Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Street Dance August 7

There will be a street dance this saturday August 7th to support and raise money for the Green Lake/ Town of Brooklyn Fire Dept. There is a raffle where you can win $1,000 and lots of fun.

See You There!


Anonymous said...

This is a fun event in Green Lake, and such a worthy cause. I love that the Police and Fire emblems on the poster contain the old Green Lake (sailboat) logo. I wish that the chamber had never changed logos.

See you at the street dance!

Anonymous said...

Fun time by all (even in the rain last year). Kudos to the men and women who serve our community! If you can support only one cause in town, this is it. Thank you for starting a great tradition.

Anonymous said...

Saturday night at the street dance was really fun. Great fundraiser and great time.

Anonymous said...

The fair was also fun, a nice part of summers in Green Lake.

Anonymous said...

Thank you. Thank you. My friends & family had a great time! It was nice to see old and new friends.

Anonymous said...

I do not know how to put a new topic on the blog or how to suggest one so I am writing this here. The Yacht Club Fashion Show was well done, again, as usual!!!!Kudos to all those who worked hard putting this beautiful event together as it is something Green Lake can be really proud to bring friends to enjoy! It is the best show of its kind! Thanks!!!!

Anonymous said...

I have never been the the Yacht Club Fashion show, because I work during the week. Why don't they have it on a weekend, or in the evening?

Anonymous said...

Only women of leisure can attend the Yacht Club fashion show, they obviously don't want the working class to attend.

Anonymous said...

There are working class women who manage to be there! I do not know why they have it when they do, but that is up to their committee to decide. The merchants involved with the style show and all those who donate the raffle items plus the silent auction items are to be commended, too.

Anonymous said...

As usual, the Art Fair made for a great weekend in Green Lake. Kudos to Guy Rossberg and all the hard work that he put into this event.

That being said, I would like to point out that smoking has been banned in all Green Lake parks, and yet there are no signs to indicate NO SMOKING, and there is no enforcement of rules. Typical of Green Lake government. The council meetings are a joke. They can't even be bothered to observe and enforce a sign ordinance, something that keeps getting tabled from meeting to meeting (like everything else). We are paying our council members for every meeting they attend, and yet they continually shirk their responsibilities. It's a waste of taxpayer money. It's simply an exercise in futility. For all they accomplish, we could simply cancel city government all together and nobody would really notice the difference.

Ironic that the people who were smoking at the art fair (and driving us away as fast as we could) were the vendors and the event organizer.

Anonymous said...

We also noticed that people were smoking at the art fair. Very bothersome.

There was an article in last week's Ripon Commonwealth about Green Lake's sign ordinance, or lack there-of. The council has been tabling this issue for years. It would not be difficult to implement or enforce, and yet they seem clueless how to go about it. The idea of "grandfathering" everyone in is ludicrous. Why do they even bother? We are paying the city council to sit on their hands and go around in circles with damn near everything.

Also, I would like to comment of the surplus of huber/community service workers at the art fair. Not once did we see them working. They were sitting at picnic tables in shade, eating, drinking and joking around. Another time, they were standing around eating dough-nuts. Why are they being let out for the day when they are supposed to be incarcerated as punishment for their crimes? If anything, have one or two community service workers (not six or eight) and keep them working. They should have constant supervision. Whoever is in charge of this program should have an job review. In my opinion, this is not being handled properly.

Smoke Free Advocacy said...

Wisconsin is now one of more than two dozen states with a workplace smoking ban.

People caught smoking where it's prohibited face fines up to $250. Businesses can also be fined $100, since the smoking ban must be enforced by the person in charge of the facility.

We see city of Green Lake employees smoking in city-owned vehicles every day. Why is this practice being tolerated? Are they also smoking in city owed buildings?

Both employers and employees need to know the laws applicable to smoking on the job. Public employees should certainly know the law, and comply with the law.

Either the city works director should start enforcing the law, or be replaced.

Anonymous said...

You people have nothing better to do than complain about smokers. The law passed is a voilation of a persons rights. They have taken away evrything else, what is next. we will not be able to walk on the sidewalks without someone's permission!! GET A LIFE AND CALM DOWN!!!

Anonymous said...

Yeah Right! It's not like smoking causes cancer or anything...everyone should just calm down and suck in those wonderful carcinogenic chemicals that people have the right to spew out to everyone else!
Whomever posted the last comment is a moron! Get a clue.

Anonymous said...

People who smoke on public property should be fined. Why should everyone’s health suffer because of one or two idiots? Smoke in your own damn house, so the rest of us can enjoy clean air.

Anonymous said...

I don't think that smokers realize how much they stink up the air. When I am driving and the person in the car in front of me on the highway is smoking, I can smell it. When I meet a person, I can tell immediately if they are a smoker or not, because they smell like cigarettes. Cancer, heart disease, lung disease, circulation problems, etc, all costing us non-smokers more for our health insurance and health care. If you want to kill yourself by smoking then go ahead, but don't take me with you, and don't make me pay for your damn medical bills.

I am grateful that I can now go out for a nice meal and not have to smell cigarettes while I am trying to eat. I really can't understand why anybody smokes. Cigarettes taste bad, smell bad, and are bad for you.

rita red said...

Years ago people would step outside after a meal and light up a good quality tobacco cig - smoke it and get on with their business. Nowadays smokers have developed a tic for chain smoking --every waking moment of their lives. Lighting up those cigs with no tobacco but filler garbage and flammable ingredients that smell horrible. What makes you smokers think you have the right to walk around with a flaming polluting stick in your mouths. You are so beautiful. Gives me the dry heaves.

Anonymous said...

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Green Lake Zobel Park Rec Fund

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