Wednesday, January 20, 2010

School Board Ref. Feb 16 Continued

If you haven't read last weeks letter in the Ripon Commonwealth from Nancy Burns, former administrator of the Green Lake School District try to get a copy. It is direct and to the point by someone who has been there. She makes the point that it could raise Green Lake Prop. taxes by 25 percent this year by a school district that already exceeds the revenue cap by $600,000 per year already.

As a side note about voting in the school referendum these are the voting requirements that I got from the county:

1.Must have resided in the state of Wisconsin for at least 10 days in the last year, not consecutively.

2. You may register at the time you vote at the residents polling place.

3. You will not be able to vote in the spring election where you otherwise reside (Ill, Arizona, Florida for example) and will have to re-register there for their elections.

4. If you want to vote by absentee ballot it must be in by Feb. 11 for the Feb. 16 election.

Town of Brooklyn phone number is 920-294-6600
City of Green Lake phone number is 920-294-6912
Town of Green Lake phone number is 920-398-3492

I would call your government office to double check all this.


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Anonymous said...

Gordy & Celeste are in. Green Lake has spoken.

Anonymous said...

Why not remove this blog in it's entirety?

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