Saturday, March 6, 2010

Ripon Paper on Ref Voting

There was an article in the Ripon paper by Aaron Becker on the voting in the last school referendum. He made very good points and backed it up with numbers. I look forward the next referendum. I have a feeling it will pass this time. They school board did a very bad job of educating the public about the need for the increase, why we have such a high per student cost and renewing Ken Bates contract just before they are asking for more money. Not the best planning on their part. Have they considered any consolidation of high schools at all? I can understand a community wanting to keep a grade school in a town, but what about High School consolidation? Is this being discussed at any level or are we going to be hit with these referendums forever?


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Rodney Blog-OY-ovich said...

Come now. I represent myself and am not associated with the NO vote team, or the YES vote team. It's called individuality and I highly recommend everyone give it a's liberating!

Once've completely missed the point! Back in my collegiate days there was a saying about Madison - -'78 square miles surrounded by reality'! We students were always amused by this quip.

Unfortunately, this referendum has shown me that Madison is not alone. Perhaps the school can raise all the extra funding needed to satisfy everyones whims and fantasies by making and selling T-shirts with the motto...

'Green Lake, WI - 1.6 square miles surrounded by reality'!

And please stop with the smear tactics. If the truth hurts so much, and if you can't take a little sarcastic, tongue-in-cheek commentary then there is a problem. If there is nothing to hide then there is nothing to get upset about. If I've been accurate with my numbers (and I have), and I've been hitting a little too close to home (and I have), then I've got news for you...GLSD is running rampant and the citizens of Green Lake are being had!

Do yourselves a favor and take a hard look at the numbers and tell me that the school can't make it work on what they have...and actually, do so with considerably less!

From Ken Bates mouth on Tuesday when he waxed philosophically, "I don't know why Green Lake always offered more than anywhere else but they just always did'. If that isn't a telling statement then I don't know what is. WHY does the school have to be all things to all people. Just because it was a reality in the past, WHY must it continue at a time when people are having to suck it up to make ends meet. This is not about 2 cents per day, or $20 a year in taxes - - this has become an issue of principle and the lack of responsible stewardship of everyones (yours, mine, OURS) tax dollars!

Enough said (for now)...come back to reality and investigate WHY more money is supposedly needed not just the so called 'gap' created by the state funding formula. It is being used as a convenient excuse to promote irresponsible spending. To use Ken's own words..."I don't know...they just always did", is not a good reason to continue down the same destructive path. Change isn't easy and some things will be lost in the wake.

However, if change doesn't happen EVERYTHING will be lost in the wake. I'd rather have a good portion of something we want as opposed to a whole lot of nothing we'll end up with.

Based on spending habits, dwindling enrollment, decreased revenue(s), unproven test projects, etc...everything points to one thing and that is NOT giving the school district authority to levy for more tax money.

Spend some the research and put a wake up call in to the people running GLSD! Only a NO vote will accomplish that.

Oh, and Dave, please stop damaging yard signs. It puts you in a bad light!

Anonymous said...

Yeah Dave, just say NO to yard signs!

Manfred Mann said...

Gotta tell you..that Dave's got a problem. The other day I saw him kicking a Special Properties sign while maniacally whistling some song by the Five Man Electrical Band (how is that for an obscure blast from the past)!

Signs, signs everywhere there's signs!
Keep it real folks (and Dave)...It's about our community.

Concerned said...

Great last blog! After reading some of the postings here, I have to say that it sounds like quite a few of the NO voters actually want to keep teh school open-they just want to accomplish it in a different way. Perhaps the fact that they don't want the school to go away could be a little slice of common ground in this debate. I am a YES voter but I do understand some of the concerns of the No voters. That being said, I do have a problem with some of the NO voters spouting off about closing the school. I don't think they are considering the unintentional consequences of that kind of decision (and I'm not just talking about the kids!). What about the big empty building that would sit in town as an eyesore. What about the citizens of town that work at the school that would be unemployed? What about the value of our homes in a town that doesn't have a school? All these things need to be taken into consideration and I don't think the ones that want to close the school are doing that. I don't care if you vote NO in order to save the school, but please don't vote NO to close the school. There is so much more at stake than your 2 cents a day.

C.A.R.E. said...

You have it completely backwards. The NO group is called C.A.R.E., Citizens Advocating for Responsible Education. WE want the school to stay open! We care deeply about the school, the students, and their continued success. People should not think that voting NO is voting against the school. We are the being realistic about our district needs, the economy and what is necessary to give the kids a quality education. All these things evaluated, we truly believe that if GLSD continues on their crash course to financial oblivion, the school will be doomed to closure. It cannot be sustained that way. It reminds me of what is going on in Washington. The way that GLSD can be sustained is through careful financial planning and prudent spending. These objectives are currently not being observed by the current administration.

C.A.R.E. believes the school has a much better chance of survival if we vote NO and do not allow for more money to be allocated to an administration that has not lived within their budget. The school has not shown a hint of concern about the economy or the dismal realities that families are facing. This referendum is heartless and senseless. Public and private schools all across the country have made necessary changes to help ensure the future of their schools in this recession. Sadly, the financial future of our country shows little promise. I don't feel that any effort has been made by the school to do their part in these historically bad economic times. Actually, what the school is asking for, even in a good economy, is unreasonable. The school receives more than enough money to give our children a high quality education.

Now is the time to exercise common sense and fiscal responsibility. Green Lake is a little school of less than 300 students. GLSD need not be a burden to taxpayers who simply cannot afford to pay yet even more in taxes! The school needs to figure out how to plan better with the money they already receive. $20,000 per student isn't enough? Enough is enough.

Anonymous said...

Rodney thinks he represents the No referendum voters, but he does not. His sarcasm, attacks and know it all approach are pushing others away from our side. Go away Rodney. We don't need your help.

Rodney Blog-OY-ovich said...

Thus, my earlier blog!
To help clarify (once again)...No, I'm not a part of any group and I've never portrayed myself as such. I'm perfectly able to make decisions based upon my own criteria, logic and reasoning. just because I'm in agreement with one side over the other doesn't mean you can pigeon-hole me for my choice.

One doesn't need to be a part of a group to make choices. If you need the 'authority' of the group to validate your choice in a matter then there is something wrong with your own reasoning. None of my life decisions are ever based solely upon affiliations. My choices are personal and reflect the parameters I choose - not what others 'force' upon me through "group think". If you've never heard of the concept you should check it out.
Much of this blog, and the whole referendum circus, is being fueled by group think.

It's not too late to spare yourself the embarrassment of allowing the masses to make the decisions for you. You can still spend some time and get answers to your own, individual questions. If you've already made the call, either yes or no, then hopefully it was done with clarity of thought.

Making a decision that affects the future of the school and the community should involve a great deal of thought. If you've made your choice based on group-think, then you are doing a disservice to yourself and your community.

Concerned said...

Dear C.A.R.E,
I don't have it completely backwards. Please don't jump on your bandwagon and try to mow me down. If you would have read what I said carefully, you would have seen that I don't have a problem with you voting NO as long as you are planning on still keeping the school. My problem is with the ones that are voting NO in order to get rid of the school. They are the ones who in my opinion are not thinking this thing thru. They seem to have an agenda of their own that is not good for this community.

Anonymous said...

How illogical is that last blog? Who has ever said, on this blog or otherwise, that they would vote NO solely to get rid of the school? How asinine would that be?

To be fair and impartial, I've looked through the blog; the CARE website; Sound-Offs; Letters to the Editor; and in the literature handed out by all of the school board candidates. I'm not certain where the last blogger is coming from because I can find nothing to support their claim of people voting NO for the sole purpose of closing the school.

Is there something you can specifically cite showing this convoluted thought process or is this just another attempt at 'throwing something out there to see if it will stick'?

Anonymous said...

I agree whole-heartedly. I challenge this blogger to name ONE person who wants the school to close.

Concerned said...

I have heard people in this community discussing how it would be fine if the school closed. I have heard it in Little Corporal, Crossroads, and thru people that have school choiced their kids out of Green Lake. This is not a figment of my imagiantion. There are people out there who want to close the school. I heard one lady say at Crossroads that she doesn't want to pay for a "pet elephant" of a school anymore and that it's a lost cause. Just because I don't know the name of everyone I see in this town doesn't mean that I'm making this stuff up. It's out there (hopefully in a minority) and I'm not the only one who has heard it.

Anonymous said...

Why are people getting mad at "concerned"? It sounds like he or she is raising a point that we should all be watching out for. Why is it so hard to believe that a fringe element would want to do something stupid like close the school?

Concerned said...

Thank you to the last blogger. Why would I raise an issue with a group out of my imagination? I have already stated that I respect the NO voters for their opinion on keeping the school viable even though I don't agree with it. I would not be bringing this up unless it was real. I can't help it that I didn't question people as to who they were when I heard them talking. That does not make me a liar however.

Concerned said...

For the record,I'm not trying to blaspheme the NO cause. I thought it would be a good idea to let everyone know on both sides that these "CLOSE THE SCHOOL" folk are out there. I am not a liar. I don't care if you vote YES or NO, just keep the school open.

Anonymous said...

Another case of hearsay taken as fact. It's like the party game where you keep passing a story around and see how it changes by the time the last person gets to tell it!

What people need to remember is to be objective when evaluating the referendum. That is, make your choice based on facts, not opinions, assumptions or biases.
Keep in mind...the point of the referendum is about 'keeping' the school, not 'closing' the school. Neither the NO or YES vote will/can guarantee that happening. It's all up to the community to make the right choices, ask the hard questions of those elected/appointed to serve, and be actively involved in GLSD.

All of us in Green Lake should be concerned with the operation and direction of the is the largest expense on our tax bill so why not want to be involved and make sure we are getting what we are paying for!

Concerned said...

Okay, now I'm getting ticked off. What I heard was NOT heresay or a friggin figment of my imagination. People warned me to stay away from this blogsite because of the attacks but I thought I was doing a good thing by warning everyone against the CLOSE THE SCHOOL ideology that is out there. I had no idea I would be targeted as a liar and gossip spreader. I honestly have the best interest of the school in mind and have no ulterior motive. How dare you attack like this.

Anonymous said...

This is TOO FUNNY! The NO voters are slamming someone who is a YES voter that seems to be trying to accomplish the same thing they are in keeping the school open. WOW - talk about being blinded by a cause....HA HA HA

Anonymous said...

Whether the referendum passes or not this time, one thing you can be sure of is that Bates will keep coming at you for another and another referendum. He will NOT live within the means of the school district. Once you fools get this through your heads, you will see how truly tragic renewing his contract was.

You will have to keep the momentum going, because this is how he will try to wear you down.

If you pass it, you get what you deserve.

Anonymous said...


I have taken the time to go back and read all of your blog posts, on this subject and others from the past.
I was in the No camp, but after reading again and again of your sarcasm, your personal attacks and your self serving comments, I have decided I do not wish to be connected anymore to the No vote.
I do want the school to stay in Green Lake, and I will ask each board member and the administration to pay attention to the expenses that they can cut, but as of today, I do not want to be connected to your drumbeat of attacks. I too am now a YES voter.

Rodney Blog-OY-ovich said...

Oh my God! This town is about to implode!
Mass hysteria is running rampant in Green Lake!
Vote whichever way YOU choose, it's called 'free will'. However, becoming either a yes or no voter as a result of what I've, or anyone else has, posted on this site is exactly what's wrong with this situation.
God gave us free-will and the ability to 'think on our own'. As earlier stated, try it some's very liberating.

Anonymous said...

Rodney, I am using free will. You don't have the lock on it. I had a thought about voting no. However, after reading your logic on the no vote, and seeing how you've twisted things, I have decided out of free will, to vote yes. I am thinking on my own, and I choose to distance myself from the tactics and twisting of facts that you have established yourself under. Spout what you may. I am hearing from several other people who are not buying into your methodology of promoting a philosophy. I now know of three no voters who have changed their mind to yes, and don't appreciate your approach. I wonder how many others there are?

Rodney Blog-OY-ovich said...

Please say it isn't so that I've driven all of these people over to the yes side from the no side! I had no idea of the power I wield!

I find it both sad and funny that you are actually postulating that you and your 3 'free-thinking' friends are going to change your vote based on my blogging.

Great hilarity folks...great hilarity! And you wonder why we are having to address the problematic situation we are in...look no further than these moronic comments.
I rest my case, my vote remains the same, I stand by my comments...each and every one of them.

Anonymous said...

A friend recently told me I should visit this site and check out the Green Lake Referendum Blog. WOW!What's obvious immediately when reading through the blog is an effort by some to politicize this referendum vs. basing the information on the facts. No public institution is more transparent than schools. Rather than publishing assumptions or rumors local citizens need only to request the information from the School Board or School Administration and by law they would need to oblige. The spreading of rumors and false information only serves to pit one group against another. Kinda reminds you of what most Americans dislike about both state and federal government. I couldn't believe it when someone attempted to sway people against the school by posting wages and benifits for a select group of school employees. Again, this is public information and is audited by the state twice per year so if you want to get the facts simply request the information and you'll get an unbiased factual response. As most people are aware, teachers wages and benifits vary much less than private industry due state and union regulations which has a tendency to keep wages/benifits very comparable from one district to the next. I'm all for making an "informed" decision and with the transparecy required for public schools there is no excuse for not getting accurate information directly from your school board or school administration vs. a blog with political bias both ways.

Anonymous said...

Dave stick to trimming trees instead of signs....the pays alot better.

Double-Ott Seven said...

A friend recently told me I should visit this site and check out the Green Lake Referendum Blog. WOW!What's obvious immediately when reading through the blog is an effort by some...
To sway people with more BS!

What was that last blog...a paid for infomercial!
What a thinly-veiled effort from the folks at the school to attempt an end-around. Come on now...who is it that's been assigned to monitor and attack? Perhaps the Shadow knows!

Espionage, counter-espionage, counter-counter-espionage, kitchen-counter espionage! This is one cloak-and-dagger referendum attempt and ain't we a bunch of silly looking agents in GL! Kind of like a bad version of Spy-Vs-Spy from MAD magazine...Is Alfred E. Newman on the ballot April 6th?

Anonymous said...

Rodney Blog-OY-ovich your so into your self it's sickening. Your commentary definitely is an attempt to fuel the fire and pit one group against another. Attemting to belittle the party opposing your point of view is what's wrong with America today.

Anonymous said...

There must not be anything good on TV this afternoon. Man, what a bunch of silly gibberish!

Rodney Blog-OY-ovich said...

A big shout out to all of my fans, friends and frienimies! Thanks to all of you and my apparent ability to hold sway over the masses through 'artful blogging', I will soon be able to quit my menial truck-driving behind a desk job at Walmart!

First there were Arriana Huffington and Perez Hilton...and now - - Rodney!

The folks on this blog/in this town (reality show?) are so freaking predictable it's starting to lose its appeal.
(Okay-now you write...)

Anonymous said...

Double-Ott Seven you sound a little paranoid! Your probably someone who believes anyone in support of the referendum is just a school "plant". Many people in the community believe the school is going the right direction. I have no problem with a difference in opion, however when you attempt to discredit the opposition as being "in-the-tank" for the school all it does is weaken your position. I know it may be difficult, but try to keep the debate to facts instead of accusations of some elaborate school PR campaign.

Tea Please, without any lumps! said...

Oh no...don't tell me...Another No vote going over to the yes side due to poor punctuation used by the prior blogger!

It's getting pretty silly folks! Why don't you all stop displaying such childish antics and put on a better face for the sake of Green Lake.

Anonymous said...

Sounds more to me like the no voters on this blog are starting to run a little scared. Lots of bravado and chest thumping after the first referendum vote, but all of sudden they are finding out there are many more people than they wanted to admit, who are happy with the direction the school is wanting to go in, with this referendum. I guess it really doesn't matter what any of us say on this blog. The proof in the pudding, either way, will be what the voters want on April 6th.

Anonymous said...

Total District salaries are $2.15M. Total District benefits are $1.03M/
That is for evry $1 paid for salaries, $.50 is paid for benefits. So when the state website reports $75,000 for salary and fringe that means $50,000 is salary and $25,000 is benefits.

These benefits include: Health (familily = $16,000-17,000), retirement, social security.

Simply compare for yourself the salaries and fringes across the state. Every district is listed.

Anonymous said...

The figures the previous blogger stated do not match what the school is saying.

Previous blogger is saying that district salaries (with fringe) are $3.18 MILLION, yet Bates himself said at last Wednesday's meeting that salaries make up at 75% of the budget. You would think that a highly paid school superintendent would know what the hell he was talking about. But this is Ken Bates we are dealing with.

Now I look at the informational packet that the school handed out, and they have Salaries/Fringe listed at $3,539,400 for 09-10. The handout lists this Salaries/Fringe as 58% of the budget. Where I come from, 58% is not the same as 75%. This is a HUGE difference from the 75% Bates quoted at the meeting. But this is Ken Bates we are dealing with.

Then, strangely enough, on that same page (16) Bates lists the actual 05-06 Salaries/Fringe as $3,447,087 or 71% of the budget. So Salaries/Fringe has gone up in spending but according to chart, we have 4 less Staff. So we are paying $100,000 more than we were even though we have 4 less Staff. I think teacher raises must be a HUGE part of the problem, and why the school is holding a referendum, even though they won't say specifically what they supposedly need the money for.

The BUDGET has gone up from $4,888,709 in 05-06, to $6,088,417 for 09/10. That is a significant increase of approx $1.2 MILLION. A part of that($400,000?) was supposedly a boiler repair that was granted and allocated back in the 2001 referendum, but that the school is just now getting around to addressing. So why was more money allocated last year by the school board for the same purpose? I am confused about this. I am also wondering where the extra $1.2 MILLION is being spent? Maybe on IB and Charter projects?

Let's go to the bottom line of the chart called "other". We are spending $239,540 on "other". What is "other"? Is "other" the IB and Charter school? Are these all the consultants that Bates hires to do his job for him? Is "other" the legal fees that Bates incurs due his blundering way of operating a school district? Please, do let us know Ken what "other" means to you. And please explain why we are operating on $1.2 MILLION more than were were 4 years ago, and why the school supposedly needs even more money???

Anonymous said...

I do not understand why you would not just go in Ken's office and ask him the details for answers to your questions. If you want to know what "other" is, just go ask.
This is public information about a public institution. This information is available to any citizen. You make it out like someone is hiding it, and that is simply not the case. Why are you asking him on this blog, instead of taking the initiative to go ask him face to face, and get the facts, instead of speculating what it might or might not be, and then fueling rumors or incorrect information. Just ... ask.

It's NOT about the Children said...

I was at that meeting, and Ken Bates said that teacher salaries made up 75% of the budget, and that number would raise to 80% if the referendum failed because he would cut programs and not teachers. He also said that teacher salary increases are being built into the the budget for the next five years.

Nice to see the kids and their education thrown under the bus. This is about TEACHERS FIRST.

VOTE NO said...

VOTE NO on April 6th! VOTE for Dick Mrazik and Sydney Rouse for School Board! We need fiscally responsible school board members who will run the school like a business and not a drunken spending spree.

Why Bother said...

Actually, someone did ask Ken Bates about the boiler issue at last weeks meeting. Want to know his reply?

I don't know, I wasn't here in 2001.

So much for asking questions and getting any kind of credible answer. In fact, most of the questions asked that night were never answered satisfactorily.

Anonymous said...

Just more personal attacks on Ken Bates. Not much for substance. That's the best the NO referendum voters can do.

Vote YES for the school and community.

Anonymous said...

He's right... he wasn't here in 2001. Do you know everything about the business you work for, before you got there? Do you have all the facts at your fingertips about what when on before you got there. No. I didn't think so.

Like the last blogger said,,, plenty of attacks,,, very little substance.

Anonymous said...

You missed the whole point. Try going in Ken's office. Make an appointment. Ask to sit down with him and go over the numbers on any budget category you want to see and ask your questions. I've done it on several occasions, and he has been more than accomodating, and if he did not know the answer, he found it for me, or got me to the person who could answer.
Have you tried that? I don't think so or you would have talked about it on this blog. Try making that effort and see what you can find out, for facts.

Anonymous said...

"Why Bother" Your an outright liar! I was at that same meeting and never heard Ken blow off any questions as you'd like people to believe. He responded to every question throughly and with great civility. Why do some of you continue to spread "BS"!

Anonymous said...

The last blogger asked, " Why do some of you continue to spread "BS"!

The reason is, because that is all they have. They take a fact, twist it, or leave out part of the facts.

Or they are mad because their friend or a relative lost their job at the school, so they are on a vindictive agenda, and will spew anything to make an attack.

Or they have long ago finished raising their children in the school system, and their family benefited from all of the programs, services, classes, and extracurricular sports and program, courtesy of all those who paid taxes, but now, they don't want to do the same for the community.

Zero in substance on their attacks. Plenty in hearsay, whining, and trying to get even.

Anonymous said...

Exactly the point. I love these folks who come on here and act like everything is hunky-dory! Guess isn't and that's why we are having to deal with this BS referendum. It's not about the state funding formula. Yes, that is screwed up, but do you throw money into the wind as a result of it. We aren't going to solve the problems at the State and Federal level but we can address the problem right here in our own backyard!

Open your eyes to the realities of's in financial ruin and Ken Bates has been here long enough to have addressed the problem - IF HE HAD REALLY CARED ABOUT IT!! I don't care that he wasn't here in 2001, but he's been here 4+ years and you want to tell me that he, and his administration, have been good stewards of our tax dollars...Bull Crap! Do you really want to believe that he has no clue of what went on before him, that he didn't know about the condition of major building needs...that he didn't know several years ago about the shortfall and start seriously budgeting and making concessions! BS if he didn't, and if he didn't, what has he been up to all this time?

You want me to believe that he, and the school board, have cut-costs and saved money! I keep hearing how they've 'trimmed' $600,000 from the budget...But I ask, WHERE! (and don't tell me to go ask. It ain't happening).

But long as nobody was asking/looking at things - THEY HAPPENED!
Now that the questions are being raised, and investigated, the answers are at best 'questionable'.
Don't kid yourself into thinking there is transparency with regard to finances...don't kid yourself into thinking there isn't wasted spending at the school...don't kid yourself into thinking it's about "Children First".

Those of you who turn a blind-eye to what's happening at, and with, the school are silently sanctioning the BS that we now have to deal with.
Please, put your misguided naiveté to rest and do something for our community.

Go out, investigate, get answers and be a part of the solution to what needs to be done at the school. Accountability is lacking and only your voice can change that...It's time to stand up, speak up and be counted.

What's happened at Green Lake is a travesty and all of you who think we've got the greatest thing going since sliced bread...get a clue.

Anonymous said...

Either you're simply ignoring the facts or just clueless. The previous school referendum was projected to last 5 years, however with prudent management has been strung out to almost twice that time frame. The $600,000 Plus of cuts over the past 4 years are precisely the reason they've been able to accomplish this feat. My hats off to both the school administration and board for being able to reduce the budget in each of the last 4 years.

Anonymous said...

Hi Craig, Jeffy wants to know if you like him?

Anonymous said...

I see Green Lake has just been officially added to the IBO World School List. What an incredible waste of money to fly teachers all over the country for 3 days of brainwashing so they can return to indoctrinate your kids. Dump this UN money soaking scam now!

Learn the facts at:

Anonymous said...

Clueless and ignoring the facts? Yes, I must be since prudent stewardship of our tax dollars and trimming $600,000 from the budget has allowed the school to crawl deeper into their financial hole!
What facts are you using to come up with this brilliant mathematical proof?
This as akin to saying that Kohl's is having a 50% off sale so the more I spend the more I just keep spending.
Brilliant use of deductive's almost like saying that the more the we give to the school in tax money the lower our taxes will go.
Oh wait, the school is already using that argument and sadly...many people are believing it.
Check out what was touted to happen with the last referendum and see if it occurred (talking about taxes and millage rates). I think you'll be surprised to find the answer.

The Damages said...

I have heard that the school plans to have another referendum in June, and another in September. There should be new legislation in Madison to prohibit these excessive referendums. Once the voters have spoken, their voice and decision should be respected and upheld. In Minnesota, schools can only hold one operating expense referendum per year. Building/improvement referendums can be held as needed.

The saddest thing about the school holding referendum after referendum is that they are dividing this town and the people who once lived together peacefully as a community. Ken Bates and Teachers First are directly responsible for this severance of civility. Ken Bates has refused to work with a balanced budget and do what is right for the school and the community. GLSD has not done one thing to cut back and do their part in making this work more effectively. Quite the opposite. They want to continue to increase spending when everyone else is doing all they can to cut back and conserve. It is apparent that the highly paid staff does not face the same fiscal realities that most families are currently struggling with. I don't think they have a CLUE about the impact the recession has had on people, and I don't believe they care.

GLSD is CLEARLY overstaffed. Of course, the school refuses to admit to this even though it is evident to everyone. 9.5 students per teacher is grossly irresponsible use of our tax dollars! And yet the school is very proud of their irresponsibility, they even brag about it. They think it's just great. The IB and Charter schools are CLEARLY costing more than the school is admitting to. The school has to learn and accept that REFERENDUMS WILL NO LONGER BE A PART OF THE ROUTINE ANNUAL BUDGET. Ken Bates had years to plan ahead and figure how how to effectively manage the money alloted to run the school. Ken Bates SHOULD NOT COUNT ON A REFERENDUM to BAILOUT the TEACHERS FIRST group. Because that is what this referendum is: A BAILOUT.

It truly disgusts me that the school has vowed to continue with referendum after referendum until they beat down the taxpayers into a state of weakened submission and the STAFF gets what they want. The law needs to be changed. Sadly, it is the community that suffers because of the school's refusal to live within their means. And in case you couldn't figure this out, the children that the school claims to put first are a part of the community.

VOTE NO on April 6th and in June and in September etc...etc..etc..

Anonymous said...

This is exactly right! The school has pitted the entire community against each other, and will continue to do so until they get what they want. It's like community blackmail. What gets me sick is that they act like the NO group is the one that is against the school. It is the NO group who wants fiscal responsibility so that the school can stay here in Green Lake. The over-spending cannot be sustained for any length of time. The school will end up consuming itself and then blaming the very people who tried like hell to save it. Selfish, greedy, and disgusting.

Anonymous said...

What is even more greedy, selfish and disgusting is how the school is using the children to further their own wasteful agenda. Did any of you go to the propaganda show at the school last night? It turned my stomach.

Anonymous said...

A friend of mine put up a NO sign in his yard and is getting harassed by people he knows in the Children First group to take it down and change his vote. They have no respect for the people of this community or their ability to make an informed decision. It's shameful.

Anonymous said...

I know many people who have not put up a NO sign because they are afraid to. This is the gospel truth. They are afraid of the repercussions and quite frankly, I cannot blame them. The YES group has become so nasty and petty. People who once were friendly and sociable to me now turn their head and won't even say hello. I am trying to treat everyone I know fairly and with understanding and respect. This town is too small to hold grudges and propagate hostility to your neighbors.

The YES group doesn't have a valid argument for the referendum. They know that. So they are using every stupid trick in the book to try to sway votes, and in many cases are making total fools of themselves. The vehicles they are driving around town with painted windows look idiotic. It makes them look scared and desperate, which is what they are. If there was a real need for this referendum, more people would recognize that and be supporting it. It's time to make cuts at the school, as difficult as that might be, it is essential to the continuation of public schools in Green Lake.

Anonymous said...

I about petty and vindictive. People who I've seen for years when I'm in town now won't even wave to me. I've actually had people turn their heads when I've attempted to acknowledge them with a wave...and this after they and I have made eye contact! If that doesn't say it all I don't know what does.
Sorry if I've offended anyone by requesting accountability and responsibility at the school. If this is your response to my commitment...I guess you really weren't worth having as a 'neighbor'...very sad indeed!

Fiscal Stupidity said...

For those of you who are so disillusioned into thinking that the school is in fact spending our money responsibly, then please explain this. Why was a 66 passenger school bus used to transport SIX students to Milwaukee last week? Yes, you are reading this correctly. An entire school bus for six students. I would love to hear the explanation for this. PLEASE, do not tell me to go to Ken Bates office and ask him No answer would be sufficient.

Anonymous said...

Ken Bates should just step down from his position. He is incompetent. Why was he even hired when he was the verified NUMBER 3 choice of candidates for the job? I'll tell you why, because the decision to hire the first choice was OVERRIDDEN by certain people and instead (long-time friend of Burr Zeratsky) Ken Bates was hired.

The people of this community deserve better! Get rid of #3!

Anonymous said...

Don't any of you find it a conflict of interest that Ken Bates is doing his doctorate on the IB program and using our school as his grand experiment? I do! Why are we paying for his continued education? This is ridiculous. I don't have the money to pay my bills, and I am extremely frugal. But my taxes are paying for Ken Bates to get his doctorate? I want the school board to stop this practice of tuition reimbursement. We need to cut money from the budget and this should be one of the first things to go.

Anonymous said...

You think the school bus with 6 kids to Milwaukee is bad, this is just as bad. Last week Ken Bates, Deb Kneser, several teachers and two school board members commuted to Milwaukee for some (probably IB or Charter thing) and they all stayed overnight at the Hyatt Regency. We most likely also paid for their expensive dinner and the mileage reimbursement for their separate cars. Who knows what else we paid for! This wasteful spending has to stop! Get rid of IB and Charter schools! We can't afford to pay for their ridiculous spending!

Anonymous said...

The election is a week away. I propose that whoever casts a YES vote can have their taxes raised to pay for the school to continue to waste money. If you are a renter, you can pay a rent increase. If you so firmly believe that the school needs more money, then YOU give it to them.

Whoever votes NO will be left alone and will not have a tax increase. No more referendums.

Anonymous said...

The recent flood of NO referendum voters here might explain their personal attacks on Ken Bates again. They are either unemployed and grouchy or they are blogging on the job (shouldn't you be working?).

What a nest of saps.

Vote YES for the school referendum.

Anonymous said...

As usual, the YES crowd has no valid argument, they can only cast out insults.

Last time I checked, there were three work shifts in a day, 1st shift, 2nd shift, and 3rd shift. There is also a phenom called "a day off", another called "vacation days" and yet another called "varied schedule".

You sure seem concerned about others employment. Too bad you are not equally as concerned about fiscal responsibility at the school.

Mr. Rogers said...

C.A.R.E. only FOR ME the taxpayer ...I don't have children in school

Don't C.A.R.E. for the Administration Ken and share

Don't C.A.R.E. for the School Board ...recall 5/7 of them

Don't C.A.R.E. for the Teachers raises for them

Don't C.A.R.E. for the Parents ...they should pay for the extra programs and sports

Don't C.A.R.E. for the Students ...they'll be fine without

Won't you be my neighbor ...could you be mine ...would you be mine?

Anonymous said...

Good one, above blogger.

Right on the mark!

Vote YES referendum!

C.A.R.E. said...

Green Lake spends almost $20,000 per student, per year. If the school cannot manage on that, then you should take up the problem with the administrator and quit trying to blame the very people who are TRYING TO SAVE THE SCHOOL.

C.A.R.E. is not the problem.

C.A.R.E. has the solution!

Anonymous said...

Parents absolutely should have to pay fees for their children's activities at the school. Almost every other school in the state does this, there is nothing wrong with it. Most all schools in the United States of America charge fees for extracurriculars and materials. It's about time GLSD gets on board. It is only fair.

Anonymous said...

Therein lies the problem...if it's fair it won't happen at GLSD! The issue of activity-based fees was recently brought up to Ken Bates and his response was...No, we don't want that in Green Lake because it wouldn't be fair to the kids who can't afford it.

What kind of sense does that make? The school website tauts how 75% of the student body participates in extracurricular activities and he thinks it's okay for the general public to pay for everything, 100% of the time.
Once inherent problem with GLSD and the mindset that it may be good enough for almost every other school in the state but not here!

Nobody is talking about any exorbitant amount but even a small amount would helpful.

The budget is the sum of many small things added together to form one big amount! Why wouldn't Ken want to defray some of the costs with many small contributions in the form of user fees? Makes perfect sense to me..and to most other school districts in the state.

Once again, the flippant, "we are better than any one else" attitude of GLSD, and obviously many of the people around this town, highlight the arrogance. This is the same reason we could never, ever have a combined administrator/principal position in Green Lake, as they've installed in Princeton.
Oh no...we are too good to do what lowly Princeton would do...we are Green Lake.
Well, get a clue, all small communities are in the same boat and just because we 'live on a lake' doesn't mean a damn thing when it comes down to it.
The school needs to get a reality check and the only way to do so is Vote No, and continue to Vote No until they realize the money tree has stopped producing!

Anonymous said...



Who cares? Not me.

Vote YES for the schooL!

Anonymous said...

What a joke! A blog with nobody signing their names. Nothing to hold anyone accountable. Not one thing written here is worth believing if you can't back it up. It's just a lot of venting without any substance. I can't think of a more transparent institution than public schools...if you have a question about literally anything all you have to do is ask. Obviously it's easier to just make-up "BS" to enhance your position either way than actually deal with the facts.
Signed "Just Another Worthless Anonymous Blog"

Unanimous Anonymous Euonymous said...

Excellent point "anonymous"! I guess that would be the 'do as as say, not as I do' version of showing your angst with anonymous bloggers.

Mr. Rogers said...

It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood. A beautiful day for a neighbor.

Ding! Ding!

Hello neighbor, let's get on the magic trolley and go down to the clubhouse to see Mr. Grumpy and the Knights Who Say Ni.

Ding! Ding!

First Knight that says ni said...

I don't want to talk to you no more, you empty headed animal food trough wiper. I fart in your general direction. Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries.

Anonymous said...

You can all see the intelligence level of the YES voters here.

first knight who says ni said...

No, now go away or I shall taunt you a second time.

Anonymous said...

No doubt Mr. & Mrs. Grumpy and his sidekick board member, Mr. Older Grumpy, are in fact, very grumpy today. And why are they grumpy?
Because they are realizing that many people in the community do not think the way they do. They are noticing more YES signs,
(except for the ones that have been taken down by a certain someone), they are seeing flyers promoting the referendum, they are seeing vehicles promoting the rererendum, they are hearing people speaking up in meetings, wno do not want these cuts made.
Their grumpiness is accelerated by having to consider the increasing possibility that they will wake up on Wed. April 7th, and find out the referendum has passed. And all their grumpiness and huffing and puffing will have been for naught. Perhaps then they will slip into their cave and go into long term hibernation, until some how, their grumpiness goes away.

Anonymous said...

You are sounding very foolish. Just because more YES signs were printed does not mean that the referendum will pass.

Reality Check said...

The unfortunate reality is that no matter what the vote is next Tuesday, GLSD is doomed in it's present form. Doesn't matter whether it's IB or no IB...Charter or no Charter!
Everyone who thinks IB will save the school is kidding themselves. It wont'!
The administration knows this, the school board knows this...and truthfully, if people of Green Lake would open their narrow minds to the realities of SMALL TOWN USA...they would know it also. The same thing is true of Princeton, Markesan, etc. Too many expenses, no give or take on the teachers and administrators parts, and not enough revenue or TAXPAYERS to shoulder the financial burden. Does anyone see droves of people, families with school age children, flocking to any of the aforementioned locales? I don't!

I'm pretty certain everyone is aware of it but the inconvenient truth is that GLSD, and Green Lake itself are in for major changes that nobody around here wants to believe.

Perhaps the motto: "Green Lake - It isn't what it was, and never will be", should be what all the signs say so folks around here can start wrapping their short-sighted, wishful-thinking minds around the inevitabilities! you've gotten my two cents even before the referendum was decided. I'm pretty sure some fools are out proclaiming that will be the ultimate cost to taxpayers/ per day when all is said and done. Must be that 'new math' they are teaching at the school.

Anonymous said...

I noticed Mr. Grumpy and older Mr. Grumpy were not at the meeting last night at Brooklyn Town Hall meeting, to get questions and answers out to the public. Typical lack of involvement or support on both their parts for the school.

Anonymous said...

Reality Check,

Hey, can you pick some horses for me? You seem to be able to see the future and I want to score big. I'll cut you 20%. Deal?

Vote YES for the referendum.

Anonymous said...

My guess is that the people who chose not to attend the meeting in Brooklyn last night did not want any part of the lies, deception and greed that was spewed out by Ken Bates and his group of worshipers. Some people have dignity and self respect.

Anonymous said...

No, I think it's more like some people have apathy and sour grapes.

Anonymous said...

It's fascinating, really. First, people are complaining and screaming on the blog, that they want to see a meeting run by Ken to get the facts on why a referendum is needed and for what, and have the chance to ask questions. So meetings are held before a school board, again at school on Monday night, and again, last night at Brooklyn town hall.
Now they are claiming on here that their people didn't go because they didn't want any part of lies and deception spewed by Ken Bates.
So really, you chose to miss your chance to go and ask questions, hear what was presented, challenge whatever you wanted, and.... you didn't go. So now all you can come up with is some lame excuse to justify your lack of participation, or that you have no balls to come to a meeting and say your piece. I don't believe you really are seeking answers or you would have been there. Yet you go on about what is wrong, here on the blog, because that takes little effort on your part and you can whine on, all day.

Were you just too lazy to go, or was a rerun of Beverly Hillbillies on, that you just couldn't miss as you belched, while popping open your 5th beer?

Sally Struthers said...

Boy go on vacation for a while and the blog goes to hell! People get a grip and a sense of humor. I love Rodney.....if you can't catch the irony the world is lost to you. This is all so silly, how there is not enough money in this district is a complete travesty....this school district has been living off the largess of the overpriced lake home tax base for generations. But now even that is not enough! This country seems to enjoy soaking the rich and eventually you will all have your greatest wish they will all be gone and then who will you steal from!!
Watch your pockets cause you are next!

Sally Struthers said...

Boy go on vacation for a while and the blog goes to hell! People get a grip and a sense of humor. I love Rodney.....if you can't catch the irony the world is lost to you. This is all so silly, how there is not enough money in this district is a complete travesty....this school district has been living off the largess of the overpriced lake home tax base for generations. But now even that is not enough! This country seems to enjoy soaking the rich and eventually you will all have your greatest wish they will all be gone and then who will you steal from!!
Watch your pockets cause you are next!

Anonymous said...

Well said, Sally! You are spot on. Right now on Green Lake, there are 6 years worth of lake homes on the market. (This according to local realtors). Homes are not selling in this economy. Raising taxes sure as hell isn't going to sell them any faster.

The school is WRONG to be holding these referendums because they refuse to do what is necessary to work within a reasonable budget for less than 300 students.

Those who support this referendum are not thinking straight. They are not thinking about the long-term survival of a school that cannot sustain over-spending our tax dollars. Voting YES will close this school much faster than voting NO. Anyone with common sense understands this.

VOTE NO on April 6th. Thank You.

Anonymous said...

The fat cats who own the lake homes, PLUS can afford one or more other homes elsewhere are the worse to complain about taxes.

With that kind of wealth they are being taxed fairly (and not near enough).

Sally Struthers said...

Well my family has owned a home on Green Lake since 1964. My parents purchased it and left it to their children. Hardly a fat cat and Hardly taxed too little. Get your head out of the "green with envy" toilet and realize that no matter where money comes from it is a finite comodity and can only be spent once. You can tax it away, or can save it or spend it, but not all three. A great number of the people in this town survive on the spending of money from these "fat cats" and if they and their money go away so does our little town and school. Oh look, its seems to be happening are very short sighted in your zeal to condemn those who happen to have more than you.

Anonymous said...

To above blogger,

I don't read any condemnation in the blog you are referring to. And I don't read any "green with envy". The blogger makes the point that people who own expensive properties should pay higher taxes. How simple is that?

Anonymous said...

I believe the term "fat cats" is not intended to be a compliment and stating that they are not being taxed nearly enough is also a not true. They lake property is assessed at a value of approx. 10,000 per foot on the land alone. Own 100 feet of lake front you are assessed for 1,000,000 in value. Doesn't matter if the house is 100 year old shack. Try getting that in todays market, it's a joke, and why do you think there are so many for sale? This economy has hit "fat cats" as well and the first thing to go is the second home. I realize there are no tears shed for that situation, but if they can't afford to maintain their homes, spend time in Green lake, and spend money here the whole town will suffer.
Now that is simple.

YES to Socialism said...

Lake home owner you are exactly correct and the tone of this blog, and the moronic local yokels who think that forced distribution of wealth is appropriate just so long as they are on the receiving end, is the problem with Green Lake.

The 'Fat Cat's' have kept this stupid little community afloat for a long, long time. The locals wouldn't survive if not for the lake home owners who line the pockets of most of the property management companies; lawn care companies; contractors; Realtors; restaurants; etc.'

The locals expect the "Fat Cat's' to pay for pet projects and buildings (Cornerstone; Caestecker Library; etc)
And now...they should pay for the school because "they live on the lake and can afford another house somewhere else THEY SHOULD PAY MORE IN TAXES".

Talk about biting the hand! This town is pathetic and smacks of all the problems we see facing our nation. The entire 'those who have need to give more' is BS and will be the downfall of our country...One small town at a time.

Wake up and smell the stench of your twisted logic YES voters. The folks on the lake can't afford to pay your high inflated salaries. They can't afford to pay for your lack of fiscal responsibility and lack of forethought in planning for a budget shortfall.

Unfortunately the rancor you've caused with the referendum is doing damage to this entire community which is as divisive an act as I've seen. Neighbors spiting neighbors. Lack of civility toward one another. Tensions running high all over town because of the lack of control at GLSD.

Wow..and I thought the school was a 'cornerstone' in a community. In our case it's more like a tombstone!

All I can say is RIP GLSD!

Anonymous said...

YES to Socialism says it exactly right! Your comments apply to both the "fat cats" and the common people that live through-out the city and the towns.

Enough is enough. If our school administrator cannot figure out how to balance a budget with the monies alloted for that purpose,he should be fired and replaced. Bates had plenty of time to figure it out and make it work, and HE DIDN'T EVEN TRY! It is about time that there is fiscal responsibility at the school. As it stands, there is NO accountability for this poorly run school. And they want MORE MORE MORE. Shameful. A school should be run like a business, not a porkfull government program. Taxpayers are mad as hell, and we aren't going to take it any more!

Guess what, GLSD. Our children are not better or more deserving than any other children in our great country. They deserve a quality public education and they can receive just that on less money than the school currently spends. YOU, Ken Bates and 5/7 of the school board, are taking this school in the WRONG DIRECTION. Green Lake has to get rid of this arrogant elitist attitude!

NO BAILOUT FOR GLSD! they have to learn to live within their means, just like the rest of us.

Anonymous said...

Our kids are too better than any other kids in the country. Our precious gems are better than all of the children in the entire WORLD! In fact, the next time that 6 our our gems have to go to Milwaukee on a field trip, they aren't going to have to ride in a common 66 passenger school bus, they get to ride in a big shiny limousine and drink Perrier water and even stay overnight at the Hyatt Regency like Ken Bates, Deb Kneser and the gang. Don't you EVER say our kids are not the best, or else! We will have referendum after referendum until we have a teacher for every student and a different Programme for every one! So there!

Frenchie said...

You don't frighten us, English pig-dogs! Go and boil your bottoms, sons of a silly person. I blow my nose at you, so-called Knights who CARE, you and all your silly English kaniggets. Thppppt!

Anonymous said...

I have heard that all of the school buses are being replaced by limousines. And it won't cost that much more than they are paying now.

Impressed, aren't you?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I'm mad as hell. I was never asked to pay for a 40,000 sq ft new sewer/city plant, tear down old city buildings, removing nearly 150 city trees, new town hall, new sidewalks, new streets, new empty developments, annexation, bike path, new city truck, boat landing properties, new $32M courthouse, old vacant courthouse, etc.

At least the school employs well over 40 and serves well over 300 for well over 200 days of the year.

Now you want to talk about speniding for amenities?

You are barking up the wrong tree.

Anonymous said...

The city needed those things! Boy, are you dense. Taxpayers do not mind paying for things that are NECESSARY. The school does not NEED more money to function. They are blackmailing the public by saying that the school will close if they don't get their way. They already receive PLENTY OF MONEY.

What part of that don't you understand?

The school does not have to close, and they know that. They ARE overstaffed and spending too much money on programs that we don't even WANT.

Cuts can be made, and a few people should be let go. We are not talking about anything extreme. Ken Bates said himself that he would cut programs (for the kids) before teachers. That just shows you that this referendum is about TEACHERS FIRST. We are NOT a jobs program!!!

NO BAILOUT said...

NO BAILOUT! Enough already.

Anonymous said...

Talk about being dense. I think your priorities are misdirected. Somehow you believe the investment in a 29 millon dollar court house when the current one had a vacant third floor was NECESSARY, or a new Town Hall which is used only a few times per year was NECESSARY, or a new Safety Building when our current one is suitable for our needs was NECESSARY. However you challenge any tax payer expenditure related to the school, no matter how big or small, without consideration to the merits of the request. You must have blinders on if you don't see the hypocrisy of your actions.

Anonymous said...

Regarding Lakefront Homeowners and Taxes. I have had reason to be in a number of lakefront homes over the years. I've met some very nice people, many who are very generous with supporting area organizations and who care about the lake and the community.

However, the fact remains that these homes have increased in value considerably over the years, many of them worth a million or several million dollars. ( Some are not, but let's be honest, most are of considerable value. And I've seen what is in many of these homes. Some very nice furnishings, artwork, and nice power and pontoon boats and docks to go with most of them. And some of you talk about going away for the winter to someplace warm down south, as your 3rd residence, or going on a nice trip. All of that is great. If you earned it or inherited it, congratulations on being able to do it.

And as to " lining the pockets" of local businesses, let's talk about that. Seriously... You are paying people here to mow your lawn, rake up your leaves in the spring, sell you groceries and gas, and bait, and serve you dinner at a restaurant and do your dishes for you. You are paying them to tune up your boats, put your piers in, in the spring,and guard your home offseason, and when you go home, you are paying a local to change your beds, and clean your bathrooms. I don't think any of those are high paying jobs, certainly not compared to what your own jobs might be worth or your stock portfolio. They are more likely
" getting by" jobs.

You enjoy the Memorial Day Parade with the school bands, the 4th of July fireworks, the summer art fair, Golden Days Harvest Festival and Chili Fest. You enjoy a show at the Thrasher Opera House, or browsing through the local library.
You look for those events put on by locals each year.

And when you do sell your home on Green Lake, most of you will make a considerable profit from the experience of enjoying a summer home on Green Lake, and the memories you've built over the years, more than any of the average off lake homeowners around here ever will.

And that is not your main house, it is your vacation house. So if you expect people to be around here
to be available for hire, to do those things you want and need for your vacation or getting away experience, then these people need to be able to live and have families here, on some reasonable level. They need a school here for their kids, and the community needs the school for the lifeblood of the community. And if that is what it costs to have a school here, then that is what it costs. If you leave, then you do. But to say that Green Lake is pushing you out, as you cash your check for the incredible increase you've enjoyed in property value, ( even considering the economy the past two years), I cannot feel sorry for you, because the people here do in fact, work hard to try to keep Green Lake going. And for the record, I am not a long time local, but I have observed both sides of this over the years, and I see what I see.

So you do pay higher taxes here, yes that is true. But it is Green Lake, and that... you cannot get anywhere else. Vote YES for the referendum!

Anonymous said...

Last blog is so full of crap it makes me want to put my house up for sale immediately (and I don't live on the lake). I'm not a 'local yokel', a 'townie' or whatever cute names you have for people around here. We moved here some time ago and have been fortunate enough to have lived in many different cities, states, communities...rural and completely metropolitan.
We have never seen the type of idiocracy that is running rampant in Green Lake!

People are so full of themselves because they 'come from Green Lake'!
Let me give you some 'worldly' ain't nothing're nothing more than anyone else from Princeton, Ripon, Markesan or (heaven forbid) Berlin!

But yes, let's continue to sap the lake property owners who do pay a fair amount of money to the owners of local service businesses, who in turn employ 'local' people, who in turn are able to stay in a community rather than having to move where there is employment.
And let's speed the process along and 'get them for all they are worth' before they realize that Green Lake won't exist without their financial backing!

Oh, and by the way... even though this is "Green Lake" and you can't get this anyplace else...who are you kidding. Wisconsin professes to have 15,081 lakes...60,044 that are named. If I was a lake home owner and I read the last blog, I'd have a for sale sign up immediately and look for calmer waters to enjoy my time on...without the drama of 'the deepest natural bunch of BS in Wisconsin'.

What a bunch of narrow-minded, wanna-be socialists you Green Lakers are! Vote whatever way you want...I hope this town gets exactly what it deserves!

Anonymous said...

To the previous blogger who was mad as hell about the new justice center, town hall and other unnecessary expenditures, thank you for making this excellent comparison to the wasteful spending at school. Indeed, the taxpayers are mad as hell on nearly every level. This referendum is a classic example of government waste. Even worse, this referendum is completely unnecessary. At least the other local public projects have a valid purpose whether you agree with it or not. Yet the school referendum is designed to give millions of dollars more to a school that is already operating WAY over their budget and shows no concern or intent to do otherwise. It's insane.

So when you go to the polls on Tuesday, you have to ask yourself...Am I going to support the porkfull spending at GLSD by giving them yet even more money to waste? Enough of this bailout mentality. Enough of the "stimulus" thinking. We as a people, as a country cannot continue down this path of spending addiction. It is unhealthy and irresponsible.

Think of the 6 students in the 66 passenger school bus to Milwaukee last week! This goes on ALL THE TIME at school. GLSD does not have a clue what it means to spend wisely and prudently. No wonder the school won't post their spending online. Ask what they spent recently to send teachers and staff to New York, Los Angeles, New Orleans, etc. They don't want to talk about it because they know it is a flagrant use of our tax dollars. If I'm wrong, go ahead Ken and post those costs online. I dare you to. Right here on the ol' blog. We'll all be waiting.

Anonymous said...

To the last blogger who states that the school operates way over its budget get the facts correct. The school district has made budget cuts for the past 4 years. The equivanlency of 4 full time positions have been cut, maintenance projects have been postponed, and budgets for educational supplies and equipment have been cut. During this 4 year period cuts totaled over $630,000. The "No" Vote group doesn't want to discuss facts but would rather focus on opinion and rumor.

Anonymous said...

Whoever thinks they cut 4 jobs is sadly misinformed. They play with the numbers to make you think they cut jobs when they really added them elsewhere. What about the curriculum coordinator's job, the extra aides (more than they had before), the extra money spent on IB and Charter, the admin ass't for the principal, and on and on. Add to this the vast am't of $ that has been spent on consultant fees because Bates can't figure out on his own what to do even in a tiny district that most administrators could handle in their sleep?!

Not Born Yesterday said...

You got that right! How can GLSD so arrogantly claim that they cut $630,000 when the budget is about $1.2 MILLION more than it was. And whatever those "cuts" were, they were obviously necessary, as the school is still overstaffed (9.5 students per teacher) and still pays TOO MUCH ($20,000) per student!

Isn't it amazing that "maintenance projects have been postponed, and budgets for educational supplies and equipment have been cut" and yet GLSD can give the teachers big raises, even when they are not required to do so, and in the middle of a recession when most everyone has taken a pay cut or had their hours reduced. Oh yes, but this all all about the children. Yeah right.

If the building needs maintenance, then the school should hold a maintenance referendum and quit crying about it and trying to deceive the taxpayers for the school's "pretend shortfalls" for completely unrelated expenses. Putting necessary building repairs on hold is hardly wise or prudent. Once again, a classic example of Ken Bates' ineptness at running a school district.

Anonymous said...

technical difficulties...

Anonymous said...

To "Last blog is so full of crap it makes me want to put my house up for sale immediately (and I don't live on the lake). I'm not a 'local yokel', a 'townie' or whatever cute names you have for people around here."

Please do, sale your home immediately. There is a term for residents like you: ASSHOLE

Analogy said...

This is so cool! I found $200 at Kohl's yesterday.

Okay, I didn't really "find" the money, I earned it! You see, I had this coupon for 25% off...

Well, I didn't exactly "earn" the money, but I saved $200 with my coupon. Some of the stuff I bought was already on sale, too! So the more I spent, the more I saved! I didn't really need most of this stuff, but it was such a great deal!

Okay, please don't tell my husband. I blew over $700 at Kohls yesterday. You see, I had this I "SAVED" $200!

Do you see now how the school likes to cleverly phrase their "untruths"? Saving any amount of money while you are spending even more money is not saving. It's still spending.

Cutting expenses while you're raising expenses is not cutting expenses.

But I can't wait for Kohl's next big sale! My husband will have forgiven me by then... I hope.

Anonymous said...

As long as you let your husband ride you as much as his horse lets him ride,,,, you'll be forgiven, Kohls shopping trip or not.

Anonassmoushole said...

Call me an A-Hole because the truth hurts! This area is totally, 100% reliant on the 'fat cats' taking care of the economy. And now since the FC's are biting back after seeing how poorly you've handled the tax money for which they've been levied your only response is to want more, more. more...But I'm the A-hole. A statement like that coming from a yokel really doesn't hold much credibility...or in your case 'credihillbillity'!
Open your eyes and venture beyond the realities, or lack of reality, that is Green Lake. Take a look at the schools closing around the state and the country as a whole. Some states shutting down 50% of their schools. Massive cutbacks in spending and TEACHING JOBS! But we in Green Lake are not subject to the financial pressures felt by the rest of the real world!
Typical obstinate, arrogant Green Lake attitude! Sad to be pigeonholed in with the chuckle-heads who'll bring the town and GLSD to it's demise!
What it isn't. What it will be is in the hands of the voters who are right to demand fiscal responsibility!

Anonymous said...

I truly resent the fact that the YES crowd is inferring that the school will close if the referendum fails. Talk about the arrogance! Instead of doing what is necessary, they would close the school? That's real smart!

The reality is that no studies have been done on what options are viable for the future of GLSD. This is part of the problem. Ken Bates and company simply "make up" a school closing scenario to scare the voters. It should be illegal to lie like this. I know it's not ethical.

The school will close much sooner if the referendum passes. This high spending cannot be sustained. You know the old saying, "the bigger they are the harder they fall". By making cuts and controlling spending, we can insure the continued existence of our school. Nobody wants the school to close! The NO group is trying to make sure it stays open. The NO group truly puts the children first, while the YES group is putting teachers first. The teachers union is a BIG part of the problem. They are used to getting their way and throw referendum tantrums when they don't. It's just wrong. The taxpayers are totally fed up.

Please VOTE NO on Tuesday!

Anonymous said...

This past Monday I attended the gathering at the school which was put on by Children First and GLSD. I did so in an attempt to gather more information and make an educated decision regarding the upcoming referendum and school board elections. I am an open-minded, long-term resident of Green Lake and I am trying to be fair and impartial in my decision.

Prior to attending the event I had read this blog, seen the fliers (both yes and no), read the fact sheets from the school websites, and attended referendum meetings.

What I saw and heard was extremely disturbing and I left there with no doubt in my mind what this is really all about....and it is NOT the Children!

How could the school prostitute grade school students by allowing them to stand in front of people and say things that are blatant lies and were not the children's own thoughts. It was obvious that the words coming out of these kids mouths were of their parents/teachers creation! I stood aghast and watched little kids from my neighborhood who should have been out playing, studying or just 'being kids', give a presentation that 'if you don't vote yes then the school will close'...'we'll have to hire teachers who aren't as good as the ones we have if you don't vote yes'...'I don't want to go to a different school'.

It was unbelievable how these poor kids were paraded about saying things that weren't their words. I was appalled and embarrassed for them, their families, our community. Has it really come to this point that we have to use these disgusting ploys to 'trick' us into a vote?

At any rate...I want to say to everyone involved with the 'show' - - you should be ashamed! To the school board members who sat there and heard the same lies that I heard...To the parents of the students who 'presented' during this shameful display of propaganda...and to the GLSD administration who orchestrated this sham - - you owe everyone an apology and should be ashamed of yourselves.

After seeing the Children, or as they are being referred to "The Gems", being used as a conduit for shameless dare you say it's about the Children. After seeing what I saw...After hearing what I heard...After feeling 'dirty' leaving the school and knowing what transpired within...It's obvious that Children are only being used as the first line of defense for the teachers, the administrators and the school board members. It has absolutely NOTHING to do with Children first and your community gathering to sell us that idea had just the opposite effect.

After watching your sad display of emotionally disturbing the CHILDREN it is only too apparent that major changes are needed at GLSD. Thanks for helping me make an educated decision on Tuesday, April 6th.
I'll be voting NO and hope all of you parents (and you know who you are) who've allowed your children to be 'abused' by spewing these lies get some help...your kids are going to need it in the future if this is what you think is moral and ethical.

Anonymous said...

I was at that meeting too and wanted to know why there were absentee ballots made available and it didn't appear that anyone was monitoring what was happening with them. I might be mistaken about this but I was there for a fair amount of time and I didn't see anyone overseeing the ballots.
I also thought it was odd that only the pro-referendum candidates were at the meeting with info booths. Were the others asked to participate or what?

Just wondering if anyone knows since the last time the referendum failed, the first thing that came under attack was the absentee ballots and now the school is giving them out.

It was pretty sad when the little girl talked about the school closing. I hope the kids really don't think that's going to happen because if she, or other kids actually think that is the case, then they're going to be dealing with major issues in the future. Who would stoop so low as to indoctrinate the kids with lies...sounds way too familiar and scares the heck out of me!

Sir Bill said...

Interesting that someone blogs about the 'moral and ethical' issues of what transpired at the schools "Children's First Open House".

I too was there and can attest that there definitely was a presentation by grade school students which were fraught with lies and half-truths (if it isn't completely true then isn't it still a full-blown lie?). What I heard was - -If the people don't vote Yes then 'their teachers would be fired and replaced by less experienced teachers and that they wouldn't get as good of an education', and 'the school would close'.

Doesn't it smack of double-standards when the Children's First spokesperson, and ringleader, Brian Sandleback had the audacity to question the morality of local newspapers policy on submissions to Sound Off's but he would still be a party to the travesty perpetrated by the group in their unabashed attempt to sway voters with manipulative lies delivered through the 'mouths of babes'?

To paraphrase the immortal (not immoral) bard Sir William Shakespeare...
"Brian..Me thinks thou dost protest too much".
I guess morality and ethics (or lack thereof) only apply when it works in your favor.
Brian, if you weren't made privy to what transpired at the school then my apologies. However, if you are going to be the front-man for the group you should know what your members are up to and hold sway over what they portray to the public.

Anonymous said...

What becomes clear from reading the blogs is that a handful of No Voters will stop at nothing to persuade people over to their position. If they'd stick to the facts I'd have no problem with their effort, however when they resort to fabricating lies and spreading rumors it is reprehensible. Unfortunately the damage to the community created by these few people will linger on long after the referendum vote is done.

Anonymous said...

Yep... talk about ethical... Apparently Mr. Yes Sign Stealer was at it again. Talk about not getting it. This time it was out on Highway 49, in a more secluded area, only Mr. Sign Stealer didn't think about the fact that there would be a motion detector camera on the property, waiting for him. No denying it now, Mr. Yes Sign Stealer. The community will know what a low life is out there, leading the charge for the NO voters. Perhaps the NO group might have a heart to heart with him, since he is not doing a very good job of representing them.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely right...the lies will linger long after the votes are cast! What part of the recent blogs are 'lies'? I challenge you to prove the information wrong. I was at the open house. I heard the presentations. Would it be of any benefit to name the poor kids that were used in the 'puppet show'? I don't think so and neither does anyone else. Those who were there know that the statements listed in the last blog are 100% dead-on accurate.

But you are correct about the lies. Please keep it in mind whenever you hear the BS about the school closing and not having enough money to run the school...please keep the lies in mind when you go to vote and realize the damage that's been done to our community by the propaganda.

Anonymous said...

Now there's a nice bit of propaganda and lies. These thinly veiled attempts to attach the supposed actions of someone not affiliated in any way to C.A.R.E. is pathetic. If someone is destroying yes, or no,'s unacceptable. However, using these supposed actions in an effort to make what happened last Monday at the school, as well as attempting to minimize those who are NO voters for the right reasons, is unacceptable and and undignified.

And to the people of Children First, take a lesson in history and see how others have enlisted children in an effort to justify their actions! The outcomes were disastrous and scarred the children psychologically and emotionally. Good to see you are keeping that in mind with this non-necessary money grab!

Anonymous said...

We thought we had seen it all with the negative, angry rhetoric of the Children First group until we witnessed classmates of our children being used at the Open House. We left deeply saddened as we saw another side of not only parents but a couple teachers we had liked and respected.....Granted the sign taking is bad, but even if the referendum passes, many friendships and respect for some staff members is irreparably broken. They just proved that there is worse things than a vote no.

The Shadow said...

Vote YES or die!

Hippanonymous said...

Whoa Shadow...pretty bold stuff. Almost sounds like a threat.
Hey YES'd better have a heart to heart with the Shadow. He/She/It does not represent your group well. He/She/It better hope there are no "shadow Motion Sensor" cameras out there taking his/her/it's picture when levying these threats about voting no!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Blogs are meaningless. Nothing more than a lot of ranting and raving. What a waste of time!

Nonanonymous said...

Well said anonymous!

Anonymous said...

I am extremely upset at the fact that several NO signs were removed and put in the homeowners own trash last night in my neighborhood. I am not surprised, however, that people have stooped so low to try to pass this referendum.

After speaking with the young man who operates the garbage truck in the city, he assured me that any NO signs that he finds in the trash will be respectfully left on their lawns.

A man is nothing without his honor.

Anonymous said...

I don't believe in most instances that people are intentionally taking down the Yes or No signs. The high winds we've experienced over the past week have obviously blown down many of these signs. I've had 5 of 8 Yes signs I've put out missing over the past 3 or 4 days which I've attributed to the high winds. Who knows who put your signs in the garbage - it could have been a neighbor or city worker picking-up rather than someone with an opposing view doing so intentionally. Rather than jump to conclusions, I'm giving people the benifit of the doubt and assuming that nature was the culprit.

Numbers don't LIE said...


Over the weekend, I did a little math and the referendum numbers do not add up the way that the school is claiming. So I called the County Treasures office this morning and asked a few questions. The answers are shocking! Please look at these figures.

There are 3,450 taxable properties in the Green Lake School District.

The referendum is asking for the total amounts:


Total $5.530,000 over 5 years.
Average $1,106,000 per year

Now, for the sake of calculating, let's use the averages.

Average $1,106,000 per year. Divide by the total number of taxable properties in GLSD.

$1,106,000 divided by 3,450 = $320.58
per year, per taxable property. Keep in mind, these are averages. Some will pay less, some will pay more.

This does not resemble in any way, shape or form 2 cents a day, $40 per year or any other such claims that the school is making!

If the figures that the County Treasures office gave me are correct, then we have a major problem here. Is the school lying to us in order to get the referendum passed?

Vote NO! The school will hold another referendum any way, and we need more time to examine this discrepancy. This does NOT add up correctly.

Anonymous said...

I agree. You should have attended the information meetings and got a math tutor.

Vote YES for the referendum.

The Town Crier...sad but true! said...

Yes, please assume that 'nature' was the culprit and only 'nature' took down the NO signs and placed them conveniently next the the recycling bins that were out for the Monday morning garbage pick-up (I know, we moved them back where they belong)! How moronic is that...'nature did it'!
No or Yes...this town and school are screwed up.

Anonymous said...

Town-crier if you noticed my response I'm missing 5 of 8 "Yes" signs - so it's not just the "No" signs that are down. I've talked to many other people who also have had their "Yes" signs missing over the last few days...again, I'm not going to blame it on anyone disagreeing with my position but rather the high winds which very easily could have blown down the majority, if not all the signs, whether they were "Yes" or 'No".

Let's get Fiscal! said...

If you attended one referendum meeting you attended them all. There was no need to continuously hear a re-hash of the bold faced lies that are being bantered about by the school.

The numbers are accurately portrayed in the above blog and if you have any doubts call the county treasurer yourself for the taxable properties in Green Lake that will be affected by the referendum. Here is the phone number for the treasurers office (920) 294-4018‎.

Once you get the factual numbers, from Kathleen A Morris – County Treasurer, do the math and then tell me / show me where the numbers aren't accurate. If you can't use a calculator, I'm sure Ken Bates and the rest of the GLSD bunch will 'extrapolate' for you. Since you've obviously believed what they've said straight along why bother with factual information this late in the game.

The fool's are not the one's at GLSD asking for more money, more money...the fool's are people like you who are buying into their unabashed money grab for their own self-preservation.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous blogger on signs...every NO sign I mentioned was nicely tucked in next to the recycling bin.
Were the YES signs you are missing located in the same, neatly placed manner.
I think not!
That's the point...nobody should be touching anything on private property that is not's called stealing or vandalism.
I find it offensive that some folks found it necessary to single out someone who was accused of consciously destroying YES signs and everyone jumps on the bandwagon and damns whomever it was.
However, when a concern comes up with the NO signs...."it was just the wind".

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