Saturday, January 8, 2011

County Judge Election

One of the important issues coming up in the next election is the judges election. Now that McMonigal has his new courthouse(don't get me started on this one) There will be three people on the ballot. Selsing, Slate and Wilsnack. Whoever gets elected is generally there for many years. In my lifetime I've remembered 2 judges on the bench. This will be an important elections for this area.


Anonymous said...

I hope the newspapers do a good job of telling the public more about the three candidates. While I do not like the fact that McMonigal has been in power for so long and seems to have his own agenda (new courthouse included), I also do not like the fact that the once a judge serves (even one term) he or she receives full pension for life. (If I am wrong on this, please correct me.) Do any of you bloggers know more about this?

Anonymous said...

Thank god he's retiring...

Anonymous said...

Vote for Slate: He is smart and is willing to do research to be a fair minded judge. He is younger than Selsing so will have more energy. Slate is highly qualified. Give him a look. If Selsing gets in and is there a long time, I am worried about his age. He did his law degree a long time ago....we need someone younger and more into the 21st century.

Anonymous said...

I would write my dog in before I would vote for Slate.

Anonymous said...

So far, I like Slate the best from what I have heard about him. Let's hear why you would rather have your dog as a judge.

Info Man said...

Triad is having all three candidates for Green Lake County Judge on Tues. 2/8/11 8:30am at the new court building.

Green Lake Zobel Park Rec Fund

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