers were correct in trying to let us know what a mess we are in. Guess who will have to bail out Joe's tif failures? We the taxpayers! Chuck, you are no better, but if you are reading this, get a good accountant over to the city to figure out how to handle the failure of tif#3 and the others that are in trouble!
Do you know Joe smokes too. I also heard he once had a drink.
Ok,I know this is out of place, But Id like to say Good Job to the DPW for the snow removal the last few times.
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