Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Who Wants to Be a Millionaire

Was anybody else watching Millionaire on Tuesday afternoon? Linda Denell's sister was a contestant. Linda is the director of the library and her sister called her for her "phone a friend" line. Linda, of course knew the answer before her sister even finished the question. Congratulations! That was fun!


Anonymous said...

Did she win the million? Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

I think about 25,000!

Regis Filbeen said...

$15,000 was the amount...not too impressive but what the heck - times are tough!

Anonymous said...

I sure could use $15,000! I'm happy for her! Just in time for the holidays!

From the Land of Lincoln said...

Speaking of the library, what's with the plastic box on the counter seeking funds to 'raise the roof'. I thought the library was a public building so why are they attempting to raise money for roof repairs? Don't they already get municipal funds (ie: tax money) that is budgeted for building and grounds maintenance/repair.

Something isn't right about this situation. All the years we've been coming to Green Lake and using the library I thought it was a part of the city? I'm not a full-timer here so does anyone know the answer. Is it a 'public' library or is it privately owned?

I see all of the posts on this sight about the problems this city has with the mayor, not getting along with the town of Brooklyn, political in-fighting, etc. However, if a city facility is soliciting funds in the form of donations for repairs then this city is really screwed-up.

Just curious...Since I pay a fair amount of taxes to this little burg, does anyone know the answer??

granpa is back said...

No one wants to pay the bill. Brooklyn never wants to pay it's fair share. Green Lake will not stand up and demand what they have coming. Brooklyn wants half owner ship in the building. I say Brooklyn users must pay a 200.00 yearly card membership. City needs more incentives for living in the city. The library building is only 16 years old and was poorly built. We should not need a roof so soon. another rip off contractor con job. On the other hand what has Green Lake been doing with it's library funds the last 16 years if they were given a free building to use? More small town/city politics.

I want answers! said...

So who actually owns the building? I thought it was given to the city. Does Brooklyn own part of the library building? Should it own part of the building? Can it legally own part of a city building?

Why isn't something like a new roof planned for and expected? As homeowners, we all count on re-roofing approx. every 20 years and plan accordingly. Part of the joy of home ownership. As taxpayers, do we pay for this type of maintenance on publicly owned buildings? How are other city owned buildings maintained? Without the library, Green Lake would have nothing going for it (except the big deep puddle). Why is the library being treated like a red-headed step-child? The city and the town need to step up to the plate and do what is right for this community. Quit the finger pointing and accept responsibility!

Anonymous said...

Funny how such a nice, innocent blog about someone being on a game show turns into such a negative discussion.

Anonymous said...

It's NOT a negative discussion. It's a discussion about GL's confusion regarding it's library. With newfound knowledge that there is frustration and concern over GL's library, maybe Cheif should start a thread about the library. Anyway, I am very happy for the lady who won some serious cash! Woot Woo! You go girl! And don't forget to thank your sister generously (if you know what I mean) for answering the question correctly!

Anonymous said...

I agree that this is a relevant, important topic. It deserves to have space here on the blog. This is not a new concern here in Green Lake, this display has been dragging on for years. Fifteen years ago, the city of Green Lake was fortunate to receive a gift of a brand-new library. The roof has been leaking for a while now. This matter has been put on the back burner long enough. The Library Friends should not have to beg for funds to maintain the safety and integrity of the building. Don't you think this is ludicrous? Where is accountability in this matter? Really.

Anonymous said...

Are you saying that the library did contact the library, at appropriate times and intervals, with worsening maintenance issues, and the library turned down any repairs due to cost factor? Sometimes there are legitimate reasons why there's no money; many times it's just twisted priorities and bad spending that led to spending good money on bad things. I wonder...I just wonder which one it is in GL?

Love Your Library said...

Seems to me, the city has the mentality that the library should somehow for some reason be able to care for its own maintenance and upkeep concerns. That's ludicrous! The library is probably the most heavily used public building in the city. Yes, the Town of Brooklyn should be carrying a fair burden, as many of their residents use the library, maybe even more so than city residents.

The library was a great gift! It’s probably the shining star of our city. Ask the clerks how many of the summer residents use the library and comment on its great quality for a “small town”. Unfortunately, since it was new, 15+ years ago, the city ignored it because its maintenance concerns were few. Now, the bill will be coming due and it’s difficult to work it into the budget. Maybe we can actually give the city and Town councils something to grapple with that actually benefits their citizens. Yes, I know roads and infrastructure is important, but some of the other silly things we get tracked on are pointless. For example, just how is expanding the canal street boat ramp going to help us? Maybe those fisherman would want to check the internet for hot fishing tips or check the weather forecast before they head out… Oh, they could come to the library to use the FREE internet and computers!!

Anonymous said...

Good Point about the money ($80,000+ I believe) being proposed to spend on a new boat launch. Seems that is what I've heard would be the amount that would pay for the new library roof! Hmmm - where are our council representatives priorities? (I have heard our current Mayor is supportive of the Library.)... Plus, have the owners of that proposed boat launnhcland, who are working so hard to fix up the house on that property that has been one of Green Lake's eyesores for years agreed to have their yard now turned into a boat launch, parking lot? I'd say put the money to good use to maintain GREEN LAKE's "Jewel" as one of you referred to the Library. If I recall, on the questionnaire about Green Lake's best assets, the Library was right at the top. And still our elected City officials, instead of appreciating this AMAZING GIFT TO THE CITY, and the fact they are not paying off a big loan that would have been necessary to build a much needed library. And they are not even willing to accept responsibility of the upkeep of the gift. Previous blogger was right, it is an insult to the generous donor. One wonders if any of them ever go into the library. Do they see and KNOW how busy it always is. AND what a positive feeling one has due the friendly atmosphere and sense of community. Much of that is due to the friendly employees - always willing to help, and with a smile! Do our "supposedly" city leaders know (or want to admit) it is definitely the "Hub" of Green Lake for all ages of people and it is time that they admit, appreciate, and support it. AND USE IT - they might like it!

Green Lake Zobel Park Rec Fund

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You aren't local until you have at least three generations in the cemetery.