Thursday, November 12, 2009

What is With the Court House?

I thought we built a new court house so everybody in the current courthouse would be moving out to the new one. Now I guess we need to add 25,000 square feet to the new courthouse to accommodate some other offices that weren't included. More tax $$$ at work. This is just ridiculous. What is going on with this town?


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Anonymous said...

"I was at that forum - that woman needed a Valium - you should have seen the eyes roll. Wjhat is her deal?"

Did you get the letter from Congressman Petri too, thanking attendees and signed by his own hand? It was a nice touch!

Anonymous said...

Did you hear Congressman Petri's response to her? From where I sat he looked annoyed at her for catching him off guard.

Anonymous said...

WHO GIVES A SHIT ABOUT THIS LAWSUIT? PLEASE PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm a Green Laker but I have kids in Ripon's school district!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

More going on than this lawsuit? What? More off topic attacks from you? Call for a vote, like you care about voters' best interests?

I don't think the plaintiff in the lawsuit is a whackjob and if there's corruption in Ripon's school district I want to know about it and I want it stopped.

Don't tell us to move on from improving our kids education and tax relief! Seems to me not much was being said until you started insulting anyone who questions Ripon. You move on and don't read if you don't like it!

Anonymous said...


You've got a few screws loose. Get some help.

Anonymous said...

I was wondering...whan I call the plaintiff, do I call her at her new apartment or her home which has been foreclosed on?

Anonymous said...

You've got a few screws loose. Get some help.

Anonymous said...

"1. August 13 headline on front page: “School district sued by parent”"

That's odd. The lawsuit was filed in July 2009 but nothing was printed in the Commonwealth to inform the public. Until the issue was publicly raised at Congressman Petri's town hall meeting in Green Lake beginning of August. Aaron Becker (Commonwealth) was in attendance.

After RASD school superintendent spoke on WRPN last Spring, WRPN was specifically contacted and asked to give air time to the Diane Cole to explain the reasons behind her suspicions so that the public had balanced information to choose from. WRPN denied the request.

But when the lawsuit was mentioned in a post on the anonymous blog, Ripon, WI (week before the town hall meeting), WRPN did finally contact Diane Cole to ask for comment. Ms. Cole appropriately gave no comment on a pending legal investigation. Interesting timing of it all.

Anonymous said...

Wow - did you win the Nobel Prize for Literature in the Fiction and Conspiracy Theory Category?

Anonymous said...


More paranoid, tin foil hat wearing, black helicopter, conspiracy theories? I'd say there's more going on than this lawsuit - your ugly, mean spirited, delusional rants.

Anonymous said...

I think the person meant there are other issues to talk about, like the original meaning behind this post, going on that just this lawsuit. Just a thought and you don't have jump down my throat for offering it.

Anonymous said...

I see and I understand. ;)

Anonymous said...

And I would bet you the I in this sentence was meant to be IT

"I was in the November 19th issue."

Are you impersonating an author of one of the letters to the editor in that edition now? You just keep sinking lower and lower to defile and degrade, don't you?"

Once again, just an idea. Don't jump down my throat. Perhaps a little less with the name-calling and a little more with discussing the actual issue at hand?

Anonymous said...

Don't push it.

Anonymous said...

"Don't push it"? Excuse me? The jumping down the throat has started.

Anonymous said...

You do have a few screws loose.

Anonymous said...

CHIEF - please shut this particular post down. This is now the FIFTH post you have put on here that has been terrorized by Ripon-related garbage. I come on here to talk Green Lake, not Ripon.

Anonymous said...

Terrorized? Spare us your hyperbole.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Dolly, you are so silly...

Anonymous said...

When will this stupid string of posts end?

Anonymous said...

Time to check the facts -
"Okay Bucko, let's get some facts straight here. I was at that Petri town hall meeting, and it was an OPEN FORUM, not specifically about health care. The woman who spoke up about the Ripon School District did so in an extremely well-prepared and informed manner. It seems that you are the obnoxious one, not her." - This is true. Congressman Petri did hold a series of town hall meetings across his district in August and September. The one in Green Lake was held on August 10th. And, yes, the forums were not billed as just health care. His own website says, "I'm sure that, because of the state of the economy, what's going on with the economy, the unemployment situation and the job situation will be very much on people's minds. And, of course, health care is something that is before the Congress and country, and I expect there will be a lot of comments pro and con on different aspects of the health care plans." BUT the lawsuit in question in a state case, not a federal case, so Congressman Petri would have no involvement in the case. As for being well-prepared and informed, that is a matter of opinion.

I have just looked through the entire November 12 Commonwealth Press, and there is NO headline, by-line or any other line that mentions “Hearing set for lawsuit against school district”. - This is true. The article in question appeared in the November 19th Commonwealth.

* Indecently, the front page of that edition is mostly covered by photos of the new marquee for the movie theater. Now that is headline news. NOT! - Sort of true depending on your perspective, but false in the sense that there was nothing indecent about it.

Now, let's return to your normal programming of mudslinging and name-calling.

Anonymous said...

My, my, you did go out and google all sorts of little tidbits to support your nasty presuppositions.

I listened to the young woman ask Congresman Petri what he would do to help people's ability to hold school districtS accountable.

Her concern was with and for the PEOPLE, and I never once heard her ask for Congressman Petri's participation in the lawsuit she mentioned as an example of such the lack of accountability in a particular school district.

In matters of opinion, how does yours stand up when its very apparent you were not in attendance at the town hall meeting? Just stop it already. Your games turn stomachs.

Anonymous said...

"Now, let's return to your normal programming of mudslinging and name-calling."

Thats been your program all along, buddy. You've been asked to stop.

Anonymous said...

1. Stalk and derail discussions
2. Turn up the heat with personal attacks
3. Get abnormally mad. Overheat.
4. Realize heat must be turned down to save face.
5. Change screen personalities from twisted and mean to ride the fence with suspicious nice-nice.
6. List research to humiliate in a civil manner.
7. Desperate because you're a control freak and you don't own this blog.

Always the same. Always. Never changes. Never. So predictable for those who've seen you work before.

Anonymous said...

My Lord, someone found the Michelle Blog Commandments -

1. Stalk and derail discussions
2. Turn up the heat with personal attacks
3. Get abnormally mad. Overheat.
4. Realize heat must be turned down to save face.
5. Change screen personalities from twisted and mean to ride the fence with suspicious nice-nice.
6. List research to humiliate in a civil manner.
7. Desperate because you're a control freak and you don't own this blog.

Thanks for sharing your guide to being a Blog Nut.

Anonymous said...

I don't know who you are, lady, but you must be a real piece of work. Anyone who does not agree with you 100 percent is victimized by your name-calling and obscenities.

Anonymous said...

Getting back to the courthouse issue - Is the sales tax going to be eliminated when the bonds are paid off? Does anyone know?

Anonymous said...

I’m the person who cited the three articles in the newspaper. True, I misspoke. The third article appeared in the November 19th issue. The fact remains that a select few naysayers have failed to prove any alleged “slanting” or “minimizing” of the Ripon school lawsuit in the news. These people continue to pretend that the media is against them, but they refuse to show evidence. Three separate articles is plenty of coverage, considering the hearing isn’t until March.

Instead of focusing on the issues, certain people who support this lawsuit are resorting to personal attacks and vulgarity. Perhaps the facts aren’t enough to win on, so they use slander as well. Also, these people have yet to answer the question about where all their supporters are hiding. That speaks volumes.

Incidentally, I attended the Petri forum in Green Lake, along with 100 others. The woman in question ranted on and on about the Ripon schools. First of all, Petri is concerned with national politics. It’s completely asinine for someone to waste his time whining about petty issues in a small-town school. Secondly, everyone was at that meeting to talk about national health care. The fact that someone was only in attendance to push an anti-Zimman agenda was both immature and irritating. No, this woman was not well prepared or informed. She was shrill and obnoxious. No credibility, period.

Anonymous said...

Whoever is on here personally attacking this woman and telling lies, go away. You're not changing minds in your favor, you're opening eyes against you and who you really are. I'm on the phone right now talking my cousin in Ripon. Word of mouth travels fast.

Anonymous said...

I've been lurking and reading. If this woman or the lawsuit have no credibilty why the obvious threat? That's what I want to know.

Anonymous said...

"The woman in question ranted on and on about the Ripon schools."

No, she didn't. But I thought Petri's response was interesting.

Anonymous said...

I think I've figured out what makes this guy hate one woman so much: he can't stand this woman takes a licking and keeps on ticking. She's a fighter and a smart one. I've read her letters. Introduced myself to her once in a GL shop.

Anonymous said...

I went to a funeral few weeks ago. A few people I hadn't seen in years knew exactly who Diane and Michelle were and agreed with them. They think the school isn't telling the truth and disappointed in the Commonwealth. Not too fond of Ripon's mayor either. Lots of negative stuff going on over there. I'm not too happy its moved over here but it's interesting stuff.

Anonymous said...

To the person who cited the newspaper articles and was wrong - are you smoking what you're selling?

Anonymous said...

Getting back to the courthouse issue - Is the sales tax going to be eliminated when the bonds are paid off? Does anyone know?

Anonymous said...

I understand now why this woman traveled to Green Lake's open forum to inform Petri of his responsibility to Wisconsin taxpayers regarding our schools. Education is as important as healthcare. Good for her. These attacks to bury truth can happen to any of us but where is everyone.

Anonymous said...

Getting back to the courthouse issue - Is the sales tax going to be eliminated when the bonds are paid off? Does anyone know?

Anonymous said...

Asking the question over and over isn't going to produce an answer none of us have yet. We'll find out when we're forced to keep paying the tax - that's the way it always is!

Anonymous said...

First, I agree with above poster. I doubt the sales tax will be discontinued. Too many ways to spend the money on other things.

Second, it's clear (to me at least) this is the same woman posting here that I sat in front of at Petri's meeting. I applauded you then Michelle and I applaud you now.

Third, it's clear (to me at least) that the person attacking Michelle and the lawsuit is someone influential in Ripon who wants to protect Ripon's image and his powers over it.

Fourth, I don't want to read any more about it. I want to help do something about it. What that is I don't know but it's none of anyone's business anyway.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Michelle for the previous post...

Anonymous said...

My parents didn't name me Michelle. Close but no cigar.

Anonymous said...

They also taught me to go in the men's bathroom and never hit girls. Putz.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Michelle for the previous two posts...

Anonymous said...

Who the hell are you? What a sad way to go through life with such hatred. Go away. I'm tired of your gargage.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Michelle for the previous post. Topix called - they are waiting for you.

Anonymous said...

"I don't want to read any more about it."

I'm with you. I've made up my mind to learn more about this lawsuit. It's looking better and better after reading all this. The guy on here slamming individuals is a skunk.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Michelle for the previous post.

Anonymous said...

"Go away. I'm tired of your garbage." - The most common thing heard in Ripon when another "letter to the editor" is printed on the pseudo-lawsuit of the century.

Anonymous said...

Call us any name you want then. Won't change our opinions of this lawsuit or you.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Michelle for the previous post.

Anonymous said...

Where the people fear the government you have tyranny. Where the government fears the people you have liberty - Thomas Jefferson

A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have - Thomas Jefferson

Not the Divine Miss M said...

Wow! I have been gone for a few days and came back to find this blogspot boxing match going on.

To the people who insist that this subject be terminated, who do you think you are? Nobody is forcing you to read this blog. If you don't like it, simply quit reading it. I know that is difficult for some of you to figure out. The rest of us are trying to have a meaningful discussion here. If certain people would quit acting like 5 year olds, it would be a lot more meaningful.

I am one of the people who was at that town hall meeting with Petri, and I am not Michele. So please, moron (you know who you are) don't insinuate that I am in fact Michele. My name doesn't even start with an "M".

Michele, you are becoming something of a folk-hero in these parts! Keep up the fantastic work. Much of what is wrong in this country is that our voices have become repressed. School Districts all over the place are abusing their power and our resources, and it is time for accountability. Keep speaking your mind and standing up for what is right. I admire the heck out of you.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Michele - or one of your multiple personalities - for the previous post.

dmark said...

A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have - Thomas Jefferson

2) Misattributed to Thomas Jefferson:
"Government big enough to supply everything you need is big enough to take everything you have ... The course of history shows that as a government grows, liberty decreases.
Commonly quoted on many websites, this quotation is actually from Gerald Ford's August 12th, 1974 address to Congress."

"Anyone too stupid to google is too stupid to give political advise."

Anonymous said...

It was googled. I wouldn't waste my time advising you on anything, dfart. You're a lost cause.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Michelle for the previous intelligent post.

dmark said...

It was googled.

So then you purposely miss-attributed the quote?

Anonymous said...

Grow UP!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Michelle for the previous post.

dmark said...

Grow UP!

In the adult world, when you purposefully mis-attribute quotes, it's called "lying"

Anonymous said...

Let the games begin...

Anonymous said...

Don't waste your time. Dfart is a troll.

Anonymous said...

Certain elected officials and school administrators will lose at the hands of their own games. Truth will prevail - it always does.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Michelle for the previous post.

Anonymous said...

No one can question without accusations of being one particular person? This thread died but I'm confident enough of us now understand what is going on and where the problem really lies. Politicians - they just don't stop.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Michelle for the previous post

Anonymous said...

I'm dreaming...
of a life....
In Prairie du Chien

I'm skippin the town
I've screwed up so....

**I do love Bing Crosby

Anonymous said...

Thank you Michelle for the previous post

Ima Shocked said...

Here's a little fact, do you realize if this Justice Center comes in on budget as originally planed, at $27,000,000.00 that equals out to $1,450.00 per person for every man, women and child living in Green Lake County. That's what it costs, just to house and operate our government for a county of 18,000 people. What a joke. When it's done, be sure to get in ther and enjoy your $1,450 share. That's equal to about what I pay a year in fuel costs to heat my home.

Speaking of that, I wonder if anyone in our illustrious county government, sat down to calculate what the utilities are going to be to operate this new justice center? I don't care what efficiencies and latest high tech energy saving gizmos they sold you on, if you think that old barn of a court house ran up a bill, you aint seen nothing yet.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of stupid crap and wasting taxpayer money, I just read the Aaron Becker article in the Ripon Commonwealth about closing North Lawson Drive at Hwy.23. The DOT wants it closed because it is on a slight angle and therefore considered dangerous. I remember when Joe Parise tried to fight this decision, sadly to no avail. It will mean our city investing lots of money in land and new streets THAT ARE COMPLETELY UNNECESSARY! The present interesection does not pose a danger, never has. To top this off, the proposed alternative does propose a danger. You would have an intersection at the top of a hill on Hwy 23, very dangerous. The street would then go down by the school and form a three-way stop, also dangerous. This whole thing is just STUPID.

Do you think once that idiot DOYLE is out of office, the city could try to renegotiate with the DOT? Maybe if we get a common sense Republican in the Governor's seat, then common sense would prevail.

Anonymous said...

Ha Ha. Maybe Barack Hussein Obama will send Green Lake some "shovel ready" stimulus money to buy the land and build the new streets! Wouldn't that be simply wonderful? Our kids and our grand kids can live a substandard life of debt and poverty so we can have a new street, even though the old street works just fine and everyone is fine with it except for our Government.

Anonymous said...

There have to substantial accidents on the books for these morons to think a location or intersection is dangerous. They'll do what they want to exacorbate a situation and not care a bit about anyone being harmed (or killed) as long as they know they can avoid negligence or liability.

Anonymous said...

They could slightly change the angle of the intersection if they had to, and install traffic lights. Problem solved.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget to ask about how and when official, legally recognized ADT studies (average daily traffic) were done, the results and any benchmark comments submitted from professionals and authorities before the final decision making.

Citizens need legal bookmarks, in order to fight any negligence later on. It's time consuming, but protecting ourselves from people doing things regardless of the harm to us is, unfortunately, a never ending job, no matter where you look these days.

Anonymous said...

Did you read the article in the GL Reporter about the city buying a new truck? The city doesn't really need a new truck, but since the old one is not "aging gracefully", Glen McCarty has decided that a obtaining a new truck simply could not wait another year. The old truck works, is in need of minor welding to repair the hole in the floor, but according to the article the old truck is no longer safe to hook a plow onto. Yet, from what I am to understand, the only reason a new truck is needed is just in case one of the four or five (?) trucks the city owns and uses breaks down.

I personally would have liked to see the city wait another year and continue to use the "seventeen year old truck with the hole in the floor". I guess Green Lake is a rich little city, and Glen McCarty gets what Glen McCarty wants.

Nepotism or BS? said...

Speaking of Glen McCarty, I have heard that he receives preferential treatment from the city. How is it that Glen rents the house at the campgrounds for a mere $250 per month, PLUS has his heat, electricity, water and phone PAID for BY THE CITY?

Is this somehow written into his contract, and if so, WHY?

The city could rent that house out at a profit if the wanted to. In this economy, (or even in a good economy) why wouldn't the city do just this?

I want some answers on this one.

Anonymous said...

You want answers? You want straight answers? You want more than intentional ommissions of truth? Good luck with that.

Anonymous said...

I did not know this, about Glen McCarty getting freebies from the city. Who authorized this blatant misuse of taxpayer money?

Anonymous said...

As if this is not bad enough, Glen wants to start being paid "extra" even though he is a salaried employee. He knew the job description when he took the job. Of course extra hours will be necessary at times when you hold this position. That is nothing new. If Glenn doesn't want his job at his salary, there are many qualified people who would be happy to have the position.

Anonymous said...

I am in a salaried management position also. There are many days that I work 12-16 hours, because I need to fulfill the obligations of my job. I don't get any "extra" for doing my job well and putting in extra hours. That's what management is all about.

Anonymous said...

Is there any documents that can be traced back to what is legal proof of any "freebies", or is the whole practice based on intangible and circular logic that floats in the air just daring to be caught?

Artie Johnson said...

Hmnnnn...Very Interesting!

What a great thing that someone gets 'free rent' (more, or less), and their utilities taken care of as part of their job! If this is true about Glen McCarty's situation then what gives?
If someone had to pay real rent and utilities it would cost at least $12,000 annually for a place such as the one at the city campground. Is this calculated in to his 'salary'? I'd have to agree with whomever suggested renting the place out during peak could bring a fairly substantial amount in for the city to use on something important
...Perhaps a plow truck?

I look forward to the sparks flying with this little tid-bit of information that seemingly wasn't known to the Green Lake residents.

Anonymous said...

How can replacing a 17-year-old truck turn into another witch hunt? Plowing wrecks trucks. Repair bills can be very high. An ALREADY BUDGETED replacement doesn't seem out of order to me.

I can just hear the yelling when we have another big storm and not enough working trucks to take care of it in timely fashion.

We hired a professional, McCarty, to budget for and operate his department. Let him do his job. There don't seem to be any major problems at Public Works.

As I read this blog, I wonder why anyone with talent would want to work in Green Lake and take the beating.

It is really, really hard work to participate thoughtfully in government. The issues are complex, the times are changing rapidly, no one knows what's coming next. It's hard. It scares me a little; it clearly scares all of you. Let's all take a deep breath and work together without name-calling and accusations.

By the way, when I attended high school here, in the sixties, the principal and his family lived in the same house McCarty lives in. Seems it's been used as part of the package in the past.

Anonymous said...

Is this the same public director whose snow plows have torn up half the sod in Green Lake and also torn out some street gutter drains downtown? Is this the same public director who for two years in a row could not handle the simple task of putting just ONE type of Christmas lights on the city tree? (It looks STUPID!) And just look at the luxurious new lawn by the tennis courts. NICE...

My daddy always said, if you can't trust a person with the little things, you can't trust them with the big things, either.

Anonymous said...

If in fact it is true that McCarty gets reduced rent and FREE utilities, that means that we taxpayers are paying HIS bills.

Who authorized this?

I want my money back!

P.O.'d G.Laker said...

From what I've been told, there was money 'budgeted' for a truck (or some other capital expenditure) but, the money isn't there because the city doesn't live within its budget (seems to be a common theme).
At any rate, if the old plow truck is readily fixable...then fix it and see how things progress this winter. If a new truck is still needed..NEXT YEAR...then maybe there will be monies available.
By-the-by...If I'm paying rent and utilities for Glen then I want the tax deduction!

Anonymous said...

"I wonder why anyone with talent would want to work in Green Lake and take the beating."

If they were as talented, with interity and a strong work ethic, they wouldn't get beat up from residents demanding the standard services that taxpayers pay for, and they wouldn't feel afraid of any dutiful scrutiny. If not, then we don't need or want them here in the first place to have to put up with.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you 100%.

Anonymous said...

I agree too, about the city buying a new truck and waiting to see if the old plow truck can make it through the winter. Why don't schools and cities run their finances like our family chooses to: live within your means! And make no mistake about it, is is a CHOICE, a decision.

Sadly, part of what is wrong with the economy today is that so many people want nicer things (homes, vehicles, electronics, etc) than they can afford, and show no self control in how they get them.

The Shadow said...

The city is very fortunate to have a person as qualified as Glen McCarty. As far as the closing of North Lawson Drive is concerned in 2013,no problem-the school will be closed by then. Get out the big eraser,GLC is through.

Anonymous said...

People are more interested in getting better hair cuts or hunting supplies than they are in demanding the truth and justice for all from their government or from each other. Unbelievable.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, it is pathetic. We all need to become more involved and not simply assume that our elected representatives and other public servants are doing a good job. Most of them are not.

Anonymous said...

"Yeah, it is pathetic. We all need to become more involved and not simply assume that our elected representatives and other public servants are doing a good job. Most of them are not."

Doing a job with all five fingers wrapped around the control stick? Fighting slippery politics is a hairy situation. Yuck!

I know my innuendo is not what you meant. Just lost my HEAD for moment! I'm on a roll! ;)

Anonymous said...

Glen McCarty got to live in the house because it was Joe Parise's idea when he was mayor after Glen went thru a divorce. If any of you came to the meetings you would know that. The campground manager, Reggie, did not want to live in the house which has been part of the campground job. Complain to Joe and Donna who approved it!
Glen has done a fabulous job for this city handling the new sewer plant especially...we will probably lose him to a bigger community because of all your complaints. He was by far and away the most qualified for the job when he applied. Donna was on the committee that hired him. Do your homework everyone!! The house will be occupied by the new campground manager if the city needs a new one, so it won't be you all want another Jim Bradley again? We were lucky to find Glen.
Why don't you all complain about the 80,000 plus that the city has approved to buy the house next to the canal street launch?
My taxes just went up 20% due to the can the city pay for that house? And why was it legal for the school to raise the tax 20%without referendum...forget the truck...the council wants to spend a lot more money than that!

Anonymous said...

Whether Glen is the most qualified and done the best job ever, are there "freebies" given to him conditional with his city employment? Taxpayers have a right to know if city dollars are paying for such "freebies"? Many people are very good at their jobs, but they get paid a salary and out of that salary must pay their own way in life. So it should also go for city employees. It's not surprising taxpayers are not happy about paying someone else's way - it simply isn't fair - but somehow taxpayers are getting blamed for being unhappy and expressing it? That's absurd.

Anonymous said...

I don't give a damn who approved McCarty's "freebies". My taxes are paying for his "freebies" and I want it to stop. Why is that house reserved for the campground manager? Reggie has proven it is not essential that the manager live in that house. Why not rent it out and have the city earn some money instead of throwing money away?

It is simply not fair for McCarty or any other city employee to live in a house and get his utilities paid for. Either he starts paying his own way, or we taxpayers will start a petition and look into legal action.

Anonymous said...

I agree completely. Also, all utility expenses and lost rent should be paid back to the city.

Anonymous said...

Yea, good luck winning back any retroactive "freebies", but it is realistic to expect that the "freebies" would stop from here on out. Focus, people. Focus. Otherwise, you unfarily drive public perception into a blame onto the "sour grapes" instead of onto the government that's been approving such "freebies" in the first place. Take up responsible action, not pitchforks and torches in a riot affect.

Anonymous said...

"WHO GIVES A SHIT ABOUT THIS LAWSUIT? PLEASE PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Even after all this time because that's what it took for me to get back on this blog and actually read throght, this desperate cry is funny.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Michele for the previous post...

Anonymous said...

Put a sock in it already. Are you trying to turn GL into the same sewer hole you've turned Ripon into with your politics? Youv'e made your point. You don't like this Michelle. We in GL are liking her more and more the more you bitch about her. Move on.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Michele for the previous post...

Anonymous said...

I have noticed that no one from the city (Donna or otherwise) has bothered to comment on the Glen McCarty "freebie" issue.

Still waiting for a response. We want this situation remedied. No more "freebies" for Glen or anyone else.

Hello? said...

Still waiting....

Hello? Hello? said...

Still waiting for a response here! I respectfully request that somebody from city government address this situation. I am sure that I am not the only one who would like an answer.

Property Taxes? said...

Are any of you (still) disgruntled by your property tax bill? We are! And then we read in the paper last week that the city made a mistake. Not only did they overcharge us this year, now they are claiming that they undercharged us last year. How could this type of irresponsibility be happening in our city government? How are we supposed to trust anything they say to us anymore?

So I got onto the county website and looked at some of the property tax data for some of our neighbors and other city residents. I am shocked at what I am seeing.

Why do several of my neighbors, who have 50% more land that we do have a lower land value? We are all in the same neighborhood and I thought land was land, unless you have waterfront property. Speaking of waterfront property, one neighbor who lives on the channel pays less than half the land/value tax than their neighbors, also on the channel who have less land! Not only that, but they own a corner lot, and I thought corner lots were valued higher.

We feel that we are being overcharged by the city. I would like to know who I can talk with about this. Another concern is that I have heard that there are only two ways of being taxed in Green Lake. If you live on the water, or you don't. Yet when I look at tax data from homes on the lake, they are charged the same "tax ratio" as we are.

We really would like some explanations. Any insight would be helpful.

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