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1 – 200 of 562 Newer› Newest»Great turnout for the town hall meeting this morning! They could have used a larger room, and a microphone so that people could hear better. It is good to see our concerned citizens exercising their rights as United States citizens, something that Nancy Pelosi apparently does not understand. Anyone who is speaking against national health care "reform" has now been labeled as "un-American" by the House Speaker Pelosi and House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer in today's USA Today. This is the same Pelosi that called illegal immigrants "very, very patriotic" a few months back after condemning raids on illegal immigrants by the Immigration and Customs Enforcements agents. Unbelievable. Nancy Pelosi is up for reelection in 2010. Let's pray to God that she is not re-elected!
M, I enjoyed meeting you today at the Petri gathering. I hope you were able to speak and ask your questions. I also hope we can talk again some day. L
American said...you really misrepresent what the quote actually said. Nancy Pelosi was calling the "ugly" protesters un-American. The protesters that would not let the meetings have an open dialogue. You better re-read the article. I have posted the link...
That is even worse, calling them ugly and un-American. There is open dialogue at these town hall meetings, the democrats just don't want to hear the truth about national health care, and they don't have any of the answers to the questions because they are clueless idiots.
Nancy Pelosi said: "Drowning out opposing views is simply un-American."
How absolutely frightening that the Speaker of the House has NO understanding of our first amendment rights! The Obama administration is trying to push through their horrid health care bill without public interference, using bullying tactics and lies. This is by far the most corrupt, evil administration that our country has ever had, and people are not stupid, they can see what is happening. Enough of this garbage.
Hello L! I did! We will! M
Pelosi is certifiably nuts. Her and her party have done nothing but use slander and thug tactics to intimidate media, silence opposition, and accuse upset citizens of being unintelligent mobs. Obama is a Harvard coated thug. Weapon of choice...a teleprompter.
Amen, preach it!
President Obama's top health adviser, Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, (the brother of White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel)has downright sinister plans for our health care. Savings, he writes, will require changing how doctors think about their patients: Doctors take the Hippocratic Oath too seriously. Emanuel wants doctors to look beyond the needs of their patients and consider social justice, such as whether the money could be better spent on somebody else.
Emanuel believes that "communitarianism" should guide decisions on who gets care. He says medical care should be reserved for the non-disabled, not given to those "who are irreversibly prevented from being or becoming participating citizens. An obvious example is not guaranteeing health services to patients with dementia.
He explicitly defends discrimination against older patients: "Unlike allocation by sex or race, allocation by age is not invidious discrimination; every person lives through different life stages rather than being a single age. Even if 25-year-olds receive priority over 65-year-olds, everyone who is 65 years now was previously 25 years"
What the hell kind of logic is that, I ask you? You might not be elderly or have a disability, but one day you will be one or both, and you can only blame yourself for not speaking out on Obama's sick version of health care reform.
"Harvard coated thug"
Careful now. That sounds too much like chocolate coated, which the lunatics will twist into some racist remark about Obama's skin color! And if this blog starts sounding too much like an M&M ad, someone here might get their tidy whities all bunched up over KKK brochure paranoia! Help! Help! The angry mob is attacking me with sweet intelligence! HA! HA!
That Pelosi is demonized by the Republican right convinces me that she is on the right track. I'm spending my support dollars and emailing my network contacts to ensure she becomes re-elected.
I now support Obama's plan--although I wish it would go much, much further than being proposed.
Little wonder that this blog slams any kind of health care reform--this is Republican country. But this is an anomaly.
Fortuntaely, moderate Republicans are getting smart. They realize the fringe party members do not represent most Americans.
A Converted Republican Who Wants Change
No one can be this flagrantly stupid (in the above post) - someone is blogging here just to ruffle feathers.
"That Pelosi is demonized by the Republican right convinces me that she is on the right track."
By that same logic, the democrats hatred for Palin proves Palin was on the right track. Go Palin! :)
I am with the converted Republican who posted above. I am so glad I voted for the President. I am also happy it scares so many of you. This is Republican territory. Ah, well I'm happy. Scream on the rest of you.
Democrat or Republican, it doesn't matter. The health care system is in tatters. With an aging population and more specialized (expensive) medical technologies, now is the time to pass reform. It's in all of our best interests.
It's not in my best interest.
why not?
Health Care is not a right. I don't have a right to medical care. You don't have a right to medical care. The constitution only guarantees citizens "life, liberty and (the right to) keep the fruits of my labor."
I am in favor of all citizens receiving medical care if and when they need it. Everybody should have maximum care at the best price. And that's why I want the government out of it completely. They can't even deliver mail without losing money. Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security are all being run into the ground. I do not have the right to a free house, free clothing, free automobile,free groceries, etc. Free health care is not our right. And it is certainly not the right of illegal aliens.
Health care in the USA needs reform, but Obama's administration is not even trying to address the real problems that exist. Malpractice abuse, insurance company abuse, and the control that drug companies have with their useless drugs that don't help people to get better. This is all about money and profits, and until these problems are addressed and corrected, there is no reform. We do not want GOVERNMENT CONTROL over our lives, we want our freedom. The vast majority of Americans are happy with their current health care. The democrats need to stop this nonsense now, dump this plan, and and start working in a bipartisan manner for REAL health care reform.
Excellent post!!!!!!!!
Excellent post!!!!!!!!
Excellent post!!!!!!!!
Does it concern anyone except the elderly and those with illnesses that the government WILL start regulating who is worthy of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness? I heard a gentlemen actually READ a stipulation regarding what he deemed a "death sentence", and I agree!
Those without health insurance (or have chosen to buy something else with their money instead) will be satisfied with whatever the government doles out and they don't care who pays for benefits or where benefits are stolen from for their sakes.
The government is hard selling the idea that there will be choice and people will be able to keep their private healthcare. Bunk - private healthcare is primarily paid for with group insurance through employers, and employers will SOON drop that benefit to their employees like a hotcake.
This is a classic case of the frog in a boiling pot of water. Of course Obama is saying we can keep our current health insurance, but we all know where this is really heading: to a single payer system, which is of course the federal government. Obama has stated in speeches (look on u-tube) that this is his intention and desire. Yes, health care will end up being rationed. Yes, the elderly and disabled will be denied the care they need. This plan is truly evil, and needs to be stopped. Obama has even asked people to rat on their neighbors who disagree with the democrats plan, so they can compile and enemies list. Are people scared? YES, and they should be. The government intends to control life from birth to death. The mindless liberals don't want to hear the truth, it is mind boggling. This is like bad science-fiction.
Interesting, too, that is is also about "reparations" to the blacks for what happened over 150 years ago. Obama stated that he opposes reparations because they don't go far enough. This health care bill is his way of giving "free" health care to blacks. Before you jump on here and call me a racist, understand that I am not. I believe we are all created equal by God our creator, and am opposed to special right for any group. In order to have true equality, we must all be treated truly equal. Some of us choose to live a productive, meaningful life while others mooch off they system and take whatever they can get. I guess some people just believe that they deserve this, for whatever reason.
I was at the meeting and did not get to speak. A young veteran was in favor of the health plan since his service related head injury was not being paid for by the government after six months out of the military. Does he really believe a government run plan would be better than the health plan he has today in the private sector that is helping with his care? If the government is not paying today, do you think it will pay under this new proposed plan? Rationing of care will occur!
I have an 81 year old disabled sister-in-law and a 34 year old son with MS that has a $1,300 a month cost for his medicine to prevent the lesions in his brain from growing. They both pay a large share of their health care costs under their plans today. Does anyone really believe the government plan will not cherry pick who gets care in this country?
I fear for the elderly and those with major issues. Will they be discarded? It is all about money, folks!
Remember how Hitler only wanted the young and healthy to survive. Scary isn't it.
Yes, it's very scary. Why do you think the government is trying to shove this bill through so quickly? Because they know it won't go through any other way. Let's pray it does not go through at all.
Someone proposed to Sen. Arlen Spector at a town hall meeting in Pennsylvania this morning that this health care bill should go to referendum in the 2010 election. He said he would take that idea back to Washington (yeah, right). But truthfully, the taxpayers should be allowed to vote on this, especially since their elected officials are not truly listening to what their constituents want. Ideally, only the tax payers should vote on this. Only the people who will actually pay for national health care if it is approved, not all the people who contribute nothing to society, and already have free health care. This is no longer a republican/democrat issue. Citizens on both sides are equally concerned.
People are being treated like disposable, germy gum on the bottom of politicians' shoes, from federal on down to State, local elected officials, and school district administrators. Same BS all over. People are turning on each other and eating their own just to survive and make sense of the crooked politics. Divide and conquer - works every time. People are getting smarter and smarter everyday and their using their newfound smarts to kill each other and not give a crap about one another. Nice.
That sure is a negative outlook. I don't see people killing each other. I see people waking up, getting mad and finally doing something about it.
A national study estimated the cost of obesity at $147 billion annually, nearly double what it was 10 years ago. This is the sad state of Americans, both young and old. What is ironic to me is that most of the ultra-liberals that I know are either overweight or obese. They should realize that under a national health care system (which they are in favor of) they will be denied health services under many circumstances until they lose weight and/or quit smoking. How can our government run health care and the tobacco industry (which it is avidly pursuing)? This is a huge conflict of interest, and it is not fair that the healthy-minded citizens will have to pay the bill for the smokers and the obese.
New polls out today show that 68% of Americans are believe their health care is good/excellent, and yet Obama continues to push his own agenda on a country that does not want it. The AUDACITY!
Obama staged his own town hall meeting yesterday, it was completely fake with staged questions. He must really think we are all a bunch of stupid idiots.
"When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty." -Thomas Jefferson
Yes. Our elected officials seem to have forgotten that they are to represent the people who elected them, and the people who voted for their opponent.
I'd like to acknowledge the gentleman who spoke against illegal immigrants and anchor babies, and thank him. I was not satisfied with Petri's response, using agricultural immigration as something to be defended. Petri knew what this gentleman was getting, that there was no excuse for it, and that once the timeline of agricultural "guest passes" have expired the immigrants are NOT LEAVING and become illegal. They are overstaying their welcome, having anchor babies, and sucking the life out of our land and our system.
Why does the USA (America) give more money and benefits to Immigrants and Illegals than the citizens of the USA?? I have seen and also read where immigrants over the age of 65 who come to the USA get more money than a citizen who has worked all their life here and paid into the system would ever get! Immigrants get more than the maximum equal to our social security retirement than the citizen of the USA. (I have read they get aprox. $2400 or more a month)!! They also get better benefits in the way of health and dental than we citizens would ever see. They get free schooling even at the college level and other entitlements that we US citizens would never get. Also the illegals get free health care, dental, food stamps, WIC,housing etc. All on our government! Why does our government give more to immigrants and illegals than to the citizens of the United States??? This is INSANE!
The USA should build a railway between Texas and Mexico. ANY and EVERY illegal here in the USA should be captured, fingerprinted, iris/eye documented, and sent back to Mexico. If they are found in our country again, they should be eliminated. Period. Everyone who is here illegally is a threat to our county.
I saw a "minority" woman the other day at the grocery store. She had a check from WIC to purchase the items she is allowed to get (bread, butter, eggs, peanut butter, cereal, etc.). When she was done paying for those items with the WIC check, she bought shrimp, steak, ice cream and other such treats with her own check. Hmmmm. Something is VERY WRONG HERE!!!!
The WIC checks are for specific health foods such as milk,cheese,eggs, cereal etc. Food stamps, on the other hand, can be spent on any food grocery item (except alcohol and pet food). Food stamps can pay for candy, soda, and every other unhealthy junk food item possible. And yes, they can buy steak, lobster, shrimp, or jars of caviar if the store sells it. You would hope that the federal government, in their infinite wisdom (ha!) would require that food staples be purchased with the food stamps, essential, healthy foods. Not soda, not candy, and surely not lobster. This system has been flawed for decades and yet no changes are ever made. We are paying for food stamps for millions of people. One in 11 Americans receive food stamps, according to federal statistics.
A guy from ADVOCAP once told me about some of the houses he's gone to provide FREE weathering, on taxpayers' dime. He said the houses were filled with nice stereos, furniture, clothing, cars, etc. and people who were NOT disabled or underpriveleged.
Like cockroaches, these people steal in the night and scurry to hide during the day.
Sounds so inhumane and insensitive toward fellow man, but it's a sad reality, above poster, and it's killing us but "they" don't care. They ignorantly believe they'll be spared by the messiah's socialistic dictatorship. The sheeple are leading themselves right into the pit for slaughter. Like promising children ice cream before they are poisoned.
I know several people who collect a monthly check for their "disabilities". In fact, I have two siblings who collect or have collected a life-long disability check, one for being a drug addict, and the other for morbid obesity. Without exception, every disabled person I know, knows how to use a computer, a telephone, etc. They can carry out normal conversations, walk various distances for their own purposes and other normal day-to-day activities. Why are they not working? They serve no purpose, and that is not good for their self esteem. We as a society are not doing most "disabled" people a favor by allowing them to do nothing but play computer games and watch TV. Most disabled people are able-bodied, able-minded and simply sponging off society. I am a chronic pain sufferer, and have been for years. This does not stop me from holding down a job, paying my taxes and contributing my time and talents to the community. If disabled people need help, fine, but lets put them to work so they can earn their living like the rest of us.
Hear, hear. Many friends are in some sort of advanced pain either from age or work related. Doctors beg my fairly young cousin to go on disability. Her quality of life isn't real good because work is beating the hell out of her and taking what strength she has left out of her. But she continues to work because disability was not meant for those who were able to get their arses to work and contribute to society (not take from it), one way or another.
There is an island nation in Western Europe you might have heard of. It is slightly smaller than the state of Oregon. Their national health care program is the THIRD LARGEST EMPLOYER IN THE WORLD. I am talking about the United Kingdom.
The British National Health Service is the third largest employer in the world with more administrators than doctors!
Just keep in mind that the NHS is the U.K. "serves" a population of only 60 million. What would Obamacare look like with a population of 307 million? 1.3 million multiplies by 5. Obamacare would employ about 7 million people. It would make Britains NHS, the Chinese army and Indian rail pale by comparison - combined! What a monstrosity it would be. As with NHS, it would be topheavy, inefficient, and absolutely would have to lead to rationing of care. Not for government officials, but rather the little people.
Brits have long waiting lists, ranging from months to years for necessary health services. The average waiting time in Canada to see a family physician is 17 WEEKS! That is a FOUR MONTH wait if you have an immediate health problem. Imagine waiting FOUR MONTHS to get your child into the doctor for strep throat, an ear ache, a bad rash or sharp stomach pain.
The US government needs to STAY OUT of health care, period.
No one has proposed a system similar to the British NHS which employess all the doctors and staff and owns the hospitals. The closest system in the US is the Veterans Administration which owns it's own hospitals and hires it's own staff. What most of the world has is a single payer system which merely means that the payments to private doctors, clinics and hospitals are funneled through a single health insurance program which is run by the government. In Canada, for example, each Province runs it's own system. It's funded through taxation, averaging under $150 per taxpayer per month. What's being proposed for the US is an insurance combine where indiviuals or buinesses would buy their insurance from private insurers or from a "public" insurer. There would be a limited number of people who could access the public option.
Just for a comparison, Canada pays about 40% less per capita than the US to cover 100% of it's citizens. I have spoken to a number of Canadians recently and every single one is very happy with their health care and would not even consider a system like we have here
You're regurgitating the typical Republican rhetoric--lots of fear-mongering and nonsense.
There is plenty to read that counters what you allege. For starters:
I urge every moderate thinker, whatever political affiliation, to view Michael Moore's film documentary, "Sicko." It is an eye opener--and unlike the above blogger, there is more truth than fabrication in the film. It can be checked out at Caestecker Library.
The movie Sicko is a bunch of lies and liberal propaganda, just like the other Michael Moore films. Don't bother.
A look at President Obama's health care "town hall" Tuesday in Portsmouth, N.H., shows the president out-spoke his audience by a ratio of nearly 9-to-1.
Here's the scorecard.
Obama: 8,619 words.
Audience: 1,186 words.
NOT really a town hall meeting, just another event where Obama spews his lies. He is not even trying to fix the existing problems but just creating a much worse problem.
That is how much the national debt has increased since Obama took office. WHY would anyone want his administration to tamper with our health care? His administration is COMPLETELY OUT OF CONTROL !!!!
I watched Obama at a town hall meeting in Montana. That guy is one of the smartest men I've known so far. He's also the biggest liar, manipulator, and "ommitter of truth" ever to hit politics. Smooth and piece-mealed BS and he's very good at it. But he's only good.
He'd be great if he used his talent for good and not evil, and could do what no other politician seems to do....use 100% HONESTY while inspiring the people AND fixing this nation's economy and morality!
What and where is this ceastecker library? Everyone talks about it but there is not a town of ceastecker in Wisconsin. and why doesn't Green Lake have its own library?
Is there a reason why almost no one on this post uses a nym? Most blog posters that I know want to have an identity. What's with all the anonymous posters?
Unless one believes all these opinions are one schizophrenic poster with an ulterior motive, what does it matter?? The last thing posters need is another poster's armchair detective skills and amateur psychology babble in attempting to pick apart these opinions instead of just listening without prejudice. Despite that blog-dog's insults, there is freedom of expression here conducted in a relatively civil manner. Works for me and I enjoy reading the different opinions and experiences. Patience, understanding, and a love of learning does make the world go around (though it doesn't pay the bills). :)
The Caestecker Library is on Hill and Water Street in Green Lake.
Republican right-wingers hate Michael Moore because they don't like being discovered for what they are--blatant liars and cheats.
I agree with a previous blogger. If you want to learn about health care in America, watch Moore's documentary, "Sicko."
Obama's health care plan doesn't go nearly far enough. But it's better than (Republican) nothing.
Gearing up for a counseling session on the acceptance of death and the quality of lives, including your own? Bring your vaseline!
Typical quip from a right-wing Republican windbag. You're history, Dufus.
I agree with the previous blogger. The Republican right is out of ammunition and credibility. They will stop at nothing to discredit what is best for all of us, but thank God we have a choice.
It's little wonder that Hitler could take the German people down a perverted road. The Republican right wing is attempting the same thing now here.
Choose what you think is in your best interest of the country and for yourself. The Repubican right is not only out of touch, but they are not looking out for your family and friends. That's a fact!
No kidding!
That's what I've finally figured out. I really hate to do it-but I am changing my affiliation to Obama.
I don't agree with the spending issues, but I can't support a Republican party that doesn't support my basic belief system.
The previous bloggers are right on. The Republican rightwingers are doing more to discredit the party than really address the current issues.
There is a saying "If you want to remodel the kitchen, you don't tear down the house". Unfortunately, the democrats plan would not only tear down the house but would completely annihilate it and everything around it.
It isn't a big secret that reform is definitely needed in the health care sector. The insurance companies, the pharmaceutical companies, and the medical providers have to be brought in line so that affordable, and effective, health coverage is available. To present it as a give away program to those that put nothing into the socio-economic system is a joke. Even in a world of socialism you have to give 'something' to get 'something'...that is the idea behind socialism (and please don't get the idea that I'm for socialism...farthest thing from my mind).
However, the government does not have the money for what they are proposing, and, they have no plans for where the money will be gotten if the bill passes.
The current administration needs to stop putting the cart(s) before the horse and devise means to finance their pie-in-the-sky, grandiose' plans before trying to shove them down our throats.
It's unfortunate that this is how the dem's have been doing things since Obama came into office. They introduce bill's with huge financial burdens and then try to push them through the voting process before the ink has dried and the long-term repercussions have been considered.
Everything that the Obama administration has done, or attempted to do, has followed this same pattern. Don't you see something dreadfully wrong, and therefore suspect, with the process? It would be hard not to.
You're thinking you'll have choice because Obama says you will? Incredulously comparing Republicans to Hitler but not realizing it is ObamaNation that proposing dictatorship? Very unsmart. You fools are way too easy for your own good - or for the good for the rest of us.
None of my comments are from a typical right-wing Republican. I am a stubborn Independent sick to death of politicians BS on both sides and sick of their name calling supporters leading this nation's greatness to slaughter.
Isn't that the truth! The similarities between Obama and Hitler are undeniable, and disturbing. Thankfully, Obama's popularity is plummeting as people on both sides are realizing that he is not the great leader they were hoping he would be. (not that I ever thought he was anything but a con man). The democrats are playing political suicide by supporting his delusional plans, and when the conservatives take back the house and the senate, they can try to save our country from the damage inflicted by the Obama administration. The PEOPLE are taking back THEIR country, and we should. Sadly, much of the financial damages will be very difficult to repair, and our children will pay the price for Obama's ultra-liberal spending sprees.
No, no ,no Obama is worse that 10 Hitlers, 3 Maos and 1.5 Pol Pots! I love the ratwingers total inability to match their bombast with any sort of logic.
I have a trusted contact who lives near D,C., and he told me to contact my Cong Reps and tell them to STOP this healthcare "reform bill" NOW! He also told me the WH is full of Chicago Machines people who are bullying alot of people there. He is afraid something will be pushed through by these lyers! The pharmaceutical industry has paid big bucks in protection money = "the squeaky wheel gets oiled" and they (the press) are involved, too. He said the situation there is awful!
I have a trusted contact in Washington who tells me that when social security was being passed the Rethuglicans fought it tooth and nail and when Medicare was passed, not a single Rethuglican voted for it and today when Democrats are trying to find a way to reform our broken health care system, no one single idea has come from the Rethuglican side except to try and scare old people with "death squads". What a show of leadership!
Why don't you do some research and find out what is true? The Republicans have excellent, valid and worthy ideas to fix health care, but their ideas are not being heard by Obama who does not want to work in a bipartisan manner as he promised. Yet another broken promise made by Obama.
Why don't you do some research and find out what is true? The Republicans have excellent, valid and worthy ideas to fix health care
They do? Great! Why don't you offer a link to some of them?
Each of these reps has a contact by email from their website. I urge all of you to let your feelings be known on Obama's "health" care reform plan, which he has now weasily changed to health "insurance" reform. Like a previous blogger stated, you don't tear down the entire house because the kitchen needs remodeling!
Senator Russell D. Feingold - U.S. Senate
Junior Seat (Democratic)
Senator Herbert H. 'Herb' Kohl - U.S. Senate
Senior Seat (Democratic)
Representative Thomas E. 'Tom' Petri - U.S. House
District 6 (Republican)
Each of these reps has a contact by email from their website. I urge all of you to let your feelings be known on Obama's "health" care reform plan,
Why you are there, ask them why every single Canadian citizen is covered under their single payer system for less than $150 per month when in the US system it costs $800+ and 47 million have no health insurance.
(By the way, I'm sick of this "anonymous" business, I'll post under my regular nym)
I do not want the Canadian, British, French or Swiss systems because I know folks who have had to use them and found them nothing to compared with ours now. I want OUR present system improved, without damaged the insurance systems we have that are working. Again, why not just remodel "the kitchen" when the rest of the house is working fine?
Bravo! Why can't these people understand common sense? Fix what is broken, very specifically. Why is there no talk on fixing drug costs so that the pharmaceutical companies aren't raping us for the cost of prescriptions. The drug companies are the ones that need to be governed, even more than the insurance companies. What about tobacco legislation? How can the government profit from cigarette sales when it causes such a high incidence of heart disease, cancer and emphysema? Where is the legislation to cap costs on malpractice lawsuits and eliminate
stupid, unwarranted lawsuits? Where are the proactive, healthy lifestyle incentives? Where is reform on insurance company fraud? When is childhood (and adult) obesity going to be actively prevented by limiting food additives such as high fructose corn syrup and partially hydrogenated oils? I could go on and on. Until each of these issues is addressed and changed, the problems won't be fixed. The government wants us to be sick. It's all about profits.
I speak to people from Canada, England and Austria every day. They all love their medical systems and think the US system is crazy.
Wow, what a worldly person you are. I didn't know Ma Bell still had over sea's operators on the payroll!
I believe citizens from other countries when the adamantly state how horrible their healthcare systems are. The United States has the best healthcare system, even with all of it's serious (devastating) flaws.
Food for thought: other countries have lower pharmaceutical costs (not better care) because those countries benefit from the high costs of pharmaceutical research and development that WE (Americans) pay for in America. They don't want that to change.
Not defending Obama's ideology or healthcare plan in the least, but keep in mind why other countries have become involved in our politics - because they benefit from what we pay for as a leading nation! I believe that, as a leading nation, it is our moral duty to share with the world but the TAKE, TAKE, TAKE from other countries who demand we GIVE, GIVE, GIVE with little reciprocity on their part has gotten ridiculous. The coveting of who and what neighbors are and have has grown into the green-eyed monster of jealousy that is killing the United States' greatness!
The U.S. Post Office is the only entity allowed by federal law to deliver first class mail to your mailbox. In fact, Fedex and UPS are strictly prohibited from delivering “non-urgent” letters. If the government can fairly compete and is setting fair rules, wouldn’t the post office be open to competition at your mailbox?
The fact is that the U.S. Post office does not have to pay to register their vehicles, does not pay property taxes on their federally owned facilities, does not have to comply with OSHA on safety regulations, and is exempt from all City and State building, zoning, etc. ordinances and permits.
According to Postmaster General John E. Potter the U.S. Post Office will experience a net loss of $6 billion or more this fiscal year.
And some of you expect the federal government to run a health a health care system that will be self sustaining? Literally every financial expert agrees that it simply cannot be done.
Obama has now renigged on the this weekend's bipartisan compromise to pass a health care reform bill without the public option, a statement given on national television Sunday by Obama's very own Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius. Just another example of how incompetent Obama and his gang truly are.
The fact is that private health insurers will not be able to compete with a "post office" style entity that does not pay taxes, conform to rules and regulations and runs regardless of whether they are making a profit or not! The Democrat's plan is not wanted by the vast majority of Americans, and yet Obama is still trying to shove it down our throats. He is as arrogant as they get. If you think folks are angry about health care reform now, just watch and see what happens if Obama shoves this plan through in September.
Skidmark, it's called the internet. It allows you to expand your horizons,try it some time. By the way I'm still waiting for those "excellent, valid and worthy ideas to fix health care" that the republicans have. Maybe they mailed them.
Leave the present system as it is and reforn what needs to be reformed, not the whole system! What is it you do not understand about that?
Oh, and another thing you can find on the internets is polls. For example a NBC/Wallstreet Journal poll in June says that 76% believe a public option is either "extremely" (41) or "quite" (35) important. That's 3 out of 4 people asked.
Like I would EVER trust anything that NBC says?
The Wallstreet Journal is one of the most conservative papers out there.
Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll found in mid-June, respondents were evenly divided when asked whether they thought Mr. Obama's health plan was a good or bad idea. In the new poll, conducted July 24-27, 42% called it a bad idea while 36% said it was a good idea.
Among those with private insurance, the proportion calling the plan a bad idea rose to 47% from 37%.
In the Journal poll, only two in 10 people said the quality of their own care would improve under the Obama plan; just 15% of those with private insurance thought it would. Twice as many overall, and three times as many with private coverage, predicted their own care would get worse.
Support for Obama's plan has fallen sharply in a very short amount of time. Most folks have had a wake-up call, and more are catching on by the day.
The poll YOU cited, Dennis was dated June 17th. People are getting smarter as they learn what Obama's health care plan is all about and what it means to their quality of life. Ultimately, the public "option" would take away all of our options. It's a bad plan, and Americans don't want it.
August 13th, 2009:
Since Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and Senators Diane Feinstein and Barbara Boxer refuse to hold a Town Hall Meeting in San Francisco, the Bay Area Patriots will be holding a Mock Town Hall meeting and Candle Vigil for our missing Representatives in San Francisco tomorrow.
Are you surprised? I'm not! These cowards are afraid to face their constituents because they know damn well that Obama's health care reform bill is a piece of legislative crap.
Regarding poll results. How many of those polled currently have no insurance and would be happy with whatever substandard little can be taken from others? Ill gotten gains. And how many of these people voted for Obama without accurate knowledge of his political positions? Did anyone see the video shot of Obama supporters actually agreeing to what was actually McCain's politics????? These people had no idea of what the were voting for, only who they were voting for!!! Take the polls with a bucket of salt.
Well said. Especially any poll affiliated with NBC, which is the Obama network.
Let's talk about the members of the House and Senate who go missing in action when they should be meeting with their constituents to hear their concerns over the health-care overhaul, cap-and-trade, the failure of the stimulus package, and the exploding federal deficit.
Here’s the list, over 90% are DEMOCRATS:
* Rep. Ike Skelton (D-MO)
* Rep. Paul Hodes (D-NH)
* Rep. Carol Shea-Porter (D-NH)
* Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (D-MO)
* Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA)
* Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA)
* Sen. Al Franken (D-MN)
* Rep. Robert Wexler (D-FL)
* Sen. Robert Casey (D-PA)
* Rep. Allyson Schwartz (D-PA)
* Rep. Patrick Murphy (D-PA)
* Rep. Dennis Moore (D-KS)
* Sen. Mark Begich (D-AK)
* Rep. Chet Edwards (D-TX)
* Rep. Tim Bishop (D-NY)
* Rep. Lois Capps (D-CA)
* Rep. Mark Schauer (D-MI)
* Rep. Bart Stupak (D-MI)
* Rep. Bob Andrews (D-NJ)
* Rep. Suzanne Kosmas (D-FL)
* Rep. Alan Grayson (D-FL)
* Rep. Brad Miller (D-NC)
* Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ, whose constituents want a recall)
* Rep. Chellie Pingree (D-ME)
* Rep. Ed Pastor (D-AZ)
* Rep. Lacy Clay (D-MO)
* Rep. John Yarmouth (D-KY)
* Rep. Chris Carney (D-PA)
* Rep. Jim Cooper (D-TN)
* Rep. Mike McIntyre (D-NC)
* Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH)
* Rep. Chris Smith (R-NJ)
* Rep. Melissa Bean (D-IL)
* Rep. Debbie Halverson (D-IL)
* Rep. Mel Watt (D-NC)
* Sen. Kay Hagan (D-NC)
* Sen. Bill Nelson (D-FL)
* Rep. Steve Israel (D-NY)
* Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY)
* Rep. Jane Harman (D-CA)
* Rep. Henry Waxman (D-CA, who will talk at UCLA about climate change)
* Rep. Bobby Bright (D-AL)
* Sen. Max Baucus (D-MT)
* Sen. Jon Tester (D-MT)
* Rep. Donald Payne (D-NJ)
* Sen. Mark Warner (D-VA)
* Sen. Jim Webb (D-VA)
* Sen. Herb Kohl (D-WI)
* Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL)
* Sen. John McCain (R-AZ)
* Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-MD)
* Rep. Leonard Lance (R-NJ)
* Rep. John F. Tierney (D-MA)
* Rep. Doris Matsui (D-CA)
* Rep. Harry Mitchell (D-AZ)
* Rep. G. Connolly (D-VA)
* Rep. Brad Miller (D-NC)
* Rep. David Price (D-NC)
* Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-CT)
* Rep. Norm Dicks (D-WA)
* Rep. Travis Childers (D-MS)
* Rep. Jim Oberstar (D- MN)
* Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr (D-IL)
* Rep. Mike Rogers (R-AL)
* Rep. Patrick Kennedy (D-RI)
* Sen. Jack Reed (D-RI)
* Rep. Gary Peters (D-MI)
* Rep. Lynn Woolsey (D-CA)
* Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick (D-AZ)
* Sen. Roland Burris (D-IL)
* Sen. John Kerry (D-MA)
* Rep. John Olver (D-MA)
* Rep. Richard Neal (D-MA)
* Rep. Heath Shuler (D-NC)
* Rep. John Sarbanes (D-MD)
* Rep. Brad Ellsworth (D-IN)
* Rep. Melissa Bean (D-IL, who will meet people who pay $25)
* Rep. Gary Peters (D-MI)
* Rep. Rob Andrews (D-NJ)
* Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D-OH)
* Rep. Peter Roskam (R-IL)
* Rep. John Tanner (D-TN)
* Rep. Andre Carson (D-IN)
* Rep. John Murtha (D-PA)
* Rep. Betty Sutton (D-OH, details here)
* Rep. Jim Matheson (D-UT)
* Rep. Lamar Smith (R-TX)
* Rep. Ruben Hinojosa (D-TX)
* Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-TX)
* Rep. Solomon Ortiz (D-TX)
* Rep. Bill Foster (D-IL)
* Rep. Jay Inslee (D-WA)
* Sen. Maria Cantwell (D-WA)
* Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA)
* Rep. Tim Ryan (D-OH)
* Rep. Charlie Wilson (D-OH, not the former TX rep in the movie)
* Rep. Ben Chandler (D-KY)
* Rep. Brian Higgins (D-NY)
* Rep. Sander Levin (D-MI)
* Rep. Christopher Van Hollen (D-MD)
* Rep. John Shimkus (R-IL, opposes ObamaCare bill)
* Rep. Mike Turner (R-OH)
* Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL)
* Rep. Mike Castle (R-DE)
* Rep. Tom Carper (D-DE)
* Rep. Ted Kaufman (D-DE)
* Sen. Blanche Lincoln (D-AR)
* Sen. Mark Pryor (D-AR)
* Rep. John Boccieri (D-OH)
* Rep. Jerry McNerny (D-CA)
How is this for a public option health care plan: anyone who wants to freeload off the public option can do so if they (and their minor children) are sterilized. (Don't go into shock, the Obama/Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel plan already has plans to sterilize huge groups through drinking water and immunizations. Look it up, it is well documented) Okay, back to MY ingenious evil plan: the people who want "free" health care and don't pay into the system would be sterilized. The people who work and pay their taxes and pay for their own private health insurance and pay their medical bills would receive a large annual tax credit and be allowed to reproduce freely. Only fair, after all, since they are not getting any freebies like the "public option" takers. The result: within a generation or two, only those who contribute to society will remain. End of problem.
From the healthcare plan right down why he could not get his special breed of dog from the Humane Society, Obama is a LIAR!!!
Your use of ALL CAPS and multiple exclamation points!!! has convinced me!!!
Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll found in mid-June, respondents were evenly divided when asked whether they thought Mr. Obama's health plan was a good or bad idea. In the new poll, conducted July 24-27, 42% called it a bad idea while 36% said it was a good idea.
Interestingly if you look further down in the article it states:
When given several details of the proposal, 56% said they favored the plan compared with 38% who oppose it.
This suggests the the biggest fear results from a lack of knowledge. Certainly this is the result of the Obama administration not setting forth a concise bill to begin with rather then letting it be assembled piece-meal.
I agree that unless all senators, congressmen AND Obama and his family utilize the same "national health coverage" as the general population, then NO WAY should any plan pass.
Sounds good to me, BUT how do you get this to happen?
I have friends in the United Kingdom who have to buy supplemental health insurance in order to have any kind of quality care. This is exactly what would happen here. How insane to have money taken out of your wages for health care, and it's not any kind of health care you would even want. So you have to buy insurance. How is that fixing anything? It is just cutting a financial deal to the government, who should stay the hell away from my health care.
People in the USA are delusional if they believe that national health care is something good for this country. The federal government has proven they cannot run health care with medicare, medicaid and the VA, all programs that are suffering. But for some miraculous reason, the federal government could run every hospital, clinic and doctor's office with no problem? They can't even run Cash for Klunkers sensibly! 5 out of the 6 top selling cars in that program are foreign, and people are allowed to buy gas guzzlers if they want to. What sense does that make? Government run health care would be a NIGHTMARE.
As a Mom, I'd like to know how parents will fit legally mandated child seats into these "smart" cars? The man doesn't give a darn about anyone's safety except his own, his wife, his children, and his freeloading mother-in-law.
What about the safety of his own ILLEGAL aunt??
Regarding Cash for Clunkers:
From today's (8/19) USA Today:
"The Transportation Department won't say exactly what the rejection rate is, but in an Automotive News survey, some dealers said up to 80 percent of their rebate applications had been rejected. Some dealers are waiting for payments totaling as much as $200,000, the survey found. About 13 percent of dealers said they've suspended clunker deals because of red tape and concern about getting paid by the government."
You are insane if you think for one minute that the federal government can run our health care system better than a Cash for Clunker program. It is a horror story in the making.
The deal that Obama cut with Big Pharma is truly a low blow to America. He has broken nearly all of his campaign promises so far.
Obama repeatedly promised to:
- have the most transparent administration ever...
- to bar lobbyists from positions in my adminstration
- to not make deals with lobbyists behind closed doors
- to make all negoiations with industry public and on C-SPAN
Sunday's New York Times reports that Big Pharma has budgeted $150 million for TV ads promoting universal health insurance, starting this August (that's more money than John McCain spent on TV advertising in last year's presidential campaign)
Imagine what Big Pharma has been promised that they are willing to spend that much promoting Obama's sick health care reform plan. And you Democrats thought GW Bush was a bad guy? He was like Mother Theresa compared to Obama.
Obama is very smart. Smart enough to LIE over and over and over again. When it came time to actually put his LIES into practice, he did more than reasonably break promises - he told more LIES! He and his shrew of a wife must just laugh at this nation during pillow talk. They laugh at the dumb people who believe their LIES! There's a point when "smart" crosses over to corrupt and evil.
From what I'm hearing about Obama's sexual orientation and secret sexcapades, those two don't have pillowtalk. Someone's smokin Obama's "dope" and it ain't his wife! LOLOLOLOL
You can sure tell that the Republican fringe hangs on to this blog--it's probably a good thing--then they aren't beating their kids and spouse. They constantly complain for their own doing. They're probably unemployed--upstaged by gay immigrants I hope.
You Republican-right bigots who spout off about what Obama and the Democrats are doing wrong have a short and selective memory. Remember when Bush and company lied his way into the Iraq war and nearly bankrupt this nation? Remember how Republican policies inflicted dishonor to the US?
That is your Republican legacy, right-wing Republican idiots. Own up to it for once.
One can only hope that the Republican fringe grabs the next train to Nowheresville, sooner than later.
We were talking about Obama here. What part of that don't you understand?
More double speak from a mindless liberal who needs to bash one very imperfect president to make the current and wholly inadequate and lying president look even the tiniest bit decent!
I don't mind balanced liberalism but I'm sickened by the lack of intelligence and inability of those unable to apply logical thought to and in reality. Obama sucks. Obama is a liar. Obama is the worst kind of liar ever to corrode politics and blemish the White House.
You are absolutely correct. The USA has never had as corrupt a president as we have with Obama. He has sworn to protect the US Constitution, yet has done nothing but ignore the wisdom of our founding fathers and throw our country to the dogs. It is shameful, perverted and sickening.
Ha-ha. You stupid Repubican fools are pure comedy. Reading your bs on this blog is a hoot.
Did your Republican policies land you unemployed? Is that why you have all this free time to grouse about what Obama is doing right?
Hopefully, a black gay immigrant couple will move into your neighborhood and invite you to a tupperware party.
Obama is the president now. Wake up, pea-brain. Nothing he has done to "help" our country has worked.
I am not a Republican and, though talk on this blog may amuse you, your Obama-luvin, Republican- bashing idiocy is so childish, empty, predictable, and old. Old and worn out...like an immature teenager wearing a baseball hat on backwards in an act of rebellious "expression".
"Ha-ha. You stupid Repubican fools are pure comedy. Reading your bs on this blog is a hoot."
You take the time to came here, insult people, and read what you feel is BS for shits and grins? Clearly, your stupidity knows no bounds. I bet you laugh at your own stupid jokes, too. Loser.
It is unfortunate, I feel, that our present and last two Presidents have not been effective. Clinton was busy with "things" when Sandy Berger had to make decisions he should have made. Clinton took regulations off Wall St. "W" was not the caliber we are use too, and Obama certainly is causing havic!
The Cash for Clunkers program is ending Monday at 8:00 because it has been so poorly managed. Just imagine what health care would be like under Obama and his team of shifty crooks.
Yeah, just like Bush and his shit-for-brains entourage that destroyed the U.S. economy and saddled us with two wars.
The previous blogger is off the mark (cash for clunkers).
I thought I'd stop by again to see if the level of discourse had picked up any. I see it hasn't. You know, you all could just save time by posting "The President is a nigger" and moving on. It comes out a lot clearer in writing because the words aren't muffled by the hood.
Regarding the Cash for Clunkers program shutting down early, as of yesterday:
In a survey nearly automobile 800 dealers,
97% of dealers who responded, say the government is not reimbursing fast enough
13% of dealers have dropped out the program because the government is not reimbursing fast enough and overall concern payment problems
87% percent of dealers are concerned the money will be exhausted
3% of CARS program deals have been reimbursed
66% of dealers have not received one payment from the government
25% of dealers are experiencing servere cash flow problems that require short-term loans to fix
11% of submitted applications have been approved (though dealers still are waiting for the money)
16% of submitted applications have been rejected
55% of dealers are not confident they will get reimbursed for every deal
40% do not want the program to continue, even if changes are made to the CARS program
dmark, you are so completely brain dead. Race has nothing to do with the important issues that we face here. Typical liberal who thinks they can simply point fingers and make up lies and everyone (or someone) might believe them. Go away for good.
This dmark is a hate mongering moron whose gone too far with his "N" remark. If comments made on this blog about this nation's ISSUES sound racist to him/her, him/her obviously doesn't know hair one about racism or could recognzie how a racist looks and sounds!! Get your tweezers out, dmark, your brains have got to be in there somewhere!
Interesting, too, that is is also about "reparations" to the blacks for what happened over 150 years ago. Obama stated that he opposes reparations because they don't go far enough. This health care bill is his way of giving "free" health care to blacks.
No racism here. Just "this nation's ISSUES"
Obama is the one who said it, so who is the racist?
Funny how Obama banned off-shore drilling in February, but now the Obama Administration is prepared to loan $10 Billion to Brazil's Pretrobas oil company for production in the Tupi field off the coast of Brazil.
Coincidentally, Billionaire investor George Soros bought an $811 million stake in Petroleo Brasileiro SA in the second quarter, making the Brazilian state-controlled oil company his investment fund's largest holding. George Soros just happens to be the money behind getting Obama elected and very likely may be the man controlling Obama's puppet strings. Soros is considered to be the most powerful men on earth, and one of the most evil and dangerous. Americans need to take back their country from the evil powers that be.
Soros is considered to be the most powerful men on earth, and one of the most evil and dangerous.
By whom?
Dude, you got to quit reading Michelle Malkin, it'll rot your brain.
Aug. 14 (Bloomberg) -- Billionaire George Soros cut his stake in his biggest holding, Petroleo Brasileiro SA, in the second quarter while buying more shares of other energy producers.
dmark - George Soros is TOTALLY one of the twisted controllers who financed Obama's messianic celebrity at the expense of this nation's constitution!!!
"Interesting, too, that is is also about "reparations" to the blacks for what happened over 150 years ago. Obama stated that he opposes reparations because they don't go far enough. This health care bill is his way of giving "free" health care to blacks."
Who said the above?
dmark said "No racism here. Just "this nation's ISSUES" 21.8.09
To clarify, whoever made the above comments regarding reparation and free healthcare for blacks sounds absolutely RACIST!! What's the point of your mindless drivel here, dmark? Nevermind - not worth it.
I have figured it out. Dmark is the grade you most often received in school, at least, those that weren't fmarks. Go back to school and learn something, your ignorance is disgusting.
The statistics released today: 88%of the cars traded in for Cash for Clunkers program were American made. 77% of autos purchased were foreign made. Am I the only one out there wondering why this was allowed? Why wasn't the stipulation made that you received the $4,500 credit if you bought an American made car? Am I the only one out there that understands that MY tax dollars allowed my neighbor and co-worker to buy their new car at a substantial discount? I like my neighbors and co-workers, but not enough to help them buy a new car.
Some of you may think that a few billion dollars here and few billion dollars there are not that much money, and that is the problem. In Obama speak, a billion dollars is nothing. The numbers just out today show that the Obama administration is projecting their deficit in Obama's term to be 2 TRILLION dollars more than they thought it would be! Not only are they NOT trying to work within a budget, they are already planning on overspending significantly more than even their own experts predicted. And this is BEFORE national heath care is figured in to the equation. Scary? Hell YES!
To clarify, whoever made the above comments regarding reparation and free healthcare for blacks sounds absolutely RACIST!!
I clipped that from a comment earlier in this thread. I would attribute it, but no one here appears to want any identity.
Not only are they NOT trying to work within a budget, they are already planning on overspending significantly more than even their own experts predicted.
Could you link me to one of your posts back a couple of years ago when the Deserter in Chief was running his vanity war in Iraq off the books? I never seem to remember your lot worrying about the deficit back then.
Why the need to attribute that comment to an identity before stating your point for copying it? You sure do play games - pfffftttt
We worried about the deficit then and we were getting sick of the BS then too. It takes a while for people to finally get fed up and speak up. Obama is NOT the only problem but he is causing more problems than existed before, and people are taking a stand now against all the crap from all these politicians. Furthermore, Obama is the president NOW and so he is on the HOT SEAT now and is getting blasted for his lies NOW! Stop pointing fingers, dmark, you sound like an uneducated, spoiled, twisted sheep! Baaaa! Baaaa!
Our lot? Get over your bullying self. You don't know who or what "us" is and your ability to discern sucks, dmark.
Eight years of Bush: Not fed up.
Six months of Obama: "OMG how can we take this a minute longer!"
Also, I'm really sorry that I'm unable to discern the nuances between all of the Anonymous posters out there.
dmark, you're just looking to attack character because you don't have what it takes to debate issues or discuss opinions. Your intellect needs a facelift, your spirit needs botox. Male version of the certiable nutbag, Nancy Pelosi. Ugliness and stupidity really do go to the bone!!! Ewwwww!
"Eight years of Bush: Not fed up.
Six months of Obama: "OMG how can we take this a minute longer!"
Correction. Getting thoroughly fed throughout Bush's reign, because of Bush and the last 2 presidents before him. Getting fed up with all politicians' out of control spending and ignorance of the people's will. Obama just the last straw!! Stop bashing Bush to defend Obama with empty attacks. You're not doing Obama's reputation or your cause any favors!
dmark is right on.
And we think we have the rightwing fringe Republicans on this blog figured out with their constant whining and carping about what the constitution says and doesn't say, how the government takes all their hard(ly) earned money, how life ain't fair because of those fellas on the government dole, and a president who is (OMG) colored.
Yep, we got you figured out fringe freakolas--you gotta be relicts from the Posse Commitatus.
Guess you've stepped up your playing citizen soldier up in the Nort' woods. Maybe the squitoes and ticks drive you over the edge.
Take a flying frek off your deerstand.
You are warped. The constitution needs to be upheld and protected. If you can't understand that, then you don't even have a clue what is in our constitution. You are the racist one, always mentioning color when it has nothing to do with anything. I don't care what color Obama is, that has nothing to do with the fact that he is a corrupt liar who is steering our country to a certain destruction, and apparently doing it on purpose.
What's warped is you and your white trash notions of what government owes you.
Thanks be to Allah the government is treating the water with fluoride so your kind can't breed.
The government OWES me nothing. I want the government to OWE me nothing. I want the government to leave us alone and not try to run our lives from pre-birth to death. I want the government far, far away from my health care.
You ARE the government. You, me and everyone else is the government. I doubt you want them to leave you alone if someone robs you or if your house is on fire or you have a car crash or if you fly in a plane or if you have a pothole in the street in front of your house.
What I don't want, is to pay exorbitant amounts of money to insurance companies in order to maybe or maybe not be covered if I get sick.
You will be paying through the nose in more ways than one if, instead of paying exorbitant amounts of money to private insurance companies that need serious reform, your healthcare and its costs will be totally regulated by government, with politicians judging the value of your life according to what they need and want from you. Jeeez your ability to dive deeply into reason leaves one helluva lot to be desired, dmark.
If and when you get sick? Are you living in Disneyland? You will get old and will experience some form of significant mental and/or physical deterioration. What makes you think you're special enough to escape the unconstituational and absurdity of ObamaNation's healthcare plan????? You won't, buddy boy! You won't!
For all our sakes, let's hope the PEOPLE will make positive changes and finally elect a President that isn't corrupt and will/can drastically improve our system and fix the damge Obama and other politicians have caused! Not just Obamassiah but all politicians' selfish agendas!
You will get old and will experience some form of significant mental and/or physical deterioration.
When I get old, I will be covered by that longstanding single payer program, Medicare, where I don't have to worry about being dropped over *pre-existing conditions*. Is Medicare "unconstituational and absurd(ity)"?
Consider that there has been an average of 160,000 troops in the Iraq theater of operations during the past 22 months, and a total of 2112 deaths, that gives a firearm death rate of 60 per 100,000 soldiers.
The firearm death rate in Washington, DC is 80.6 per 100,000 for the same period. That means you are about 25 percent more likely to be shot and killed in the US capital, which has some of the strictest gun control laws in the US, than you are in Iraq.
Conclusion: The US should pull out of Washington.
This nation can't pay for everything for everyone. Medicare is/was a solution, not a perfect answer. Single payer insurance isn't even a solution in the face of this nation's healthcare devastation! Dmark - your argument is weak, weak, weak.
Explain to me again why Canada can cover 100% of it's population for $3700 per capita on a single payer system when the US spends $6700 per person and still has 40,000,000 uninsured?
Canada has 1/10 the population that the USA has. You cannot compare the two or think that health care could be run in a similar fashion. The incoming president of the Canadian Health Care system states that their system is "imploding". Single payer systems simply cannot sustain themselves.
Per capita means "per person" so it doesn'y matter what the population of Canada is. In fact, a larger population should mean economy of scale.
Why is it that every other industrialized nation in the world has gone to either a nationalized or single payer system?
And why is that every other country envies the United States?
Every other industrialized nation is not a FREE country like the United States! WHAT DO YOU THINK THIS HEALTH CARE DEBATE IS ALL ABOUT? WHY DO YOU THINK OUR SOLDIERS HAVE FOUGHT WARS TO PROTECT OUR PRECIOUS FREEDOM? Why can't you "liberal" thinkers comprehend what is so extremely valuable to Americans, and you want to give it away like it is meaningless? If we are completely controlled by our government, then we are not free. The government works for people, not the other way around. We need to get back to square one and live the way our founding fathers intended.
The incoming president of the Canadian Health Care system states that their system is "imploding". Single payer systems simply cannot sustain themselves.
The CMA is similar to the AMA. It does not have anything to do with running the Canadian health system
Please name what countries "envy" the US health system.
dmark, you are hopelessly and desperately defending the systematic dismantling of American freedom(s) under Obama's regime, with an unfair comparison to the weakers systems in and lack of FREEDOMS allowed by other countries who are, technically, "free"...enough to relocate to America in the pursuit of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Furthermore, it is both illogical and absurd to believe that we Americans are, in any form, obligated to put up with this crap from our government because of what other peoples in other countries choose to live like under their own system of government.
Stop your whining dmark.
I would be happy to respond to the last post any time you want to translate it from giberish to english.
Quotes from Dr. Brian Day, the former President of the Canadian Medical Association:
"in a population of 33 million Canadians 5 million Canadians do not have a family doctor. It's part of the mechanism of rationing that has to happen when you promise to deliver everything and don't have enough resources."
"We have over a million people waiting for surgery and probably another million waiting to see their specialist before they get to wait for the surgery."
Canada has only 33 million residents. The USA has over 300 million, ten times the population of Canada. Dr. Day also states that 70% of Canadians purchase private health insurance, to pay for drug prescriptions (which are not covered by their national health care) and for emergency services, which also are NOT covered. So if you have a heart attack in Canada, you are NOT covered by national health care.
The incoming president of the Canadian Medical Association, Dr. Anne Doig says patients are getting less than optimal care. Dr. Doig states: "Canadians have to understand that the system that we have right now is not sustainable".
Dr. Robert Ouellet, the current president of the CMA believes there could be a role for private health-care delivery within the public system.
What you're starting to see in Canada is that it is falling apart, and you're seeing the growth of a private market for a lot of essential services.
That private market was born after a 2005 Canadian Supreme Court ruling ended the government's monopoly on some health care services.
But since people have to pay out of pocket for them, Canada's public system is still overloaded.
"The average wait time to get an appointment with a new primary care physician is 17 weeks and for specialty care it is even worse."
In other words, Canada has national health care and it is not working and they are looking to change to a system that works. Hmmm....we here in the USA have a system that works, and are looking to change to a system that doesn't work. Obama needs to drop this nonsense for a public option and actually fix the problems that exist.
Above poster - DEAD ON!!!!!
1) USA has a system that is working, but not optimally = REFORM!!!!!!!!!!
2) Down with Obama's BS and the gullible sheeple supporting the most damaging president EVER!!!!!!!!
3) Doesn't surprise me that it took a schlep like Obama to make people rise up and finally get pissed! That's how "we" learn - do what we gotta do and don't let this corruption continue and let the corrupt morality happen again!!
NEVER take your eye off the ball!!! Corruption happens when you do! Moral of the story - it's our fault!!! Again, stop it and don't let it happen again!!!
oops - DON'T let the corruption happen again!!!!!!
The American people have finally woken up and don't like what is going on in Washington, this health care deal being the final straw after the bail-outs and "stimulus" overspending. Obama has proven that he doesn't have a clue how to be the president and has surrounded himself with other corrupt, socialist, communist tax evaders and the like. Even the voting democrat population is getting sick of the BS and can see that we are intentionally being steered to certain destruction by O'Vomit.
To add insult to injury, the federal deficit projections are 2 TRILLION dollars more than the Obama administration figured, as they now figure that we will be 9 TRILLION dollars deeper in debt in ten years than we are now. With Obama already responsible for 1 TRILLION of that debt in his first seven months in office, is it no wonder? (Obama is so arrogant to assume that he will win a second term, since he won the first term illegally and with money and evil power, all things are possible.)
What boggles my brain is that our government has NO INTENTION of operating within a defined budget???? Even a middle-class housewife could manage to work within a budget! (NO offense intended, ladies, quite the opposite.) What happened to living within our means? When the newly elected REPUBLICANS take power in Washington, they need to trim the fat and get rid of wasteful spending. Did you know that 20% of Medicaid spending goes to FRAUD? Wouldn't you think that the government should do something to stop this fraud, like stiffen the penalties for instance? Is there any common sense in Washington? Or are too many politicians stuffing their pockets with payoffs?
The United States pays 1.2 BILLION DOLLARS daily on interest for our outstanding debt, mostly to China. It would only make sense to focus on eliminating our debt, and not spending more money on Cash for Clunkers, ACORN, Medicaid fraud, national health care, turtle crossings, and offshore drilling to Brazil. Where is a housewife when we need one?
Did you know that 20% of Medicaid spending goes to FRAUD?
Would you care show a citation for that?
The American people have finally woken up? Whoever wrote this sounds like another know-it-all wannabe. No credentials and lots and lots of hot air.
Working within a budget an being fiscally responsible is a lot of hot air to our "leaders" in Washington. How can you defend their misuse of power and money? You are demented!
Most of most of politics has gone and is going to fraud, dmark, and the people are fed up with the BS from both sides.
Somone wake dmark up. His dreams are nightmares for the rest of us.
A new survey commissioned by the AARP asks respondents to what degree they support or oppose "[s]tarting a new federal health insurance plan that individuals could purchase if they can't afford private plans offered to them" -- a public option, in other words.
All: 79 percent favor/18 percent oppose
Democrats: 89 percent favor/8 percent oppose
Republicans: 61 percent favor/33 percent oppose
Independents: 80 percent favor/16 percent oppose
Hmmm, who's in the minority?
Funny, I can't find that survey anywhere. What is the URL?
Wow...Haven't been on the sight for a while but who in the world is this idiot 'dmark'? What a bombastic jerk! To say that the CMA is like the AMA and then give it no credibility is asinine. Read the fine print d(ouche')mark, and reevaluate the situation before it's too late. Anyone who would actually think that what is being suggested by the Obama administration is going to help things is obviously a non-contributing entity to society (a.k.a.: a leech).
Well a-l-r-i-hg-h-t Rod!! Much agree on ALL points!! You've been missed! :)
Funny, I can't find that survey anywhere. What is the URL
You can find it here
I have a few minutes so I think I will conduct a session of Wingnut University. Wingnut University is where people who think Fox is a source of information can go for differing viewpoints.
Todays topic is, you guessed it, Health Care.
Now in every industrialized country in the world, except one, health care is considered part of "the commons". What are the commons you ask? Good question! The commons are that part of society that is so important to the greater good that they are not allowed to be controled by private interests. The number one item that always appears on the list is defense. We all feel that national defense is the provence of the national government. The public service that I like to compare health care to is the Fire Department.
Now when fire departments were first initiated, who do think ran them? Insurance companies! Yes, if your house caught on fire you called the private fire department to come and put it out. If you wern't covered, they didn't come and your house burnt down. Seems equitable. I'm mean if your lazy Hessian neighbor couldn't afford it, tough luck, he should work harder.
Now here's where the rub was. Your house caught on fire. You work hard and have insurance so the fire department comes and puts it out. But mean time the fire spreads to your lazy Hessian neighbor, and then to his neighbor, and then to his. So what you have here is conflagration with no one to put out the fire. Hence came the demand for public fire departments.
Over forty years ago the rest of the world decided that if your neighbor got sick it was the same as if his house caught fire. It was part of the common good for him to have health care. (Even if he was one of those damn lazy Hessians) The interesting thing that they found out along the way was that if you took the profit out the payment system, you could have health care for everyone and it even cost less!
OK, I think thats enough for today. You should all discuss this amoung yourselves and get back to me.
Oh,and Anonymous (you know who you are), turning in a paper plate with gold painted macarony does NOT count as a report!
I'm sorry, I meant to have an AV presentation for the class. Here it is.
Visuals are good during discussion, but they are supplements of the lesson and not the lesson itself. Remember that, Professor Batshit.
Also, from any serious student's perspective. even the best information and visuals are useless when the teacher sucks.
dmark = macaroni for brains, al-dente.
The dems know that there is no real, valid argument for Obamacare. Even they understand that we would be paying more money, putting our country deeper in debt, and ending up with an inferior health care system to what we have now. I believe that even Obama understands this, but he is on his powertrip to have all things in our country controlled by the government. He does not have our best interest at heart, this is all about HIM and his perverted power grab.
I read a story the other day about a woman who was found dead in a car and before the police arrived the car was broken into and the woman’s body was stripped of all of her valuables. (Rings etc.)
Robbery is a crime but there is something more immoral about stealing from the dead and the biggest grave robbers of all is the United States government that is about to reinstate the 55% “Death Tax” on the dead.
No one wants to discuss the commons? I know, it's a tough concept to understand.
I'll leave you with this quote while you are thinking.
The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness.
John Kenneth Galbraith
Well dah! John Kenneth Galbraith was a liberal and a friend of JFK's, did you think he would say anything fair or intelligent regarding the conservative right? The quote you gave sounded like a very socialist statement to me.
I for one am not shedding any tears over Teddy Kennedy. He should have spent 48 years in prison, not in Congress.
I agree. Ted Kennedy was responsible for the death of a young woman. Bush/Cheney are responsible for 4400+ US dead in Irag. (That's leaving out the 100,000 dead civilians.) Lets see....48 years in prison x 104,4000 deaths = 5,011,200 years! Maybe Cheney could do all the time. I hear evil never dies.
Wow, what a profoundly stupid statement. Let's see, according to your "logic", Lyndon Johnson (DEMOCRAT) was responsible for 58,209 US military deaths, as he was the president who brought combat troops to Viet Nam. Harry Truman (DEMOCRAT) was responsible for 36,516 in the Korean War, and Franklin Roosevelt (DEMOCRAT) was responsible for 405,399 deaths in WW2. Oh yes, let's not forget about Woodrow Wilson (DEMOCRAT) who was responsible for 116,516 deaths in WW1. Gee, funny how all those DEMOCRATIC presidents led our country into wars! I suppose their causes were valid, getting involved in other countries problems.
So you want to compare 616,640 deaths to 4400? Go right ahead. Now lets compare 4400 deaths to 49,551,703.
That's the number of innocent babies sucked from their mother's wombs after abortion was legalized in 1973 by a bunch of liberals like you. Go to hell, Bush-hater.
Ted could have shared a cell with Pickles Bush. She killed her boyfriend after runniing a red light.
"Go to Hell"? Clever arguement. Such is your God of forgiveness. I also agree with your assertion that Democrats have shown bravery and strength in protecting our Country when the reasons are just. However, wars created from whole cloth to satisfy the vanity of a few are not brave or appropriate.
With regard to your position on abortion, it would seem that you place greater value in the unborn than those who are born and ripened to an age to be slaughtered for an unjust war. If I go to hell, I'll be sure to not join your wienie roast with George.
Go to hell, it's a common phrase, not always meant to be taken literally. Like "up yours", "go f#ck yourself", "have a nice day" and other such common phrases. Got it now?
Have a nice day!
Can anyone join in this argument? Are we still arguing about Ted Kennedy, the same Ted Kennedy that was kicked out of Harvard in 1951 after he was caught paying another student to take a Spanish test for him? I thought so.
Isn't he the same Ted Kennedy that killed 28-year-old Mary Jo Kopechne? As I recall, the coroner determined that she had survived the crash and had remained conscious for several hours in an airpocket in the submerged car before dying.
Oh yes, Ted Kennedy....the ultimate democrat. What a guy.
By all means, jump in and kick dmark's stupid, worn out, raggedy ass. I'm an Independent but fanatical liberals and Democrats like dmark make me sick to my stomach and are this nation's garbage.
Well I see that no one here really wants to engage in a discussion of the concept of the commons. Oh well. How about if we examine this document. It has some interesting insight into what some of the proposed healthcare legislation might lead to.
dmark...what some of the proposed health care 'might' lead to?
This is nothing more than suspect propaganda from the same group that pushed the stimulus package down our throats (please note the source of this report). More of the same promises of what 'might' happen by throwing money at a problem.
If I buy a lottery ticket tonight, I 'might' be a millionaire tomorrow...and based on what I've read/heard on the currently proposed health care reform bill, my chances are much better with that lottery ticket!
Nobody can argue that the health care system needs change - substantial and 'specific' change. However, it does not need to be completely torn apart and reinvented. Our health care system affords us the best medical technology, procedures and practitioners in the world. We have the best but now seem willing to water things down so that everyone can have something that will be mediocre at best!
The bottom line is - what we presently have, most other countries long for. This is yet another example of our current leaders wanting the United States to lower its position so that we are like everyone else! Next thing you know, Obama will be apologizing to other countries/people for our health care arrogance because our care isn't 'common' like the majority of the world! It is the best -which is what Americans have always striven for, and which is what made our country the one that all others looked to for guidance, protection, financial bailouts, etc.
So, Yes...let's water down health care; let's allow other people to decide if you are worthy to continue living; let's start weeding out the old, and less desirable members of society; let's put a system in place where you can wait months, or longer, for essential procedures! It sure sounds wonderful, doesn't it?
By-the-by, kudos to the current regime for striking one hell of a deal with Big Pharma. The same entities who've been making billions of dollars profit for decades on sugar pills and fairy dust are now pushing for ObamaCare. Praise the Lord, they have realized the errors of their ways and have come over from the dark side. To me, it appears that we've left the wolves in charge of the sheep ...or should I say 'sheeple'?
Right on, Rodney! Because only 15% of the people are not covered medically, Obama wants to destroy what the other 85% have, and are happy with. THIS MAKES ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE!
The big Pharma deal is sickening, another broken promise (I would call it a lie) from Obama.
The only way to have real health care reform is to start with tort reform and caps on drug company profits. These are not even addressed in Obamacare. The fact is, if you don't fix the problem, the problem won't be fixed, and striking deals with big Pharma with promises from them to spend $150 MILLION on promoting Obamacare to the masses is hardly fulfilling the campaign promises that were made by Obama. He is a power-hungry liar.
The bottom line is - what we presently have, most other countries long for.
There isn't a single indutrialized country in the world that would trade for our healthcare system. In Canada, for example, their system polls at 84% approval rating and it's considered political death to run as an anti-national health care candidate. The US has great doctors and hospitals, if you can afford them. 65% of all bankruptcies in the US are due to medical reasons. 70% of those people had health insurance that didn't cover them fully.
Don't assume that I have any great love for the mish-mash bill that's currently being discussed. It's a watered down mess because ball-less Blue Cross dems are letting the Repugs do what they always do to social legislation: Load it with crap pleading compromise when they know they won't vote for it in any form. Same as Social Security, same as Medicare.
The only current bill I support is HR676.
The only way to have real health care reform is to start with tort reform and caps on drug company profits.
Tort reform is a strawdog and you all know it. No state that has adopted tort reform legislation has seen any reduction in healthcare premiums.
It's interesting that you would support controls on pharma profits but balk at limiting the role of insurance companies. Drug companies, at least, make a product. All insurance companies make is profit.
Of course the health insurance industry needs to be fixed. Just one of the many things that need to be fixed. Fix the problems. Government should not run health care. The Canadian health care system is in ruins. Same for the UK. It is not the role of government to run health care, auto companies or banks. Americans are sick of BIG GOVERNMENT.
Did any of you read about the room tax debate in last weeks Ripon Commonwealth? The Chamber does not want to share "their" money with any other organization, even one that is trying to save Green Lake's (dead) downtown.
Here is my opinion on the subject. The Green Lake Chamber of Commerce could shut down, lock it's doors and cease to exist, and it wouldn't matter. Life would still go on as it does now. Tourism would stay the same as it is now. (Let the Heidel House run their own ads in the Chicago area!) If I were a Chicagoan and came here to Green Lake for the first time to enjoy a vacation, I would be quite disappointed. There is nothing here (besides a lake and a couple of restaurants). I would not come back, and probably resent the fact that I was lured here under false pretenses. Until downtown Green Lake experiences a renaissance, any advertising dollars spent to promote our community are simply a waste of very good money.
Donna Moore's idea of sharing the room tax needs some revision. Under no circumstances should this pipe dream Cornerstone project get any room tax dollars. Whoever is delusional enough to think that this community (and surrounding areas) could or would sustain such a costly place should take their meds and go twiddle their thumbs in the corner. The money would be much better spent on bike paths or other such ventures (like canoe and bike rentals) that would promote family oriented outdoor activities.
As far as festivals go, we could cut down to 4th of July and Harvest Fest, and find a volunteer base to plan and run these two festivals. Closing the chamber altogether seems like a great idea to me. (nothing personal) The community could use all of that money to make improvements to downtown and other things that would attract tourism. The truly ironic thing about this subject is that the Chamber spends $150,000 per year, and you can advertise basically for free on the internet.
dmark is right. Tort reform is a bs argument. In Illinois the Republicans have been howling for tort reform because the poor insurance companies can't make a buck. A couple of years ago a plaintiff's lawyer (yes, one of those blood suckers) started his own med mal insurer in Illinois. Why? Because it is hugely profitable. It becomes more profitable when they can convince sheeple that they are paying out too much.
The Canadian and UK systems are not "in ruins". If they were, why would they both have approval ratings as high as they do?
Slice it and dice it any way you want...if the government takes something over, it will be more f'ed up than before.
The Canadian Health Care system is going broke - don't you listen to the news???
To the Chamber writer - the Chamber is a joke and the Director is the biggest part of it. Ha!
I have nothing personal against the Chamber director or any employee. I just don't believe that tourism would be any different in Green Lake if the Chamber ceased to exist. It is a waste of money.
Until there is something here for tourists to enjoy, the room tax money should be spent on something more tangible.
The Chamber, and all previous and current committees, have never formulated a plan with specific goals. Green Lake offers little for families on vacation. There is no shopping. Kayak rental is limited and difficult to find (It should be prominent on the lake or pond). There is no modern minigolf. There is no working farm with animals that families can explore and learn about rural life. There is no local indoor water park that would keep traffic year round. Green Lake will never become Lake Geneva. It's too far from Chicago.
LG gets crowded because of its proximity to Chicago and its suburbs. Green Lake would be a destination not a day retreat. Now, people would rather stop at LG or pass by Green Lake on their way to Door County.
The Canadian Health Care system is going broke - don't you listen to the news???
I do listen to the news. Clearly, this writer missed the news too.
dmark you are king of the dipshits.
The blogger is correct that there are not enough (any?) family oriented activities in Green Lake. Other lakes in Wisconsin have extensive hiking trails and we have none. Devil's Lake, Pike Lake, Mauthe Lake, etc. have lovely parks and miles and miles of hiking trails. These multi-use trails are enjoyed year-round. Everyone around here talks about how great Green Lake is, but their is a lack of forested areas and other public natural resources.
The bike trails that are proposed for Green Lake are a good start to saving tourism in this area, but we need to think even bigger than this. The ironic thing is that our best natural wonder, Mitchell's Glen, is kept as a hushed secret and only shared with the public twice yearly, and then on a very limited basis.
Anonymous said...
And you are an anonymous poster who has absolutely no facts to back up the talking points you spew.
dmark is obviously an extremely intelligent person who has mastered the art of embedding links into his/her/its posts. What a wonderfully talented addition to the Blog. I for one hope that the posts continue so that when the Shiite hits the fan we can all go back and thank them for the efforts to sway our opinion.
Much as I am enjoying rubbing the noses of all my left-wing, liberal 'acquaintances' who have come to the conclusion that they made a huge mistake voting for Barry and his 'crew'!
Ain't nothin wrong with different opinions and links. But dmark has been a combination of disagreement, skewed interpretation of skewed facts (double whammy), AND insults directed at those who intelligently do not and will not think like him.
Therefore...dmark is an idiot. I feel so sorry for dmark but my sympathy is strained because I feel so sorry for those thousands of ignorants who've been sucked into the desolation of Obama's socialist, racist, divisive, bitter, hate and fear mongering LIES!
Stupid is as stupid does and the stupid weren't too difficult for Obama to trick into thinking they were bad, bad, bad widdle people that needed to be saved. So desperate to be saved that the stupid widdle people were willing to follow the lies of any trash they thought were somehow better than them.
Hey, it's a free country and the stupid can do what they want as long as it harms no one else but themselves. But don't expect me to be stupid or to tolerate being treated badly by trash.
To this day, I have never addressed Obama as Pre****** Obama. He's the trashiest thing to ever hit politics.
You're the man, dmark. Really.
The rightwing fringe piss themselves whenever you tell it like it is.
Keep doing it. There are legions of watchers smiling at your blogging.
Was it the "straight up from the gutter", "straight out of revenge on whitey" or "straight into "baby--got-back mags" that caused the post to be deleted by this blog's administrator?
But the ugly names and vile attacks on conservatives or Republicans aren't deleted?
Piss? Legions? Great there's a dmarka and now off-the-mark posting.
I thought the deleted blog was acceptable and should not have been deleted. We still have our first amendment rights and there was no profane language used.
I also refuse to call Obama by the word "president". He is not my president! He should be impeached for not protecting our constitution as he promised when he took the oath of office. He is worse than trashy, he is intentionally leading our country to destruction and financial ruin. The fact the he refuses to place his hand over his heart for the Pledge of Allegiance or even acknowledge our precious US flag pretty much says it all. I still very much resent every person who voted for him. We deserve an honest, dedicated leader and not this lying, cheating Kenyan.
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