Thursday, June 11, 2009

School District and & Board, Cont.

So what are the feeling for the new officers on the school board? Are they going to be able to change the direction we are currently going in or is it too late for change. I don't see survival for this district the way it is currently going.


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Anonymous said...

Dead on points - the above poster has extensive knowledge in marketing or is part of the leadership who is afraid to come out publicly and say what he/she knows from the inside. Or both who knows.

Getting Back said...

Whoever it is, they write a damn fine blog.

I have to somewhat disagree with a previous post about having to be innovative to compete. In business maybe, yes. But education is the teaching of knowledge, and the tried and true methods should not be put aside for some new-fangled guinea pig teaching tactics. The older I get, the more I fully realize the value of the education I received as a child. We weren't allowed to use calculators to help us with math (didn't even have them!) and we sure didn't have computers and "smart boards" to facilitate the process. We had to use our brains and rely solely on ourselves, our fellow students and our teachers. We never had less than 28 kids per class, often over 30, and yet there was order and discipline for the most part. Sadly, many kids today are bratty and undisciplined (at home) and are a behavior problem at school. Then they should be disciplined, punished and/or put into a special classroom where they will not disrupt the other students. Most of them will comply when they realize they can't get away with their crap at school the way they do at home. Parents, shame on you for allowing it.

I'd be willing to bet money (if I had any) that if "Old Schools" were to pop up around the country, using good old-fashioned teaching,text-books, classrooms, chalkboards, without fancy electronics, there would be waiting lists to get into them. Parents don't want "the latest style" when it comes to their kids education. They really just want teachers to teach, and students to learn. Why should that be so complicated? For hundreds of years (and longer) teachers taught effectively without the help of computers, why is it that they are doing a lame job of teaching with computers? Think about it. I am not anti-computer ( I am using one right now) but feel that the teachers today have gotten used to "crutches" and are not very effective at their jobs.

Anonymous said...

Your question is, " wouldn't shipping our kids off to Ripon be like jumping from the frying pan into the fire?" I think you are missing the point. You won't have a choice. If we keep on arguing and attacking and getting rid of administrators for the next administrator, which someone else will want to get rid of, and keep rallying against any new ideas and changes, we will argue ourselves into nonexistence. We'll focus on crap like that which is on this blog, keep proving points, and all of sudden, the choices left will be Ripon, Berlin or Princeton. Whoever is the next principal still has the responsibility of discipline for students. That means they have to be the bad guy, as far as some students will be concerned, and be the one to say no, or hand out detentions or suspensions. And there will be parents who cry, "fowl", and " no fair", and complain about their kid being treated poorly, etc,. and pretty soon they'll be calling for getting rid of the principal, and complaining about some board members, and wondering why we aren't doing things like when they went to Green Lake 35 years ago, blah, blah. And we'll be right back where we are today, except with less students and no vision for the future. Actually, it won't matter because there will be no future. Just a closed sign on the school.

Anonymous said...

I agree. Innovation is only good when it is positive and thoroughly researched. There has to be balance between how our kids are wired in the society they are being raised to learn in, and what kids emphatically need to learn and know whether they realize the importance or not. Smart classrooms (K-12) reach students with orientations tailored for children (K-12)...not child driven classrooms that falsely teach kids they are the center of the universe.

I don't want to walk through any doors if those doors don't uphold truth. Granted, there are many different interpretations of the truth, but there is only one truth (that we may never know), and so the best we can do is demand a reality created out of hard knocks, honesty and compassion. People shouldn't be tricked into making decisions for themselves with skewed information, so that democracy and freedom is eventually eroded.

We certainly shouldn't sit idly by while someone with 4 options is given 2 more options, while someone else with only 2 options has one of those options taken away. That's a moral standard that can not be regulated by anything other than what's in our hearts.

I don't think we were built to always agree with one another all of the time. But we were created with the capacity to figure it out with compromise, honesty, and respect. I have no doubt most of us are doing the best we think we can...I have no doubt most of us can do better. Our kids depend on us to know better.

There is a huge message to be learned here that I don't have the answers to (no one person does). Together we can find best case solutions, though, for our today and our children's tomorrows. :)

Anonymous said...

Blah blah blah ad nauseum

Anonymous said...

Blog dog's confusion and jealousy never quit.

Anonymous said...

"Whoever it is, they write a damn fine blog" - thank you ;)

Getting Back said...

You're welcome. :)

Anonymous said...

Let's all end the whipping of the dead horse for now. Let's move on to another topic. Since the Chief is too busy these days (and that's okay, Chief) why don't some of us faithful followers suggest a new topic.

Anonymous said...

A child prepared to get a job after high school is good. A child with work ethic, upstanding morals, and a willingness to love, listen, and learn is even better. A child that can do both would be great. Don't you think?

Is our fast moving, state of the art, is society still not able to grasp the abstract, look to the horizon from different perspectives, and imagine the Peaceable Kingdom? We've come so far and we have so much, and still we seem bound and determined to p*ss it all away with shortsightedness and small-minded hearts, before desperately trying to blame something or someone else other than our own selves. I just know these faults of ours are weak behavior and not what we are. :)

Anonymous said...

Sometimes blame is duly earned and deserved. Yes, we can all be better people than we are, and hopefully most of us strive for that. But people in power and authority have to be accountable for their actions, and in our community, certain people have failed us (and our children) miserably.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

Comment deleted by blog administrator...what the heck!
I was going to blog all kinds of controversial stuff but why...
everyone has already done so!
No child left behind.
A mind is a terrible thing to waste.
The children are our future...

So, any more cliche' things needed.
Teach them the basics...starting with mathematics, science and technology, and they'll be fine.
I've worked for one of the top five Fortune 500 companies for the past 18 years and if someone comes to the plate with proficiency in the aforementioned skills, they can start off way above the median income level...without a doubt.
Knock off the BS instruction and get back to reality. There is not one company paying 'squat' for the nice 'touchy-feely' crap that is being eschewed by the IB, or for that matter...the Charter School 'Lake Academy' stuff that the school is touting.
Here's a revelation...Teach the basics and get the students kicking some butt in math, science, technology...and you'll produce a bunch of market ready people. Bottom BS!

Anonymous said...

Amen to the above post! After working with kids for many years I completely agree. One doesn't need to reinvent the wheel, they just need to grease it and put a bit more power behind it at times!!!! Let's do what we're suppose to do well, before moving on to every idea that's suppose to be the next best thing, because the next best thing might be a school district closing and that would be a shame!

Anonymous said...

Just teach math, science and technology and they'll be fine? Have you forgoten arts and letters?

I guess so. Most of us are not even remotely interested in working for a Fortune 500 company, let alone being forced to endure a curriculum saturated with science and math.

Art, literature, and physical activity balance a person out.

Anonymous said...

Obviously someone who doesn't understand what the words "starting with" mean. I apologize for not including the rest of the curriculum in my blog about math, science and technology. If you actually read the blog, I never suggested 'just' teaching these three disciplines.
I agree that a more rounded-out offering is needed for balance in a person. Reading, music, physical activity, literature, etc., are all part of creating a person who is a critical thinker.
What my blog suggests is cutting out all the non-essential offerings and give the students an excellent education that stresses the basics of education.

I also never suggested that everyone wanted to work for (or was capable of working for) a Fortune 500 company. It was mentioned to show that the best-of-the-best want people who have a solid grasp of the key elements. I received both my undergrad and graduate degrees from liberal arts colleges which stress a well rounded education. Even so, I was still required to have a firm grasp on mathematics, science and technology.

Perhaps you should re-read what I blogged earlier and you'll see that you missed the points I was making....perhaps you were reading too much into it.
PS: Were you unable to participate in certain college programs because you couldn't meet prerequisite math or science requirements? Just a thought.

Anonymous said...

The way our government is taking us, we all better learn Chinese, too!

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