Saturday, April 16, 2011

Estates of Lawsonia

Article from Oshkosh Northwestern on Lawsonia development|topnews|img|FRONTPAGE

This is no surprise.


Hanageh said...

You are right, Chief, this is no surprise. Go back over the past several years and read the old blogs. I knew this was a disaster before the first tree had been cut down. I cried out the warning call but none would heed my voice. Others cried as well, but to no avail. Our voices fell to deaf ears, lost in the wind of greed and avarice.

I don't know if I am more angry or sad. Angry at the GLCC for allowing this development to offset their own incompetence in managing this wonderful piece of God's earth...Angry at the Lindenwood big-wigs who had no business trying a project of this magnitude...Angry at the town of Brooklyn for buying the lies...or just sad to see the raping and destruction of this sacred ground.

"Treat the earth well: it was not given to you by your parents, it was loaned to you by your children. We do not inherit the Earth from our Ancestors, we borrow it from our Children." (Native American words to live by.)

Larry McIntyre said...

I predicted the economic downturn and banking crises when Lawsonia wanted to annex to the City of Green Lake back in 2006. I thank the other three council members that voted with me to defeat the annexation petition.

Crazy Horse said...

"One does not sell the land people walk on." ...

Crazy Horse, Sept. 23, 1875

Anonymous said...

The question is, What now?

Anonymous said...

That remains to be seen. They could put it on the market.

Anonymous said...

Larry McIntyre, you’re twisting the facts. It’s about time somebody called you out.

First of all, the Green Lake City Council never actually voted on the ABA annexation proposal. It was retracted before the Council could make a decision. Secondly, YOU resigned your council seat as the annexation controversy peaked. In fact, you resigned the DAY BEFORE the Council was scheduled to vote on the proposal. Then, right after the ABA dropped the idea and the whole thing became a moot point, you came crawling back, wanting your seat back.

Were you afraid to vote?

Larry, spare us your high-horse baloney about thanking the council for standing with you, etc. We know better!

Larry McIntyre said...

You witnessed my thesis in marketing. Ask the person who won the mayor's race in 2007.

Anonymous said...

Here - Here! Larry ran home and hide in his closet and in the end, the city never voted on the issue. Nice job Larry.

I would suggest that we not put too much stock in one newspaper article. I suspect there is more to this situation than meets the eye and it may be wise to hold judgment until it all plays out.
From the low rumblings I'm hearing, Lindenwood and the ABA are close to getting the finances settled once and for all. I wish them good luck and better times ahead.

Larry McIntyre said...

If you believe that,I have a bridge to sell you. Correction-the person who won the mayor's race in 2008 I was referring to.

Anonymous said...

Mcintyre is from the planet Mongo. He landed here to observe mankind and report back to his superiors his findings. When trying to fit in like a normal earthling, He got off track and ran for city office. Now he must report back to Milftar on how to blow up the planet Earth. His boss wants Earth destroyed because it blocks his view of Planet 9XL. If you don't believe me here's proof, he cannot walk and chew gum at the same time, also he can only count to 75.

Larry McIntyre said...

You blew my cover! Actually my home is Sporak and I can produce a real birth certificate.

Anonymous said...

Wow these juvenile comments have such impact (not). You sound like a moron.

The bottom line is that the city was poised and ready to annex (illegally) the GLCC into the city. My spouse and I were very much against this, knowing that the Lindenwood development would cost the taxpayers far more than predicted. Even now, look at what our small city of Green Lake faces in having to raise the revenue to build a new entrance to the city that we don't want or need.

Unfortunately, Green Lake does not have the leadership it needs to survive and prosper. Neither does Lindenwood. I still can't understand WHY the GLCC chose this particular developer, with minimal experience and resources, to take on such and important project. It is disgusting that this development was what was "needed" to save a poorly run Conference Center from their own mismanagement. How ironic is that.

Larusz Macintroid said...

Tell it like it is. Some people can't stand the truth.

The Grim Reaper said...

Wake up folks. The end is in sight.

The Grim Reaper said...

Wake up folks. The end is in sight.

adolph oliver bush said...

I see that CRAZY walker gave 2 kazillion dollars to a company to build yachts. Boy I am so happy. My wife and I are waiting in line to buy ours. How bout' you? You get your zacht yet? Seems those tax loop holes for the rich business owners means they can't wait to spend their money. The economy is saved!!!!

Anonymous said...

It is for reasons like that my wife and I voted Democratic for the first time in our 50 years of voting. Plus the sneaky, unethical things he did to ruin many businesses and people's lives in Milwaukee County (where we used to live).

Anonymous said...

Yeah, like Doyle never did any damage to WI with his spending ways.....

Anonymous said...

Oh my...the Great Governor Boyle!! He robbeth from Peter (aka: Wisconsin Tobacco Settlement money AND the State Transportation Fund) to pay Paul (SOCIAL PROGRAMS and asinine spending sprees!). As the saying goes - a fool and their money is soon parted! So, keep voting Democrat and spend what isn't there...sooner or later the truth will hit you right between the eyes when the sheeple come knocking at your door because Big Government (aka: The Socialists god) can't provide for them any longer.
Do you know of any roads in the state that need repair...any bridges that are in need of reconstruction...any other infrastructure that needs addressing??? Well look no further than Badger Care, increased medicaid benefits, welfare programs, etc., and you'll see where the infrastructure money went!
If you look into if a bit many jobs are being created/saved with the money given to the 'yacht building company' (hint: $2 million dollar check = 379 new jobs...They don't get the $2million without that number of NEW jobs...sounds like a pretty damn sound investment).

Anonymous said...

Besides that you meatballs.. the money to the yacht company is for operating capital to tool up for production on a specialized shipping container they developed and have a bunch pre-sold. Gosh, lets not create any new jobs in this state. Just because it didn't happen in Green Lake, doesn't mean it shouldn't happen.

Anonymous said...

All up in arms because it is a Yacht company. What difference does it make what is being manufactured...the company is making things here in the USA and employing American workers...that is what should matter. More people employed more government revenue...see how that works? Oh no let's use the money to fund more social programs since increasing those 25% over the last 3 years has really helped....aren't you better off?

adolph oliver bush said...

It does matter that it is a yacht company!!! Why would a company that sells toys for the rich need money from the tax payer to satisfy it's customers? Something is not right when you have a back up of customers wanting a yacht. That other thing is a portable office which is just a gimmick to throw in a loss factor so they can have something to prove they are losing money so they don't need to pay taxes. They create 300 jobs? Big deal. How many jobs are created when the grass needs to be mowed? You others are so brainwashed by the rich.

Anonymous said...

GE made over 3 Billion Profit in 2010 and paid NO Taxes!
The CEO is a close friend of Obama and has been given hundreds of millions of dollars for "Green Energy" research. So keep voting democrat....they're for the little guy....not big corporations! What a joke! Wealthy Rich People from LA to NewYork make up the power base of the Democratic Party. It is in their best interest to have policies to keep people needing gov assistance. That is their voting block. Obamas energy policy is a prime example! Who suffers with high gas prices? Wake Up!!!! Just because they said what you want to hear doesn't make it so, actions speak louder than words!

Anonymous said...

Adolf what an idiot....the rich are gonna buy yachts weather you like it or not. So they should just go to Canada like John Kerry to buy it? Talk about biting off your nose to spite your face! Comparing the new jobs to,lawn moving jobs is just ignorant. To those 300+ people it is a big deal!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a debate between Capitalism and Socialism to me...

dmark said...

If you look into if a bit many jobs are being created/saved with the money given to the 'yacht building company' (hint: $2 million dollar check = 379 new jobs...

I can assume that by that, you wre opposed to Walker turning down the 810 million for new rail construction?

Rodney Blog-OY-ovich said...

dmark...excellent assumption!!! But I'm sure you thought it would have been a great idea to take the $810 Million that didn't exist for a system that would not be self-sustaining and ultimately would have COST the taxpayers a whole bunch of money in the end.
But yes...I was ecstatic when the money was turned down!
On the other hand...a $2million investment that only gets paid IF the jobs are created seems like a pretty good bet to me!!

Anonymous said...

Some of you people are so stupid. How about if the yacht just goes to China? Will that make some of you happy? News flash, republicans and democrats and just about everyone in politics doesn't care about the little people. Just so there is money going in their pockets. You can't even be happy for the 300 people who have a job with this company.

Anonymous said...

Jobs don't just create income for the worker, but brings revenue to the state. It's a win-win situation. Wisconsin lost over 150,000 jobs thanks to Diamond Jim Doyle and his cronies. This was a devastating blow not just to those 150,000+ families, but also to the entire state. Thank God we finally have a governor who is doing what it takes to bring jobs back to Wisconsin, and is determined NOT to raise taxes. Too bad our country doesn't have the type of leadership our state does.

dmark said...

Wisconsin lost over 150,000 jobs thanks to Diamond Jim Doyle and his cronies

Exactly what did Doyle do and where were those jobs lost?

we finally have a governor who is doing what it takes to bring jobs back to Wisconsin

What has Walker done that will increase employment in Wisconsin?

These are both bold statements. I would love to see some documentation of both.

Rodney Blog-OY-ovich said...

dmark...taking your 'bait' - -
Simply stated...
Doyle -
Costing Jobs: reference Talgo...Taxpayer money used to outbid PRIVATE SECTOR Wisconsin companies (aka: the Spanish train fiasco / Tower Automotive).
And how about 'combined reporting'? Look it up if you don't already know about it (but I'm sure you do since you know everything through your cut-n-paste reality).
I think the situation at the J.L. French company spoke volumes about business leaders and their 'trust' in Diamond Jim! Oh, and lest we forget his near monumental blunders with Mercury Marine and Harley Davidson! And how many road construction / infrastructure projects were NOT done over the last 4 years of Doyle's reign as a result of totally decimating the state transportation fund for things completely and totally unrelated to transportation!!! That alone cost thousands of jobs from both primary vendors as well as ancillary vendors (this one was particularly hard on the company I work for and the many employees who were permanently laid-off as a direct result of his financial shenanigans).

As for the Scott Walker portion of the question...he's making it (yes...just started so hard to put hard numbers out there yet) more business friendly in Wisconsin by offering incentives for job creation and growth such as the aforementioned $2million / 379 jobs at the boat builder; lowering business taxes to make Wisconsin attractive for businesses to stay if already here, or to come if from another state/country. Also will not put a damper on business growth by adopting that asinine Global Warming legislation that the Boyle group was so enamored with. What a BS idea that would have been. And...Walker is trying to keep teachers and support personnel employed by eliminating the unnecessary expenses incurred by taxpayers. Unfortunately, too many people think there is an endless supply of taxpayer dollars to pay for these frivolous things so layoffs and furloughs may still be necessary in the long run (yes, have a field day dmark because I am referring to collective bargaining in the public sector - If you really want my opinion on it feel free to AFSCME about it!).

Put it this way and I will never, ever see eye-to-eye on this so not sure why we bother.
I guess the bottom line is this...Doyle and his liberal policies and mamby-pamby approach to things has Wisconsin in a financial sink-hole. Yes, a $3.6 billion dollar budget deficit puts us proportionately WORSE OFF than know, the state that is broke and issued IOU's to their government workforce in lieu of paychecks a couple of years back!!

In light of that and your espousal of the 'California Dreamin' mentality I say to you dmark - Head West young man...head west (and don't stop at the ocean)!

Anonymous said...

To be fair, Jim Doyle wasn't the only deficit-spending governor we have had in the last 20 years, either side of the party line, going back to Thompson. And we the people were just fine with it. Seems everywhere in the country people were fine with it. So accusing one party or the other as the one to blame doesn't hold water with me. We all need to be accountable.

We can't afford what we're doing, for sure, but it's also unconscionable the amount of wealth that is concentrated at the top of society. Don't tell me that makes jobs. If it did we'd be rolling in them right now. Going back to the ancient Greeks, it has been said that the best societies do not have extreme polarization of wealth.

Anonymous said...

It sure isn't going to be the mooches of society that create jobs. Of course, the wealth (at the top) is where the jobs come from. Look at the so-called "small businesses" in Green Lake. The companies in the industrial park, for example, employ a lot of locals and add to the economy. The owners of these companies are the "evil" rich that you so snidely speak of. Shame on them for providing much needed services and products, employing people, paying taxes and helping our community. Who wouldn't despise these evil greedy people? How dare they not do more?

The top 1% of earners (the evil rich) pay 38% of the federal taxes brought in. The top 10% (the evil rich) of earners pay 71% of federal tax revenue. The bottom 50% pay NOTHING. That "unconscionable" wealth at the top of society is the only thing keeping this country afloat.

Retiredtarded Old People said...

That's what I'm talking about! The evil rich are making you content with the way you are. You are not allowed to make something of yourself because they are controling the job market. You will work for me at 10.50 an hour and be damn glad I pay you at all. I pay you enough to live in one of my buddies shacks. You make enough to watch that cable TV. Maybe someday in the future you might save enough to go to a Packer or Brewer game, buy yourself a 9.75 beer or something. Damn you, you don't pay any taxes. You should clip some coupons and stop going to the movies. You cannot afford that. We better go to the food pantry. The rich people set that up for us. Thank You. Please think of us and our soup dinner when you are out on the lake in your yacht.

Anonymous said...

I wasn't speaking snidely, nor did I label the rich "evil." You did that, and it doesn't help the conversation. Also, business owners in our industrial park are hardly the top 1% of society. As I see Green Lake, most of our local jobs have come from local people who have the skills, energy and desire to develop a business. Hooray for them.

When I look back at U.S. history, one reason we fought a revolution was to get away from European society that was so stratified between top and bottom that opportunity was nil.

Anonymous said...

You people are complete idiots on this blog. The estates of lawsonia was the blog and you end up arguing like a bunch of 3rd graders over politics because that has NOTHING to do with the article in the paper?!?! Grow up. You all are a bunch of over grown morons!

The Grim Reaper said...

I agree with the above blogger. Ignorance is bliss.

Anonymous said...

Could someone explain what "Ignorance is bliss" means? I have heard that many times before.

Green Laker said...

BIG news - Finally there's a new proposal for the old courthouse. Details at

Anonymous said...

What about "Esates of Lawsonia"? Any valuable, or dependable news?

Resident said...

Well that's certainly a "go big or go home" idea for the courthouse...pretty big gamble though.

Unknown said...

The delusional plan for the courthouse is never going to happen. They want someone to step forward and donate $4 MILLION just to get it started. Dream on.

Tear it down and build a park or an upscale retirement village. the old building is a money pit and is not worth saving.

Green Lake Zobel Park Rec Fund

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You aren't local until you have at least three generations in the cemetery.