Monday, February 15, 2010

Feb 16, 2010

Tuesday is the school board primary and referendum vote. Tell your neighbors and friends to make their point of view known.


Anonymous said...

Chief...not that it is scientifically accurate but, if you look at your own poll on the blog sight the results are pretty overwhelming:
18 against / 2 for!
From what I've heard around town the actual vote may not be that far off despite the recent, concerted efforts of a few of the uninformed pro-refers!

crazy said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
The Shadow said...

Help the Green Lake area reach its potential. VOTE YES!

Anonymous said... reached it's potential years ago. Now it's about damage control, some type of revitalization and responsibility.

Whether it be city government; school district; town / city relationships; etc. We need to realize where Green Lake is positioned in the grand scheme of things and stop thinking it's this "Jewel" of a location that everyone will flock to. The days of unmitigated spending at the expense of those who try to make a go of it by living here need to come to a screeching halt. The vast majority of us have seen changes in our lives over the last 15 months...some dramatically, some not so much. We've had to change spending habits, disposable income became non-existent, and we've become better at managing our financial situations. We don't blindly allow other people to 'handle' our finances without asking many more questions. We've all made sacrifices (both big and small). It is time that those we elect to 'manage' our tax investments do the same.

Voting yes on the referendum will only send a message that it's okay to throw money at an already bad situation. It will sanction all of the recklessness that has been GLSD the last 4 years. It will teach our kids a horrible lesson that you can do a crappy job, still get highly compensated...and when you've really jagged things up - -we'll give you more money to continue ruining what we hold as important in our community.

If people think the naysayers to the referendum want to lose the school...YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY AND POSITIVELY WRONG. AND, don't let the BS in the paper by Bates and company scare you into voting for it. This is a time of change and it needs to be change for the good (ie: true fiscal responsibility).

The only way to truly save the school is to vote NO on the referendum! A yes vote will be the ruin of GLSD!

Anonymous said...

I plan to for Dick Mrazik and Sydney Rouse
when I go to the polls today. Gordy has been part of the problem at school for years now, certainly will never be part of the solution. Celeste has nothing to offer GL schools but a brown nose and a blank stare.

Vote NO on the referendum and save our school from spiraling to it's own death.

Anonymous said...

Shame on those bloggers who perpetuate (and begin) rumors about the voting referendum.

I learned early on that this particular blog site is a hive of negativity based on fear, reprisal and no hope. I cannot believe that is what most our community wants.

Vote YES. Anything other is a foolish choice. Do you want to vote for your community and what we can be? Vote YES!

Anonymous said...

Another fool being led to the precipice!

Anonymous said...

Well, clearly there are two sides to how this is being looked at.

Will be interesting to see the results from the community.

Anonymous said...

It's going down. Until the board demands fiscal responsibility from the board complete with monthly budget reports on how money is being spent the current administration doesn't deserve any money. Administrative pay freezes like other close-by administrations have taken to show they're willing to save money????? I think not.

The Shadow said...

The NO's have won: 393 to 374. Good bye Green Lake. Flush! Flush!

Anonymous said...

Actually, it's a very good showing for the yes'es. This should have no problem returning in the spring for an April vote, and with some work and some more returning voters, I see this passing next time.

Anonymous said...

Gordy & Celeste are in, Green Lake has spoken.

Rodney Blog-OY-ovich said...

Actually, more returning voters means more "NO" votes.
There were very good reasons that the referendum was paraded about in the February primary:

First - there were less voters around due to 'snowbird' status which presented a better opportunity to sneak the referendum through. More "yes" people around town during this time frame (teachers, relatives of teachers, school employees, etc). Many people with vested interests beyond the education of the students. Thankfully enough of us level-headed people saw that end around coming and put a stop to it.

Unfortunately, even in April, many of the part-time residents, full-time taxpayers may still not be around? So,for those of you who know these them, relay the results of yesterdays preliminary vote, and have them get absentee ballots if they won't be back in time to personally vote NO in April.

Second - since it was a marginally good showing the school will either keep the proposed referendum as presented (same $$ amounts)...or modify it asking for less to give the false impression of being fiscally responsible.

A little more trickery and it may have made it through. I can't believe the naiveté of some the looks of the results (if the numbers are accurate) - - a least 374 voters in Green Lake love the look of The Emperors (aka: Bates, The Music Man, The Wizard of Oz) New Clothes.

Anonymous said...

Isn't there anywhere on the world-wide web that we can get an actual, official election result for Green Lake (besides the blog?) How many decades behind the times are we that this simple information can't be posted somewhere?

Anonymous said...

Town of brooklyn website has results for town. 219 no 228 yes, add those to the Green Lake numbers listed above there is only a nine vote difference? Frightening!!

Anonymous said...

Beyond frightening! Where are these election results?

Anonymous said...

I am extremely angry about this outrageous referendum. Lies and scare tactics were implemented to make people believe the school might close.

When I went to vote, there were several elderly people in line with me who were talking that they came to vote yes because they heard the school would close otherwise. I also heard that phone calls were made "by some woman who lives on the lake" urging people to vote yes so the school would not close.

While it might not be illegal to make phone calls, intimidating and lying are totally unethical. If the school is going to try again in April, they are going to have a very organized and well equipped opposition to deal with this time.

Citizen said...

As a citizen of the Green Lake school district, I am requesting that the school board treasurer Harley Reabe conduct a full scale audit of the school budget and expenditures, balancing to the dollar.

After completion of this audit, a public meeting should be held to review the results of the audit. I specifically want to know where every dollar is going. I want to know exactly what is being spent on the Charter and IB schools,and the "other" part of the school. I want to know how much was spent on substitute teachers because regular teachers were out of town or out of state for "special training". How much have we spent for Ken Bates to travel to Charter and IB functions? I want to know how much has been spent on Deb Kneser, who is not even an employee of the school to fly to Los Angeles and New York for special training. How much was spent to send the charter school students to the ABA for weeks and how much was spent for them to all go sailing and have a banquet. I want to know exactly how much Ken Bates wasted on attorney fees in his infamous attempt at the million dollar land grab. What other legal expenses have been incurred and why? Building repairs, utility bills, salary and benefit reports, busing and other transportation, everything.

Until the public has the complete and accurate breakdown of how our tax money is being spent, I do not think it is appropriate for the school to ask for more money. If a professional auditor need to be hired to work with Harley on this, then how much would this cost? We can raise the money to pay for it, if necessary.

Get Involved! said...

Dear Citizen, if you want all this informationand all this control, why wasn't your name on the school board ballot?

We would all like to see all this information, and I would think you could ask for a complete school budget. I don't know why the school couldn't have the budget on their website.

But, there are a few problems. One: we have a board and an administration who are in place to handle the issues you have raised. If they are not doing it well in your mind, then you go to Board Meetings to express your concerns. That's how it works. You should also write letters or send e-mails expressing your concerns. You can have one on one meetings with school board members and or ask for a meeting with Mr Bates.
Two: Remember a multi million dollar budget can be complex; many voters would have trouble reading and understanding a multi million dollar budget.

So don't just sound off here, go to meetings, call your board members, write letters and e-mails and don't let up. Stay involved and keep up what you consider to be the good fight.

Citizen said...

I have seen the budget, that is not what I am talking about. I want to see where the money is actually being spent. Not just for me, but for everyone in the district to review and scrutinize. The budget is very general. I want details, down to the penny.

This should be done annually. And we the taxpayers should not have to beg for this, it should be provided in good faith.

Anonymous said...

I think perhaps "Rainmaker" might be a more appropriate description of Ken Bates. He promises the local people all sorts of things that are not likely to happen with the faculty he has available.

When Kiwanis offered a $500.00 scholarship to the school in return for support for a student "K" club, Ken could not find a single person on the administrative staff or teaching staff that would volunteer to act as advisor an hour a week or so. This resulted in lost opportunity for the students in addition to the scholarship and illustrates a lack of commitment on the part of the teaching staff.

Rodney Blog-OY-ovich said...

Very sad story. I agree that they need to get the $$$ information to the VOTING public. Not the dog and pony referendum meetings that didn't explain a hill of beans as to where the monies have gone for the last several years.
And for whomever suggested going to the school and asking for the information...Why would you think we (the taxpaying voters who PAY for the school and the personnel) could get this information when people who are on the board have asked for it only to be turned down, put-off, etc.
Believe happened and continues to happen.
If you think I'm blowing smoke...ask the board at the next specific - no more generalities.

Another Option said...

So we should let John Q Public micro manage the school board. What the hell would we need a school board for then? Let's just have 100 angry parents show up and yell at the administrator. What a great system that would be.

Here's an option for you then, Get yourself and Educational Management Organization or and EMO, essentially contract out your public education to a for profit professional management company. Tell them what you want and what you're willing to pay. They will provide a contracted educational program for your students. If they don't live up to their contract, you then have contractual arrangements to take action. Since you people do not trust your administrator or your school board, maybe you need a for profit organization that comes in and runs your school with business principles. Essentially they intend to make a profit off what you pay them. You can even negotiate how much they are allowed to make. If they can't manage their money, they have to eat their over runs. They do work with Charters and IB.

Anonymous said...

Micro manage the school board? Certain school board members can't even get necessary information from other school board members!

Demanding an internal audit is not micro-management. It is the publics right to know what the hell is going on with their money and their children's education. It is time for accountability.

Anonymous said...

I would imagine that Ken Bates must feel pretty confident right now that he can pass his squanderous referendum next time around. But he is underestimating the residents of Green Lake County. The referendum failed without any organized public effort to oppose it. It also failed even though many lake residents were not here to vote. It also failed after many people voted with the misguided notion that the school would close if the referendum did not pass.

Next time around things will be quite different.

Anonymous said...

There is no need for the expense of an audit. Each month, there is a list of all bills paid, and for what. You can certainly go to the meetings, and you can have copies of those reports. You can also go into the school and ask anything about any line item.

It's all there in front of you if you just go get it.

All this talk about expenses being hidden is rediculous. This is public information available to the public. If you don't think that is true, go ask Harley Reabe.
It's true with school expenses, township expenses, etc.

Anonymous said...

I think you are kidding yourselves that there will be this big groundswell of "no" voters returning in the spring.

This vote was very close. It reflects where people are on this issue. I'm guessing you'll see a fairly close vote again, which could swing either way, depending on who shows up to vote.

Anonymous said...

If any of you think this is over, you are sadly mistaken. This issue will be brought up at every opportunity for a vote - watch in April. If it doesn't pass then it will come up again and again and again until it passes. Keep up the good fight - stay the course - at least until Ken Bates is gone. After all that's what this opposition is really all about now isn't it?

Anonymous said...

Hhmmm.... I thought the referendum was about services for students and the school and whether to fund these items or not.

I didn't realize that the point was to get rid of the administrator.

What,,, then after that, you would pass a referendum?

That approach certainly will do wonders for growth for the school and community.

And you wonder why people do not want to move here?

Time will Tell said...

Amen, the vote was supposed to be about current and future students.

To survive our school needs to be positioned to move forward, right now, that option was just haulted and the board will need to re-group to decide a new direction.

The NO voters would sense their is waste, don't trust the administration and believe there is room to cut the budget and still allow growth.

The YES voters believe the school is positioned to move into the future, trust the board and accept that more money is needed.

Just like our current federal govt situation, it's going to take those folks in the middle to jump off the fence one way or the other.

Let's be REAL said...

The NO voters sense is far more astute than the YES voters.

People should keep in mind that the safe and comfortable lives that we grew up with and enjoy are going to change dramatically for the worse. America has fundamentally changed: our debt is unsustainable. Like it or not, the house of cards is about to fall down on all of us.

Tiger Management founder and chairman Julian Robertson told CNBC:

“If the Chinese and Japanese stop buying our bonds, we could easily see [inflation] go to 15 to 20 percent,” he said. “It's not a question of the economy. It's a question of who will lend us the money if they don't. Imagine us getting ourselves in a situation where we're totally dependent on those two countries. It's crazy.”

The only way to avoid the problem, he said, is to "grow and save our way out of it."

"The U.S. has to quit spending, cut back, start saving, and scale backward," Robertson said. "Until that happens, I don't think we're anywhere near out of the woods.”

Our little Green Lake school receives more than enough money to educate 300 students. I am appalled at the lack of planning and misuse of funds at the school. If the building is in such bad repair, and has been for years, why hasn't money been set aside annually for this purpose? Why did Bates start two new schools that are costing us extra money when the building needed fixing? This is not how to run a family, a business or a school. This is downright irresponsible!

Let's say you own a nice home, and the roof needs repairing, the windows need replacing and you need a new furnace. Hmmmm. What to do? You have just enough money to fix the roof, replace the windows and buy the new furnace. But instead, you pour a new concrete driveway, install a new patio and buy new carpeting. Then you cry like a baby because your roof still needs repairing, you still need new windows and a new furnace! Unbelievable!

That is about what is happening at school. Until Bate and the entire staff gets their priorities straight, I pray to God that no referendum passes. There is no extra money for extras. Take care of the essentials. Show prudent responsibility. We need to get rid of the programs that are sucking our school dry and do ONE THING RIGHT. That is to teach our children and quit trying to act like a private school, because we are not. Things are going to get a lot worse, and soon.

Anonymous said...

When you go to talk to Bates, I suggest you ask some difficult questions and watch how he crawls out of answering them on the spot. Put him on the spot and you are likely to see his true colors come out. His lack of experience in the area of finance is pitiful and was not an unknown factor when he was hired. Pressure him and you will see this is true.

Anonymous said...

The most unsettling fact is that this little school spends way more per student than most private schools. That fact that they have had a cash cow of overvalued lake houses that do not use services, funneling money into the system has caused unbelievable excess. How can anyone think it is necessary to spend so much to run a school. Look at budgets and costs of educating children in other public district, and in posh private schools. Tuition at the Latin School in Chicago, one of the most prestigious schools in the country is, 21K grade school 25k high school. Average Catholic high school tuition is under 10k. What has been done with all this money!!

Look at it this way said...

The plain fact is that if we parents had to dish out $20,000 for each of our kids to attend Green Lake school, every single parent would be outraged beyond words. The people who voted YES should think about this: Would they personally spend that much money out of their own bank account for the education their child receives in Green Lake? The answer is an astounding NO! Of course not!

So why should these same parents think it is okay for our tax dollars to pay for this outrageous $20,000 figure? Because "they" are not paying for it? Because "rich people" on the lake are paying for it? Because they don't really have a CLUE who is paying for it? This is why America is sinking into a pit of financial hell! Pass the buck! It's not MY money! It's tax money! This sickens me!


Anonymous said...

Amen to that! Take a look at the cost of attending a State of Wisconsin UNIVERSITY and see how it compares. We are talking public institutions so how can it cost more to educate a child/young adult at GLSD than it does at most UW shcools?(excluding the room & board at the university level).
I don't give a crap that 'it's always been a high cost per student' situation at GLSD. The question is why SO much. I can appreciate the state funding formula and everything that goes with it. But must stop!!!
We need to make this thing a go at GLSD with the monies available. Nothing more! If it can't be done by those currently administering the school and those on the board...then find people who can.
They have a set amount to not a penny more!

Let's See It said...

If the school has a monthly account of where every dollar is spent, they can easily post this on the school website. The Milwaukee Public School system does this.

It is our right as taxpayers to see where our money is being spent, right down to every box of paper clips. If this monthly accounting report actually exists, then it is probably on an excel spreadsheet and can easily be posted on the school website. Let's see this idea implemented.

Anonymous said...

How about you go into the school and ask them to do that?

Anonymous said...

To Let's see it said...

You are full of crapola. Get a life idiot.

Woah, that was nasty said...

Yes, posting everything down to a box of paper clips is a bit extreme, but seeing monthly what was spent of office supplies might be acceptble.

I'm not sure why someone should be called and idiot and told they are full of crapola for asking.

Let's get that budget and expense reports on the web page, it's a good idea.

FYI said...

What people pay for tuition to private schools and colleges is funded also in some cases by tax dollars, sporting income, advertising income, charitable gifts, endowment incomes and many, many other income sources for the schools. At larger schools, millions of dollars are raised anually to off set expenses. No one pays what it fully costs to send their kids to a private school or public university.

Don't think the tuition bill you pay for kids in colleges or private schools is all the expense the institution handles to educate your children, it clearly isn't. And don't compare those tuition amounts t GL school. To do so would be foolish.

Anonymous said...

Speaking as someone who was on the financial committee of a catholic school board, I can say we absolutely charged in tuition the cost of educating the student. Our financial statements Had to balance. There are grants and endowments true, that money goes toward scholarships and helping financially challenged families. True, we have capital fund raising for improvements, but on the daily education of children and those costs: salaries, insurance, heating, lighting is was what it was. And presently tuition at the school is under 10K. So explain to me how GLSD can spend twice that and still not make ends meet. They should have plenty left over for building funds and misc. expenses!!

Rodney Blog-OY-ovich said...

You are absolutely right! Who are we to question what our tax dollars are being spent on. Let's just go through life oblivious to what is happening around us and let those who know what they are doing (The "Experts") run things for us.

Wait a minute...Isn't it just that way of thinking that led us into the ridiculous situation we are now in as a nation.

We just paid our money to them and blindly let them make decisions for us because they were the 'experts' and the world was a wonderful place thanks to them.
Tax dollars were taken care of by the politicians (Barney Frank, et al); 401k's and investments were taken care of by financiers and brokers (AIG's; CitiBank, et al)...and so on.

There was no reason to question any of them when returns on investments of 20-25% were regularly occurring and the economy was burgeoning. No reason to question the government when home prices were grossly exaggerated because we were the benefactors.

Unfortunately, it was all smoke and mirrors and now we are dealing with the financial realities.

The NO vote on the referendum should be a wake up call to everyone around Green Lake...not just the folks at the school. A substantial amount of money is budgeted to run the school and there is no reason it can't be run efficiently, effectively and with fiscal responsibility...WITHIN (or less than) the amount of money already budgeted! Bottom Line - - no gray areas!

And to the blogger that thinks someone is full of crapola and an idiot for suggesting the financial information be put out on a website...grow up and pull your head out of your arse!

I strongly suggest everyone (even the moronic blogger) take a look at the Milwaukee County GASP Database (link:
In fact...On Jan. 4th of this year, Milwaukee County put a portal on its Web site that allows visitors to view detailed data on spending by Milwaukee County government.

The Milwaukee County Accountability Portal (MCAP) is designed to provide information about county division purchases and program disbursements.
The site ( also contains a glossary and search instructions for visitors.

So, it's a pretty simple task to put something like this together and would help quell the anxiety of Green Lake taxpayers if we knew more about where out money is being allocated.

If there really is nothing to hide in the school budget/ the books, put it on a spreadsheet (probably already is), enter it into a database...and put a link to it on the GLSD website!

Sounds like a pretty simple solution to finally silence all of us who've questioned the spending at the school. That is...if everything is copacetic and on the up-and-up. If it can be done in the largest county in the state, there's no reason it can't be done in Green Lake.

Anonymous said...

YES! Hope you have a connection with the school and can give them this positive recommendation.

Here's how said...

Guess what... all of us have a connection with the school board. The school web page has their address, their e-mails, their phone numbers, what more connection do you need? Get calling, get writing, get involved!! Don't sit by an wonder who's going to do it.

The old saying is: If not us who, if not now when?? Just do it!!

The budget and expense report uploaded to the school web page is a great idea and not at all out of the realm of reasonable expectations in today's world.

Top Heavy said...

In schools all over Wisconsin, cuts will have been made to classes offered, materials provided, trips and special events for students, athletic facilities, etc, but not stipends, health insurance packages, pay freezes, or any of the things that nearly every private business in the state has had to endure for the last two years.
The strategy seems to be to cut the most visible services that affect the children and taxpayers of the school district, while sparing all the staff and faculty.

And who is it that truly cares about the education of the students? Obviously not the administration or the teachers! And I am sure that those sailing lessons and video game classes will really help our students get into a good college. Incredible.

Anonymous said...

The administrator never, ever should have had his contract renewed. Can we impeach school board members?

Anonymous said...

The crazy thing is that there shouldn't have to be cuts to programs at GLSD. The amount of money provided to the school is excessive compared to the districts that are cutting, so why in the world do they need more!!

Anonymous said...

Go here to see how Green Lake compares to every other school. It is unreal.

Anonymous said...

Bates. All his is, all he ever will be..... miserable failure.

Anonymous said...

“Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently.” – American industrialist Henry Ford (1863-1947)

Anonymous said...

I would like to take this opportunity to say that Aaron Becker took a cheap shot in last week's Ripon Commonwealth to publicly chastise private citizen Michele Perr. Did Aaron Becker feel this was his personal responsibility to resolve his own feelings about Ms. Perr's ongoing quest for justice in the editorial column of the newspaper?

Mr. Becker repeatedly criticized Ms. Perr for numerous reasons including her American right to speak her mind at U.S. Rep. Tom Petri's town hall meeting last August in Green Lake. Becker states "Perr stood before the audience and bent Petri's ear about- of all things- Ripon School Superintendent Dr. Richard Zimman." He continues to say "Never mind that more than 100 citizens were present, mostly to discuss national health care".

I was at that town hall meeting and would like to say that Ms. Perr waited till the tail end of the town hall meeting to ask Rep. Petri for help with a valid state (school) matter for which every other public office and authority had turned their back on. Petri was open and interested in what she had to say. Health care was not the only topic of discussion at this meeting, it was an open forum.

For Aaron Becker to admonish Ms. Perr for exercising her rights as an American citizen, using the venue of his job with the newspaper is purely inappropriate.

Our government works for us, not the other way around. Aaron, you should know better.

Anonymous said...

Was that Aaron Becker????? I thought it was Tim Lyke the editor of the paper!!!! I think you'd better check........

Anonymous said...

You were was Aaron Becker.

Anonymous said...

MICHELLE PERR AGAIN? Here we go......
The editorial said what 99 percent of Ripon thinks....

Anonymous said...

Well, I don't live in Ripon, I live in Green Lake. I really don't care what anyone in Ripon thinks. Aaron Becker should not have used his job at the newspaper to verbally attack Ms. Perr, no matter what she did or didn't do. Who does he think he is, her judge and jury? If he was trying to ostracize her and humiliate her, he probably succeeded. I thought much higher of Aaron Becker until I read this commentary.

Keep the faith, Michele.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Grumpy must finally have had a reason not to be grumpy for once.

Anonymous said...

What does that mean?

Anonymous said...

Keep the faith, Michele?


Anonymous said...

Marty Valasek, former School Administrator, filed a petition Friday for a recount of the referendum. His grounds? That non-residents voted.

The information posted by the Chief for non-resident voting was exactly right, I've personally verified.

Also, a recount is just that -- a recount of the votes. No other issues can be raised except the math of counting.

Recount takes place at 9 a.m. at the school on Monday.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to hear that this will happen because I too heard that Illinois residents showed up to vote under some pretext of "intent to move here",,,,, right.

Hopefully this will force a recount and get rid of the votes that never should have happened. Whether it passes or fails, I just want it to be voted on only by those who are eligible to vote.

Anonymous said...

State and local election officials are unanimous that state law asys people who own property in both Wisconsin and Illinois can decide which one is their residence. They can pick Wisconsin if they lived here 10 days. Those who think this is wrong have to get the law changed, not opine the law is mere pretext.

I don't see why people who have property here shouldn't get to vote here in a referendum that will substantially raise their taxes. This is unfair. So I think they are qualified to vote.

In any event, a recount won't resolve this. A recount just means the votes are "recounted."

Anonymous said...

You can't vote in two places as residents. You either reside in one place and vote there, or you reside in another place and vote there.

It's not a question of if those Illinois voters voted here. It's a question of if they also vote in Illinois. Something is wrong if they have done both, and apparently some of them have, and they do know the law, they are just trying to break it without anyone noticing. Sounds like someone noticed.

Anonymous said...

I agree. The votes should not count if they are voting in two places. This is going to draw this referendum vote out for some time, because they'll be looking carefully at any out of state voters.

Anonymous said...

Aside from Marty supporting the referendum...does he live in Green Lake (County??) Just asking since he seems to have a vested interest in the matter.
Don't know much about the man but it seems he is spearheading any effort to get this referendum passed. He certainly has much to say and do about it.

Anonymous said...

Why would the recount take place in the school conference room? It was reported as such in the Ripon paper.

Anonymous said...

Who will be present for this recount?
According to my sources, the votes of the American people are confidential.

If the pro-referendum people think they can change the results and get away with it, they would have a legal battle on their hands that could take years in court to resolve. Does the school have that money to waste on legal fees? As a taxpayer, I say NO (again!)

The next referendum will show the truth. Don't waste your time and our resources trying to push this last one through. Like Pelosi trying to shove through a bad health care plan that 70% of Americans don't want, there will be hell to pay if anyone stoops that low. Talk about political suicide.

Anonymous said...

Let's talk fair shall we. Exactly what is fair about soaking people who own lake homes to support school expenditures that are well above the state average. The school district has been getting away with it for years simply because the majority of lake lake home owners can't or don't bother to vote. Well with the economy in the tank and most people losing money not only in home values but in savings, they have had ENOUGH!! Maybe for the first time they have decided to vote in WI so their taxes aren't hiked again. It is quite clear the power of one vote here is huge and the consequences of the tax hike can put people over the edge. There is a great deal of anxiety expressed here about the town's future. Has anyone looked at all the lake houses that are for sale and have been for over a year! Go ahead, keep pushing the only people who have the disposable income to help out and see what you get! Elections have consequences.....I believe we are living with them now.

FIB said...

Talk about taxation without representation! I pay over $20,000 in property taxes and you're going to tell me I can't vote!! Shame on you!

Anonymous said...

Any person who owns property in Wisconsin and Illinois (or some other state) who was formerly registered in Illinois and registered to vote in Wisconsin for the referendum has their Illinois registration canceled. So they cannot vote in 2 states.

No one who meets the qualifications to vote in Wisconsin is breaking the law.

Anonymous said...

Nobody said you can't vote. The law says you can't vote in two places as two different residences. That is the law everywhere, not just in Green Lake.

If someone wants to vote here, they need to be a resident here. If they want to vote in Illinois, they need to be a resident there.

I don't understand why that is so hard to grasp. It's the law.

Anonymous said...

They damn well better recount the votes. A blogger said " the votes of the American people are confidential" They are, as long as you are a legitimate voter.

Apparently, some Illinois residents slipped up here for a few days so they could get in on the vote. They got caught, and now they are claiming, "no fair because they pay taxes here."

Again, you can only vote in one residence regardless of having a second vacation residence where taxes are levied.

Anonymous said...

“I would like to take this opportunity to say that Aaron Becker took a cheap shot in last week's Ripon Commonwealth to publicly chastise private citizen Michele Perr....”

Since the person writing those comments is obviously Michele herself, it ought to be said that this raving woman has spent years attacking everything under the sun, from Ripon College to the Ripon school system to Ripon City Hall to former Mayor Kramer. Funny how she can’t take the criticism when it’s on her.

Like the taste of your own medicine, Michele? The newspaper only said what most people were already thinking.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I wouldn't call it a cheap shot, Michele. The editorial was signed, unlike your idiotic blog postings.

Now please, stop trying to derail this discussion. This particular thread is about the Green Lake school, not Ripon issues. Go away.

FIB said...

I am not stating that IL and WI homeowners should be allowed to vote in both states. Anyone with half a brain knows that you can't do that. I am responding to the poster that stated "people from IL slipped in and voted" well if they chose to vote here and not in IL that is perfectly legal and to discount their vote is self serving. People who own property here and vote legally by WI voting laws should not have their votes questioned because you disagree with the outcome!

Anonymous said...

Amen to that!

Rodney Blog-OY-ovich said...

Actually the blogger wasn't Michelle Perr so you can all pull your claws back in. The person coming to the aid of a private citizen (Perr) isn't from Ripon, but another private citizen from Green Lake. The person who posted the comments did so because they are as appalled as I over Becker's article.

In case anyone hasn't heard...People have a right to voice their opinion. People have a right to challenge things they feel are wrong in a court of law.
Michelle Perr isn't a criminal, she's done nothing illegal/wrong. Perhaps her ways are sometimes suspect but give her credit for taking the initiative and attempting to change things.

I find it interesting that Becker notes how Perr's rights are protected by the Constitution...while at the same time slamming her in a newspaper article. With such biased writing it's no wonder why we question what is told to us by the talking heads and 'unbiased' reporters of the news.

Shame on you, Aaron Becker, for taking the time to write such drivel about a private citizen. Prior to reading this article my opinion of you, and your reporting, was at a much higher level than it is now. It's amazing what 'people' can get away with saying...but then again Aaron - your rights are protected by that same Constitution!

Funny how it works! Those same laws protecting Perr are the one's that allow you a livelihood. Go figure.

Anonymous said...

Can anyone address the question posed earlier about Marty Valasek? What is his interest in the referendum? Is he a resident of Green Lake (a voter)? Why does he seem to be the 'face' of the pro-referendum folks?

Simple questions..I'm just not familiar enough with the guy. All I know is he was the administrator at GLSD for a year (not sure about that) and now is an enrollment advisor (?) at Ripon College.

Just wondering about his 'enthusiasm' toward the whole thing.

I am not Michele said...

This blog can be so predictable. I am the one who commented on Aaron Becker's commentary about Michele Perr. I am not Michele Perr and knew when I posted it that some moron would accuse my post as being from Michele. They have done this to me before on this blog. For this, Michele, I am very sorry. I did not mean to subject you to ridicule for words that I said on the blog. I truly thought that Aaron Becker's piece was inappropriate and felt that I should say so.

Anonymous said...

"I am not Michele Perr and knew when I posted it that some moron would accuse my post as being from Michele."

Then don't post crap about Michele Perr. She is NOT a Green Lake issue, and from what I have read they can keep her and the Culligan man she supports for mayor.

Aaron Becker was right on with his editorial. And I give him credit for writing it, whereas the subject of his editorial spends most of her time posting "anonymous" rants on sites like this...OH I am sorry, it was someone else who decided to take a discussion on the Green Lake School District and interject it with ANOTHER Michele Perr posting. Same thing happens to every Ripon blog site. Nice try, Michelle, you are being ostracized in Ripon...don't bring your deluded vision of the world to Green Lake.

Anonymous said...

Certain people are twisting the argument. First of all, the editorial was labeled as opinion, not news, so any claims of “bias” are unfounded. Second, the editorial did not criticize Perr for exercising her First Amendment rights. Instead, it criticized her for using them in questionable ways, using specific examples that took place in public. I would encourage people to read it for themselves (February 18th Commonwealth, page 4) rather than relying on the hearsay and fact-twisting on this silly blog. If anyone is truly offended by the editorial, then perhaps you’ll have the guts to write to the newspaper with your name, rather than posting here anonymously.

Anonymous said...

Well said oh brave "ANONYMOUS" one!! What a joke!

Anonymous said...

A previous blogger said, "I am not stating that IL and WI homeowners should be allowed to vote in both states. Anyone with half a brain knows that you can't do that. I am responding to the poster that stated "people from IL slipped in and voted" well if they chose to vote here and not in IL that is perfectly legal and to discount their vote is self serving. People who own property here and vote legally by WI voting laws should not have their votes questioned because you disagree with the outcome!"

In response, it is not about disagreeing with the outcome. I think the outcome is what it should be, if that is what the voters want. Also, I have no issue if an Illinois voter, votes here and not in Illinois, as that is all within the law.

I think the question that is being raised, as I understand it, is that some voters are declaring residency for 10 days, and then changing their mind, just to get in on the vote.

If the election officials did their job correctly, ( which maybe they did,) then this should not be an issue as out of state voters would have to register with a certain form, and that form would be sent back to their Illinois voting district to disqualify
them from voting in that state as well.

As long as the law is being followed, I am fine with the outcome.

Anonymous said...

OK, so how do you disqualify a vote? The IL primary was held Feb. 2. The Green Lake vote was Feb. 16. More than 10 days between. Sooo, Could you legally vote in IL change your residency with in the ten day limit and vote legally in WI also? So now you're a WI voter going forward, so you can also vote in April. How is the world are you going to figure this out!! It would be easier if there is a calendar year residency rule, but if not.....looks like a loophole to me

Get real said...

", it is not about disagreeing with the outcome."

REALLY. So there would be a recount taking place in the school conference room, trying to disqualify votes,
if the referendum had passed by 19 votes. Who you kidding!!

Anonymous said...

Sore losers, just wait till April and see how badly this referendum is defeated. This referendum was defeated with NO ORGANIZED OPPOSITION.

Now they realize they blew their only chance, and by only 19 votes. Too damn bad.

Anonymous said...

Could be an organized effort to pass the referendum as well. You seem to have a presumed position that only the "opposition side" can get organized. Pretty arrogant assumption.
Once those cuts are announced, I think you will be surprised to find out that a lot of people outside of your circle don't want those cuts in the school and will come out to vote as well.

We shall see come April.

Anonymous said...

There was an organized effort to pass the referendum, they had 200 yard signs, made hundreds of phone calls (and lied to people) and sent numerous emails (and lied to people). And they failed.

Anonymous said...

As stated Numerous times by Numerous bloggers, Why do we have to have cuts with the present level of funding? Their should be ample money to run even the crazy programs already in effect.

Oh and if we are so short of cash why not start a new breakfast program that doesn't charge enough to break even? Hum, counting chickens before they hatch, and getting people use to services that they believe they "need" so they are more likely to vote for additional taxes. Who could be against a nutritious breakfast?

Anonymous said...

They didn't fail. They lost by a mere 19 votes. This in a community that the first blogger on this thread predicted would go against at a rate of 18/2. I'd say their projected ratio was off by a lot.

You are convinced that the overwhelming majority is against the referendum. That simply is not true, based on the last vote.

Let's see what happens after the cuts are announced and people have to decide if they want them or not.

Anonymous said...

Just reported: )

Aaron Becker

Following a four-hour recount today, the referendum in the Green Lake School District has failed by an additional two votes.
The recount was requested by former Superintendent Marty Valasek, a district resident and a strong supporter of the referendum. According to the recount petition, Valasek “is informed and believes that non-residents voted in the referendum.”
Amended results indicate last week’s multi-million-dollar operations and maintenance referendum failed 394 to 373.

Anonymous said...

Lucky 21! Let's count 'em again!


Anonymous said...

"They didn't fail. They lost by a mere 19 votes."

I don't know where y'all hail from, but in these here parts, losing an election is deemed as failing. Dah.

It looks like they didn't tell enough lies to win the election.

Anonymous said...

Well, it's true. "Y'all won." The referendum didn't pass. Apparently, "in these here parts," "winning" seems to tie in with empty store fronts, attractions such as.... real estate offices for walking tourists to enjoy looking at, a $40 million dollar tax supported place to house prisoners, a soon to be empty courthouse as the center of town, a liquor and bait shop that has been for sale for 3 years with no takers, and now... a school with a broken boiler that won't get fixed and more teachers out of work.

Yup..... y'all won, all right. Green Lake has a mighty bright future for us to now rally around and encourage others to move here.

Anonymous said...

Why is it when people vote for fiscal responsibility they are threatened with a dooms day response? I doubt people who voted against the referendum were in favor of the court house. How is it that this district can't "make it" on the bloated budget it already has. No one wants this school to close, they want it run efficiently. Throwing money at a problem seldom solves it. Need to get to the root of the problem first. People would be more willing to support additional funds if they could understand why it costs GLSD over 20,000 per student to run the school when other districts can do it for much less.

Keepin It Real said...

After reading many of the postings here, I have to wonder at the thought behind some of the opinions. Are we voting against the referendum simply because we don't like the administration? What about the kids in this community? Do they deserve to be thrown under the bus because the administration has made bad decisions in the past? Do our kids deserve to have more and more of their education options taken away to prove a point? I agree 100% that fiscal irresponsibility has gotten us to this point, but I'm not willing to sacrifice my kid's education just to spite the administration. Unfortunately, I see money that comes out of my paycheck being wasted every day by people of all walks of life. It bothers the heck out of me to see social security checks being cashed at casinos, but it happens. Why can't we be a little more generous with our kid's future? There's a pretty good chance that invesment will pay off better than the casino.....

Anonymous said...

Keeping it make a great point. You agree there is fiscal irresponsibility at the school. The only way an individual citizen has to demand accountability is by voting. These irresponsible adults then hold our children hostage and demand more money or the children will suffer. I don't want my child's education to suffer either, but how can you rightfully give these people another million dollars a year when they have proven untrustworthy already. Maybe just maybe they can get away from their "group think" and problem solve in a financially prudent way.

Anonymous said...

Our kids are not being thrown "under the bus"!!! They are the little pawns in this perverted game the school is playing to get more money. The children in this community are being lavished with $20,000 each in spending. If this money is not being used wisely enough for these kids to receive the education that the $20,000 is intended for, then there is something drastically wrong taking place in the offices of the school.

Since when is it the responsibility of the school to "save" the downtown? This is nonsense. Downtown has been dying for years. You are right about the people who voted against the referendum also being against the new courthouse. The new courthouse is going to cripple downtown even more than it has been. We simply did NOT NEED IT.

The days of spending money we cannot afford on things we do not need are coming to an end. Stop the insanity.

Anonymous said...

The school is wasting hundreds of thousands of dollars on the Charter and IB schools. The last blogger is right, we cannot afford to spend money we don't have on things we don't need. We do not need a Charter or IB school. All we need is one good school where our students receive an excellent education. Stop the three-ring circus act. Let's get back to the main task of giving the kids a solid education.

The school has been receiving an extra $600,000 every year, for years. If the administrator cannot manage to budget the repairs and maintenance of the building, then why the hell did the school board renew his contract? He is not living up to his obligations and obviously does not know how to effectively manage money, or a school. In any other business, Bates would have been fired for his inadequacies.

$20,000 per student is more money than any other school district pays in Wisconsin. I would like to see this number decrease by several thousand dollars, not increase.

Damn straight there is not fiscal responsibility taking place at the school. You can call it anything you like. As a taxpayer, I do not feel that our money is being wisely managed at the school.

Anonymous said...

This referendum isn't even about the kids, or education. It is about an overstaffed school and the teachers and administrators who are trying to save their own asses. It is pitiful.

Time to cut the fat.

William Murchison said...

The state of Texas is going to start cutting teachers and other school personnel who are not doing their jobs as well as they should:

Consider a brand new poll by the University of Texas-Austin's government department and Texas Politics Project. The poll – which shows opinion evenly divided on the quality of the public schools – indicates that just 37 percent of Texans see increased funding as the remedy for the schools' record of stagnant or declining achievement.

By contrast, 56 percent see more accountability as the answer. There we go at last. At a minimum, we're pointing in the right direction – away from money as plasma for laggard schools, toward insistence on performance in exchange for such money as the schools receive.

No one capable of correctly adding one and one suggests that money – for teachers, for books, for scientific equipment, for buildings – bears no relationship to educational attainment. Many teachers, as if we didn't all acknowledge it, deserve a lot more money than they make. The point is that education unions, egged on frequently by school officials and editorial writers, more than suggest such a connection. They demand the taxpayers acknowledge it.

Higher public school funding, of course, isn't merely burdensome for taxpayers. It's diversionary. It deflects attention from – as Texans seem to suspect – our cultural and political reluctance to hold accountable those schools and teachers and principals who just plain don't get the job done.

Brooke Dollens Terry said...

Every legislative session, school administrators come to Austin asking state lawmakers for more money. They claim that current spending is not adequate to provide students a good quality education. Yet per-pupil expenditures, adjusted for inflation, have tripled since the 1960’s and Texas now spends more than $10,000 per pupil each year.

Do schools really need more money?

One way to hold schools accountable for their spending is to post their spending online and let taxpayers examine their monthly expenses.

Eleven school districts already make this information available by posting their check registers on the Internet. Residents of Big Spring, Bremond, Lovejoy, Malakoff, Marble Falls, New Caney, San Angelo, Dallas, Katy, and Spring Branch independent school districts can view their school district’s monthly expenses with a few clicks of the mouse.

Last month, the Texas Education Agency (TEA) posted five months of its expenses on the Internet. These 11 school districts and TEA are leading the way in financial accountability and open government.

Legislation filed in the Texas Legislature would require all school districts to make this information available. HB 2560 by Rep. Bill Zedler (R-Arlington) would enhance open government and fiscal accountability by requiring all school districts to post their check registers online, list each expense’s purpose, and classify it as instructional or non-instructional. Giving taxpayers the tools to easily access and identify how school districts are spending taxpayer money shines light on spending practices and brings new accountability to these decisions.

As anticipated, all of the online check registers accounted for the usual monthly operating expenses of copiers, telephones, utilities, fuel, books and field trips. But that’s not all.

In December 2006, one school district spent $677,657 in legal fees, $381,196 in union dues, and $35,500 in consulting fees to lobbyists. That same school district ran up a $2,832 tab at Lawry’s Prime Rib on the taxpayer’s dime in December. The restaurant’s website boasts of “luxurious finishes, rich woods, award-winning food and exceptional service.” Taxpayers might find some irony in a lavish steak dinner, while the school district insists there is no fat to trim.

Another large school district, in January 2007, spent $6,191.71 at golf and country clubs and more than $24,000 staying at hotels such as the Renaissance Hotel in Dallas, the Omni and Radisson Hotels in Austin and the Adams Mark Hotel in St. Louis.

Another surprise was the amount of money schools spend on fast food. One small school district spent $19,060.28 on fast food from September 2006 to February 2007. It is entirely possible that the tab for fast food can be easily explained to taxpayers, but it is important that taxpayers know their money is being spent for this purpose.

Cries that our schools are under funded ring hollow when they spend money to lobby the Texas Legislature, dine at fine restaurants, stay at expensive hotels and play at posh country clubs.

Taxpayers have a right to know how and where their money is being spent. What better way to hold schools accountable than by letting the sun shine on their checkbooks and allowing taxpayers to examine their spending?

Anonymous said...

Parents of Green Lake School students, take out your checkbook tomorrow morning. Write a check for $110, made out to the school, for each child you have in school. Have two kids in school? Write out the check for $220. Have three kids? Make the check for $330.

Now do this every single day of the school year, including the days your kids are sick. 181 days per year.

That is how much the school is spending, every day, per student. Of course, the money isn't really going towards the children, it is mostly paying salaries plus benefits, and also equipment, supplies,utilities etc. But write the check anyway. Every single school day.

You don't like the sound of this? Neither do I! Yet this is what is happening right here in Green Lake. Only you and I are not writing that check out every day, the money is coming from that black hole called "taxes". You don't pay $110 per day in taxes? Neither do I. But someone is paying more than that, so your kid can go to school in Green Lake. And it's not fair to spend this much, when the job can be done just as well, for far less.

The fact is, if you had to write out that check every day, you would probably pull your kids out of school. I know I would. So why is it okay for other people to pay this much for your kids to attend Green Lake schools? It's not okay.

As if that is not bad enough, had that referendum passed last week, we would be spending almost $140 per day, per student. That is outrageous.

Keepin It Real said...

We are currently stuck with an admnistration that is the fiscal equivalent of a dumb blonde. If we believe this to be the case, and most of us do, than why do you think that by cutting out the referendum you will be doing the school a favor? I say it again, THE KIDS WILL HAVE TO SUFFER. There is no way this adminisration will make wise cuts to salaries and benefits to make up the gap. It will all fall upon the students with class option cuts and athletic and extracurricular cuts. I believe at this point we are damned if we do and damned if we don't. Personally, I'd rather take the hit than the kids. They don't deserve to have any more taken from them than what already has. I'm already paying for every other program that our Governor and President deem socially responsible. If I have to pay for those things, I might as well invest in the future of our community. Do I like having to pay higher taxes-Heck No! But there is a little something called pride in your town, school and students that should come into effect when you look at this whole picture. If we have a problem with the administration's spending habits, we need to make sure we stay on top of things. Elect school board members who want fiscal responsibility and are not just "yes men". Go to school board meetings in force and display our displeasure. Call existing school board members and let em' have it. Don't hurt our kids in the community by forming a referendum lynch mob because you're mad at staff and administration.

Anonymous said...

Do you have any idea how much your reasoning sucks? Keeping it real? How about GET real!

Anonymous said...

For one thing, the kids are not suffering. They are kids. They go to school. Just how is it that you think they will suffer? Utter nonsense!

It's about time that Green Lake does what nearly every other school system in the state does, and that is have fees for extracurricular activities, including sports. This policy should have been enacted years ago.

Anonymous said...

It is the parents responsibility to make the school accountable for providing a quality education. You are the ones who deal with the school on a daily basis. Where is the parent's club demanding that their children's programs not be cut, and that the administration answer to Them. While the rest of us can vote against this crazy spending the parents who reap the benefits of all OUR tax dollars have a duty to their children and Us to see that it is spent wisely. The reason their are community schools is that the "community" is suppose to get involved!! You want your children to get a quality education then DEMAND it. The money is ALREADY provided by ALL of US!! I have had it with this hand wringing and poor me attitude.

Keepin It Real said...

My reasoning does not "suck". It is my opinion and I have a right to explain it. My children go to school in Green Lake. I have a vested interest in that they get a good education. I don't base my opinions strictly on my personal likes or dislikes. I don't want to have to vote YES and have more money come out of my pocketbook. That being said, I also want my kids to get a good education. Can that happen without the referendum? Who knows? I really don't care how you vote but please take all things into consideration. As to implementing fees for extracurricular activities, please give examples of area schools that do this. It is an interewsting concept, but if we can't pay for the tax increase, how can people pay for their kids to be in sports, drama, band, etc? It doesn't seem to jive. One more thing. Maybe instead of directing all this anger at your neighbors and fellow citizens who voted YES for the referendum, maybe it would be better if you contacted our state Representative in Madison. The current state aid system is broken. You can't turn on the TV or read a newspaper anymore without hearing about a district having a referendum to cover spending. This is not a Green Lake issue only. It is statewide. Maybe if we channeled our anger in Madison's direction and demanded change we wouldn't have to face this problem every few years. I guess to sum it all up, I really don't care how you vote on this issue. That's what's great about this country. But please don not demonize the people who vote YES. It's the one thing that is not right to do.

Anonymous said...

What about other ways of saving money. Does anyone know how much the teachers pay for their health insurance?

Rodney Blog-OY-ovich said...

A message has been sent...Loud and Clear. Learn to run the school within the budget. We want the school in Green Lake. It would be stupid to think otherwise.

It's an unfortunate reality that our little gem (aka:GLSD) is a microcosm of the entire public education system, and for that matter, of anything run publicly by our government. It's a system of where you must spend what you are given or risk getting less in the next budget cycle - Even if you don't need it, spend it, or risk getting less. It is a vicious circle that feeds off of its own inefficiencies.

As taxpayers, we should demand that they (public administrators; politicians, etc.) run things like 'for-profit' entities that are required to cut costs and make things work with less. This is especially so in tough economic times. Business managers are gaged on profitability and doing so while cutting operating expenses, or at least holding the line on spending while producing equal, or better results.

I think this is why Marty Valasek became so involved in the process. He is a part of the whole educational abyss that feeds off of itself and needs, more, more, more every year to do the same, or worse less, less, less. I also think he was the face of the pro-referendum folks so that they didn't have to stick their noses out and Marty gave them some credibility (some, but not enough to sway the vote).

To those that are a part of the problem, the equation for educational success is:
more teachers + less students + more spending = better education.

This is completely false! The problem is the unmitigated spending, It has gone on way too long in the public school system and referendums used to get passed with much more regularity when money was 'free and easy' from the voters.
The financial meltdown that has occurred in the last 1-1/2 years has been an eye opener to all of us. Unfortunately, the people running GLSD, and the State of Wisconsin, and the United States of America, haven't seen the light and continue to spend like there is no tomorrow.

Guess what Washington...Madison...and Green Lake - - if you keep spending what isn't there you are not going to see tomorrow since we'll have spent it all today!

Thanks to those of you who did what was right and kept things level at GLSD.
Now, Mr. Bates, School Board, and everyone else associated with the situation, let's put our heads together as a community and heal some wounds and do what's best for all of us...Keep the school open, provide an excellent education for the kids...and restore the sense of pride that once was Green Lake!

Anonymous said...

Amen. Bring back 25 cent beer nites.

And 75cents gallon of milk. Of course, don't cut the wages.

Anonymous said...

School teachers have full health insurance are paid a full year salary for 9 months of work!


Anonymous said...

I think many of you are missing the big boat here. If the teacher's union would come back down to earth and work with the school to come up with a competitive alternative for health care coverage, that would allow for some big savings. But their stubborness is killing any cost savings.

Rodney Blog-OY-ovich said...

Typical attitude around here. Suggest cutting costs...or working within a budget, and some moron talks like we will be running things 'on the cheap'. They immediately bring up wage cuts and reduced services when that is not reality??? Come on is not a difficult concept...not new math!! attention and try to get the point everyone has been attempting to make - -
WITHOUT the referendum, the school still has an enormous budget for the number of students.

They can STILL spend well over $19,000 per student (one of the highest, if not THE highest per student cost in the state).

They can STILL operate well over what was budgeted due to the last referendum.

They STILL have more than enough money needed to run the school. Now here is the kicker - -

Once more information gets out on the true spending at the school, the people who suggest we are going back into the dark ages will really see the light. Nobody around here is going to see a 'one room school house' because of the cuts. If the school wants to stay open, they'll become fiscally responsible with the $19,000+ they have available to them. Most school districts around the state would be salivating over those kinds of dollars and yet people around here think it's not enough!

Anonymous said...

Just curious why you use the pen name you do on this blog? A disgraced and corrupt Illinois governor with his hands deep in payoffs, hurt the state,who will still likely be indited and is finding employment as a goon with Donald Trump? And you want us to follow your sage advice under that moniker?

Anonymous said...

Finally!! Someone gets it. It's like someone who has enough money given to them to buy a Mercedes (GLSD), when everyone else in the state drives a Chevy (no offense to Chevy drivers I have one) and they complain they need more money because they can't afford the gas!!

Come to the meeting said...

When was the meeting where you all went through the budget line by line and calculated all the expenses... just when was that meeting held? You also must have reviewed all the capital improvement products needed and how those costs will be handled... just when did this group meet? Wait a minute... I don't think it was held yet, but you all talk with such authority and sureness one would think you all had a hand in the complete budget process.

Now, these types of meetings need to be held and I sure hope all you writers of great knowledge and with your wealth of answers for everything will show up.

The Artist Formerly Known as Blog-Oy-Ovich said...

Sorry if I offended anyone by using Rodney Blog-OY-ovich as a pen name. I only did so because...this is a BLOG sight and I liked the sound of it!
I did not mean to diminish my sage wisdom by associating myself with Blogo!

However, he does have one hell of a head of hair!

Anonymous said...

I like the Mercedes analogy. However, they are not crying because they can't afford the gas. They can afford the gas for the Mercedes, but are spending the gas money on having the car detailed every day. Now they want more gas money, and their own reserve of gasoline, and a cashmere coat to wear when they drive the car, along with Italian loafers and a heavy gold chain to wear with their silk shirts.

Anonymous said...

So tired of the comments putting down folks with the opinion that the school district isn't spending the huge pile of cash they get correctly. You don't need to be at every budget meeting to get it. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that if every other school district in the state can educated their kids on considerably less, ours should be able on 19,000-20,000 per. The arrogance of the "highly educated" that the masses can even add or don't know what's in their own best interest is insulting.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for that insightful statement. Very well put.

Anonymous said...

Oh but we have three, three, three schools in one!!

Anonymous said...

We know people who live down south and their child is in the IB Program at their school. They pay $1000 per year for this, plus pay $48 for every test.

It is pretty obvious to me that the IB Program at Green Lake is sucking the money out of the regular school, and that no fees such as mentioned above are required here. I would venture to guess that the Charter school is doing the same thing, (sucking sucking) now that the start-up funds no longer exist. Every charter student gets their own laptop? This is insane. Even colleges cannot afford to do this.

If Ken Bates knew anything about business planning, the school would not be asking for more money. Even a child can be taught how to plan and budget the money they have in their piggy bank. If teachers have to be cut because the referendum failed, then we could not afford those teachers to begin with. Don't forget that our school pays more per student than any other district in the entire state of Wisconsin. We have plenty of money to educate the children. The money is not the problem. The way our money is being used IS the problem. The people who have been deciding how the money is being spent are also the problem. We need new people.

I seriously hope that the IB Program is the first thing to go. We do not need this uber-liberal New Age philosophy in our school. Let's get back to reading, writing arithmetic, and science. Let's scrap the IB Program and introduce AP (advanced placement) courses in the high school instead.

Anonymous said...

Wow. Lot's of wannabe experts sounding off. Blogo, you in particular stink of arrogance. Fact of the matter is that you blow smoke out you ass. You haven't spoken with school officials and teachers about budget and salaries, what current education research shows, and the quality of the education in Wisconsin schools. You are full of yourself (crap) when you blather on about IB and charter schools. You are not credible--just another gassy teabagging windbag. Get your facts straight. Dare you to.

Anonymous said...

hmmmmm...IB is too expensive and AP classes are free? You absolutely do not have your facts straight. Have you bothered to ask the school who is paying for the IB tests? I did. The students are paying for their tests. Ask the right questions.

The Artist Formerly Known as Blog-Oy-Ovich said...

Excellent points regarding the IB programme.

An acquaintance of mine is an admissions counselor at a major university in the Midwest (public university, not private).
I asked her what the take was on IB and what impact it had on acceptance at the school. With as much fanfare as we've heard about the greatness of IB, I was amazed at her answer!

She said that in the grand scheme of things, it is not really looked at either positively or's just there. Now, she did say if the IB courses corresponded to the program/course work the prospective student was going to be pursuing in college, of course it had some bearing. However, the consideration was no greater, or less, than if the same courses were taken as part of a regular curriculum at the high school level.

Everyone seems to think the kids will benefit beyond belief from the IB but in reality...not so much. If the school already offers comparable courses, or could offer comparable courses without having to buy the "Authorized" textbooks and other expensive niceties that come with the programme, then do that and cut the expense, and requirements, of being IB.

If we want to give the GLSD students more of a leg up when heading off to college...offer more AP courses, offer more in connection with Morraine Park, offer things that are truly economically feasible AND benefit our students.

Get rid of the fluff and get down to what is really needed for the students...not the touchy-feely things that come with an 'international stamp of approval'.

Since his name has seemingly become synonymous with the GL Referendum AND since he is involved in enrollment at Ripon College, I would like to know what Marty Valasek thinks of the IB Programme AND (more importantly) how it affects accepting students into college. Not just Ripon College, since almost anyone can get into the school if they can pay the high price tag, but any college. I'd like to see what statistics show and how IB is viewed by both he, and his colleagues.

I can only go by what I was told by my friend and she has no vested interest in dissing or promoting IB. From her doesn't matter any more than your GPA, the courses you took in high school and how you did on your SAT. Beyond that, it sounds like the IB is just a high priced imprint to put on your coursework while at the same time lining the pockets of the snake-oil salespeople who sold it to the public.

The Artist Formerly Known as Blog-Oy-Ovich said...

Please don't hurt me with your asinine comments. You must know who I am if you know so much about me (my hair must have given me away)! So, I'm ecstatic to hear that the students are paying for their tests...what is the cost? Who is paying for the laptops? Who will continue to pay for the programme when the start-up money is gone? What is the cost of an AP course offered through Morraine Park (for which the students can carry credits to college) versus the cost of IB?
Let's compare apples to apples and not throw a bunch of cow dung into the mix.

It's very easy to research what the state of education is in Wisconsin schools...very easy to find out 'what current education research shows (self-perpetuating entity)...very easy to see that you, not I, don't know what you're talking about!
I'll be the first to admit I'm wrong - - just show me the proof and I'll eat a heaping, helping of crow...along with a side-dish of those eggs on your face!

Anonymous said...

The school does not have to agree with the union. When are negotiations?

Anonymous said...

Wow, when you are unable make your point with articulate facts you start calling names spiced with your gutter mouth. That really convinces others of your intelligence, Good job!! Obviously you didn't have the benefit of an IB program.

Anonymous said...

Did I miss something? Please elaborate, in which post was there name calling?

Anonymous said...

There you go again, Blogo. You make my point by asking questions about notebook computers, costs of tests, AP credit vs. IB. It's not a sin that you don't know. But you are a pompous ass when you don't take the time to research the answers--then blather on like you do. You are an imbecile of the first magnitude.

Blogo--the Great Pretender.

Anonymous said...

OMG...I think dmark has come back as 'anonymous'...what fun! Oh wise and great sage...please do tell since you know all the answers.

Anonymous said...

Asking questions is usually the best way to find answers. I think that the questons that Rodney and others ask on this blog are very valid and deserve to be answered. People should not be criticized for asking for the truth.

Anonymous said...

The name calling continues along with gutter mouth by anonymous who is attacking Blogo. THe true sign of someone who cannot win an argument is when they resort to name calling. First thing you learn in the art of debate.

Anonymous said...

What don't you understand, dunderhead? The point made is that Blogo (and you, obviously)offer expertise on school funding and programs without knowing the facts. Sure, ask questions, but spare us your editorializing on subjects you have collected no correct information about.

Dunderhead said...

No, you are the one who doesn't get it. Don't need all the minutia to know too much money is all ready being spent. Here, I'll give you an analogy. You give your child $100 to buy a notebook for school. He/she comes home, you ask for the change and he/she states there isn't any. Well you know a notebook can't possibly cost $100. You don't have all the facts as to how the money was spent, you just know it wasn't spent on what was intended. If he/she then tells you he took a limo to Osh Kosh to purchase the note book because he could not get a ride, does that make it alright? No, and knowing that was the reason for the cost doesn't change the fact that the money was not spent properly.

Likewise, we can conclude that 20,000 is more than enough the spend per student to provide a quality education. Even though we don't know who paid for the laptops.

Anonymous said...

Right on. It's not that difficult to understand.

Anonymous said...

Right on. It's not that difficult to understand.

Anonymous said...

Just as an FYI, many of the laptops that we are talking about are given out to grade school students. What do they need a laptop for? They don't. Laptops do not help any grade school student to learn. They are an expensive crutch and a waste of taxpayer money.

Anonymous said...

Just as an FYI, many of the laptops that we are talking about are given out to grade school students. What do they need a laptop for? They don't. Laptops do not help any grade school student to learn. They are an expensive crutch and a waste of taxpayer money.

dmark said...

OMG...I think dmark has come back as 'anonymous'

I have not commented on this topic as I have no dog in this hunt. I'm only commenting now to assure you that I don't comment here under any nym but my own. I still find it odd that people are not secure enough in their beliefs to adopt a nym and stick to it on this blog.

My one comment about the topic is that I do find it somewhat ammusing that most of the complaints about the GL school district are almost identical to the ones that were out there 40 years ago when I attended GLHS.

dmark said...

Oh, and Rodney Blog-OY-ovich, I really like your nym. I don't think we share one single belief politically, but I commend you on staking out your side of an arguement and not hiding behind anonymous postings.

Common Sense Genius said...

I have a perfect solution to this school referendum quandary. Think about this before you judge.

Since the pro-referendum people believe that there are so many people in our school district who support the referendum, make participation voluntary.

So anyone who wants to can sign up at school or city hall to have their taxes raised because our poor little school doesn't spend enough money per student and they are so underprivileged and victims of the system. And since many people rent and do not own their homes, those people can contribute a portion of their paycheck if they want to contribute financially to the school.

Anyone who does not want their taxes raised so that the school gets more money does not have to. Strictly voluntary.

Since SO MANY people want the school to get MORE than $20,000 per student, this plan would undoubtedly bring in millions per year. In fact, people with lots of money, like Bur Zeratsky and Jane Piernot can give MORE than the required minimum amount. Isn't this a wonderful plan? Even Ken Bates, who does not pay taxes in our district, can donate a portion of his paycheck every month.

This way, everyone is happy. Everyone wins.

In fact, you could have a GLOBAL campaign and set up a website and accept donations from around the entire world! Forget about Haiti and the orphans and millions of homeless people, let's get people to donate money to the poor underprivileged students at Green Lake Schools! Save the Green Lake Students! Don't let them continue to suffer! Send money NOW!

Sally Struthers said...

Great Ideas, I have a thought. Just looked at my tax bill, my portion to GLSD was $6,507. Since I don't have a child in the school, I suggest we should start an adopt a student program. I'd get about 1/3 of a kid. I could be given a photo, progress reports, maybe even an occasional hand written thank you from the poor waif.
That way I'd have a vested interest in the money that is confiscated from me. Once I personally realize their plight, I might be willing to send in more! Maybe they could even put a plaque with my name on the laptop!

Anonymous said...

Typical teabagging, tongue-wagging smucks.

Rodney Blog-OY-ovich said...

dmark...back at you!
Sorry to have insulted you by suggesting that the idiot who's been posting the illogical rhetoric was you. I should have known better since even though you ad I seem to be diametrically opposed on most things, you don't resort to the immature, uniformed commentary of the 'anonymous' naysayer whom I referenced.

I'll keep fighting the "good fight" and won't allow the nymrods (purposely misspelled...and No, I wasn't an IB product) to put an end to the voice of the people of Green Lake.

whomever it is with the childish 'anonymous' blogging...remember one thing - - as determined by the vote on the first attempt at passing the referendum, You are in the MINORITY!

And this was without any concerted effort by those who want to establish fiscal responsibility at GLSD. If you think thats ain't seen nothing yet!

Anonymous said...

Before we all form a lynch mob for the administration and school board memebers we should look to get rid of the real problem at our school. Her name is Deb Kneser and she is responsible for getting the ball rolling on lots of fun ideas like multi-age, charter and IB. She has used our school as her personal education guinia pig for years now. I wish she would just go away. She has done nothing but cause division and chaos in our district.

Sally Struthers said...

I believe lynch mob is a bit harsh. The discourse has been fairly civil except the one who has a bone to pick with Blogo or anyone like minded.

Anonymous said...

Okay, so maybe lynch mob isn't the right word. The question still needs to be asked: Why isn't anyone mentioning Deb Kneser in this mess? She's been using our school classrooms as guinea pigs for years. She seems to have some supernatural power over the school board and administration when it comes to getting any sort of new education idea that comes along. If she wants it, she gets it. Why does she have so much pull? Why don't the parents have more say in their kid's curriculum? Her grand ideas seem to be pushed through with no regard for the parents opinions (unless of course you agree with her in which case you are touted by the school as a model parent and supporter of all things good). I'm sick of it!

Anonymous said...

Well, today's Green Lake Reporter is out with the news of the "new April referendum".

Funny that the question has never been answered, WHY can't the school operate with the money in the current budget?

Until this question is sufficiently answered, no referendum is going to pass. And in my opinion, there is no justifiable answer to that question.

The school cannot operate within it's current budget because Ken Bates does not have a clue how to work within the confines of a budget. He has started two new schools and ignored the imminent needs of the building repairs. Wow, this guy is really brilliant.

Here's what the infamous Ken Bates says in today's article in the paper:

"If we do a non-recurring referendum, it needs to be clear to folks that we'll be back in five years", he stated. "It's not because we're bad money managers. It is because of the state funding formula".

(now it gets good) The article continues: Repairs to the school's thirty-two different roof systems would not be covered under an operating referendum, Bates added. Farrell estimated the repairs at over $1 million.

So the school wants millions in extra dollars, but not to fix the roof or the building. Why? Why should the school get more money? We are already spending more per student than EVERY OTHER DISTRICT IN THE STATE.

If the school needs repair, why doesn't the school have a referendum for that? Why would they continue to allow the roof to deteriorate? (I thought they just got money for roof and building repairs.) Yet they want more money to pay their salaries and benefits which eat up the lion's share of the budget. You can see where their priorities lie.

I see that Barb Eddy is as worried as ever about her job. Who the heck does she think she is that she should control referendums?

"Barb Eddy asked for the referendum to be brought back as it was, as did Green Lake charter school president Linda Sonntag. Nineteen votes is a small margin, said Sonntag, who felt the public needed more information about referendums."

Well, the public needs more TRUE and ACCURATE information about the referendum, and not the lies and scare tactics that were inflicted upon us.

It all boils down to this: The school spends $20,000 per student, and that is too much. We don't want the school to operate with more money. Learn to live within your means.

We must get Organized said...

We need to organize all the people who want to help oppose the new referendum. We did not do this last time, and cannot tempt fate without an organized opposition.

I am willing to help, but do not have the time to spear-head this movement. I am just one of hundreds of concerned citizens.

If we organize a meeting, will you attend? Can we count on you for a small donation for yard signs and brochures? We need to work together to see that fiscal responsibility is finally implemented in the school.

Please let me know if you are willing to participate. We can all meet and discuss our tasks at hand and pitch in to help the cause. We will have to put an announcement in the newspaper with a meeting time and place. Until then, your input here on the blog would be appreciated. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Harsh? Give us all a break. Everyone who visits this blog knows that the Inquisitor is occupied by teabagging, tongue-wagging "experts" who are angry for having to pay taxes (while enjoying roads, sewers, hospitals, libraries, electricity, etc., paid for by taxpayers educated in public school systems).

Don't deny it. You use this blog site as your soapbox and comfort food. Talk about "sheeple." Blogo burps his opine and his flock baa-baas like there is no tomorrow.

You're so full of yourselves it brings to mind pork belly commodities.

Anonymous said...

You are vulgar and stupid.

Anonymous said...

Right back at you, Anonymous, aka vulgar and stupid.


Anonymous said...

Maybe you can ask your pals at the school if you can audit some of the IB classes. On the school web site it states the as part of the mission statement: "these program encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right." (the web site's grammatical error, not mine) You're quite closed minded and judgmental, couldn't hurt.

Rodney Blog-OY-ovich said...

Who is this person that was 'educated in a public school'? I've got to admit...hilarious stuff! If he/she is what we can get for our $20,000 per at GL then I know which way I'll continue to vote...NO, NO, NO!
Thanks to the BS spending of government and others like them (aka: GLSD administration)...we all pay more than our fair share of taxes!
Unfortunately, it's 'highly educated' (being said tongue-in-cheek) who keep on insisting we don't want to pay for what we get. What we don't want to pay for is all the bottom feeders who come along for the ride and benefit at others expense. Those who mismanage funds and then stand with their hands held out and claim they can't make it on what they've been given.
If these are the types that you are defending...then your damn right, I don't wish to continue financing their pie-in-the-sky pipe dreams!
By the way...get a life and perhaps a clue!

Anonymous said...

"The school cannot operate within it's current budget because Ken Bates does not have a clue how to work within the confines of a budget. He has started two new schools and ignored the imminent needs of the building repairs. Wow, this guy is really brilliant."

Do the state math, dirtbag. What's that? You don't remember previous school board members ignoring funding for capital improvements to make the school safe? You don't have any background in state funding? Oh? No experience with mandates? Oh? Never had to negotiate with a teacher's union? Oh? Never studied a school budget? Oh? You mean you are another teabagging sheeple?

Well that explains that, now doesn't it dirtbag?

Truth is you simply don't qualify to make a shit difference. Right dirtbag? Come on, be honest.

Get off the blog, please.

Anonymous said...

Your so smart then explain to the rest of the "sheeple"
how all the other school districts are able to do all the things you mentioned for less the GLSD. Come on, we're all waiting. Baaaaa

Anonymous said...

Whoever pointed to Deb Kneser as a major player in all this experimenting is dead on right. First budget cut should be to get her --- out of there. Who needs a curriculum coordinator for 300 students when there are 2 administrators there that should do something!? If Bates is no good at finance, then what does he do? He plays no role in curriculum, doesn't evaluate staff, has little to do with students. What exactly does he do all day?

Kneser started a lot of trouble at the school. Won't go into details except to say that there were a lot of things she caused and blamed on others or hid behind the veil.

A lot of people on this blog know exactly how things went down at school. Can't understand how Valasek could actually back the referendum. There is more there--just don't know what.

Anonymous said...

"dirtbag--teabagging sheeple--make a shit difference" Wow! What an intellectual genius!! So much anger. Do you beat your wife, too?

Hospitals----paid for by taxpayers? Most hospitals are private, many supported by churches and private donations, plus fees. Those paid for by taxpayers include the VA and such.

Anonymous said...

I believe someone missed their daily dosage.

The Old Fat Man said...

Fight, Fight, Fight... Bicker, Bicker, Bicker. Refuse to listen to other side! Don't give an inch, Never compromise, Vote No, No, No!

It's amazing that our United States Constitution was ratified by our founding fathers and 9 states in only three months! (That's something I learned at the old GL School) And they ratified it without the use of phones, computers, faxes and e-mails! Sadly, shortly after that, the Federalists and the Anti Federalist took up sides to argue over interpretation of the constitution and what it allowed, and soon our first two parties and division amongst our governmental system was born. we should curse the day! We've been fighting ever since and we continue today.
When will ever learn?

Rodney Blog-OY-ovich said...

Come on Old Fat Man...As Mahatma Ghandi said, 'Honest differences are often a healthy sign of progress.'
There are no issues with keeping the school...we should all be in agreement that everyone wants it to stay in Green Lake. To think otherwise is ridiculous.

The 'fighting', as you frame it, is about the real amount of money needed to run it efficiently, effectively and responsibly.

This is the crux of the issue..and should be the only issue. If IB and Charter and whatever else, is (or will be) sapping funds from other necessary things at the school, then they need to go. Those programs alone aren't the problem...the problem is trying to figure out how $20,000 per student, per year isn't enough!

Anonymous said...

So the old fat man believes there should be no disagreements? What an incredibly naive statement.

Honest disagreement is often a good sign of progress. Mahatma Gandhi

There is nothing more likely to start disagreement among people or countries than an agreement. E. B. White

When I disagree with a rational man, I let reality be our final arbiter; if I am right, he will learn; if I am wrong, I will; one of us will win, but both will profit. Ayn Rand

Anonymous said...

Does this incredibly bogus political and personal philosophy make my ass look big? Ayn Rand

Anonymous said...

Well actually, I have been meaning to tell you that your ass does look big!

Anonymous said...

Especially with your head stuffed into it!

Anonymous said...

It's interesting to me that some of you are making Deb Kneser out to be the boogeyman for our school's woes.

Deb was hired to do a job and she did the job she was asked to do.

She also was a terrific teacher before being curriculum coordinator and elementary principal.

She also brought a number of fresh ideas to the school, wrote some terrific grants that provided opportunities for our students.

She was not perfect, but who is.

She did what the board and the administrator asked her to do, and now she is being condemned for that. She is an accomplished educator who worked hard to earn her degrees and develop her career.

I wonder if those who are shooting the negatives are just people who never accomplished too much in their lives, couldn't hack it to pursue a degree and are living in the misery of hanging on to their high school glory days, because that is as far as they could get.

Tangled Webs said...

Since you asked...

The truth is finally out! Want to know WHY the February school referendum nearly passed? Several of my friends were kind enough to pass along emails that they received from school staff. Let’s all take a look at the lies, coercion and misinformation that was perpetrated by the school, shall we? We'll start with Deb Kneser.

Email from Deb Kneser, Friday, February 12th

Subject: referendum

Hello All, Just wanted to take the time to encourage you to vote yes to the referendum on Tuesday. You will vote at the city hall downtown. If the referendum does not pass, Green Lake will be forced to consolidate with another district. This will actually cause our taxes to go up. The mill rate in Green Lake is below $5 per thousand. It is much cheaper than any district around us. Ripon is just below $10 per thousand. If we consolidate our mill rate will go up and the neighboring district’s mill rate will go down. Losing the school in this community well also bring down your property values. Young people and families will not move to a community that does not have a school. I am not employed by the Green Lake District so I am not encouraging you to vote because of my job, I am encouraging you to vote yes because it is the right thing to do. Please encourage all of your friends to get out and vote yes on Tuesday.

Well, well, well. What have we here? Where I come from, this is called a BOLD FACED LIE. The school is not going to consolidate if a referendum does not pass! How DARE Deb Kneser propagate and spread in order to get people to vote yes?

Since Deb Kneser is so intent on “encouraging” people, here is some encouragement for Deb. I encourage Deb Kneser to submit her resignation to Green Lake School, effective immediately. She claims that she is not employed by the school, yet her name appears on the school website as “administration” in the form of Curriculum Coordinator. Whether she is actually staff or merely and paid consultant from CESA is really not the issue here. Deb Kneser told BOLD FACED LIES to sway votes for the school, and she should resign immediately for her misconduct! This is the person deciding what our children LEARN? Do you see the horrible irony of this? I want Deb Kneser and her lying mouth far away from our children, our school, and our tax dollars!

Anonymous said...

Oh my God, that is outrageous! Deb Kneser should be fired or resign. For the curriculum coordinator of a school to tell lies to sway an election???? Disgraceful!

If Ken Bates does not fire her for this, then you know something smells at the school.

Hannibal Lecter said...

Stay posted oh bloggers of green lake...
there is information coming out in the very near future that will create some heavy duty waves for the old referendum to navigate...I think the good ship GLSD is about to hit the stormy seas of controversy (can you say tsunami?)!!!
It will be very interesting because factual information can't be dismissed as opinion...and the facts are about to be exposed!!!
hang on to your cap'n hat kenny...your first mate deb might be walkin' the plank when the folks of gl get the straight poop on our hirsute 'consultant' from CESA!!! what were those vouchers used to pay for??
Oh the excitement of of it all...
makes me want to open a bottle of chianti to wash down the fava beans!

Anonymous said...

Your foreboding of doom and gloom and intrigue smacks of wet noodle wishful thinking on the part of moronic sideliners. Your story has already been thought of, written and published by a much more accomplished author, titled, "Much Ado About Nothing". Try again.

Time to DOWNSIZE said...

I have heard that because the February referendum failed, the school might be looking at cutting 7 to 8 teachers and 2 aids. (I do not know if this is true). Since the referendum did not lower the budget at school, my question is why? We obviously could not afford these teachers and aids to begin with. The school is spending $20,000 per student! Most of that is staff salaries and benefits. Why do we have 13 aids at school, when just several years ago there were only 4? Why has our spending gone up so quickly, from around $16,000 to $20,000 per student? This has all happened since Ken Bates became administrator. We obviously have too many teachers and aids, especially considering that enrollment is down and expected to decrease again next year. This is just bad business management. There are 9 students to a class, for crying out loud! The parents of Green Lake should be questioning the spending at school and believing the lies they've been told so that the schools get even more money to waste. This referendum isn't about the kids, and we all know that. This is about saving the teacher's jobs, pure and simple.

According to the CATO Institute's Neal McCluskey, public schooling is a jobs program, pure and simple. At least, that’s what one can’t help but conclude as our little “stimulus” turns one-year old today.

“State fiscal relief really has kept hundreds of thousands of teachers and firefighters and first responders on the job,” declared White House Council of Economic Advisers head Christina Romer today.

Throwing almost $100 billion at education sure as heck ought to have kept teachers in their jobs, and the unemployment numbers suggest teachers have had a pretty good deal relative to the folks paying their salaries.

Of course, retaining all of these teachers might be of value to taxpayers if having so many of them had a positive impact on educational outcomes. But looking at decades of achievement data one can’t help but conclude that keeping teacher jobs at all costs truly isn’t about the kids, but the adults either employed in education, or trying to get the votes of those employed in education. As the following chart makes clear, we have added teachers in droves for decades without improving ultimate achievement at all.(chart can be seen at the following webpage)

The chart, put out by the National Assessment of Educational Progress, (Long-Term Trend results) shows that since the early 1970s, achievement scores for 17-year-olds — our schools’ “final products” — haven’t improved one bit, while the number of teachers per 100 students is almost 50 percent greater. If anything, then, we have far too many teachers, and would do taxpayers, and the economy, a great service by letting some of them go. Citizens could then keep more of their money and invest in private, truly economy-growing ventures. But no, we’re supposed to celebrate the endless continuation of debilitating economic – and educational — waste.

You’ll have to pardon me for not considering this an accomplishment I should cheer about.

Anonymous said...

I was just reading online that school districts figure the cost per student as such:

To calculate total spending, we have to add up all sources of funding for education from kindergarten through 12th grade, excluding spending on charter schools and higher education. Divide that by the number of students enrolled.

So is this to mean that the Charter School, IB school and higher level courses are not factored in to Green Lake's per student cost? Do any of you know if this is correct?

Anonymous said...

That raises an excellent question. What is the per pupil spending at the public school, the charter school, and the IB school? I would like to see these figures. Every other Charter school in the nation is housed as a separate school, not included inside an existing public school. How are these costs kept separate when essentially we have two parasite schools sucking off the public school?

shocked and horrified said...

The third line in Deb Kneser's referendum promoting email states:

"If the referendum does not pass, Green Lake will be forced to consolidate with another district."

Since this is in fact a lie, I agree that this type of misconduct requires that Deb Kneser resigns immediately. Today.

If Kneser does not resign, then it is Ken Bates duty to fire her. Does this have to go through the school board first, or does Bates have the authority to do this by himself? Her contract must be terminated. This woman should not work at the school under any circumstances.

Anonymous said...

Ken Bates has also told parents and GL residents at various civic group's meetings (I was at one of them) that GL School will have to consolidate if the referendum does not pass.

We are among the many who DO NOT want to lose the school in GL, but find it hard to vote for the referendum unless we get some FACTS. When will they learn (believe) that the "threats of closing" being spread by Kneser, Bates, and even some staff is doing more to turn the voters off than to convince us to vote for the referendum. Hopefully they will learn we do not trust them. We want to hear from the school board members that have insisted and finally received some "missing" information on what money has been spent for and where it came from. NONE OF US WANTS TO OR WILL GO TO A REFERENDUM MEETING IF BATES IS GOING TO DO THE TALKING/THREATENING. Though they say the previous meetings were "well attended", we heard there were very few at the meeting at the school - and most of them were staff or people obviously there to tell why they we have to vote yes - more threats. Please have more respect for us voters - and give us the TRUTH.

Green Lake Zobel Park Rec Fund

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