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- Chief Highknocker
- You aren't local until you have at least three generations in the cemetery.
The FACE program is going to be eliminated and I think Tech Ed. is not going to be offered to Jr. High students next year. It seems to me there won't be many electives to choose from. My child was in FACE and Tech Ed. in Jr. High and enjoyed both classes.
Have they started layoffs in the janitoral staff? I've heard they have.
I know they laid off Jimmy Jahnke form the staff. He has been there 32 years.
you have got to be kidding!!! Why wouldn't they lay off the other young ones...that really says a lot about the school if that is true
This type of thing makes me sick, Who would stoop so low as to get rid of a loyal employee like Jimmy? He has worked for the school 32 years, been there through it all, now because of "cut backs" you decide to terminate a guy like Jimmy? AND then hire an intern FULL time for computer work the same week? Hello? whats wrong with this picture? That's another example of what is wrong with the world today, only thinking of yourselves and no respect for others... How would You feel if it were you..?I am ashamed to say I have been supporting your school with MY tax dollars for years!! You should be ashamed of yourselves!!Yes I know " as long as your FAT checks keep coming in, why would you care about someone else?""
Seems Jimmy has not been doing his job only putting his time in. I have seen the filth for years. I don't feel bad for him.
Did anyone else get the letter from Dan Priske re: mayor? Also-who will be doing the tree projects for the city? Could it be a conflict of interest?
Funny you shoul mention the tree issue, I was wondering the same thing.... Bet it will be Mirr's doing it. Would that be double dipping? Will be interesting to find out...One hand feeding the other....The saga continues...
Kunkle does it!
Kunkel does all of the city's tree projects?
Kunkel is the city engineer. They do not cut or prune trees. The project will be put out for bids.
No, but it was brought up atone of the meetings he uses his business so why can't Mirr?
SO ...MR. Shorts, I don't know what kind of Job you hold, But I'm betting that you are not 100% effective at your position, aren't we human and not Perfect? If they had a problem with Jimmy's work performance, I'm pretty sure they would have taken that matter up before now...And if you saw filth, why wouldn't you do something about it "for years"?
I'm just saying.....
Mr. Kunkel's business handles inspections for the City, like the wastewater treatment plant being build by Miron Construction. Mayor Mirr's bidding on any project is subject to WI statutes.
who oversees the bids?
Hey, this is for posting comments about "WHAT'S UP AT THE SCHOOL" How the heck did we get on city tree issues? What's Kunkel Engineering got to do with the school?
Hey Chief, maybe you should have sections for general complaining, complaining about the city, complaining about Lindenwood, complaining about the school board, etc. After that, how about a section for Positive comments?
Has anyone else heard about Mr. E. Jon Tracy's approach to discipline? His favorite punishment is an "In School Suspension". From what I'm hearing no matter what crime is committed this is the punishment.
Great approach! Make the kids miss even more class time so they have a better reason to fail.
Yes...what a great discipline approach..only to be surpassed by the out of school suspension. This method also is used by the administration at random for various infractions.
So, what happened to the last post on 5/07/08 that was only up for a few minutes?
No not that one, I'm talking about how cute "e. jon" is and what a great smile he has, what great teeth,`etc., and in general, you know, he's a pretty good looking guy. (Someone posted all of that, but it only stayed up for about five minutes, and then it went away, so what happened?)
Discipline: check out the statistics in any end of the year school report of any near by school district; we have far fewer in school or out of school suspensions than any other district in this part of the state. Check it out, it's all public information that is mandated by the state to be published each year by every school district in WI. You can get a copy online or in the office here in GL. So, do ya have anything else that's closer to the truth or are you just, well, you know..... another....
Unless there is an act of total insubordination, disrespect, a fight, disorderly conduct, theft,etc., school discipline is always has a progressive base. So, in other words, outside of those issues, the 2nd, 3rd or 4th (and beyond)time that something happens with a student, the consequnese for misconduct doesn't have to be (and shouldn't be) the same as it is for the first time that something happens.
If you ask the parents of the students that have been suspended,
have their children been disciplined before, I'm sure any reasonable person would come to the conclusion that talking didn't work. Tracy has been with those students for three years and knows them pretty well; I can tell you he knows what he is doing, knows school discipline (22 years of experience), and knows WI law, the student handbook, and Board policy better than most administrators in the state . He wouldn't suspend anyone unless that was the only thing they could relate to. All suspended students (by state regulations and local Board policy) have to be given the time to make up all work that they have missed. Again, by law, being suspended is an excused absence.
Did you give any consideration to the fact that 75% of the suspensions are less than one day (many for one or two periods) and given to students who will not serve detentions (and who didn't behave in class or somewhere else in the building, school property, the sidewalk or the street near the school, on a bus, or at a school event in our district or in another distirict.
Ask any reasonable student or any teacher in the school, (or any other school employee) if there is too much discipline, or if attempts to reason with students are ignored, they will tell you what the deal is.
So, when you get on here and complain about too much or too little school discipline, you have to ask yourself, did you check out the facts? Is there a significant chance that your child did not follow school rules and was infact given the chance to set things right? I know that you know what the answer really is.
Sorry about the extra word in my post from yesterday. My bad!
I don't understand how people can come on here and share a complaint, opinion, or concern about how the school or city is being run! As the kind folks on here have proven time and time again...the school administration and board can do nothing wrong. The City can do nothing wrong. The problem is with the parents, teachers, town residents, and town leaders! Don't you get it? Face the facts. WTF?
Did anyone else read in the Ripon paper a week or two ago that the school and the city are EACH paying $15,000 to have Discover Wisconsin do a piece on them? Where in the world is that money coming from at the school??
The City is not paying anything for this marketing effort. It is the Chamber that is using their money to market this area, which is their purpose.
I was just wondering, if they fired Dan Leuke based on seniority, why didn't they use that method with the janitors? Alot of things at the school seem inconsistent.
What happened at the GLSB meeting Aug. 27th that the police were called? Why were tensions high going into this meeting?
Did they get rid of the FACE program so they could use the space for the new charter school? If they came out over $100,000 better than they were expecting, it sure couldn't have been about the budget. Please tell the truth Mr. Bates and Mr. Tracey!
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